indigoxchildrenx ¡ 5 years
Bios are up!  Like for a starter from a random muse
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indigoxchildrenx ¡ 5 years
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✦*.・゚ PAGE 002: “TRY AGAIN” BY GLTTER ( PREVIEW / CODE ) + more themes
instagram inspired contained custom layout page designed for character profiles
image dimensions and instructions can be found in the code
scrolling sidebar with 3 instagram posts (can add more)
instagram profile with customizable stats
3 photos that serve as tabs ( designed for character connections but can easily be changed to suit bios, stats, etc )
customizable comment system
base code by neonbikethemes
do NOT redistribute/edit and redistribute, remove my credit, use as a base code, or take parts of the theme for your own use. LIKE/REBLOG if you plan to use this !
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indigoxchildrenx ¡ 5 years
A sigh left their nostrils as they rested against her. The faint magic didn’t go unnoticed by them, but it wasn’t unwelcome either. Her gesture of playing with their hair wasn’t a bother too. Usually they’d make some content noise akin to purring, but for now they simply relaxed.
“I don’t wanna ignore everything though - fuck.” Burying their head in her shoulder, they groaned. She was right, they were thinking too much. “If - If i let you take some of my pain, will you have to carry it? I don’t wanna just pass it on to someone el - fuck!” They’d tried to move, only for a rib to push out slightly. “… Abby I don’t want you to suffer. But if you’re really honest about taking my pain, then i can try it.”
Abby nodded, placing her hand on their shoulder and letting her magic draw the pain from Jay to herself. She inhaled sharply as the pain hit her like a truck, but she didn’t stop, instead, she pulled more. Shutting her eyes, squeezing them shut...”I’d take it all if I could.” She whispered, continuing until she couldn’t physically keep herself doing it. She wondered how Jay could handle it, then realized they were used to it. A thought which saddened her. She didn’t deal with pain, hardly ever. Her own magic was focused on healing and already she felt the familiar tingle as her magic set to work trying to find the source of its distress. 
“Is that better or do I need to take more?” she asked as the last of the pain ebbed away. 
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indigoxchildrenx ¡ 5 years
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“I… I don’t know…” They felt exhausted. It hurt to think. “I want to use magic, i want to help my family yet i can’t. It’s not permanent for me and it barely works for long on others. I keep trying to find a way to help people and yet i can’t help myself and i’m not recovering from everything and all my plans seem so far away that i just- fuck.”
At that point, they collapsed onto the sofa. How was one supposed to get out of their head in a healthy manner when everything seemed to be going wrong and pushing them further in? “I just wanna be gone - not dead! Just … high i guess. Out of my head. But at the same time i know all that’ll do is make me angrier when i come down from the high. So i’m at a loss too. I guess - No maybe not - I think - fuck. I just want a hug right now.”
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“That I can do,” Abby said sitting beside them on the couch and wrapping her arms around them, drawing them closer until she could rest her chin carefully on their shoulder and just hold them. She let her fingers play with the end of their hair, “Let’s take it a step at a time. You’re going to overwhelm yourself if you keep thinking too much.” 
What she was using could barely be called magic. It wasn’t something that did anything physically to anyone else, but it changed the atmosphere in the air, made it seem calmer, quieter, with the faintest smells of salt water, and if anyone listened carefully they might hear the sounds of waves crashing against a distant shore. “What can we take care of now, blue Jay?” she asked, in a hushed tone. “Let me take some of your pain? Please?” 
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indigoxchildrenx ¡ 5 years
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“I am not weak!” Jay screams. “And I’m tired of people thinking that solely because I can’t lift as much! If most people went through half the shit i have, they’d bitch and whine and give up. But I’m still here! I’m still fighting! And i just… I just want someone to recognize that. My body continues trying to kill me by being defective, and yet i’m still here! Someone tries again and again to control me and twist me into submitting to him and i haven’t yet! Parts of society want people like me dead and yet I still breathe! So fuck anyone and everyone who is against me, I am stronger for their hate.” Their outburst has come on from both physical and emotional pain, and the simple idea of just having had enough. Beyond that, they feel broken, too much so to care if someone is offended by them. “… I’m tired of hurting, i’m tired of being hurt, and i’m tired of seeing my family hurt.” 
‘family’ here means their disabled friends, for the community is not just friends but people irreplaceable. 
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Abigail listened; because it was the only thing she could do. Abby, who relied on her magic to fix everything, to take away the pain and make it all better, was at a loss on how to help Jay. Because that’s all she wanted to do, help, but Jay didn’t want magical intervention. She knew that, but it didn’t stop the magic from coming up, making her body tingle as it lay just under the surface, waiting for a word that would unleash it. Abby pushed that feeling back down, knowing it wouldn’t help. Not here. 
“I know you’re not weak.” She whispered. She wasn’t about to start gushing about how Jay was the strongest person they know, knowing that wouldn’t help either. “You’ve survived. You’ve fought of Elias, and me once upon a time, while your body tried to kill you from the inside out. That’s pretty impressive.” 
“Tell me what you want me to do, Jay. I’m kind of at a loss.” Magic. It was always her answer, she never had to do anything more than wave her hand and say a few words to fix everything. “Tell me how to help.” 
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indigoxchildrenx ¡ 5 years
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“Uhh my gear for Serenity, water, emergency meds and my go bag.” Jay knew they were forgetting something though. “Oh and my walker; the one with the seat on it.”
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As they spoke Abby made each item appear in front of them, “This everything?” She asked, picking the bag up over her shoulder and tucking the water and meds inside. 
