I wish you'd say something....
Not anything....
But at least that you care or you hope we cross paths again......
I wish you'd say something so I wasnt feeling like this constantly.....
Can't you say anything to make me feel better....
About anything.....
I'm literally bummed out because the lack of response.....
Did I really mean nothing to you
Is this really how things have to be......
Why did you do this to me....
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I'm beginning to see how life works...
It's nothing like its portrayed in movies
It's not even remotely close to the books you read
Life isn't high school all the time
You may have been successful then
But being in the real world
You're unknown
You're unsuccessful
Nothing is garunteed
Not everything you work for is granted
Sometimes you just get left behind
And plenty of times you'll be left unanswered
All I see is working hard to live
And hardly living to work
I'm hardly living at all
So many negative thoughts
With a bad past
It's led me to believe this world is a horrible place
Not everybody will stay
Not everybody means well
Nobody is perfect
You Can't have the perfect life
The people who do you wrong will live life without punishment
Sometimes you're just destined to not have a Damn thing
Often you find yourself wishing for something
I wish I could be loved and wanted by someone....
This world has taught me...
That nobody loves anybody any more
This world is cold and dead
Perhaps that's my traumatic past speaking fir itself...
Not everybody has a bad life....
Even when you do right
Despite you being a good person
You're sentenced to a life of misery and pain...
I've yet to learn if anything will and can change.....
I'd hope so
This world has taught me to only become cold as the dark depths of empty space that surrounds it......
This world has taught me nothing but to fear death....
I know nothing but to wait for it because it's like that's all there's left for me to do....
This world has taught me that it's not really worth living in....
Why even bother when you get knocked down after a certain distance....
I don't know of anything more than failure.....
I fail to understand how my life has become this
I fail to have any hope that I'm meant for anything better....
I feel as if I'm just fighting a losing battle....
I know nothing of what I want
This world has taught me nothing but constant denial....
I refuse to try in fear of being rejected....
I've learned doesn't matter how hard I try
If I'm someone not as worthy as someine else....
Despite how much more I'm qualified and promising of a person
I'm screwed either way
"Nice guys finish last"
"If you ain't first, you're last"
The world has taught me that movies literally relate more to life than you think though
Talledega nights has it right....
I'm not in first
I'm in dead last
Heading toward the same finish line as we all are
I'm trying to be ok with being last
It means I'm taking my time
I'm enjoying every moment i have on this earth...
Even though I'm not wanted
I have yet to belong anywhere
I'm soaking in the last few miles that I still have....
I know we die in the end
I fear of dying alone
I fear of not having a life with anybody other than my family....
I understand life means more than that....
I'm just tired of always being by myself....
I'm tired of losing people....
Damn it
If this world has taught me anything positive
It's that every one is in your life for a reason
And I'm only living hoping to God I soon see why
I hope that soon everything falls back into place
Especially when it was falling apart so long ago
How far I've come
I see the brighter side
It's not completely over
But I do see a good change soon
I hope I'm right
I hope to God whatever it is
I hope its meant to stay
Ill do whatever it takes to make it so
I mean I'll do anything
If it prevents me from being alone
If it keeps me from getting suicidally depressed....
Than God please let it be...
Let this one be true
I feel like giving up
But this world has taught me that you have to see the brighter side of things
In order to get the big picture
Unfortunetly some things aren't always that easy
I'm not long from what I feel were my darkest days.....
I've never felt so much pain as I did then
Now it's still a recovering effort....
This world has taught me
That not all wounds heal at a fast pace...
Not all heart break kill you
But it leaves you close to it
I have my days
I beg for death
Because idk what else to do
I hate how things happen....
But once they've changed.....
It's a whole different ball game....
And I'm losing at that once again....
Go me....
Pretty much playing for pride...
When I die....
Even though it'll be alone
Atleast ill die proud to have left something that ill always will be remembered by
0 notes
Thinking Back....
I convince myself that you never cared...
Recalling all the times before
You let me go so easily
You lied to me on a daily basis
You hid things from me
You expect me to not be angry
You'd hope that eventually I'd come around
With how heartless and deceitful you were
Ill be damned if ill ever get over it
I doubt ill ever give you the understanding you desire
You want me to get better
You're a fucking idiot
That will never happen
Not with the amount you escalated
Not when you led me on again and again....
