Nova × Eelai
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watchingbehindtheeyes · 3 months
Tbh I like the idea that those "Nova's posts" by @drakkenvaldt are actually made by his assistant taking over his account
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Especially considering how Eelai liked to tease Ido
Oh and she liked to mess with Alita as well
So that feels like something she could do
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*Eelai making shitposts from her boss's account while pretending to work*
(Nova had hypersexual female assistant in the manga but let's assume Eelai exists in the movieverse too)
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incorrectalitaquotes · 8 months
Eelai: That’s the problem! I never learned how to deal with perverts. I never had to, I was always the worst one in the room.
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slimejellomold · 1 year
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steal-this-album · 2 years
hey man what the hell
am i supposed to know u or something -_-
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sillybub · 10 months
Rumpleteazer's nicknames for Tantomile:
Tantomile (but pronounced as tan-TOM-eelay)
Tantomile's nicknames for Rumpleteazer
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mokeymokey · 7 months
Mass effect3 I forgot about the fucking line where Donnelly talks about whisky and he pronounces Islay like eelay I'm in tears
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angelsfriendsass · 9 months
Aga Mbadi; Gally & Hugo; dr. Daisuke Ido & Gally; babies; Lou Collins; Kayna
Eelai & Desty Nova; Den; Sechs; Pandora & Bonnie (Elf and Zwolf); babies; Caerula Sanguis, Bonnie pestering Sechs; Den & Dolce
Kaos; toddler Kaos (and his mom); babies
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444names · 4 months
Names generated from Hmong names, and Hmong names backwards, excluding the letter "H"
Aignat Aignuos Aijoua Aijouab Aikia Aikiakn Aikial Aileey Aileng Aivntxang Aivntxawm Aiyee Aiyeesjuaf Aiyeng Akgnekong Akyas Alees Alengfoua Angiak Angnoix Aokeng Aozjua Aozjuakya Audnoz Audnozoua Aujse Aujsee Aujseesjua Aujseng Aujsua Aujsuab Aujsuak Aujsuakyan Aujzong Aujzonu Aujzoo Auofgnaw Auofgnoise Auofgnoix Auofgnok Auofgnos Auojia Auokeng Auong Auoxgnawm Aurdnot Ausjua Ausjuab Aykao Aykaos...
Baudn Baujse Baujseeb Baujsen Baujsua Baujsue Baujsuer Baujzong Baujzou Bauod Bauoj Bauok Bauom Bauon Bauonu Bauop Bauot Bauox Bauoxgna Bauoxgnap Bauoy Bauoz Bausjua Baust Beeli Beest Blang Blaol Blaong Blauj Bliam Bloag Bloakgnow Bloat Bungmee Bungxou Bunoat Bunok Bunokeng Bunoxgnoua Bunozjuab Cuakn Douab Doung Duakn Dualb Eelais Eemci Eemgneng Eesia Eesjua Eesjuab Eesjuakya Eeying Esiondrua Esiong Esjua Esjuaf Eulam Eulang Eulao Eular Euong Eurdnot Eurdnozjua Eusjua Eusjuak Eusjuakn Eyiam Eying Faujsee Faujseng Faujsue Fauot Fauoxgnok Fauoy Fongia Fouab Fouakn Foualeelia Fuert Gaolb Gaondrua Gaong Gaonub Gaozjua Gaozjuakn Geest Gerreg Geudnoiseel Geular Gnakn Gnakyas Gnalb Gnaleest Gnalengmeng Gnaly Gnaob Gnaos Gnaoz Gnawm Gnaxtn Gnaxtnvia Gnaykao Gnaykauoy Gneko Gnekoag Gnekon Gnekong Gnekou Gnekoua Gnela Gnelau Gneli Gnemci Gnemgnap Gnemgnoz Gneng Gnengfouak Gnengia Gnengkau Gnengxonuoz Gnesiong Gnesjua Gneyi Gniakn Gniam Gniyer Gnoag Gnoang Gnoas Gnokeng Gnoly