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indigoxchildrenx ¡ 5 years
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“You were so cute asleep though!” She protested. “Helios slept on your chest. I’d say you’ve come quite far in that area.” When he set her down, she settled in and fluffed up the pillows for support. A blanket laid on the back of the chair. She pulled it around herself. “Company? I had nothing planned today anyway. Oh and breakfast. I guess that’s a necessity.” Not that she forgot breakfast existed, she just had other priorities above it. To the point of forgetting about it.
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“Breakfast first, I’ll be right back.” He said, walking out of the room, “Helios, keep her company,” Lucifer told the fox as he walked passed him. A few minutes later he walked back with a tray of her favorite breakfast food. As he approached, a table materialized in front of her, which he set the tray on, then stepped back as a  chair did the same behind him. Sitting down he picked up one of the plates and on the tray and put a bit of everything on it, before setting it in front of her. “We can sit here and relax. the underworld won’t fall apart if I take one personal day.” He smiled. 
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indigoxchildrenx ¡ 5 years
I’m sitting here listening to old Christian songs I have on my mac, and like...it’s weird. 
some are making me roll my eyes, not gonna lie. but others...make me miss it. I listen, and I remember when I used to feel something while hearing the words, and now there’s a sort of numbness. And I know it’s because the church as a whole is a shitty institution, and the Christian god, especially in the old testament was pretty shitty...but...idk I guess I miss the atmosphere during worship more than anything. but I mean...i couldn’t sit there and listen to someone tell me I’m going to hell because of who I have feelings for...or hear people talking about going to protest planned parenthood. 
there are times when I miss it, and there are times when I’m thankful that I got the fuck out of there. I would have never gotten to the place I am now without leaving that environment. 
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indigoxchildrenx ¡ 5 years
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She settled her head on his shoulder. “I’m fine; just should’ve listened to my body more closely.” Helios followed after them, speeding up to pounce on a toy in anticipation of play. “Aww don’t lie, you love him. And Cerberus is just a big ole puppy that so happens to have three heads. Helios is just loud. But we’re working on that, right Heli?” The fennec fox shrieked in response. “Right!”
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“Call for me next time...I’d hate for you to get hurt.” No mention of the fox’s safety. Speaking of...Lucifer laughed when he watched the creature playing with his toy, and snorted at the shriek, “Yeah...working on that.” He teased, setting her down in her usual chair. “Anything else you need?” 
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indigoxchildrenx ¡ 5 years
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“Yeah, that makes sense.” They could tell she was worried. She never stopped after Elias was taken out. “Hey, look at me. This isn’t the first time i’ve gone through anything like this before. I know my body, and i know the signs of when i need to start pushing myself more instead of sitting around. The moment i feel tired, i’ll let you know. ‘kay?”
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“Okay.” Abby relaxed a little, knowing that Jay would tell her if they felt off, or wrong, or tired. “What do you need?”
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indigoxchildrenx ¡ 5 years
@indigoxchildrenx​ gets a persephone starter!
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“I feel weird for asking this, but… Could you carry me out to the main room? Today seems to be a no energy day. Plus I tried to walk to the bathroom earlier and had such bad balance i almost fell on Helios.” Speaking of Helios, he was running in circles around Lucifer, which brought a smile to Persephone’s face. “He really likes you, I’m glad. He doesn’t usually warm up to everyone.”
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“Of course.” Lucifer nodded, frowning as she spoke of almost falling, “Are you alright?” He asked, scooping her into his arms and walking carefully around Helios to carry her to the main room. “He’s a pain in the ass, but I guess he’s cute. I’m still surprised Cerberus didn’t eat him.” 
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indigoxchildrenx ¡ 5 years
@indigoxchildrenx​ gets a jay starter!
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“I uhh… I wanna go out today. Like outside, not on a date- not that a date with you doesn’t sound good! it just- fuck.” Jay bit their lip, unable to think clearly. “I don’t wanna be stuck around the house anymore. I’ve healed physically for the  most part. Gotta work on that mental part now.”
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“So then let’s go outside,” Abby said simply, “We’ll just take it slow, ‘kay?” She was a little worried about them, yes, they had healed. But....what if they hadn’t healed as much as they hoped...
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indigoxchildrenx ¡ 5 years
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indigoxchildrenx ¡ 5 years
Persephone invented pastel goth.
Pass it on.
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indigoxchildrenx ¡ 5 years
Jezebel is closed to all interactions. Only @entiirelybonkers @kiiteiru and @assassinsandco can be trusted with my baby 
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indigoxchildrenx ¡ 5 years
Tumblr has fucked up once again and disregarded the safety of Epileptic people!
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DON’T CLICK ON THE NEW FILTER LINK IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO FLASHING IMAGES It takes you straight to a page where the header is a ton of flashing colours that could easily trigger an epileptic episode! Please tell any of your epileptic friends to avoid clicking this for their safety!! please spread the word!!!
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indigoxchildrenx ¡ 5 years
“Agreed.” Elias murmured. His fingers idly ran over the words of the spell. Jay was asleep at the moment, perhaps now would be the best time to start the spell. “Would you mind getting me the components for this? They’re with the rest of the ingredients on the wall.” It seemed simple enough. A pig’s ear for the suggestion to be heard, soft clay for the mind to be melded, and hair from jay so that the spell connected with the right person. Elias did admittedly have a fair bit of their hair. When they first arrived here, their hair was unnaturally long. He hacked it off, using his displeasure as a cover for keeping the strands as mementos and ingredients. As he sent Abby for components, Elias started reading the spell. “audi quod parere…” His voice turned deep, inhumanly so. The magic within him took over, pushing its dark will into the mix. Abby could join in anytime. The magic was excited for it.
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Abby went to grab the ingredients and brought them back for him, joining her voice in with his when she could look over the page again. She handed him each ingredient as he needed it, “ Audierint et observaverint tuam libertas tolleretur.” She felt the power of the magic course through her, exciting her to her very core. 
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