How can you think that ill just forget about you easily
How can you sit there and think of me in such negative ways
How could you not have ever been honest with me
Why didnt you just speak the truth to begin with
Instead of it being something new every time you explained yourself
That gives me the reason to believe you're fake as your promises were
You were never going to be serious with me
Because like you said
You're always kidding
Only when you say im being serious
Is the time to really take you seriously
And on that note
I guess that means you weren't ever serious from the start
You liked to make me think that way so you can feel better about yourself
You don't want me around because ive yet to get over the traumatic past you've put me through
Of course who wants that reminder
Not when the things you have now...
Weren't ever the things you had before when I was around
Perhaps you think I was the one holding you back
When clearly you're doing it alone
Youre in a pattern
A constant off and on relationship
So how is that my problem
How can you rid me away in fear of losing something you've done lost continuously more than you've actually lost me...
The only difference between mine and her in betweens is the time we spent apart
As if I ever treated you to deserve such demeanor
I lost everything since you've come along...
Despite the things I lost
I found you worth it though
Because I figured it was going to last for some time
Maybe not forever
But to the point what I had lost was worth it...
What I gave up to let you back in time and time again
You don't find me as worthy
You never did
While you're reading this smirking
Probably annoyed and aggravated
Or perhaps emotional
As if id ever fucking know
You and I both know what and how things really took place
We both know youre in the wrong for how you're going about this
Not to mention your reasoning
Either way I know Damn well you could be better and at least clean up the mess you made
Thinking back I recall you doing so very little
Why am I expecting so much from you now
When you never really tried for me before
You never stuck by my side
Before I became this angry hurtful person
I was so nice to you especially....
I used to be so patient....
Damn to think I once wanted to give you the world....
And when you think back to how you destroyed it....
I hate how I've become who you were those few years ago....
Except I don't have that ex that is as forgivable or even caring....
I don't have an ex whom is willing to take me back despite the stupid choices I made....
I don't have an ex that even has feelings for me anymore......
Thinking back....
I wish we never met....
I wish I never got involved....
I wish I never fell in love ...
I wish I never knew who you were....
Thinking back......
I can say with great sadness
You weren't worth it.......
You still aren't...
But hey look at me now...
I'm writing a post
That you're currently reading.....
It's still not affecting you any
Maybe there's no feeling left to feel
Thinking back you used to be so emotional
How I actually prefer that
Over this silent treatment
Even if it was nothing but lies and broken promises
Atleast I had a response....
Thinking back we've changed entirely.
But there's that part of us that's always going to remain
I hate that you won't even pick up the phone to see how I'm doing
I would text or message to see how you're holding up
But thinking back to all those times before
God forbid I get blocked again or no response at all
Just get left on read
Yet another thing
I'd never do to you especially thinking back
To those nights you calling me in secret
It pisses me off how you just played with my head so bad
And you've gotten away with it
You don't have to answer to me
You can't technically.
Your relationship prevents it
You would lose the same person that you've lost week in week out, month after month, just consistently since the beginning Of Your relationship
So you do win overall
I get to be the obsessive one
Im the needy controlling angry druggy that you can't and no longer have a need for
There's nothing for me in your life now
I didn't realize things changed that much
I never knew I wasn't good enough to stay in your life....
It hurts like fuck that it's been four fucking years total...
Why are you still reading this and not feeling something by now....
Seriosuly compare who you are to now and do the same with me
Think of how you really drastically changed it worse than what it should've been.....why can't you just really think for a second and reason to which why I've become the way that I am now......
There's another lost battle to fight....
Thinking back.....
I remember you telling me your memory sucks.....
At that point....
I think I'm done....
Its pointless when that's the answer on if you ever wondered how I've become so fucked up....
I swear on my life....
Nothing and no one has ever gotten me so fucked up as you have.....not meth....not cocaine.....not weed.....not acid.....not ecstasy.....not Xanax.....not anything......nothing and I mean not a fucking thing compares to withdrawels from someone you truly love.....I hate being angry.....I really do.....I jump down everybody's throats just for the simplest things....I'm really at lost for words on how ive become such a horrible person......Jesus I wished you'd understand that because of how you went about things.....in taking the anger and hurt I feel for you on everybody else....I mean ive become a monster.....how can you let me have become this way......its not your place now....but thinking back.....why couldn't you stuck around or make me a first choice for once in your life....even as a friend.....
