inactive334884 Ā· 2 years
Never knew that I would be using this Tumblr again (just for one post.)
1. Youā€™re being very rude with this. Calling people aĀ ā€œd/mbassā€ or saying that they say somethingĀ ā€œd/mbassā€ because they dont argee with you on a cartoon is kind of petty ngl. Theres legit no reason to talk about people this way wtf?
2. Millie has been letting Moxxie be abused by Blitz since episode one.
How is not wanting someone to tolerate abuse s*xist?! Sheā€™s been passive to the point of making her relationship with Moxxie borderline toxic. She only doesnt tolerate Moxxie getting hurt for plot convenienceĀ (like with Striker.)
The only reason Ray mentioned that was because they felt that Millie was shitting on his interests, even basically calling his love of said music aĀ ā€œwaste.ā€ They also discussed how out of character Moxxie was.
So where the hell is thisĀ ā€œthey didnt mention anything wrong about Moxxie!ā€ coming from?! Millieā€™s meanspirited comments towards MoxxieĀ on top of all the things sheā€™s done from the other episodesĀ is why they felt that Millie shouldn'tĀ be with Moxxie. She was also wasting time too, she could have had urgency, but instead she looked for a SPLIT SECOND and didnt give a shit after.
So its not because of ā€œoneā€ thing, its because of a BUNCH of things from MULTIPLE episodes. JESUS CHRIST! Why cant people from this side of the fandom just not take things out of context for ONE second. DEAR GOD and then people wonder why I left. What the fuck?!
nah cuz ofc ppl are hating on millie for being done with moxxieā€™s bullcrap in this episode šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø
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these moxxie stans are outta pocket. iā€™ve seen some go as far as to say that moxxie needs to divorce her over this. why? cuz she didnā€™t take interest in her husbandā€™s fascination with Earth stuff? (which was alr ooc of moxxie. heā€™s the straight man of the group, wth he doing getting off task like this? didnā€™t he shame blitzo for getting off task on episode 3? is this even the same character?)
with this dumbass logic, millie should divorce moxxieā€™s ass cuz he didnā€™t show interest in HER wants. itā€™s obvious as hell that she REALLY wanted to join her team on this one. and did moxxie care? no. he wanted to collect more doodads and look at furry body pillows cuz plot.
and yeah iā€™m micro-analyzing something small and stupid, but idc. i hated the m&m plot. they are my favorite characters, but they actually made me cringe with this. and i canā€™t help but roll my eyes at the ppl demonizing millie over something this dumb cuz i KNEW it was gonna happen. the fans for some reason think that the male characters can do no wrong. especially moxxie. i just donā€™t get it.
idk what else to say other than this fanbase is sexist as all hell.
(also millie DESPERATELY needs an episode but iā€™m worried theyā€™ll ruin her like they did with loona if she gets one. i think at this point iā€™d rather hold onto what little charm she has left and pray they donā€™t make her an annoying whiny pissbaby like they did with the rest of their cast)
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inactive334884 Ā· 2 years
By the way:
I dont think that i'll be using this blog anymore.
Its not just that im sick of this fandom's constant bullshit and how awful that they treat one another.
Its just that ive decided to go onto other things that are healthier for myself, and better things for me and those around me in general.
You're welcome to reblog and things like that.
But I wont be responding, and this blog is now mostly a dead one.
Thank you to those who gave me support through these months.
It was fun and all, but all things come to an end.
So for that...
Thank you.
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inactive334884 Ā· 2 years
Another Vent:
By the way, apparently "Crows Critique" blocked me because-
And I quote-
"They actually lied about thier age!"
When if they looked at my blog just ONCE.
Tried to look at the receipts on my blog just ONCE.
Or actually tried to communicate on the issue.
They would know that I never did that, and the "12" thing happened because of a goddamn disability. One, with things that I legit cannot control since they happen where I cannot see it, no matter what settings that I use it still happens to me.
But did they want to listen? Noooooooo because "I HATE VIVZIEPOP!" or "ITS WRONG WHEN VIV DOES IT!" is all that seems to matter to these kinds of people.
Also, apparently that Cherry and several other fully grown adults stalked and harassed me since I was a child, and went after other innocent people "for their safety." BULLSHIT!
What about that EX Spindlehorse worker's safety, the person who (rightfully) called them an asshole for LEAKING THIER POST ON TWITTER!
