#He made the Devil so much stronger than a man (Lucifer)
call-me-cheese · 7 months
Yooooo always good to see new writers on here
Could you do some hurt/comfort with Charlie and Vaggie (specifically poly chaggie x reader, but if you don't do that, separate is fine), where the reader is in the fight at the hotel and saves Charlie from Adam (in place of Lucifer), but is seriously injured in the process and sort of lost in the chaos. Then, once the angels retreat and things are calmer, Charlie and Vaggie find reader beaten and bloody, practically on death's door, but hanging on as the two try their best to stabilize the reader
But the reader survives at the end because there needs to be a happy ending to it :(
Charlie x reader x Vaggie
A/n: I had rewatched the final episode for 4 times and I will go and cry about it. But I hope you will like it, here is 916 words(if you are interested in it).
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Your spear struck Adam's face with a slashing motion, throwing it away from Charlie. You may not have been perfect with polearms, but the time you spent with the Vaggie definitely made sense, usually without incredible strength, you could easily throw an almost 2-meter man away from your girlfriend. The adrenaline in your blood does its job, completely numbing the pain of the wounds sustained in the battle with the exorcists and allowing you to focus your attention on Charlie's defense. Adam was thrown to the side of the impact, and you turned to Charlie, checking how she was.
"How are you, Charlie? I definitely should have hurried." You turned to her, giving her a hand so she could get up.
"Thank you!" said Charlie as she walked up to you, hugging you tightly, and you gave her a gentle pat on the back to make her loosen her grip.
Somewhere in the background, Adam rises and begins to curse both you and Charlie, and you turn to him, walking slowly towards him, leaving one of your girls behind.
"How dare you, wretched accomplice of heaven, touch our ray of sunshine Charlie?!" -- your spear changes its position with lightning speed, the thin shiny blade of angel steel is very close to his body, yes you are not in the best shape, yes you see that Vaggie also needs help, but compared to Charlie, at least she is an experienced fighter and knows about the tactics of angels, so you're probably better off staying close to Charlie.
"Who are you? How many of you are gathered here? Moreover, why do you care so much about her? Okay, devils, you're going to be a piece of cake, haha!" -- Adam stood up, shaking off his clothes and spreading his wings, ready to take off, while you, seeing this, decide that you need to attack before the moment of takeoff, because there he will have an incredible advantage.
You attacked quickly, but despite this, Adama deflected almost all the blows, your imperfect technique, although easy to guess, a few cuts appeared on his mask and clothes. Suddenly, you heard Charlie trying to shout something at you, and you let Adam take off. Charlie called you in case of Lute that tried to attack you from behind to distract you from Adam, but Charlie and Vaggie teamed up and protected you.
"Thank you, darlings," you quickly thanked them and turned your attention back to Adam.
At least you tried, as Adam had already unleashed his magic on you, literally cutting the entire hotel building in half. And if Charlie has Vaggie to catch and hold her, there was no one for you in particular. That is why it was you who fell into the crack between the buildings.
You were lucky, the beams fell above you, which very successfully saved you from other debris, the adrenaline in your blood stopped working, the pain from the injuries came flooding over you and seemed several times stronger than it really was, there was no strength left to move or at least some signal, so all you could do was lie down and hope. Charlie and Vaggie will definitely find you, it can't be otherwise. Occupied with such thoughts, your brain gradually shuts down.
The next thing you feel is a cool, slightly rough hand, you instantly recognize it as a Vaggie's hand that was touching your neck in search of a pulse. Your eyes open a little and are dazzlingly bright compared to the dark silence your brain was in during the faint, contrasting so strongly that it hurts your eyes. You squint, turning away, trying to shield yourself from the light and the sounds around you.
"Honey, she's awake," says Vaggie beside you, and Charlie's shadow instantly blocks out the light, bringing relaxation to your buzzing head. So you try to open your eyes and look around without still fully regaining consciousness. Charlie hugs you, touching several open wounds, which makes you groan in pain. You want to ask about the situation, about the situation with the angels, but as soon as your lips open, all your senses come back to you, you begin to feel dust and dryness in your mouth, the surface of the ground beneath you, destroyed and not at all pleasant, dried up your blood, mixed with angelic blood and other things that fell on you during the fight and, To be honest, you start to want to feel nothing again.
"Shut up," Charlie and the Vaggie tell you at the same time. They also lift you up and transport you to a more comfortable surface at the same time. It is quite pleasant and the lack of constant tension in your body allows you to faint once again.
The next time you wake up, your body is tightly wrapped in bandages and the sensation of pervasive dust that caused incredible sensory disgust is gone. You're in the shade, lying on something soft. There is no sensation of pain either, it looks like you have been fainting for a relatively long time.
"Veggie, Veggie, come here!" -- Charlie is nowhere to be seen, but you can recognize her voice everywhere. You can also hear Vaggie's voice, but you can't make out what she said, she probably answered Charlie.
They hug you, you're sure Charlie is crying because something wet has touched your cheek. You, too, are glad that at least these two dearest people are alive.
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So as I already said I hope that you enjoyed it)
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cakerybakery · 5 months
I want to finish writing the devil’s bride. I have some rewrite ideas, points I want to go back and make stronger. Part of me wants to print the whole thing out and get out the sticky notes so I can go. “Oh I can adjust here.” And “the scene I’m thinking of would go well here.”