Idk it just be nice if you did the major things for me as I have for you.....
It would have been an easier road to travel if you would have been open and honest
If you hadnt lied to me constantly....
If you didn't hurt me...
Idk what else to say or do to convince you to really change what you're doing ...idk what is even left to fix or if there's anything at all, but I would hope for someone who cared, I had hope that I was worth at least give it your all to someone who's lost it all for you in the first place...I don't want what you have fuck no.....I just want the time that I gave you...its all I ever wanted honestly.....not a relationship not asking for anything other than a few minutes out your day every other day or so just to chat.....you never gave it your all before.....thinking back.....idk what makes me think you'd even consider it now....
Glad to humor you....
Glad you could have a laugh before bed....
Its whatever....
Nevermind for asking
Just forget about it....
Like you've done me as well.....
Last one and I'm done...
Choice is yours from here on out....
Obviosuly the answer will be clear in the future....
I just hope that you at least understand where I'm coming from and realize the reasons why ive become this horrible.....
I'm sorry I can't be better....
I'm sorry you can't be around to really help me heal
I'm sorry I'm not worth you losing your relationship....
Idk I'm sorry for everything...
Seriosuly I apologize endlessly for who I've become
I'm not fond of her either....
She's rather fucking annoying
And I'm having a time refraining from punching her in the face
Seriosuly she's pissing me off
Can't stand the bitch
Idk why you ever dated her 😪😒😐
The fuck were you thinking
0 notes
Me: Dad, am I adopted?
Dad: No, why would I pick you?
submitted by /u/Shore20 [link] [comments]
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Teacher: I’m your son’s teacher and I’m calling to tell you that he may be a compulsive liar.
Woman: And a damn good one. I don’t have any sons.
submitted by /u/bjs1023113 [link] [comments]
11 notes · View notes
Why is girlfriend one word but best friend is two words?
Because your best friend gives you space when you need it.
submitted by /u/i_didnot_sayit [link] [comments]
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How can you
Live with yourself when knowing Damn well you've made such a difference in my life that things will never be the same for me....how can you live with that?.....how do you live with yourself when I can't change for the better?.......
You ruined my life.....
Idk what else to do
Idk what else to say
How can you let me feel this way....
Why did you leave me so vulnerable....
How can you not do anything about it.....
Why do you not care if I get better or not....
I'm better off in a body bag
Because im dead already....
I doubt there's anymore you could do to break my heart
You've done enough already
You wont even help me recover
You just disappeared
How do you expect for me to just get better?
How can you live like nothing ever happened
Why did you do this to me of all people....
To the point I'm no better than you now
You ruined who I used to be
How can you be ok with that
How do you easily live without me
What did I do to deserve this....
Am I that bad of a person.....
Did I really do that badly...
Shes done worse....
I guess I'm just pathetic and a waste of space....
How can you be ok with making me feel so worthless
Thanks so much
This traumatic event has me fucked up for life
Its thanks to you no doubt
How can you not do anything about it
How can you be ok with me being like this....
I want to hate you so badly.....
How can you not come around anymore.....
Why have you left me this way....
Can't you do anything to help me.
How can you sit there and read my posts
But never do a thing about it....
How can you let me suffer....
How can you be so Damn heartless.....
Fuck man......
This is bullshit
I hate this empty feeling
Its one that you'll never understand truly
Because you've never been low as I am
You have no idea
You cant even be a good person for once
How can you refuse to help me when you're the one who's messed me up in the first place....
How do you keep living everyday as if nothing ever happened
How can you make me feel this way and be ok with it....
How can you just rid me like yesterdays trash....
How can you just forget about me
How can you just suddenly not want me any more..
How can you consistently let me down....
I just wanted you around
I wanted you to have patience....
How can you expect me to get better
When nothing that you've done helps me
Instead in more fucked up than what you originally did
I'm messed up to the point I doubt ill ever heal
How can you leave me so broken
How can you just not answer my questions
They're not that hard
It's just a pondering heartbreaking thought
How can you leave me to think like this....
If you're waiting for me to get better magically
Its not going to happen....
