incorrectalitaquotes · 4 months
Alita: Are we going to Zalem?
Ido, sorting pamphlets: I have a pile here that says no and another pile that says no.
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incorrectalitaquotes · 5 months
What do you crave more than anything else?
Ido: Stability and someone who would love me no matter what.
Jashugan: Peace of mind, knowing Shumira won't be left alone after I'm gone. That and an epic final victory.
Shumira: Chocolate chip pancakes.
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incorrectalitaquotes · 5 months
Kaos: As it turns out, I am also capable of badassery.
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incorrectalitaquotes · 5 months
Kaos: What am I? Well, according to my parents, a massive disappointment.
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incorrectalitaquotes · 8 months
Eelai: That’s the problem! I never learned how to deal with perverts. I never had to, I was always the worst one in the room.
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incorrectalitaquotes · 8 months
Letters to Santa
Alita: "Dear Santa. I need something that will help me get to Nova"
Nova: "Dear Santa. I need something to help me steal Alita's heart"
Santa: Aww, those two must really like each other! :)
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incorrectalitaquotes · 10 months
Aga Mbadi: I put the “I” in “omnipotence”. Won’t someone praise me for my benevolence?
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incorrectalitaquotes · 10 months
Kaos: Girl, on a scale of one to America, how free are you tonight?
Alita: Germany 1942.
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incorrectalitaquotes · 11 months
"Have you tried not having emotions? Your life will still be a mess but at least you won't mind."
-Alita during the Motorball arc
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Nova: What happened to Ido was a real wake-up call for me to stop with my more dubious experiments.
Kaos: But you still tortured people after Ido…
Nova: I said it was a wake-up call! I didn't say I answered it!
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Sechs: You always act like you're better than me!
Alita: I am better than you!
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Alita: Any idiot would know that. Sechs: I knew that! Alita: See?
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Kaos: I think I'm falling for you. Alita: Then get up.
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Hugo: You can't take away my dignity, because I don't have any!
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Alita: What's a word between sad and angry?
Ido: Malcontent, distraught, miserable, dismayed.
Hugo: Smad.
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Lou: I am a woman of sience. That's what my horoscope said.
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Nova: There are three ways to do this; the wrong way, the right way, and the Nova way!
Alita: What is the Nova way?
Kaos: It's like the wrong way, but with more flan, nanobots, crimes against humanity, and crimes against decency.
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