Lamplighter: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so let's go for 12 more just in case. Ling: Plight, that's a coma. Lamplighter: Sounds festive.
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Entity: I'm still a work in progress! God's still trying to figure me out!
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Entity: It seems we have to save the world. Niko: Oh dear, do we have the training for that? Entity: I doubt it.
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Proto: I'll kick anyone's ass. I'll kick your ass, I'll kick your dog's ass, I'll kick my own ass,
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Hey, I know this is a tense situation and all, but let's watch the fucking language.
Lamplighter, probably to himself
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Calamus: We shouldn't have come to the graveyard. I knew it. We shouldn't have come. Alula: We had to, there's safety in numbers. Calamus: Well, there's also death in numbers, Alula. It's called a massacre.
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Ling: How would you like your coffee? Lamplighter: As dark and bitter as my soul. Ling: One glass of white milk coming up.
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Entity: I saw you helping Player reset yesterday. Author: E-Entity! It's not what you think! Entity: I won't hesitate, bitch! Entity: *destabilises*
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George: If the multiverse theory is true, then there's a universe where it isn't. Kip: Multiverse theory doesn't cover paradoxical situations. Ling: Except in the universe where it does! Lamplighter: I'm having an aneurysm.
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Lamplighter: Sure, I don't get a HEALTHY amount of sleep like NORMAL people do... Lamplighter: ...but can they do THIS?! Lamplighter: Lamplighter: *collapses*
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