There are time skips so I feel like I’m missing some emotional connections being made. But I also can’t add scenes directly to the time skips. One part because of the humour involved, the skips have to be brief and can’t languish on emotional connection scenes. The other that the scenes provide plot points and for the passage of time necessary to drive the story forward.
Originally I wrote chapter two directly as the morning after. It’s a deleted scene now but I’ve cannibalized parts already. I’m hoping to work in this scene.
When Adam sat up he saw Lucifer bent over some papers, a small pair of glasses resting on is nose.
Had he always needed glasses or did even angels get old?
When Lucifer noticed Adam was awake he put down his pen, stretched, and pushed his chair back from the desk. He rested his head in one hand, smiled at Adam, and crossed his legs.
Adam’s heart jumped. He stared at the Lucifer’s sleeves, rolled up his forearms, the jacket draped from the back of his chair. He was reminded of last night, watching Lucifer undress and realizing he was about to get fucked. Realizing he might actually want to get fucked.
I like the imagery of it.
I also like this bit of Adam’s inner monologue
‘I miss being stabbed to death. Life was so much easier back then. I died. The end. Good times.’
There’s also a bit of Lucifer making modifications to their space. Due to Adam being traumatized by heaven in the first chapter he doesn’t exactly become clingy towards Lucifer but doesn’t feel safe outside of Lucifer’s private rooms. Which is very inconvenient over the passage of time.
It’s not good for Adam’s mental health to confine himself to a bedroom with a bathroom. Nor is it convenient for Lucifer’s life. He likes it when Charlie visits, and he’s not going to just have her visit in his bedroom.
Plus Adam needs to talk to someone other than Lucifer or they’ll both go nuts. Adam can trust that Charlie and Vaggie aren’t working for heaven.
So I think I’ll alter a line in chapter three I didn’t like as much to include how Lucifer will need to make some changes, since it’ll work there.
I’ve reread this story so many times I’m getting a little sick of it. Thus the break yesterday and writing The Best Mom (on AO3, same username). I got to use a bunch of story elements I’ve proposed before.
Adam knowing how to do braids because he had to make his own twine and ropes. Having lots of kids, daughters, so of course he’d done braids before. Being a parental figure to the exterminators without meaning to. Not really being a great dad, at least in his own mind. And I like the idea that a lot of Adam’s hang ups and attitude stem from being The First Man and heaven’s expectations of him as The Man.
It’s something I’d like to explore more in the Devil’s Bride as well. How much of his misogyny is due to his perception of his masculinity. The Best Mom I had to keep short, well, short for me it seems. But I wish I could have explored it more there. I know I already have elements to it in The Devil’s Bride I just want to do more with it.
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imachaoticghost · 7 months
Snippet n°1 (previously prologue)
Summary : a little snipet and insight on reader’s (who will. Mostly be addressed by their call sign Karma but also by their old name Athena, their new name is reader’s name) mentality and past. This is set a few months after she’s picked up, so probably after chapter 1 or 2.
Pairings : platonic! gaz x reader; platonic! Price x reader
Reader is AFAB but uses all pronouns, female parts aren’t mentioned so it an be thought as a gn!reader
Tw : Gore, swearing, violence, may be ooc, child death mentioned, mention of past trauma, mention of manipulation if you squint, mention of blood, no beta we die like men
Karma masterlist
"I'm gonna watch them burn, and I don't care anymore if I burn with ‘em" She snarled at the woman standing in front of her. She may be in her knees, bleeding from a gash on her side, and on the losing side, but she'll never give up. No matter what, she'll keep spitting her venom and biting, until the day she dies. Because she isn't a widow, she isn't a reaper, she isn't a spider, she's a snake.
The man behind the woman, her handler, laughed. "Make a God bleed and they'll stop believing in him. We have done the impossible and yet look at you, you refuse to acknowledge you lost. What's it worth Athena?" He sounded cocky, of course he did, he wasn't trained like the two in front of him. He was weak, merely the man behind the weapon, he didn't do the dirty work. He didn't watch his sisters and brothers die. He didn't learn through blood and fire.
But the woman that held the blade did. And she looked at the other with so much compassion as she spat that that wasn't her name. Athena, or however she was now called, was the generation right over her. Where instead of six, they were two, two reapers, two shining children amongst dull followers. Athena and Ares.
Lilith had a sort of respect and admiration for them. And it grew when Athena fled. But now, she looked at someone that refused to give up, to let herself be drowned by the river, because she knew she was stronger than it. And it only made Lilith's respect grow. If only she was just as strong as them.
Karma remembered her, the little Lilith. She had gained her name from refusing to get paired with the spider she was given. She chose the 'devil' over her pairing and left him. She gave the Hunstman the name of Adam and the Widow the name of Eve. As for the spider she left Adam for? He was named Lucifer. He didn't fail to follow through and take Eve from Adam. They became an unstoppable trio. Yet here she was, alone in this fake heaven that was The Program. A spider in her silky web.
"You'll see," The man spoke up as he motioned for Lilith to hold the gun towards her teammates. "Once we'll give the council your blood, they'll send more spiders behind you."