How can you not know that the damage youve inflicted
How could you not know that it fucked me up more than what you think it did....
How can you be ok with me never being the same...
How do you expect me to heal and move on
I cant get over the things you've brought in my life
How can you keep on like this
Did I really fuck up to the point this is my punishment....
How can you sentence me to a life of suffering
How can you not see that I wont get better....
How can you just sit there silently
How can you just be ok when I'm crying myself to sleep nightly....
How could you do this to me.....
How could you leave me so broken and feeling worthless
What did I do
Why did you treat me how you did
How can you still treat me the same
When I always treated you right....
How can you be so horrible toward me.
Why did I get fucked over....
How can you think that ill eventually recover...
Obviously its not happening
In still in the same spot you left me in
I'm sorry I actually loved you more than she does
I'm sorry that you cant see that
How could you have not seen it by now
How can you not want better for yourself
How can you do anything....
How can you live when knowing you left me for dead pretty much....
Hoe can you not see that I will love and care for you more than she ever will.....
How can you just act as if I wasnt at one point someone important.....
How can you just shut me out like this....
Im sorry I fell for you in the first place...
Maybe its my fault for falling for somebody that doesn't exist.....
How can you not have done something for my benefit by now.....
What will it take to have you in my life....
How can you not want to be here....
Am I that bad of a person.....
Ill never know...
Ill never know where I went wrong....
Ill never know anything
Ill never get over this...
Ill never get better....
How can you still think that....
How can you be ok with me becoming the result of your actions
How can you not do something
How can you think time will make things right
How can you just read this and not do a god Damn thing about it.....
Wtf dude....
Fuck you for this shit....
Ill be thankful for when I can finally fucking hate you....
How can you be ok with that...
How can you willingly let something go that's more promising than what you have now....
How can you go about this like you've been doing...
Am I not worth atleast helping to get better
How can you expect me to do that on my own....
Especially when this is all ive ever known....
It doesnt help me....
How can you believe that...
How can you fuck me up so badly....
I won't get better....
Its no thanks to you.....
Thanks for nothing
Thanks for leaving me traumatized....
Thanks for fucking my life up to no ending
How can you think ill get better when I lack the motivation to even get on with me life
God Damn you how can you have been ok with this for so fucking long
God Damn it when will you see that I womt get better on my own....
Why can't you get that through your head
How can you not tell that what you did has fucked me up beyond repair
How can you just not do a god Damn thing about it....
How do you live with yourself.....
0 notes
Worst state of mind
Is when I tell myself over and over
Especially after breaking down at the thought of you
I try convincing myself that I fucking hate you
The worst part is when I contradict myself
Fuck I want to hate you for what you put me through
I wish I could mean how badly I hated who you've become
It goes with great sadness
That I admit to only loving you more
Because from my side
It looks as if you have life going....
More so than me definently......
Its why I feel worthless
I'm sure losing me wasn't as heartbreaking....
It Doesn't matter to you how my thoughts go
You don't care to even come around any more....
I don't know what I want to feel
I'm literally torn between broken and angry
To suicidally depressed
I'm sad every day no doubt....
I'm down about myself
Because even when I treated you the best
I still get the worst in return
All the things you have done and are still doing
I wouldnt have even thought of doing the same to you
Even after the fact of everything
I hold that still in my heart
Because its not like you were remorseful
Its not like you tried to make a difference
You've been ok with me being like this for three years now
I can't even hate you for that
I want to though
I wish I fucking could
You haven't made anything better
Not that you can't
Its the matter of you not wanting to
As if that helps the situation
Like that helps me forgive you
If anything I just find more and more faults
With every day that has passed
And for everyday that is to come
Until you actually approach me
Tell me how remorseful you really are to my face
Not behind a phone screen like a coward
But like a decent human being.....
Unless you're still butt hurt over things ive said
Like you haven't and if you're still not doing worse
Words do hurt
But have you ever believed in someone so much
That for everyday they're not there
Its like someone's ripping your chest apart...
It's the mental and physical pain
Added with the emotional side
You can say how badly it hurt
But nothing compares to what you did
You have the ability to make it go away
But you choose not to
As if that isn't going to make me more frustrated
Because I'm constantly respecting yours and everyone else's wishes
But ill be damned if mine can ever be granted
God forbid can I actually be happy for once
The ability to stay that way for more than a few minutes
With that being said
Its another reason to be mad with you
Its another reason why I should hate your guts
The difference between mine and your actions
Mine hasn't fucked you up to the point you are reluctant to live without me....
