theworstpitcher · 7 years
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theworstpitcher · 7 years
Oofuri Xmas 2017
Title: Before You
Pairing: Haruna Motoki/Akimaru Kyohei
Rating: G
Word Count: 1279
Summary: These emotions were too much to handle. Everything had been so much easier before HIM.
A/N: This is my @oofurixmas present for @hoppin_season on twitter!! I hope they like it!
Read it on AO3!
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theworstpitcher · 7 years
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It’s that time of year for sales and thank you’s so here’s a bit of both! 
A lot of my old stock will be heavily discounted for the holiday season. 
Animal Crossing Thank You stickers promotion:
From now until 12am January 1st (EST) every order comes with free stickers as a thank you to each of you for supporting me this year! The sticker promotion works as follows according to total order price (including shipping):
Under $10: 1 random sticker
$10+ : 2 random stickers
$20+: 3 random stickers
$30+: All 5 stickers 
For giveaway details, please check under the cut! Thanks so much for all of your support this year! 💕
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theworstpitcher · 7 years
Oofuri Rarepair Week - Day 2 - HaruMiha
Title: Second Chances
Words: 829
Summary: Maybe in a another life, they could be happy.
A/N: For the prompt “reincarnation”! I haven't written in literally over half a year so I'm honest to god surprised I managed to spew out this mess for rareship week LMAO
Read on AO3!
Mihashi hated cemeteries. That was a fact.
They’re deceivingly beautiful, or at least the one he visits has always been. Lush green grass and trees scattered around on a gently sloping hill, a perfect illusion of happiness and peace. If he didn’t know any better, he might have thought it a paradise on earth, an eighth wonder of the world.
They were good from afar, but far from good, and Mihashi unfortunately had become very well acquainted with them over the last several months…
The flowers in his hands were handled delicately, as if being gifted to a lover, and in a way, that wouldn’t exactly be wrong. They would be, but perhaps not in the traditional fashion. Instead they would be delicately placed in front of a grey grave marker, respects paid and tears shed.
Mihashi found that the latter came easy, his thoughts wandering during the quiet walk down the path until tears began to pool in his eyes from regrets and heartache. He was still struggling to come to terms with the death of the love of his life, even half a year later.
His friends tried their best to support him, there with him every step of the way. They tried to comfort him and tell him it wasn’t his fault, and yet he couldn’t help it, couldn’t help lingering on the ‘what if’s and ‘maybe’s. Maybe if he had taken a little longer to find the keys it wouldn’t have happened. What if the cab had arrived a little later, would Haruna have missed his flight and been spared his untimely death? What if they had booked his ticket for a different airline? What if he had tagged along with Haruna for the trip and died with him, surely that would have been better than crying himself to sleep at night and making the miserable trip to the cemetery over and over again.
They should have been kissing each other goodbye every morning as he left for work and Haruna for school, coming back home at night to cuddle together with a movie. They would have been talking about the life they want to build together once Haruna graduated, about his potential baseball career as a pitcher. Messing around and bickering over their favorite teams as they watched the game that had aired earlier that day.
The flight should have been a good thing, what they had thought to be a blessing from above. The chances of Haruna having been contacted by an American scout seemed like one in a million, an absolute miracle that he was offered to try out to play in Los Angeles for when he graduated in a few months. They had stayed up celebrating that night, drinking until they ended up passed out in bed together with their clothes strewn across the room.
The next few weeks had been a flurry of excitement and stress as they prepared but… Mihashi would take it all back if he could. He’d rather have his boyfriend alive and at his side, even if it meant cutting off the best opportunity of his baseball career.
His heart ached as the flowers touched down upon the stone and his fingers traced over the engraved name, hitting home harder and harder with each character of ‘Haruna Motoki’ that he was never coming back. Haruna was never coming back, and there was nothing he could do about it.
Mihashi sniffled and hurriedly attempted to scrub the tears from his face; he didn’t want Haruna to see him as such a mess… quickly moving through his usual process of cleaning up and making the grave look nice before settling in to give his prayers and thoughts before leaving. The rhythm and familiarness of the routine helped, and he managed to calm himself down to a few sniffles so he could focus well on his prayers.
It was quiet as he did so, no one else really there, and for that he was thankful. He had something specific he wanted to say today, and though it was brief it was important.
He wanted to–no, needed to pray for their love. It was a heavy, tight feeling of desperation strangling him and wouldn’t leave unless he begged for it. For a better next life, a life where they could be happy together. No worries on whether they could be together, or if they were good enough for each other. Haruna would be alive, they’d be laughing, and nothing would be able to stop them from being happy together.
Maybe they’d meet as kids, playing baseball together. Maybe they’d meet in college when one of them bumped into the other. They could even meet on one of the online baseball forums Mihashi frequented, it wouldn’t even matter. All that mattered in their lives together is that they were happy, and this life wasn’t.
And so, he begged. Begged for another life together. Begged until he couldn’t beg any longer.
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theworstpitcher · 7 years
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Our technical difficulties getting this post up properly aside, oofuri rarepair week is up again for another year! Starting today and running from August 6th-12th, feel free to write any ship you want as long as it doesn’t consist solely of Abe+Mihashi or Tajima+Hanai! Poly and crossover ships are just as welcome as anything else, this week is quite literally a free for all to show us your rarest of rareship loves (though lets be real here, basically everything is a rareship when you’re here in the oofuri fandom lol).
Before you get started though, make sure you follow a few basic rules. Include #oofurishipweeks in the first 5 tags so we can find it, tag your works appropriately (i.e. nsfw, trigger warnings, etc.), and most of all have fun! Prompts beneath the cut!