What about my other freind, who SPECFICIALLY told them not to leak it onto a public (where millions can see!) website, but they did it anyway because of- you guessed it- a petty hate boner for my old blog because of how much they hated my takes on a cartoon.
Does thier safety matter to you? No?
Then why are you guilt tripping people into thinking that it's ok to harass minors and people with serious mental illnesses (such as the person who told them not to leak it for THIER safety) and using thier emotions and lack of knowledge on the issue against them?
Oh yeah, because you're a manipulator who is only doing this shit out of boredom. Not for your "safety", but out of spite towards something that happened a whole year ago to the point where you obsessively stalked our server till you found the "right" dirt to leak online.
What a disgusting way to spend the rest of your life, harassing others and bragging out it proudfully as if you just "achieved" something, when really, all you "achieved" was wasting your life and causing innocent people to suffer.
You're so mad about people treating Vivziepop like a teenager?
Stop doing with everyone else that you know.
You're so mad about Vivziepop taking shit out of context or using her friends to attack innocent people.
Stop doing it with everyone else that you know.
Be a honest and consistent person, and problems such as that wouldnt happen... in the first place!
As funny as much of this is, in all seriousness, much of this kind of behavior has caused serious harm to the fandom.
It needs to stop, and as much as I wish that I could do something about it, but I cant do everything about everyone, so they're on thier own at this point. All I can do is what im capable of, help those that I can help, be with those I can trust, and just... live my life.
But that's it, after three years I am officially done with this fandom's bullshit. If anything else happens, i'll just block and report.
I have things to write, and just important things to me in general and im not going to waste the time that I need for said things on interact with these šŸ¤” or talking about this more than an hour or so.
Goodnight! šŸ‘šŸæ
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inactive334884 Ā· 2 years
This involves private drama, and is very ranty and a bit venty, so if you do not want to read of any triggering topics please skip over this post, thank you!
I am 18, I just graduated high school last month.
I am (was) Starlatte27, and though my past blog was heavily flawed and featured many things (especially in my "anti" phase) that I very much regret... people deliberately lying about personal info, accusing me of being the "same person" as someone else, going after people that I care about, stalking people, and overall sending harassment and accusations is not just awful behavior, it's outright childish no matter how much someone dislikes my blogs. (especially since... they could easily just block if they dont agree in the first place.)
I am not 12, I am not 5, I am not a "liar".
I never called myself any other age on here except for "16" 17" or "18".
AKA: All of the actual ages I was/am on this platform because ive been on Tumblr for years now.
I honestly dont care anymore, people can say all they want.
But no matter what, there will always be people who actually care to listen, there will always be people who care, and there will always be people who do thier research before automatically assuming things about someone they've never even actually met.
I never "lied" about my age.
I had a typo due to the fact that my mind tends to mix up words due to a disability that I have little to no control of in that category. If I accidentally put "orange" instead of "apple", "9" instead of "14", or anything other than that it is because of a disability.
I have clarified this millions of times, showed proof, and someone even outright used math to disprove this, but people still want to believe that im "actually 12" or "actually 5" because "THEY HATE VIVZIEPOP SO WHAT THEY SAY MUST BE TRUE!" logic thats unfortunately plagued the anti community in certain areas.
I dont "hate" sex workers.
I only mentioned a sex worker negatively once because they had did something that was legitimately wrong and was involved in a community that sexualizes things involving children.
I know that people tend to use "think of the children!" as an excuse for censorship bullshit, but this is about something that legit effects how people see kids and what they do.
Them doing sex work had nothing to do with it, but that they were doing something that involves the fetishization of things that involve children such as "parent-child" relationships, diapers, pacifiers, "daughter- father" relationships, and SO many things where because of how frequently sexualized by adults that it's caused people to see anything involving children, about children, or the children themselves (god forbid) as sex objects or things to use for "sex fantasies" and not literal minors. (AKA DD*G and AB*L).
(If you knew about my old blog, you know what im talking about.)
Things like that has legit caused a negative effect on how people see children. I dont care if people accuse me of "kink shaming" or anything such as that, things involving minors or MINORS THEMSELVES should never be involved in the kink community.
Things about children is not a "kink."
Things involving children is "not a kink."
Children are not a "kink." Children cannot consent, and sexualizing anything involving them or sexualizing the kids themselves (looking at you M/P community.) hurts how people see minors and how people treat minors along with it.