Lilith frowned, so if she didn't speak, and he didn't have any proof, Karma would live? She made a mental note to get rid of the knife later on.
Karma could see the gears turning in her head and silently thanked her. Lilith nodded. "You will be their fall" She mouthed as she turned around. "I'm sure Ares will adore being the one to cause your death" She smirked. Shortly after her and her handler left her to bleed out and take care of the rookies behind her. They were frightened, they now knew that the only thing keeping their country from falling to enemies hands was able to be hurt.
"Stop gushing and call for exfil" She grounded sternly. The rookies nodded and called a car. The woman sighed and sat up, pressing at her wound. It seemed deadly, but it wasn't. Guess she still had some friends inside.
A car rolled up besides them and Gaz came out, looking worried. "Are you okay?" He kneeled besides her as Price took the rookies in the car. She nodded and held her hand up to him. He pulled her up with a smile. Until he saw her wound. She cut him before he worried. "It's superficial" He shut up immediately, she seemed pissed.
The car ride was silent, and she was the first to get down when they reached base. Kyle followed close behind, making sure she wasn't pushing herself too much.
They got to their barracks and she threw her gear on the floor, frustrated. "What's up ?" He asked, worried. "It's just blood, you said it yourself, so what's got you so worked up?"
She turned around, looking even more frustrated. "It's not just blood though" She argued. Something in her eyes seemed distressed, she wasn't the reaper anymore, she was the girl, the girl that was afraid. "Bleeding means being weak, it means being reachable, it means I'm losing something, it means I'll lose someone, because it means I'm growing soft and complacent and I'm losing what makes me a spider, it means I can't protect you from the widows and reapers and huntsmen and any other spider the program decides to birth!"
"It doesn't mean being weak." Kyle argued, reaching out to her as she trailed her hands in her blood colored hair over and over again. "It's okay"
"It does, it means being reckless and inattentive and complacent. And complacency leads to death, it means being mortal. It means being weak." She repeated, sounding more angry than distressed. Angry at herself and her weakness.
"It means being human" He answered sternly. Why couldn't she see it was fine to make mistakes?
"But I'm not human!" She shouted, breaking from her normally calm demeanor. "I'm a spider, I'm a reaper! I'm flawless, bent into perfection by fire and metal! I'm not supposed to bleed!" Her voice broke slowly to something soft and thin. The voice of the child she was. "I'm not supposed to lose" Her posture was angered, but her eyes were panicked, scared.
"You won't lose y/n. You're not alone." He answered softly, reaching towards her hands that tugged at her hair and pulling them away, wrapping them around him instead as he wrapped his own arms around her shoulders. "It'll be fine. We won't lose." She buried her head in his chest, hoping to believe his words. Even if something deep down in her knew just how fake they were.
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pridepurgatorium · 1 year
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— It’s a horror movie!?!
@ombrotherlylove2023 , Levithan and Mammon
Day 3: Movie watching & hugs
Mention of Asmo having sex, very brief I would still consider it teen but if there is an issue I can easily change the line. I would like to note that I’m aware the story behind Mammon was traumatizing, as such consider this an AU where that didn’t happen, Levi did not make his brother watch a horror movie knowing what happened to him. The scene that triggers him is similar to his trauma and that's just because I'm uncreative.
Here, I made up for yesterday not being centered around Mammon. This one gave me the most trouble, I believe it was the 2nd to last one I wrote? You’ll see tomorrow’s work also features Levi and that’s because I originally wrote that for him… so…
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Horror anime. Horror manga. Slasher gore-fests. You name it and there was probably something in Levi’s collection to suit your fancy. He’s read it all from the deceptively pink magical girl ones to Junji Ito himself; he thoroughly enjoys the genre (not all the time though, he has to be in the mood for it). 
One of his favorites, The Author Of My Favorite Book Asked For My Help To Write Her Next Hit But Anything I Write Turns Into Prophecies And So When I Plagiarized Chainsaw Man The Devils Started Attacking, recently got greenlight for a film that Levi patiently waited for (it’s been a decade! he deserves to complain!) and finally it’s here.
This one is…
Scary. It’s terrifying. He can barely watch the anime with breaks in between so he’s sure he needs one of his brothers to watch it with him.
The question is who? Who will be his willing participant? Lucifer is a no. Satan might’ve said yes but aforementioned Lucifer has pissed him off bad recently and Levi would rather not deal with that. He can hear the fuckfest Asmo is having through the walls (why didn’t he cast a noise canceling spell???) and Beel and Belphie are for once, actually out of the house (Belphie is the surprising one), so that leaves him with one unfortunate brother.
Well Mammon would have to agree, after all how could you say no to Levi’s puppy eyes (and a couple thousand grim)? 
So just like that, it was movie night! Popcorn in hand, blankets grabbed, (one of his) DVD(s) popped in, and an already nervous Mammon on his couch, they were ready to go!
The movie started and for the most part Mammon was ok, maybe a shout here and there but other than that he was doing exceptionally well for his track record!… until he wasn’t…
There was a part in the movie where a ghost took control of one of the MC’s bodies and this shook Mammon to his core.