Prompts beneath the cut!
NOTICE: the tumblr tags don’t always work as they’re intended, so if your work is not reblogged, please feel free to send us an ask about it! It’s likely we did not see it.
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theworstpitcher · 7 years
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Our technical difficulties getting this post up properly aside, oofuri rarepair week is up again for another year! Starting today and running from August 6th-12th, feel free to write any ship you want as long as it doesn’t consist solely of Abe+Mihashi or Tajima+Hanai! Poly and crossover ships are just as welcome as anything else, this week is quite literally a free for all to show us your rarest of rareship loves (though lets be real here, basically everything is a rareship when you’re here in the oofuri fandom lol).
Before you get started though, make sure you follow a few basic rules. Include #oofurishipweeks in the first 5 tags so we can find it, tag your works appropriately (i.e. nsfw, trigger warnings, etc.), and most of all have fun! Prompts beneath the cut!
Prompts beneath the cut!
NOTICE: the tumblr tags don’t always work as they’re intended, so if your work is not reblogged, please feel free to send us an ask about it! It’s likely we did not see it.
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theworstpitcher · 7 years
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i’m kinkshaming
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theworstpitcher · 7 years
Okay that virus that’s going around, is seriously fucking scary. I got the same thing on my computer about a week ago and I got rid of it, but it took a lot. This type of virus can control your browser, it can control your webcam, it can control all your files, and track you.
If you’ve seen the post already, do not click on the user if someone like this follows you. 
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 If you do on accident, you will be taken to an FBI site, which tells you you’ve viewed pornography and stuff. Looks a little like this…
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It asks you to pay a fine. ITS NOT REAL. DO NOT PAY IT. You won’t be able to leave the page, or close your browser. Your computer is probably infected now, and you need to remove it.
Click ctrl-alt-delete at the same time and open task manager. Shut down your browser. Uninstall it completely. 
Reset your computer to the last known date when you didn’t have the virus.  
Install and Run malawarebytes. It’s a free service, that get’s rid of all bugs in your computer. The download link is here. Most antivirus softwares can’t detect things like this, so your best bet is to just download it. Run a full scan to ensure your computer is clean.
Restart your computer, and you should be fine. 
The main thing here is to not panic. I did, and it just makes the situation worse than it really is.  
If you have seen a post about it, you’ll see that icon, and a URL with random letters. Please don’t risk it, you’ll have to work really hard to get it off your computer. Be careful, and DO NOT PANIC. Here is another tutorial on how to get rid of it, 
Any more questions? Feel free to ask me. I got this off two of our computers, so it’s possible. BE SAFE
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theworstpitcher · 7 years
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“Trajectories for a 540 leap“
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theworstpitcher · 7 years
i forgot one of my favorite things with popular posts is the range of weird urls that reblog it like how “fistmedaddyshrek” reblogged my post
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theworstpitcher · 7 years
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Here’s a cat thing. Obviously it doesn’t cover everything, but still some pretty common foods around most peoples homes.
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theworstpitcher · 7 years
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theworstpitcher · 7 years
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Hey! The most anticipated oofuri ship week is finally approaching in one more week! That’s right, rarepair week! This week consists of any ship, and I mean any ship, that isn’t solely comprised of Abe+Mihashi or Tajima+Hanai! Hell, you can even do crossovers if you want! Go crazy from August 6th - August 12th! 
Early works are being accepted starting today though, so feel free to start getting excited already! Just make sure your post is tagged appropriately (i.e. trigger warnings, nsfw, etc) and has the tag #oofurishipweeks in the first 5 tags so we can find it! Unfortunately, Tumblr sucks as usual though so some posts don’t show up, so if your post isn’t reblogged feel free to send us an ask about it!
Before all that though, you need to know a few things so you can start preparing. Such as, the prompts.
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theworstpitcher · 7 years
boys in makeup is a big turnoff for me lol 🛇
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… cool 
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theworstpitcher · 7 years
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What Pacific Islanders Want You To Know | “They insist they know more about myself than I know about myself.”
LOOLOO: I distinctly remember asking my professor, it was the first day of school, did the syllabus, and it was the upper division course, the last part of your Asian American Studies class and I asked him “Are we ever going to learn about Pacific Islanders?” And he was like, “Well, unfortunately there isn’t a Professor who can talk about Pacific Islanders we won’t be able to highlight that.” And I was just really upset and I remember just feeling like I’m going to self-teach myself if I have to. I’m going to look at schools that have Pacific Islander studies and teach myself about myself.
MEGHAN: Stories are so important and we would hear from my grandparents and their generation, all the stories from when they were growing up. Especially for people from the Mariana Islands, stories typically involve war, and the impact that WWII had on the islands and on our grandparents generation growing up.
MELE: The Hawaiian race is going to disappear. I just felt such sadness and loss that our people and our culture will disappear. It’s making me emotional just thinking about it. It’s very sad. It’s very sad when you know that your people are going to fade into time and history.
NOLAN: Take into account that we are real people. We’re tangible. We’re not your island destination for a getaway.
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theworstpitcher · 7 years
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theworstpitcher · 7 years
The problem with shipping a niche ship: you read all the fanfiction in one afternoon and if you want some more you have to write it yourself.
The problem with shipping a popular ship: 16,835 results on AO3. You start playing with tags and sorting through it, full of determination, confident that with so many fanfics you’re bound to find something you’ll like. Two hours, 30 instances of awful writing, 8 squick-outs,13 wtf AUs and 157 just plain uninteresting later you have to rush back to the canon to even remember why you liked the ship in the first place.
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