indieteenbeat · 10 years
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This month’s Indie Teen Beat heartthrob of the month simply HAS to be awarded to Dan Smith of British it-band Bastille! With hair that reaches up to the sky, Smith and his band of brothers (they aren’t really brothers… It’s a figure of speech) have been conquering shows like SNL and The Brits as of late, and seeing them sing live had made us catch their attention. Or rather, they’ve caught our’s.
With lyrics that are hard to understand, but an accent that is hard to ignore, Bastille’s music is hip, current and perfect for the modern Indie Teen Beat fan. Plus no one on staff can resist a red stripy short under a denim jacket. It’s just simply… one of our favorite things.
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indieteenbeat · 11 years
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Exclusive! Indie Teen Beat is merging with regular Teen Beat as Yeasayer’s sexy bassist Ira Wolf Tuton records this summer’s next hot single with British boy toys One Direction. Thanks to this picture blatantly stolen from Yeasayer’s Instagram feed, we can exclusively confirm what Directioners and ‘Sayers (Yeasayer fans that we just made up) have been dying to hear - a One Direction song that is heavy on the bass and Williamsburgian style! Stay tuned my babies! And happy summah songz!
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indieteenbeat · 11 years
Yes, Mr. Goldblum is an oldie but come on. This man is still a good ‘ol goodie. That chest. The searing wit. The deep eyes any teen beatster could get lost in.
Our movie pick of the month is Goldblum’s sexy leading man vehicle: Earth Girls Are Easy, which is on instant Netflix for your ease and discretion. You won’t regret spending that time with Mr. Goldbulm, and will maybe want to do so in the privacy of your bedroom…
Congrats, Mr. Goldblum. You clearly only get better with age, like the finest Italian wine.
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indieteenbeat · 11 years
The Indie Teen Beat blog would like to come back from a brief hiatus to feature Leo DiCaps, tossing aside a mimosa like it’s nobody’s fucking business. This original teen beatster is still as relevant as ever, just getting better and better, making the teen beat staff’s middle school fantasies run wild once again. So welcome back fans, let’s toss this hiatus aside, much like Leo’s mimosa.
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indieteenbeat · 11 years
Ben Whishaw here, for your Wednesday night ogling session. Indie Teen Beatsters believes no one should ever go more than 3 days without ogling Mr. Whishaw.
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indieteenbeat · 11 years
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Still reveling in the sweet bath of light that was last night's Golden Globes? Still yearning for one more reaction shot from Eddie Redmayne? Still taking in each sweet moment Adam Driver was on stage when GIRLS won for Best Comedy?
Well fret no more - because the bad boys of GIRLS are today's Indie Teen Beat's HOT TODDIES. Yes, it's cold outside, but these fancy lads of our favorite HBO show know how to steam up a January. The show may be called GIRLS but it is all about the BOYS here at ITB headquarters.
Some fun facts: Adam Driver is a military man! No one really knows how old Alex Karpovsky is! Christopher Abbott claims he doesn't know anything about the controversy surrounding the show! Chris O'Dowd proposed to his wife on Boxing Day (BOO!)!
With the show's second season premiering last night, and a big win for Best Comedy on it's heels, these guys are hot to trot through winter. So fire up your HBO Gos, ladies, and get the drool cups ready!
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indieteenbeat · 11 years
We know you Indie Teen Beat-sters all dream of having your favorite indie stars croon you to sleep with smooth 90s R&B. (No? Just us?) Well dream no more! Your New Year blues will be knocked out of the park with this soul wretching, beautifully angelic rendition of I Belive I Can Fly by a one Mr. Father John Misty. Is there anything this man can't do? Besides singing karaoke on a cruise ship? Call us in love, folks, this is one ship we won't see sail on by in 2013! HONK HONK! Marry us Mr. Misty!
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indieteenbeat · 11 years
omg Cry Monster Cry!
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indieteenbeat · 11 years
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indieteenbeat · 11 years
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This week’s BritiSh indie teen star goes to none other than Mr. Richard Ayoade!!!!! A newcomer to the Indie Teen Beat family, we have asked him round our headquarters to do some light IT work, as he plays an IT assistant in THE IT CROWD, but (fun fact) also fixes simple IT problems as well in real life. Surprise! We may or may not have smashed some keyboards so we could stare longingly into Ritchie’s eyes a little longer. We will be on THE WATCH of his all day long, despite his quiet demeanor (seen in many of his successful panel game show appearances!)
A star of stage and screen, Ritchie is BFFs with Vince Vaughn and former ITB centerfold Paddy Constantine. His looks may distract, but did you know he also DIRECTS!? I would take a SUBMARINE ride with him any day, as long as it was just the two of us! meOW!!! Periscope down, Richard!