“Mammon? Are you ok?” Levi asked, starting to get genuinely worried when Mammon didn’t even yelp at that scene.
“I uhm- Yeah could we just take a break please?” Mammon asked after a little bit of working up the courage to ask.
Was it really scaring him that much? Levi was having conflicting feelings but of course he would pause it.
After a little while Mammon still didn’t look any better and that’s when it happened. In typical “just watched a horror movie” fashion, there was a loud noise from somewhere and Mammon screamed. 
Levi couldn’t think of anything better to do so he did the only thing he could think of and grabbed his headphones, put them on Mammon's head and hugged him as hard as he could, hoping to ground him like his older brother would often do for him. 
The noise was of course nothing, and they were some of the most powerful demons in the Devildom so logically, nothing could’ve harmed them.
But fear isn’t logical. 
But nobody is stronger than Mammon.
If anyone can work through his fears and better himself, it’s Mammon.
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I keep changing my formatting I’m so sorry lmao. I’m not sure if I’m happy with this but it’s ok. Also I keep telling myself I like all horror but I cannot watch horror movies they scare me too much, I like psychological horror (spare reccs?) and I read some horror manga here and there but I don’t like it as much as I think I do lol.
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“Marie...what have you been getting up to Littlest One? 
@titanlights Liked for a starter and got Lucifer
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indigoxchildrenx · 5 years
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He couldn’t get her out of his head. Persephone, the epitome of beauty and grace, she haunted him from the moment he first laid eyes on her. He had to have her, had to know her. This was a horrible idea. If he made the wrong move he’d have every being in Heaven coming down on him, again. But, since when did god care what he did anymore. No, his problem now would be those pesky so called gods on Olympus. Ah well, he could handle the one calling himself Zeus. He fought Michael after all. 
“Persephone...” He called to her from the shadows. 
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Devil’s got a weak spot | Lucifer Morningstar x reader
Fandom: Lucifer (Netflix)
Request: ”Can you do this please.Lucifer is vulnerable around the reader ,And Lucifer loves the reader. Lucifer is wounded to defend the reader. reader bandages his wounds and blames him because it happened to him for her.And they have been friends for many years and the reader knows that he is the devil ,And asks him why he is vulnerable and injured and finally lucifer confesses to her how much he loves her . Thank you. Your writings are wonderful. ”
Genre: angsty with fluffy ending
Warnings: canon typical violence and bad writting probably
You laid back the seat of Lucifer’s car as much as you could, hoping to get lost in the shadows. Without wanting to, you got sucked into one of his and Chloe’s investigations, but because you weren’t a cop, you had to stay in the car while they took care of business. Well, Lucifer at least. Decker promised that she was on her way with backup but Lucifer couldn’t wait, so he ventured into the old house alone.
You two were on your way to an art exhibition when Chloe called, all but pleading Lucifer to go investigate this specific house, saying she’d be on her way as soon as possible
“Our guy is there!”
“How could you possibly know that, detective?”
“Lucifer, right now is not the time! Please, you need to go!”
As instructed, he turned the car around and drove straight to the location. He didn’t have time to drive back to the other side of Los Angeles to drop you back home, and you were too terrified to be left alone on the streets like that, so you went with him. He was the devil after all so what bad could happen? He’d take care of you! Lucifer didn’t seem too worried either, as he kept telling you that everything would be taken care of in no time and you two could go on with your night, but the further away you got into the woods, the more unsettled you felt. You didn’t want to alarm Lucifer so you kept to yourself but as soon as he got up and left to look inside the building, you felt your heart beating out of your chest in panic.
You stared at the car ceiling, trying to remember the breathing exercises a friend taught you long ago, to no avail. With every deep breath you took, you could hear your heart beat louder and louder in your ears, until you heard something else. Different. Shuffling.
You tried not to move, knowing the safest thing for you would be to stay where you were, concealed by the darkness, but you had to know what was going on outside! Maybe it was just some animal, rummaging through the woods. You couldn’t be sure it was anything threatening at all unless you took a look!
Standing up in your chair slowly, you peek out of Lucifer’s window and see a man dressed in black, digging a hole in the ground. He seemed to be about your height, but much more buff. Broad shoulder with a thick beard. You pulled out your phone, thinking this is crucial evidence that Chloe and Lucifer must have! You recorded every move of the man, from the car. Your flashlight wasn’t on, obviously, which made the quality of the video pretty sucky, but it was definitely readable. You watched slowly as the man dug out what looked like a backpack or a small luggage. He quickly grabbed it and walked away, down the street you and Lucifer had come from. You tried to follow him with your camera as much as you could but eventually, he left your view. In a spur of curiosity and bravery, you opened Lucifer’s door just slightly. Enough to be able to peak your camera out and continue recording the man! It felt like an important job, like you were part of the team and, curiously, you found the feeling of panic diminishing, replaced instead by power and pride!
The car door swung open suddenly and your phone was snatched away by a tall blonde man, dressed in all black. He quickly dragged you out of the car and gagged you with a cloth. All of this happened so suddenly, you barely had time to react or fight him off. He was much stronger than you anyways, so when he slammed you face first onto the hood of the car, you could resist him in any way that mattered.
“Y/N!!” you heard Lucifer come from behind you. He must have just exited the house. 