Someone being a sex worker has nothing to do with this.
I am not "acephobic" or a "transphobe".
People wrote said things about me at a time where I was writing support towards the ace community and was heavily against people who did ace erasure within the Hazbin fanbase, even in my worst days I would always write against transphobes or acephobes.
Also, I literally live with someone who is ace, and still verbally support people who are trans and speak to people from the trans community who are actually kind people to this day.
The only accusation I had was "calling someone "they" is wrong!" when I legit did not know said person's pronouns and that has been used as a gender neutral way to refer to someone if someone is unsure of someone's pronouns (by both the cis community and trans community alike) for ages now.
Was it wrong for me to have made a callout post instead of blocking them? Definitely, but does that justify going after people that I care about and spreading petty rumors about said people? HELL no.
In a nutshell: Some of you people are legit acting like children.
You can easily just block someone if you disagree with them.
Instead, you choose to go on these tangents where gather as many people as you can to attack someone and spread rumors as a attempt to "deplatform" them.
Many doing the exact same levels of harassment as Vivziepop does.
"Deplatform" this. "Cancel!" that, what are you, 12?!
One of you legit went on our discord server, stalked us, and leaked a post that we CLEARLY said to NOT be leaked outside of discord.
And no, the original screenshot was not fucking shown "publicly".
A discord server is a group of people and you have to be invited or use an invite in order to use it, therefore, by definition it's private.
While Twitter is an public space, where ANYONE can join and see something easily using a link or a webpage.
You knew what you did was wrong, but did it anyway because "ya entitled for having a opinion about a cartoon I like!" and wanted an excuse to harass a couple of teenagers out of boredom.
At this point, im not even scared anymore.
This kind of behavior is just childish at most, pathetic at worst.
You want to know the worst part of it?
Much of the harassment I received was about Hazbin Hotel, a show with fictional characters, in a fictional world, in a cartoon! People sent me death threats, stalked me, and caused me to almost k*ll myself (an attempt to as well.) as a kid over a CARTOON.
All because I said that I had things I didnt like about it, suddenly, people treated it as if it was an insult to "everything" about them, thier entire being, like teenagers fighting over who stans a pop star the "best." or two kids screaming at eachother over who's the "strongest" in a show.
It's pathetic, and honestly I cant even take it seriously anymore because it's become so predictable and shallow that I almost expect people to be petty at this point. Like, when I was a kid, my arms would shake, I would cry, I would have su*cidal thoughts, and would break down since... you know... they did this to me as a kid.
But now, it's hilariously predicable how often these people scream at you over a bunch of drawings, some random social media drama no one will care about in a few years, and expect you to take them entirely seriously over how you furious they are about how insulted thier icon or thier "queen" or some drawing that's voiced over for a cartoon show, treating it like a person attack and again, wasting hours of thier time on things that doesnt even matter since the person they're intentionally trying to piss off wont even see it!
They act all proud, thier back hunched, thier teeth grinding as they slam thier keyboards for hours over some cartoon character they fawn over or some woman who they have never met, and at this point... all I can do is laugh, they cant even make a point for the life of them (let alone do much research outside of mostly headcannons or entirely made up fluff.) and then they act like it's some kind of achievement when they just screamed over nothing!
Especially since I could easily just block them, close the computer, and go talk to people who actually know and care about me.
Again, there will always be people who listen and understand.
Many wont, in fact, you'll interact with hundreds of scummy or outright awful people online, many will lie, spread shit (no matter how how ridiculous that it sounds, people will believe it if you find the "right" crowd for it.), scream at you, some will even do things that are outright illegal (also looking at you people who doxxed Vivziepop, dont think that I forgot about your asses either. I get that u dont like Viv but damn that was just disgusting.), again, our of mere boredom and a huge hate boner for said person.
It's ridiculous, and at this point ive just stopped caring.
Not just because its the inevitable seeing how batshit insane certain parts of this fandom is, but because its so pretentious, overdramatized to ridiculous extents, delusional, and just plain petty that people have become. Not just towards this (and my past) blog, but in general its gotten so ridiculous that's just plain snicker worthy of a trainwreck instead of the "scary" place I used to have seen it as back when I was a kid, what a fandom, holy shit!