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indieteenbeat · 11 years
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Neonfaith from NYC is tearing up the INDIE TEEN BEAT office playlist y'allz with their incredibly hip-it-hertz sounds found on Escape (click the link to listen). I mean, look at that camo/tribal/metallic style combo, their look looks like their sounds sound. Like their facebook page says "Fuck the MTA and that $2.50". YEAH GUYS! FUCK IT! How else am I gonna ride downtown to buy my Supreme hat?!
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indieteenbeat · 11 years
Hey wassup? :):) Just trying to keep the buzz going and keep you in the loop. Neonfaith is a indie electronic band from NYC and were just recently featured on Pretty Much Amazing [PMA] Check out their single Escape …you can hear it on my page. If you like what you hear, The best way To support the band is to Like them on facebook,follow them on twitter Thanks for your time and support!!
I HAVE WAITED ALL YEAR FOR A SOLICITATION LIKE THIS check out the new post on this sexy new buzzy band even though they probably don't want one.
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indieteenbeat · 11 years
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Today's INDIE TEEN BEAT CRUSH OF THE DAY IS: Twin Shadow!!!!! His real name is George Lewis Jr., but we'll stick with the sexay Twinny (as we like to call him.) This Floridian firecracker stole our hearts earlier this year with the release of his new album Confess. The jamz are fan-freaking-tastic, and they make us want dance like Jason Sudekis and Maya Rudolph. Now living in Brooklyn, Twinny is heating up dance floors across the country with his 80s sounding hits. If there is anything ITB loves, it's hot jamz and 80s movies, so this is a treat for both the eyes AND the ears!
- XOXO you know you love me, Dan Humphrey (guest editor of the day)
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indieteenbeat · 11 years
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Next on INDIE TEEN BEAT: Beauty tips with Nick Grimshaw! This sassy Radio 1 DJ SURE KNOWS BEAUTY (Amirightladies?!) and can't wait to share with his ITB fans: "I don't know who you people are!" joked Grimmy as he welcomed our reporters to his home through his kitchen window after we climbed on the dumpster in his house's back alley. We managed to snag this pic before we were escorted out promptly by London's finest! What do you think gals? Is manscaping soooo 2012?
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indieteenbeat · 11 years
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Don’t you worry Indie Teen Beat fans! We will be updating you with all of the Coachella Cruise updates as they come rolling into ITB headquarters!!!! Are you on the cruise? Send us iPhone 5 pics of all your fave cuties on the boat! (Priority postings will be given to those pics of said cuties in their swimming gear).
Will Father John Misty’s charming good looks melt the shrimp ice sculpture? Will Yeasayer’s Chris Keating be able to shed the cardigan look for the tropical climate? Will Pulp BLOW YOUR PANTS OFF!??!!! It is now officially the most wonderful time of the year. Ahoy mateys!
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indieteenbeat · 11 years
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This week we present: ANAND'S FOOD CORNER PART 2!
Travel with Anand Wilder from megaindie group Yeasayer to Copenhagen as we visit the cafe he has been running since 1982. Sample some delicious Danish delicacies with Anand such as smørrebrød, frikadeller, and flæskesteg. Did you know that Anand ran a Danish cafe in his spare time? Neither did we, but we have the photos to prove it!
Anand also takes us on a tour of all the Copenhagen hot spots, since he lives there most of the calendar year, such as The Little Mermaid statue and Tivoli gardens. "All hell breaks loose" when we stumble upon the Copenhagen Zoo, which is one of the oldest zoos in Europe! What we mean to say is, a zebra got loose and WE HAVE THE PHOTOS TO PROVE IT!!!!
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indieteenbeat · 11 years
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Another feature of this week's INDIE TEEN BEAT: we take a trip acrrrroossss the great Atlantic way to meet indie British comedy sensation NOEL FIELDING! Follow Noel as he takes us through a typical day in his life, including taping his weekly show Nevermind The Buzzcocks, having lunch with former Indie Teen Beat British comedy heartthrob Julian Barratt (Noel's Mighty Boosh writing partner) and buying fun hats. Noel also explains the kind of girl he's looking for. She's surreal, whimsical, has glitter for hair and sings in 8 different languages. Could YOU BE HER?! To celebrate our first pond jumping trip, Noel also makes us a tasty mince pie just in time for BOXING DAAAYYYY and helps us pick the best Christmas Cracker from the local Tescos. He also explains his hair in depth, and then shows us all his favorite spots in the Camden Market. Can you guess what his favorite picks for presents this year are? It's either stuff animals made from old sweaters, OR goldfish! Christmas with Mr. Fielding - what more could you ask for? All in this month's INDIE TEEN BEAT!
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