Gnouc Gnoxgnav Gnoxgnoz Gnoxgnozong Gnozoa Gnozong Gnozoo Gnozou Gnozouaf Gnubci Gnuov Iabci Iakgnok Iakyang Iakyas Icbai Icbau Icbun Icbung Icbunom Icbunow Icmee Icmeng Icmengkaok Icmengnolb Ileesjua Iseest Iseng Jouab Jouakn Joualy Joung Jualue Kaigna Kaikiam Kaivntxawm Kangxong Kaudnou Kaujn Kaujsua Kaujzong Kaujzooz Kauof Kauok Kauong Kauot Kauov Kaust Kengfoua Kiakyas Kialb Koakgnoz Kondua Kouab Kouabci Kouakn Lakya Laong Laujzoag Lauojiam Lauox Leesjua Leest Liakn Lialb Lorreg Lorreul Lorrot Maignap Maignela Maignou Maikiab Maikiam Mailb Maing Maingmeng Maisees Maiseng Maivntxang Maivntxao Maivntxaw Maleeg Maleela Maykaing Maykal Meest Mengia Mengnet Mouab Mouak Mouakn Mwang Mwangkaus Mwaxtnvia Mwaxtnvial Naykang Naykao Ndrue Nduaf Nesjuabci Ngfong Ngkao Ngkauof Njuab Njuakn Nkaignex Nkail Nkairt Nkaivntxao Nkalb Nkaleey Nkalen Nkalue Nkaly Nkang Nkangnav Nkangxong Nkaob Nkaok Nkaol Nkaos Nkaot Nkaud Nkaujn Nkaujsue Nkaujzong Nkauokeng Nkauop Nkauot Nkauox Nkauoy Nkaur Nokeng Nozjua Ntxang Ntxao Ntxaw Nubci Oabci Oakgnaf Oakya Oangiam Oangxou Oaxtnvia Oozjuak Oozong Pangia Pangmeela Pangmeng Pangxou Paong Pouab Pouakn Pouakyam Ralee Reusjuakn Reyia Reying Rreud Ruakgnok Saing Saise Saiseel Saong Saykang Saykaud Saykaust Seemci Seesi Siondruakn Siondue Siongmeng Soalb Soang Soaxtn Souab Souaf Souak Souakn Suakyas Tangnof Taong Tengfoua Toakn Tongnest Tongnet Touab Touaf Touak Touakn Toung Treuk Treus Triam Truakyas Tseel Tseelia Tseem Tseesjuab Tseex Tseey Tsuab Tsuaf Tsuak Uakgnekong Ungfouabci Unozjua Uojia Uojias Uokeng Uoxgnow Vangiam Vangnap Viakn Vouab Vouabci Vouaf Vouakn Voual Vounok Waxtnvia Wondrua Wongiab Wongkauom Wonub Xangia Xangxouakn Xaong Xeesi Xeesiong Xengia Xengnov Xiondua Xiongiam Xiongkaud Xonub Xouaf Xouakn Yeemgnad Yengkao Yengnoua Yingnek Ylaiyeng Ylangnoz Ylaol Ylauom Ylauot Ylaus Ylondua Ylong Ylonub Youab Youabci Youak Zonduab Zongfou Zongia Zongnoly Zongxongnia Zoozoua Zouab
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radiokaos · 4 years
Battle Angel Alita/GUNNM AMV "Ai O Torimodose" (You Wa Shock)
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theroyallypurple · 6 years
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A green sleepy sweetie I adopted from @chocolatewoosh c:!!
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Question to those who headcanon/theorise Eelai to be Kaos’ mother, what kind of mother do you headcanon her to be? She didn’t appear in any flashbacks so it’s up to our imagination and deduction.
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watchingbehindtheeyes · 3 months
URM besieging Zalem just to stop Nova from shitposting bc nobody can hack or ban his account
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Image above: URM throwing the might of their army at Zalem just to stop Nova from shitposting on social media.
Plot twist: it's actually Nova's assistant Eelai who is posting from his account and her boss is completely clueless about it
Nova: *looks out the window* why is the URM fleet approaching us???
Eelai: ...welp *hides the phone*
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Eelai: Did you know saying "are you flirting with me?" can turn around any akward situation?
Nova: It did not work on the Hunter Warrior trying to catch and execute me for carrying illegal firearm.