#and the best fandom of the decade award goes to... /j#no really#this is just plain pathetic#half of you have never even met me#let alone spoken to me#or just believe things on a whim regardless of context.#also 'its ok Cherry wasnt really a bully!' really crow? are we REALLY going there after everything I told you?#you're just going to automatically trust them like that when you've SEEN how theyre treated people with your own eyes?#both I#my friends#and several others as well#you saw that? didnt you?#when they went after lemoncritiques?#when there was clear evidence that im NOT goddamn 12 lmao#you saw that?#are you really going to beleive that automatically? no questions asked?#how the fuck does someone say that theyre 'all about questioning things' and 'constructive critique' but then see someone with VERY similar#to Vivziepop and just not even question it (or barely do so?)#what the fuck is with some of the parts of the critical community and thier double standards towards behavior like this?#its like they only care more about deplatforming or cancelling Vivziepop's show at this point. Or just hate Vivziepop in genera.#it becomes more about cancelling Vivziepop#rather than to call out said type of behavior as a whole by speaking about EVERYONE who does it since if its wrong... no one should do it!#what happened to 'constructive' criticism? when was it about hating on viv JUST to hate on viv or taking sides regardless of context?#this is the exact shit Weasal warned me about when it comes to this part of the fanbase. GOD I should have listened more closely.#I should have trusted my gut when I saw the red flags and unfollowed a LOOOOOOONG time ago.#but no! people have to trust anything they see because 'it has a screenshot!' (regardless of context) or 'but they're 'nice'!'#some of this fandom is legit on crazy pills (or are concerningly easily convinced.) JESUS CHRIST. so glad that ive finally found some#decent people because that is so hard to find here these days in fandoms like these.#block button my beloved#oh yeah
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inactive334884 Ā· 2 years
If you're talking about Cherri or Sir Pentious?
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Or any of the really cool looking background characters?
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(Who were all designed by other people btw.)
Definitely not wrong, they're the best! šŸ‘
so is it wrong I like the background characters in HH and HB lol more than the main cast?
No, not really. Some of the background chars have more interesting designs than the main cast.
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inactive334884 Ā· 2 years
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inactive334884 Ā· 2 years
Thank you so much for the apology.
Im sorry as well, as I should have communicated better instead of blocking immediately after what I had saw.
Otherwise, I hope to communicate better and continue to be on good terms with both you and your blog in the future.
Thank you @crows-critique
In response to messages from @oh-god-dude, since my messaging doesnā€™t seem to be working, and I should clear this up publicly anyways:
Some time ago, I reblogged a post by what-the-hazbin where they defended Cherry, a person who harassed and bullied a person.
I genuinely did not mean to, as I thought what-the-hazbin was against Cherry and their actions. It was a honest mistake.
Sadly, @oh-god-dude seems to have blocked me, so can you please relay this message to them? And to unblock me for a moment and to read this post. I am sorry for making this mistake.
I have now deleted the reblog, and blocked both these people. Here is the proof:
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inactive334884 Ā· 2 years
According to anonymous sources, Crow had apologized and it turns out that her side of the issue was a misunderstanding.
So thatā€™s good to know.
Another thing, PLEASE and I mean PLEASE do not go after anyone I just mentioned.
I know that what Crow (they willingly reblogged and supported said bullying despite the fact that what Cherry is doing is clearly such), What The Hazbin, and Cherry is doing is wrong, and that as grown adults, they should very much know better by now.
But PLEASE do not harass them, they might be wrong, but two wrongs dont make a right and I do not want the same situation to repeat itself again. Especially since so many people in this fandom have suffered enough.
Just block (and in Cherryā€™s case) report them on either Twitter or Tumblr. that is all.
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inactive334884 Ā· 2 years
I sure hope that it's not the second option since demonizing the kid in the situation by showing her as "bad" for running away from two obviously irresponsible parents would be real bad for this series.
Helluva Boss Season 2...Octaviaā€™sĀ ā€˜Unspeakableā€™ Act..
Iā€™ve been hearing about Octavia doing someĀ ā€˜unspeakableā€™ act thing and then this got me further thinking, about how the Grimoire isnā€™t really being used likeā€¦.at all in the show.
Like itā€™s mostly been some sort of portal device, but even in that respect when we see the imps either go to or from the living world, itā€™s not even shown in some cases. Which begs the question, why is it even part of the show to start withā€¦?
Weā€™re told itā€™s important, but not shown why and I feel that itā€™s only going to become important whenā€¦.itā€™s destroyed.