Everything was so confusing and you could barely process your surroundings. You got yanked away from the car, and turned to face Lucifer.
His hair was messed up and his nice shirt, the one he had bought just last weekend and had been so excited to show you, was now ruined with blood and gunk and mud. He looked out of breath but his fists were clenched, ready to fight.
“Not a single step further!” the blonde man said, as he glued the barrel of his gun to your temple. Your knees went weak.
“I’m not going to do anything!” Lucifer said, raising his hands in surrender “Surely we can come to an agreement!” “I highly doubt that!”
“There must be something that you want! That you’ve been dreaming of for years now! I can make it happen!” you saw right through Lucifer’s act. His voice was calm and somewhat conspirative, as it always was when he was granting people favours, but his eyes spoke of fear and uncertainty. Uncharacteristic of him. 
“Tell me, what is it you truly desire?”
You repressed a smile as you felt the man slightly relax his grip around you. He fell into the devil’s spell. Eventually, the words flew out of his mouth.
“I want my mom back”
“Oh, well that can be arranged! Just let me know where she is and I can guarantee that…”
“She’s dead”
“Oh…” Lucifer’s smile faded
“Yeah, I’d love to see how you’re gonna do that!” you felt the vulnerability of the man translate into his body language. As you were still pressed against him, you felt his grip loosen significantly and decided this was the one chance you got. You kicked your foot back, hitting the man right in between his legs, forcing him to let go of you completely. You took off running towards the woods behind the car but you didn’t have a chance to get far before you heard Lucifer attack the man. You looked back at the fight, only to see the blonde fire his arm into your friend’s leg. For the first time ever you saw something on Lucifer’s face that you had never seen before: pain. He screeched in agony as he pulled away from the man but before the fight went any further, another shot was fired, hitting the blonde man in the shoulder. This one came from behind you. Chloe had arrived at the luckiest of moments. You were sure that had it not been for her, you would have been dead and the guy would have probably gotten away again. Now however, he was in the back of a cop car, on his way to the precinct. Decker and the rest of her team began scouting the place for evidence while you sat outside with Lucifer, carefully tending to his wounds.
“What do you mean darling?” “Oh, where do I even begin!” you joked, but could feel tears brimming in your eyes “First, why did you get hurt like this? You are invincible! You always have been, I mean hell, I’ve seen you get caught in a crossfire before and walk out of it just fine! What was it about this guy and this guy's weapon that made the DEVIL bleed!” you said, showing him the bloody cloth you had been using to clean off the wound “And second, why did you attack him like that? That was reckless! I mean you got SHOT for fuck’s sake!”
Lucifer took a deep breath before answering “ It wasn’t him or his gun. It was you! I am vulnerable when I am around you”
“How is that even possible?! “ “Amenediel had some ideas about that…” he tried to laughed it off
“Like what?” you could tell he was avoiding the subject but you weren’t having it! You were deeply concerned for the safety of your friend and him keeping secrets from you was not something you could tolerate any further
“He thinks I choose to be vulnerable when I’m around you…”
“Why would you do that? That’s ridiculous!”
“For the same reason that I attacked that man Y/N” he said, meeting your eyes for the first time since you had been left alone “Because I love you. And you aren’t just a friend to me”
You looked at him in astonishment and were unable to suppress the giggling fit that took over you. You shook your head lightly before leaning up to kiss Lucifer’s lips. He tasted of black coffee and cigarettes and fit perfectly against you. He kissed you back shyly, as if he wasn’t sure if he was allowed to.
“You should have just told me instead of taking a bullet in the leg, you know? I understand how some people would find that more romantic. Risking your life for the other person and all that, but I prefer you safe and healthy. Understood?”
“Yes ma’am” he said with a smile
“Come here!” you replied, leaning back into him for another kiss.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Brothers React to a Demigod MC 
So, I've gotten some interest to do a Brothers follow-up to a previous request of mine (Undateables React to a Cute, Badass MC), however, I've thus far refused to write one. Honestly, this HC actually plays on a trope I personally dislike and had it not been a request I would have never done it to start with. I just can't see any reasonable way a non-magic human can beat a bunch of demons, I just can't, and that hinders my imagination quite a bit. …But someone who’s not so human? That I can get behind. Fair warning, I grew up with the Percy Jackson series so that’s going to paint quite a bit of how I see modern demigods. Ready for things to get super-ultra fanfic-y for a bit?
The day to kidnap bring the exchange students to the Devildom has finally come and the demons have all gathered in the Council Room to open their portal to the human world. Really, things started without a hitch - the portal opened with and their future student dropped down out of it and landed on the floor… before they suddenly leapt up, pulled out a weapon, and lunged at them!
… This isn’t your normal human, it is?
Oh Devil, this couldn’t have been any farther than what they wanted… They were looking for a human and they managed to pull out a halfling! A divine halfling no less!! Why wasn’t this in their file?!
Look, Lucifer might not be on good terms with his father, but even he knows he had it better than any children of the pagan gods… The levels of petty vindictiveness that run through that bunch are literally the stuff of legends...
