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Cliff: Rick, you’re my best friend.
Rick: Aw, thanks, buddy.
Cliff, sobbing: And then he said thanks—
Brandy, waiting by her dog bowl: *barks*
Cliff: I knOW
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Mr. Pink: How do you just drink a soda when there’s a nearly dead guy laying there?
Mr. Blonde: What, is that rude? Am I supposed to share?
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Mr. Brown: I heard that you’re pretty paranoid.
Mr. Pink: I’m not paranoid.
Mr. Pink: …
Mr. Pink: Who said I was?
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Mr. Pink, at Starbucks: Can I get a venti vanilla latte with, uh… seven espresso shots?
Mr. Brown, standing in line behind him: Jesus Christ, just do cocaine.
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Freddy: What’s your favorite cop movie?
Vic: Robocop. It’s got everything I like: gratuitous violence.
Freddy: ...Oh, I thought you were listing things.
Vic: I was. I’m done.
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Eddie: Anyone else angry and gay on this Wednesday night?
Larry: I’m bi and annoyed, is that close enough?
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Freddy: Do I have a crush on Mr. White? Of COURSE not.
Holdaway: Uh... I didn't ask you that.
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Chris: *taunts major warren*
Warren: *raises fist to beat him up*
Chris: heyheyheyyy c'maahn I'm a little guy, I'm just a little guyy, noo, it's also my birthday, I'm a little birthday boyy
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Pink: New year, new me!
Nice Guy Eddie: New year, same me! I’m a perfect bitch.
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Freddy: Hold me.
Larry: I am holding you.
Freddy: Hold me like you mean it.
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Freddy: Did Mr. White just tell me he loved me for the first time?
Mr. Pink: Yeah.
Freddy: And did I do finger guns back?
Mr. Pink: Yeah, you did.
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Larry: Can I just say...
Vic: What?
Larry: You [indicating Vic] look like a gay cowboy, and you [indicating Eddie] look like a gay terrorist.
Eddie: No, YOU look like a terrorist and your face looks ridiculous.
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Well, I'm just gonna go wash all this blood off... is a weird way to end a conversation.
Vincent Vega
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Marsellus: All bald people look good in hats.
Jules: You should have lived in the twenties and thirties. You know, men wore hats all the time then.
Marsellus: What a bald paradise that must have been. Nobody knew.
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Eddie: I can't believe you went to jail for me. Why did you do that?
Vic: That's what friends are for, right?
Eddie: No!
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