inanesfabulas-blog · 7 years
Yasmune the Dancing Queen
A girl awake in her bed Wanting to change her world Savingsaccount emptied A ticket was bought A ride with wings Reaching new heights Above Las vegas’ neon lights The lights grew dim The pole was teared  Discoball shatters everywere The world has changed No wings were bought
A new start the girl now sought
No more dollarbills down her blouse Continues her dance in a haunted house
She wasn’t wanted anymore
The girl was just another eyesore
Escape was now her only hope
She washed her hands with strawberry soap
Running through the field in the speed of light
No one to save her in the darkest night
The girl no longer had any fright
The mighty moon was a beautiful sight
Alone on the ground the girl now was
Falling asleep in the soft green grass
History books were now renewed
Writing about her to not be rude
No one to pass on the lonely girls genes 
This story now ends with
Yasmune, the dancing Queen
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