So let me take a wild guess here right?
Octavia ends up destroying the Grimolre in a fit of anger, in order to try and get her life back together. This completely backfires and gets everyone within the show in knee deep hot water, ontop of everything else going on.
This also removes aĀ ā€˜barrierā€™ between Blitz and Stolas and so NOW, the pair are able to interact without that between them and thus this is where they start toĀ ā€˜figure out what they areā€™ sort of thing.
Right? I can just see that now.
I wouldnā€™t so much have an issue with this, if it wasnā€™t basically used to force them to interact, rather than having them interact without the book being involved in some capacity, destroyed or not.
I guess weā€™ll see however, cause this is the only real thing I could think of that would be anĀ ā€˜unspeakableā€™ act that Iā€™ve seen floating around.Ā 
If itā€™s anything else like Via going off on Stolas and Stella and completely ditching them, then I donā€™t see how thatā€™s an unspeakable act because I sure as hell wouldnā€™t wanna stay around either of them and would want to completely disown them.
They ainā€™t gonna change? Why should she stick around?
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inactive334884 Ā· 2 years
Another thing, PLEASE and I mean PLEASE do not go after anyone I just mentioned.
I know that what Crow (they willingly reblogged and supported said bullying despite the fact that what Cherry is doing is clearly such), What The Hazbin, and Cherry is doing is wrong, and that as grown adults, they should very much know better by now.
But PLEASE do not harass them, they might be wrong, but two wrongs dont make a right and I do not want the same situation to repeat itself again. Especially since so many people in this fandom have suffered enough.
Just block (and in Cherryā€™s case) report them on either Twitter or Tumblr. that is all.
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inactive334884 Ā· 2 years
(By the way, please take this one down the name is visible and I dont want people going after the person who orignally sent those dms to one of the members of the server this all came from.Thank you.)
Worst of all, there are people actually defending ā€œCherryā€ or whatever when they know that multiple people asked them to not leak it outside of discord.
They know that people specifically asked them to respect the original posterā€™s privacy.
Even the original poster calling them an ā€œassholeā€ (and rightfully so) for what they did to them and theres even evidence RIGHT THERE that Cherry refused to take it down, mostly as bait to harass those involved.
I donā€™t get what the toxic part of the hazbin critical tagā€™s deal is and this sort of ā€œrose tinted tunnel visionā€ where they excuse someoneā€™s behavior just because theyā€™re critical of hazbin hotel but it NEEDS TO STOP. Not naming names here (What The Hazbin and Cherry) but you people really need to get off your high horse and realize that as grown ass adults that anotherā€™s privacy and wellbeing goddamn matters, not just your yours, but EVERYONEā€™S.
Even Vivziepop, since some of you will talk shit about her sexuality, her private life, and for some, will even say awful things about her body to get a laugh out of people who discriminate plus sized individuals, no matter how bad that she gets, her wellbeing and privacy very much matters too and those who do shit like this are shitting on the very foundation of this community.
Its not cute, its funny, this is bullying.
Stalking someoneā€™s discord server, taking things from them without their permission, and keeping things online as a means to mock and harass them is bullying!
How the fuck are you people not seeing whatā€™s wrong with this? Is your hate boner for Viv THAT big that you cant see the issue with people who have the same behavior as she does??? Wtf?!
I am so disappointed in this community rn.
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Honestly, this is some of the worst that ive seen from the hazbin fandom and thatā€™s reaaaaaalllly saying something.
Why the server is now Private
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Hello there for those of you who donā€™t know I run a server known as the ā€œHellaverse Critiqueā€ server.
Now only after a few weeks after itā€™s conception Iā€™ve decided to make it a private server. Now you maybe asking yourselves what brought this on? Well an incident had just occurred involving one of the members of the critical community.
Now as you know several former members of spindlehorse has come out and said that they had been abuse by Viv and members of her crew. One of the members of the server had gotten an interview with one of the ex spindlehorse members.
While they did show the conversation in the server they specifically asked everybody in the sever NOT to share it anywhere else!
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However the info was indeed shared outside the server a day later. Now Iā€™m going to edit out this personā€™s name out since I donā€™t want them to be attacked or escalate things further.
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Now if they had a problem with the persons name being shared why didnā€™t they say so WITHIN the server and told the person who was sharing the screenshots in the first place instead of PUBLICLY to Twitter where more people could see it! Now theyā€™re banned from the server. However if you guys ever find out who this was please donā€™t attack them in anyway.