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slimejellomold · 6 years
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battle angel alita roleswap where eelai is the tipharean scientist and desty is eternally in his 20s and wears a lot of latex
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heckling-hydrena · 4 years
what do you think about glass animals
O,k so ;oyu k.know zaaba?Y ou kn,now zab.ba right? ZaaBa .is s,,o ffuucking goood mmann I cann’tt put it  i..ntto words i love it so ;fucking much. The whole album setsf ,,pu such an incredIble aatmosphere I mean have yyou SEENN  this  compillattion oof all the, ambbient, .jungle s,,o unds used in the  albu..m juust l.istening  to thatv ideo makes me,, b eatmy chhest,, like a gorillaa thatt’s hadd 33 moonssterrs I’m fuc,king insane I’.m rrabid I’m gonna go ber serkk the ;fuckinngg THE NO..ISeS!!!! THE ,JUNGGLE NOISEES! Name onne bbadd sonng on tthis a lbumm yooU can’’t you pfkucking c,an’t .andd if youu c;;an ;; you’re wrong and I’m ggoing t oattcak you .TTh eelay;ers maan. You can peel ,every song like a fucking onion there’s so many liltLee noiess  thhaat cooe together to makee liitening to tehm an absolutely wnoderuffll experriien,,csee. Ther,e’ss suuch an otheerworl,dlly feeling tto aa lot of th etracks like intruxx? An innstrumentaal? MakeS me feel more  th,an any lyriicss cacn. ZZ;;aba My beloovred Il ove yyo uso fucking much..h.
And shit Man,, howt o bbe a hhuman being..? That al..bum sllaps so  hard it mighht as weell be saizng ““buenos dias mandy”. jee  sus??? There’s so muc.h eenerrgy aand life in, this ; albuum. AGNES.. I d  on’t even rrelaly listen t.o  agne.s b eacuse thhe story beehin`d thee song mAkes me too sadd  butt thhe Emoino  in,,n thhatt song iss unparallel,ed.  TThe restt of the  sogs on the alb.um aRe fuckkinngg ba;angers  too liKe po;rkk soda??  “piineapples are in mmy   head”  dAmn bro iDkk w.what th ee,,fuck tha..t maens but, go   off king. ;;Do   Ieeve,,n  nn,,eed to menntion tdossop. Do I?
An,,d II’m not gonna llie dreamland isn’t rrelaly   my vibee bu FUCK the   songgs ahre sttiilll sso  go[o,d. Tokyo driifti..ng, spacce ghost, holy   sh;hit, hot sugar????? II’m of my shhit  s I’m thej oekr bay heuugheeugfha! FUUCCK!!!
(version before I applied the crytyping filter is under the cut)
Ok so you know zaba? You know zaba right? Zaba is so fucking good man I can’t put it into words I love it so fucking much. The whole album sets up such an incredible atmosphere I mean have you SEEN this compilation of all the ambient jungle sounds used in the album just listening to that video makes me beat my chest like a gorilla that’s had 3 monsters I’m fucking insane I’m rabid I’m gonna go berserk the fucking THE NOISES!!! THE JUNGLE NOISES! Name one bad song on this album you can’t you fucking can’t and if you can you’re wrong and I’m going to attack you. The layers man. You can peel every song like a fucking onion there’s so many little noises that come together to make listening to them an absolutely wonderful experience. There’s such an otherworldly feeling to a lot of the tracks like intruxx? An instrumental? Makes me feel more than any lyrics can. Zaba my beloved I love you so fucking much.
And shit man, how to be a human being? That album slaps so hard it might as well be saying “buenos dias mandy”. jesus?? There’s so much energy and life in this album. AGNES.. I don’t even really listen to agnes because the story behind the song makes me too sad but the emotion in that song is unparalleled. The rest of the songs on the album are fucking bangers too like pork soda? “pineapples are in my head” damn bro idk what the fuck that means but go off king. Do I even need to mention tosop. Do I?
And I’m not gonna lie dreamland isn’t really my vibe but FUCK the songs are still so good. Tokyo drifting, space ghost, holy shit, hot sugar??? I’m off my shits I’m the joker baby heugheugfhu! FUCK!!
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