After he and Barbatos were able to restrain the MC before they hurt themselves or anyone else, Diavolo explained everything to them and gave them a pardon for attacking the Demon Prince on sight… After they identified themselves and their parentage, Lucifer knew they were in for some shit…
He and Diavolo had to iron out an apology letter to their godly parent for days just to keep from saying anything that could accidentally cause a second Troy or worse... It was a mess...
But on the bright side, the “human” came pre-prepared for fighting monsters and demons, which honestly took a bit of a load off his shoulders. That’s less responsibility for Mammon - and in his experience, the less responsibility Mammon has, the better things usually turn out.
… Though their ability to actually hold their own in a fight did make things complicated sometimes - like whenever he was their perceived opponent... 
He wasn’t expecting to have to manage a being that was actually capable of meeting him toe-to-toe on the battlefield and it did hinder his intimidation factor to some degree…It was hard to be threatening to someone who’s likely faced worse than you could ever offer.
In the end it probably worked out for the best, as a live exchange student is better for Diavolo than a dead one - but man did it get on his nerves until they made their pact together… Be scared of him, dammit!
The first time he tried to threaten the human, they straight up pulled out a weapon and looked like they were ready to whip his ass!! Didn’t they know he wasn’t being serious?? 😫
He really didn’t know why he had to be on babysitting duty, anymore... This huma-er demigod could handle themselves just fine!
When he first ditched them with Levi, he later found out they managed to cleanly toss his brother over their head and make a break for it all by themselves! And Levi’s no pushover either!!
Later, he saw them getting ambushed on their way back from school and they soundly knocked out about five demons before he even caught up to them… and he’s, like, fast and stuff… 
Their strength is kind of unreal at times, but he could tell they were still far from a mindless killing machine. They were more or less a normal person, they had wants and dreams like anybody else, but they just happened to be a long stronger than the average mortals around them. 🤷‍♀️
After he eventually got to know them and a bit about how their life worked, he felt a little bad for them... Who wants to be hunted down just for being born?
After learning about their struggles, Mammon ended up resolving to help keep them safe (even if a part of him knew they didn’t need him that much).
I mean, if the whole world’s against you, then you can use all the help you can get... right?
Levi found out exactly one thing about them within the first two minutes of meeting them… their reflexes were killer.
After Mammon ditched them on Day One, he tried to drag the human to his room to tell them his genius plan but they broke out of his grip and threw him flat on his back like was just second nature! 
He was stuck on the ground for a full minute, trying to process what just happened, while they ran off into the House all alone…
Did he just get tossed around… by a human?? Was he really that pathetic!?!
Finding out later that they were actually half-god certainly helped out his self-esteem because, man, if he had lost so easily to a human of all things... He might have just never left his room again…
Levi pretty much kept his distance from them until they finally made a pact together and then he discovered that the MC wasn’t so scary after all. If he’s being honest, being in the same house as a demigod was actually kind of cool...! 
Like, it was almost exactly the plot of the show: “Wait, I Thought I Was the Son of a Pagan God So What Am I Doing in a Christian Hell??” but their MC seemed to know a lot more about fighting than the protagonist of that show ever did…
Plus, because he never had to worry about their safety, he had even more excuse to never leave his room. Win-win!
A demigod, eh…? He had done plenty of research into human world mythologies in his spare time, frankly he thought the old gods had died out - but it seems they were still up and kicking… and making babies for whatever reason? Horny bastards...
Satan's original interest in the MC was purely academic. It’s not everyday that you get to meet someone of such a unique heritage and he fully intended to learn if all the legends about their greatness were true… and well...
He could say that the MC was certainly different than how he pictured humans being. He’d never met very many before, but from what he could gather they were a weak race that really got by on wit and persistence… However, nothing about the MC was weak.
Their aptitude for combat was surprisingly sharp, both in skill and reflexes. He had once blown up at them in anger and not only did they dodge his swipes but they got in a good few hits themselves with a nearby lamp… He never once thought a mortal could give him a black-eye but, somehow, they pulled it off. 🤷‍♀️
Combine their physical skill with what magical gifts were granted to them by their godly-half and they were a force to be reckoned with… Even Solomon seemed to hesitate and think more about his actions around them (which is saying something for a sorcerer of his strength).
It’d be fair to say a part of him grew to respect the MC long before they ever made their pact and that respect only grew afterwards. If he had to be bound to any master, human or otherwise, he’d rather it be one that he could right about consider an equal not only as a friend, but in strength as well.
A demigod…? Oooo, he hadn’t come across one of those since he bedded Aeneas all those centuries ago… Such a gorgeous man, got all his looks from his mother~! 🤭
Asmo was probably the most interested in their godly heritage, but it felt like he was treating them like a zoo exhibit for a while… Something pretty and new to look at, but not exactly someone he wanted to know personally...
He openly and readily admitted that watching their little demigod in action got him hot and bothered (or well, more hot and bothered than usual ) but it didn’t take him to see they weren’t interested at the time…
He decided that he just had to have a pact with them after they saved him from Henry 1.0! It was before he noticed the giant snake and he was lurching back to strike, but the human swept in to knock him out of the way. They probably could have made mince meat of the creature themselves if Levi weren’t begging for them to spare his former pet...
Post-pact Asmo treated them with a lot more respect… but also still fanboyed over their fighting skills hardcore. 