Do to this incident and others that I wonā€™t mention weā€™ve decided to both private the evidence channels and make the server private. If you want in the server now you have to be someone the mods trust.
Iā€™m so sorry this had to happen.
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inactive334884 Ā· 2 years
Honestly as a gay guy, i wouldn't have the slightest issue with Angel Dust being so stereotypically promiscuous and flamboyant if he was the only gay male character in the hellaverse that acted like that.
The main problem is that every single gay male oc that vivziepop has is either comically and stereotipically oversexual or a straight up sexual abuser, as an obvious means to fetishize them and that's what i find gross
(The only exception being Moxxie who's bi, but even then you can't even tell he's bi unless you're directly told that + him being the main victim of the "haha gay men are sexual abusers" jokes don't make him that much better)
^ exactly.
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inactive334884 Ā· 2 years
Adding on to my last ask i genuinely think that "fujoshi" mentally negatively affects the shows a lot.
Not only does it cheapen the serious sexual abuse storylines (with the way Viv and her crew love to fetishize sexual harassment as long as it's two male characters) but the constant in-your-face fanservice to the shippers in the audience also makes the romance storylines feel a lot more "artificial" if that makes sense? like said storylines are less a result of two character genuinelly having an interesting dynamic together but moreso the products of writers who never grew over their wattpad phases just wanting to smack two characters's faces together no matter what.
In general i think the whole terminally-online fandom mentality that a lot of the writers have is probably one of my biggest issues with the show but that's something i could make a whole other massive rant on so i'll leave that for another day lol
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inactive334884 Ā· 2 years
What would really benefit Viv is if she takes criticism and advice from others to improve her projects. One of the rules when it comes to creating something is that you should always take criticism and advice on what to change, add, or take away in order to improve your project.
Well yeah, true. Listening to other peopleā€™s opinions can be very beneficial.
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inactive334884 Ā· 2 years
I could write an entire essay on why Stolas is a horrible and toxic character and why his relationship with blitzo is nothing short of disturbing and abusive. The fanbase seems to believe stoliz is this wonderful and healthy pairing but anyone who has seen what a toxic relationship looks like can actually tells it's far from that. The entire relationship is nothing short of borderline stockholm syndrome. Stolas is not a good lover he's mentally, verbally and even physically abusive toward blitzo, he talks down to him, has called him his plaything and is constantly sexually harassing him or trying to manipulate him into having sex with him. He has to be told no multiple times before he even gets that blitzo isn't interested in fucking him. Just why the fuck are the people who ship them so blind to all of these red flags?
^. To be fair, Iā€™ve seen likeā€¦a few fans who are actually aware of this and donā€™t ship Stolitzā€¦
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inactive334884 Ā· 2 years
I love Ozzie x Fizz so knowing how mlm stuff goes in Helluva and Hazbin I'M SO WORRIED. Hope they will stay nice couple without some bullshit abuse and cheating plotlines. But knowing vivzie, again, I'M WORRIED. We should normalize stealing characters and ships from that shitshow and rewriting them
I actually doubt it, because from what Iā€™ve seen in the trailer, they seem very cute together. But I will get pissed if their relationship gets some bullshit plotline like St/litzā€™s.
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inactive334884 Ā· 2 years
Might as well get ahead of this:
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The redesign of Husk from Hazbin Hotel just came out, so letā€™s see how it compares to the pilot version.Ā 
First of all, it was a great choice to streamline the wings and ears (the animators are thanking their lucky stars, Iā€™m sure), but maybeā€¦ not like this? The wings donā€™t even look like they have feathers. Theyā€™re too smooth and mechanical.Ā 
And whatā€™s with the tiny heart inside the ear? Feels like we can fill up that blank space more efficiently. Plus, little hearts come off more cutesy than anything, and Husk is not cute. You can play with characters who are cute on the outside and kinda ugly on the inside (see Darla Dimples, Baby Herman from Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and the Happy Tree Friends), but I donā€™t think that was the intention here.
Anyway, I redlined this image to incorporate more card suits into the design, in a way that wouldnā€™t be a pain to animate. The shapes arenā€™t just tacked on; theyā€™re baked into the structure.
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Not sure why he needed suspenders, either. Wish we could see the bottom half of the design.Ā 
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