Your daily routine wasnt nor ever will be tainted because of one persons broken promises
I mean even if what I said and the way I acted is the reason being
Than you really are ignorant and a hypocrite
Bad enough you're a heartless person
At Least that's what it seems
You wouldn't even bother to try for me any more....
Within the past two years
You've never gone out your way to really be here
If I acted out of line
You shunned me out and abruptly ended the only friendship I had....
Ive still yet to make any more friends....
Ive yet to belong anywhere.....
Maybe that's what it is with you
Perhaps you were the first person to let me in
You made me feel important
And it was because of how you appreciatively acknowledged the fact I treated you the best...
So for once in my life, I felt like the hero
I actually felt successful....
Losing you was as if I were stripped of all my powers
I feel like I can't do anything right
Its the way you looked at me
You looked at me like nobody ever has
That's where I fucked up.....
I mistakened that acknowledgement and praise
I guess I thought that was love
When clearly it was lust
Because she's moved on in life
Leaving me in the dust
Of all things and reasoning
Why did you leave me so fucked up
How can you make me feel like that and then make it just disappear.....
It's literally like watching liquid being sucked by a vacuum
And im the one still looking foolish
She's left me in the worst state of mind.....
How could I have been so fucking stupid......
She never would have fallen for me
God thinking all that time
This is to good to be true....
And I was right.....
Because its gone....
Just like she is too.....
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Pretty much already has...
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(insp.) all credit for this quote goes to birbs!
Mad World Tag List: @jennifer-reneeoc
Tag Forever: @perfectlystiles
24 notes · View notes
I never wanted to believe that my dad was stealing from his job as a road worker
But when I got home all the signs were there.
submitted by /u/DiMethylHg [link] [comments]
21 notes · View notes
What's brown and rhymes with snoop?
Dr. Dre
submitted by /u/killsforsporks [link] [comments]
6 notes · View notes
Worst state of mind
Is when I tell myself over and over
Especially after breaking down at the thought of you
I try convincing myself that I fucking hate you
The worst part is when I contradict myself
Fuck I want to hate you for what you put me through
I wish I could mean how badly I hated who you've become
It goes with great sadness
That I admit to only loving you more
Because from my side
It looks as if you have life going....
More so than me definently......
Its why I feel worthless
I'm sure losing me wasn't as heartbreaking....
It Doesn't matter to you how my thoughts go
You don't care to even come around any more....
I don't know what I want to feel
I'm literally torn between broken and angry
To suicidally depressed
I'm sad every day no doubt....
I'm down about myself
Because even when I treated you the best
I still get the worst in return
All the things you have done and are still doing
I wouldnt have even thought of doing the same to you
Even after the fact of everything
I hold that still in my heart
Because its not like you were remorseful
Its not like you tried to make a difference
You've been ok with me being like this for three years now
I can't even hate you for that
I want to though
I wish I fucking could
You haven't made anything better
Not that you can't
Its the matter of you not wanting to
As if that helps the situation
Like that helps me forgive you
If anything I just find more and more faults
With every day that has passed
And for everyday that is to come
Until you actually approach me
Tell me how remorseful you really are to my face
Not behind a phone screen like a coward
But like a decent human being.....
Unless you're still butt hurt over things ive said
Like you haven't and if you're still not doing worse
Words do hurt
But have you ever believed in someone so much
That for everyday they're not there
Its like someone's ripping your chest apart...
It's the mental and physical pain
Added with the emotional side
You can say how badly it hurt
But nothing compares to what you did
You have the ability to make it go away
But you choose not to
As if that isn't going to make me more frustrated
Because I'm constantly respecting yours and everyone else's wishes
But ill be damned if mine can ever be granted
God forbid can I actually be happy for once
The ability to stay that way for more than a few minutes
With that being said
Its another reason to be mad with you
Its another reason why I should hate your guts
The difference between mine and your actions
Mine hasn't fucked you up to the point you are reluctant to live without me....
