#incorrect tarantino quotes
solidsnakecake · 4 months
Freddy: I'm a cop.
Larry: Why didn’t you tell me?
Freddy: I don’t know...because I’m a bad person.
Larry: No. You’re not a bad person. You’re a terrific person. You’re my favorite person, but every once in a while, you can be a real cunt.
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got a new obsession so reservoir dog x text posts
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Y/n: *in the back seat of Rick's car* Can either of you tell me who wrote the Great Gatsby?
Cliff: Alfred Hitchcock?
Rick: Hitler?
Y/n: *sighs* F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Rick: Who's that?
Y/n: The author.
Cliff: Well, why are you saying "fuck him"?
Y/n: *confused* What?
Rick: You just said eff Scott Fitzgerald. I mean, what would Scott Fitzgerald do to you?
Cliff: Yeah.
Y/n: No, that's his first name.
Rick: His name's Fuck Scott Fitzgerald?
Y/n: What? No!
Cliff: Well, what does the F stand for?
Y/n: Francis.
Rick: No, it's got to be Fuck. It's got to be Fuck.
Cliff: It must be Fuck. It has to be Fuck.
Y/n: Why the hell would it be "Fuck"?
Rick: Well, 'cuz otherwise, why wouldn't he just say it?
Cliff: Yeah, he's hiding something. It's Fuck. It's Fuck. It's Fuck.
Rick: It's Fuck. It's Fuck.
Y/n: That's completely insane. You guys are idiots.
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very-real-gleets · 11 months
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magpiecrust · 9 months
What is Red Revenge?
Basically, it's a WW2 superhero story that actually goes into alternate history instead of pretending modern day would be unchanged from the real world after all these events and despite all these supernatural and superscientific elements.
I can't think of anything to compare it to. Über? The Specialists? There is also some inspiration from Inglourious Basterds. But Red Revenge is not as gory as Über or Basterds, the aforementioned inspiration i don't mean Tarantino's voyeuristic gore. Also nobody is as OP as Über's supersoldiers. Still, it's obviously very dark.
It's supposed to become a webcomic eventually. I've seen writing advice that tells you to make incorrect quotes, playlists, moodboards, etc. about your characters to get a hang of them, which is what i'm doing on this blog. I'm also still workign on the character designs. Researching armies, history, involved real people, and the weather so your alternste history that spans over a decade is realistic is a lot of work and takes a really long time (even withiut indecisiveness and procastination). While the unrealistic elements are the point of divergence, i want the events unfolding from their presence (and other interference) to be realistic and make sense. I need to do other stuff besides research every once in a while too.
Tom Handschin/Carmine Avenger is the main character, a young german antifascist whose adoptive father Hans Leonhardt is murdered by the nazis in 1940 when they're found in Paris. Tom becomes sort of a superhero, though he's propably more similiar to the pulp characters The Shadow and The Spider. Like them, he doesn't have any superpowers. He's also autistic and gay ace, like me. I might change his name to Red Avenger.
Like The Shadow, Tom has a bunch of other people working for him. The most developed ones, whom i've already mentioned on this blog, are Emese Nacht/Pine, Horst Dießl/Crow, and Arthur Tangemann/Star. They all have single-word codenames that are supposed to look like legit surnames.
Sascha Schwinghammer, Basti Brandt, and Karl Barbier are Hans' friends and compatriots who are alive (at least for the time being), Renate Brandt is Basti's wife and Hannah Barbier is Karl's wife (Hannah, Karl, and Sascha are secretly all together). Hans, Sascha, Basti, and Karl are all disabled WWI veterans, they met during WWI, remained in contact, and opposed the nazis together.
Detlev Herr is Tom's former friend from the orphanage and a current frenemy. The frenemy thing is because Detlev joined the communist party in the late 1920s and believed KPD's narrative that all non-KPD leftists are evil. And since Tom is an anti-USSR and anti-KPD socialist...
The other superheroes of Red Revenge, besides Tom, are the generically superhuman Louisa Kinge/The Catalyst, pretty low-level psychic dhampir Miyako Hasuike/Wisteria Woman, the hydrokinetic and potential nixie Tadpole, the vampire Noah Ashford/Grey Howler, and generically superhuman Orville Holm/Freedom Fighter.
The main villains of Red Revenge are, obviously, a group of nazi supervillains; their leader The Lightbearer, the robot soldier Living Inferno, speedster Falk Bernhardt Rot/Thunderlight, telekinetic Adele Siemon/The Maiden, and hydrokinetic maybe-nixie/human hybrid Romano Marchegiano, generically superhuman Byron Ashford, and sniper Jan Messer who i don't have codename ideas for yet. The Lightbearer's girlfriends Gretchen Wagner and Kreszentia Glasner might also get mentioned. I've already decided how and when all these people die, at least tentatively.
(Yes, Noah and Byron are related. There's a whole british upper class family drama with them)
(Tadpole and Marchegiano are not related. Neither are Miyako and Noah)
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ily-honey-bunny · 4 years
The Dogs: *are fighting*
Mr. Orange, bleeding: can I get a doctor????
The Dogs: *start yelling*
Mr. White: couLD HE PLEASE GET A DOCTOR??????
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Mr. Pink, at Starbucks: Can I get a venti vanilla latte with, uh… seven espresso shots?
Mr. Brown, standing in line behind him: Jesus Christ, just do cocaine.
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y/n: let’s be something more than friends
mr. brown: what, like best friends?
y/n: no, I mean something more than that
mr. brown: ...mega-best friends?
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incorrectmovies · 2 years
Aldo: *wondering why he's trailing in a chess game with Donny*
Donny: *eats Aldo's counters when he's not looking*
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"Even though we're all born and created equally we are not treated equally. There's extremists on every side, and you should just do your best to live life, and let people believe whatever they wanna believe, as long as they're not hurting anybody. You can believe they're going to hell. You can believe it's not right. You can believe you're superior, fine. Just stop killing each other." - Logic, Take It Back
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theoraclehasspoken · 3 years
[Mr. Pink]: Hold the fuck up
[Mr. White]:
[Mr. Pink]: I am the fuck up, hold me
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incorrectdreadfort · 3 years
Damon: are those sounds coming up from the trunk?
Ramsay: yep, theo's going to camp with us, as I said
Alyn: oh
Ramsay: nevermind this is for the Tarantino thing
Skinner: like scalp cutting?
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Nolan: Violence isn't the answer.
Tarantino: You’re right.
Nolan: *sighs in relief*
Tarantino: Violence is the question.
Nolan: What?
Tarantino, bolting away: And the answer is yes.
Nolan, running after him: NO-
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nitrateglow · 4 years
Roat (as played by Tarantino in 1998): I have gasoline here. This place will go up like the Third Reich at the end of 'The 14 Fists of McCluskey'...
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ferretfyre · 6 years
Damian: My hands are registered as lethal weapons. We get into a fight, I accidentally kill you... I go to jail.
Dick: Anybody accidentally kills anybody in a fight, they go to jail. It’s called manslaughter.
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liebgoth · 5 years
Aldo Raine: bone app the teeth
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