Like, their body had to be fit to keep up with all those monsters, right?? What was their training routine? Could he watch?? Oh please say he can watch!! He just can’t get enough of that fighter’s physique…! 😍
So… the human isn’t a human but only part human? And the other part is a god? Does that make them any sturdier than normal humans…? Call him curious…
Beel was probably one of the few brothers who was legitimately weary of the MC from the beginning… He can get a certain feel for a person pretty quickly and something about them just felt…frankly, kind of dangerous.
But they also intrigued him a little… Beel’s used to being one of the strongest demons in any room he walks into (not a boast, just a fact) so for him to get that feel from a mortal was pretty impressive. A part of him just wanted to test them… you know?
So. He did. He asked them to help him train his martial arts one day and even with his awareness, he was not expecting the results that he got.
The MC was strong. Very strong. They were not only able to keep up with him and dodge his blows, but they were able to predict his moves and counterattack in kind. They didn’t even need to tell him that they had actually been fighting for their life for years, he could tell. They had a skill you don’t get from practice matches...
After that point, the two would go to each other to train and keep their skills sharp… but also just to spar for fun. Their fighting styles made a pretty good match and they bonded pretty damn quick because of it. 
If anime tells us anything, when you find a good fight buddy, you stick with them. Even if one’s part god and the other is a demon. 🤷‍♀️ 
A demigod is still human enough to hate, sorry MC. Not that he knew about their godly heritage at first…
Really, he should have been a little more suspicious of how easily they seemed to take to life in the Devildom... Weren’t demons supposed to scare humans? Why did they seem so comfortable down here...?
His confirmation only came when he tried to enact the final part of “Use the MC to Escape the Attic!” plan and take their life to seal the deal… but oh boy, was he outclassed real quick… 
The MC had already socked him in the jaw by the time he got his full demon form out and then they threw him across the room by the tail… the TAIL!! And it hurt like a bitch, too!! Even during the full blown fight that followed, he could tell they were holding back and it pissed him off something fierce...!
Why was the MC so strong?!? Humans weren’t supposed to be strong!!!
His brothers heard all the commotion and the Lilith confrontation ended up happening up in the attic between a somewhat beat-up Belphie and a barely-scratched MC. Had Beel not come to his defense on instinct, it might have turned out worse for him in all honesty… Something about that human just wasn’t right…
He only found out about their god-half after everything settled down and he promised not to try killing them again (not that anyone thought he could...) and that put some things into perspective. So the Lastborn Ruler of Hell isn’t as strong as one mortal demigod…? Ouch. Okay, fine then... Whatever...
He does think it’s too bad he missed them beating the crap out of the rest of his brothers, though (minus Beel)... That would have been fun to see. 😔
So I tried to keep this one God-parent neutral, but I’ve upgraded this to its own series! Check it out if you’re interested! 😊
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes
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danger-noodle-uwu · 3 years
The forgotten past
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Genre: angst/drama part: 4 of the series
Trigger warning/mentions of death/violence
Summary: Mc, the exchange student, shows the characters about how cruel fate can be and how they will not hesitate to fight against its wishes, but really can they? Who knows?
Previous part // next part
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"Welcome Mc, I have been waiting for you."
The long-forgotten angel stood before you, majestic as ever holding their arms open to embrace their descendant and console them. Mc, the descendant of angel Lilith, pact-master of the seven sins, the keeper of time and the devil himself was too strong to enter a realm made for weak souls of humans and therefore, were stuck between realms.
A soul, a mind without a body was not of much use and that pained them for an empty heart cannot paint the sky of its colours and beauty. This was Mc's true fear which came to be their reality.
The ancestor ran their hands through the hair of their descendant's hair in order to calm the atmosphere while the poor human cried their eyes out in agony of losing so much all at once.
You couldn't help it, could you? The brothers, the royals and members of purgatory hall, together were your family and they are gone–no, No, you are gone. Forever.
And it was going to be an eternity of suffering for you as you roam helplessly in this never-ending void of absolute nothing. So, you close your eyes to view the past but lose yourself to unconsciousness.
That was five hours ago, the meeting with lilith, or your tears. As for now, beel's shoulder slumped due to the weight of his twins tears however Lucifer stood emotionless as mammon embraced him along with levi and asmo stood in Solomon's arms barely clinging for the weight of the tears while Satan rubbed his back, sobbing himself. Diavolo much like his right-hand man stood emotionless with barbatos by his side like always but his polite smile was now replaced by silent tears.
Simeon wasn't there, he couldn't be despite how much he wanted to give you a last visit however his child required him more than a dead-body even if it be of a loved one. Luke was crying and screaming about how he can't see you or wish you a goodbye as he was examined by the royal physician. Simeon clutched his chest, pain was growing unbearable and guilt was already drowning him.
Everyone was mourning except the two spirits, one belonging to their sister and other their love. The two watched with sadness as you were buried in the same garden where the massacre took place. The angel told you about how she too was mourned the same way and how she hated when they blamed themselves for it.
You flew over to them, wishing to wipe away their tears, to embrace them and say it's okay or even let them hear just one 'I love you' but you couldn't. This twisted game of fate and destiny wouldn't let you.