Your daily routine wasnt nor ever will be tainted because of one persons broken promises
I mean even if what I said and the way I acted is the reason being
Than you really are ignorant and a hypocrite
Bad enough you're a heartless person
At Least that's what it seems
You wouldn't even bother to try for me any more....
Within the past two years
You've never gone out your way to really be here
If I acted out of line
You shunned me out and abruptly ended the only friendship I had....
Ive still yet to make any more friends....
Ive yet to belong anywhere.....
Maybe that's what it is with you
Perhaps you were the first person to let me in
You made me feel important
And it was because of how you appreciatively acknowledged the fact I treated you the best...
So for once in my life, I felt like the hero
I actually felt successful....
Losing you was as if I were stripped of all my powers
I feel like I can't do anything right
Its the way you looked at me
You looked at me like nobody ever has
That's where I fucked up.....
I mistakened that acknowledgement and praise
I guess I thought that was love
When clearly it was lust
Because she's moved on in life
Leaving me in the dust
Of all things and reasoning
Why did you leave me so fucked up
How can you make me feel like that and then make it just disappear.....
It's literally like watching liquid being sucked by a vacuum
And im the one still looking foolish
She's left me in the worst state of mind.....
How could I have been so fucking stupid......
She never would have fallen for me
God thinking all that time
This is to good to be true....
And I was right.....
Because its gone....
Just like she is too.....
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I can't bring myself to even want to
I don't want to see you
I refrain from looking in your direction
I refuse to take notice
I don't care to catch your eye
I know Damn well you saw me
It's easier to look away
Than to glance right at you
Despite you were riding beside our car
Even though Tripp was staring you down
I still couldn't do the same
I can't look at you now
I dont care to ever see you again for that matter
It hurts to even hear your name
It killed my day to see you actually
My day has been just off since earlier
I hate what you did to me
I hate this power you still fucking have
Doesn't matter
Wherever you are
Whatever you do
You're past faults have ruined who I am today
I can't do anything without the thought of you affecting me daily....
The damage you've done still affects me
You won't ever understand
You won't care either
You've done to much damage for me to pretend you dont exist
Its unfortunate you couldn't see that
It's aggravating how you were inconsiderate
Its rather hurtful to see how you don't care
If you were trying to get my attention
Or trying to get me to look in your direction
I'm sorry I cant bring myself to
I'm reluctant to ever stare at you again....
I just can't....
Its all ruined.....
I don't have to look at you to know you don't see me the same.....
I can't bring myself to look at you because of that reminder.....
I don't want to look ar you and be reminded that we have nothing to say apparently.....
I don't want to be overly happy for seeing you for a mere second....
I don't want to hurt any more....
But it's still just as painful as it was the first time you left
I'm reluctant to remember anything else....
Only because this was the biggest impact in my life
Its led me to this road I'm going down now....
I'm reluctant to believe you ever cared....
Its because of this right here.
How it probably didnt phase you one bit....
For me, it ruined the rest of my day...
i didnt even stay the night at Jeremy's.....
I came home....
Because little did you know
It literally breaks me apart inside
It kills me to see you .
For it not to do the same for you though
For it not to move You to hit up my phone
It makes me reluctant to believe you ever cared about me.....
Or that you ever had feelings.....
I'm reluctant to believe anything and everything you've ever said.....
Only because you aren't affected the way I am over this
It won't ever bother you with anything you put me through....
It doesnt matter that it ruined my day or my life
To you, it's something ill just get over
You just don't know me at all
You never did
You sure as hell never will
I hate that you did this
I can't stand you for the amount of time you let passed
I'm reluctant to believe you didn't do this on purpose
Nobody does this much damage to someone
And leave them so fucked up and broken
Then live life as if nothing ever happened
You don't know nor will you ever know how I feel
I want to hate you so deeply
But I fucking can't
If its not the hardest thing to stop loving the person that wasn't meant for you
Especially when you thought they were different
Its hard to actually live on as if you didn't change at all.....
Maybe this is my karma for believing in you
Maybe this is what I get for trying to be different.....
It sucks either way
Everything dealing with you ruins my day....
Everyday pretty much
Even when I don't hear from you .
God Damn you really fucked me up
What was the point?
I'm reluctant to believe you didn't mean to
Because last I checked
You never showed one smidget of remorse
Not to my face any way....
Its whatever
Enjoy your fucked up way of living
Just keep living life as if you never knew me
That really makes everything better
As if you just haven't done enough already....
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What do you call an apology written in dots and dashes?
Re-morse code.
submitted by /u/WaxyCoronet4212 [link] [comments]
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Tragically Torn
When I recall what we used to be
I think of the abrupt ending
I think of how we drifted apart
I hate how we tragically separated
I'm so broken and torn
I'm weak and empty handed
I've been casted out
Ive been ridiculed
Ive been made to look like a fool
I've endured things I never thought I'd go through
Ive lost myself
I've become someone better
However part of me is still missing
Despite how it's felt with anyone else
I'm forever scarred by these tragic events
I'm fucked up mentally beyond repaired
I hope the person responsible feels pleased with themselves
Maybe one day theyll have someone
That can give her more than I could
Maybe someday she'll actually be loved
To where she can finally love herself
She could treat people right
It's heartbreaking to not be included
Never again....
Only because I'm part of a past wanting to be forgotten
Doesn't matter what and how much I gave
It doesnt matter still that I loved her over everything else
It doesn't get the time back
All my efforts were wasted....
For something that never mattered
It still doesn't....
It Never will
I'll only be that ex
The one that was tragically changed
Because of something that tore me apart
It was because I put all my faith into someone unstable
Now that she's stable enough
She's unwilling for me to lean on her
It was ok when she needed me most
Because she didn't need me any more
She's left me in the dust
Our friendship was abruptly ended
And she's left me once again
Tragically torn and broken.....
No signs of remission
This is a life experience that's going to forever haunt me....
Its what you get for loving someone that only made you think you had a chance
Making you feel different
But still wanted
For them now to just be gone with not even a goodbye
If that doesn't kill your self worth
You question how can someone be so heartless
How can you leave someones life that you've impacted greatly
How can you leave knowing what they feel for you is much more sincere than what youre with Now
How can you keep waiting for someone who doesn't care how tragically torn you are over them
That someone is only interested and looking out for herself
Doesnt matter what she did before
It doesnt affect her current standing
So why in the fuck does it bother mine
Because I'm tragically broken and torn on the fact I was once promised and other times led on
So you think I'm fucked up now
Or maybe I have been
However you're not bothering to make jt better
You're not redeeming yourself.
You've yet to be around long enough to do such a thing
God forbid can you actually go back and fix things
The fact you tragically scarred my life.
With the trust issues and constant doubt
I'm to broken and torn to be fixed right?....
I'm just another piece of trash in your garbage can
One you threw away because I'm so tragically broken and unstable, that there's no help for me. It's not a problem throwing something old away especially when you have new to replace it with......why does it matter if I'm tragically torn anyway.....I've been thrown away and just rid of......
Because this is for the best.....
Yea thanks to you in more fucked up than you are. Congrats I bet you did that so you could feel better about how fucked up of a person you really are. I'm worse than you so it makes you look better and more selfless and full of emotion. In sure you have a good time talking shit on my name. Its thanks to you That I'm fucked up like this....
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Silently Suffering
Everyday I'm on auto pilot
It's like being dead inside
I'm aware of my surroundings
I'm engaged in conversation
But reflecting back
I can't remember what was discussed.....
Hard to recall anything I've talked about
I just know one thing
When I'm asked what's wrong
I'm unable to tell them
It's like idk if I know myself
I know what it really is....
I'm unsure why I'm affected like this
I wish I could be more coherent
I wish I weren't so damn unhappy
It's not so easy to just change things
It's nearly impossible to stop loving somebody
It's the worst pain to feel unwanted and abandoned in a way
For things to go from one way to all of a sudden nothing at all...
Its hard to really involve yourself in your own life....
Its hard to accept the fact of everything I once had is gone...
To feel the same empty nights end on the same routine...
Home by 7pm
Earlier on the weekends
To feel your life changed 360°
Would be satisfying
If anything you did were worth it
But standing on this side
It wasn't
I can't bring back time
I wish I could
I'd change something
Because now I'm just trying to figure out where I went wrong
I'm trying to move on...
I'm unsure how I got this far....
I'm silently suffering
I'm only playing the part
Pretending to be happy
Pretending to have moved on with my life
When I'm really stuck
I can't be sure what to do now....
I'm silently suffering...
I just want a way out.....
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