However, you were more stronger than lilith and could reach for things, though only for a little. So, you simply threw a handkerchief at belphi instead of wiping his tears and gave lucifer and diavolo a pat on the back, reminding them you were with them for eternity and more.
And they couldn't understand the hints, which made lilith to burst into a fit of laughter for how oblivious her brothers were. Yet you were determined to prove your presence.
And you will. Soon.
For the sake of love.
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leviathanswingman · 3 years
cavity and sweet tooth; DiaLuci oneshot
“Lucifer, can you come here for a moment?”
Lucifer, sitting by the fireside with his head bowed ever so slightly, bangs softly brushing against his cheeks, lifted his head from the paperwork he had been working on for hours and hours with no end in sight.
He turned his head towards the source of commotion, barely able to suppress a sigh as he took note of Diavolo sitting on the ground of the house of lamentation’s music room, cross legged and soft-spined, evidently lost in conversation with none other than Lucifer’s antisocial little brother Leviathan.
Seeing them chatting as if they were life-long friends, Lucifer couldn’t help but suppress a sigh he could feel rising from the depths of his soul. With Diavolo’s devil-may-care personality, fraternizations of this sort rarely ever worked out in his favor.
After all, the demon prince had originally paid the house of lamentation a surprise visit to discuss several work-related issues that had come up on short notice . To no-one’s surprise however, that had quickly turned into Lucifer doing the actual work while Diavolo was fooling around, attempting to lure Levi into another semi-deep conversation.
“Yes?” Lucifer asked, admittedly curious to find out what exactly those two had been going on about. Leviathan was extremely reclusive by nature, so for someone to catch his attention, the topic of conversation must have been quite captivating.  
He pushed up the glasses that had been sliding down his nose inch by inch, readjusting them appropriately.
Diavolo mustered him and let out a sigh. “Come here, just for a second!” When there was barely any reaction coming, he shook his head impatiently and beckoned Lucifer over. “Do I have to implore you? I promise it won't take long. I want to try something out Leviathan here mentioned-”
“Right, right.” Through years and years spent as Diavolo’s friend and right hand man, Lucifer had learned that when confronted with another one of Diavolo’s outlandish requests, indulging him before inevitably shutting him down was the easiest way to go.
He sighed once, but put aside his paperwork regardless and got up from his chair. Of course he knew this foretold nothing good. Still, it was Diavolo who was asking. And although the man often failed to remain professional, determined to break down all of Lucifer’s carefully built up walls, Lucifer knew he could trust him. Even in moments like these when Diavolo was really hellbent on testing his patience.
He walked over to Diavolo and Leviathan, stopping inches away from them and crossed his arms. “So, what's all of this about?”
Diavolo looked up to him and threw him a displeased look. “Lucifer,” he started and before Lucifer could so much as answer, Diavolo had already closed his fingers around Lucifer's wrist, giving it one big tug.
Taken off guard by Diavolo's sudden boldness, Lucifer let himself be pulled down to the ground with nothing but a badly hidden stumble.
Levi, who had been lounging on a couch behind Diavolo let out a stifled laugh before Lucifer caught his eye and gave him a proper glare, shutting him up for good.
The demon prince let out a low chuckle as he watched Lucifer readjust his position. As soon as he was sitting semi-comfortably in front of him, Diavolo grabbed Lucifer’s forearms and lifted them
 “I hope I didn't startle you now, did I?” he said with a low rumble to his voice, his eyes focusing in on Lucifer's hands which were hidden by his lavish black gloves. “Would you take these off for a second?”
Lucifer's eyebrows knit together in confusion. He lifted his eyes to look at Diavolo, whose attention seemed to be strictly focused on Lucifer's hands.
“I suppose,” he answered, yet before he could do as much as lift a finger, Diavolo was already busying himself pushing up Lucifer’s sleeve, hooking his index finger in-between smooth fabric and even smoother skin, successfully freeing Lucifer's left hand.
“There we go!”
“Remind me as to why we're doing this again?”
Diavolo scooted a little bit closer, now facing Lucifer as he took hold of his right gloved hand. “No need to look that grim. As I said, I was just wondering about something Leviathan has brought up ever so passionately. You'll be free to finish your work in no time.”
A small scowl crept up on Lucifer's face as he turned his head towards his little brother. “Levi, if this is anything but appropriate I will make sure to turn you into-”
Before he could finish his sentence Leviathan had already taken hold of his belongings and bolted out of the room. To be quite honest, Lucifer couldn't remember the last time he had seen him run quite as fast.
Lucifer decided to put his focus back on Diavolo just as he felt one of his fingers glide along his skin before disappearing in the gap between glove and hand, successfully pulling off the second glove as well.
For a moment Diavolo ogled Lucifer’s hands, hands that were seen covered way more often than bare, before raising his hands as if to give a high five.
“Mirror my movements,” he said with a smile on his lips and a twinkle in his admittedly pretty eyes.
Lucifer stared at his raised palms for a moment or two until Diavolo started to get tired of waiting and motioned towards Lucifer with a quick circular motion of hand.
“Hold them up like this,” he said, putting both his hands back up at chest height.
“Diavolo, I really don't see the point in any of this,” Lucifer protested, but followed suit anyway. He mirrored Diavolo's motions, throwing him a quizzical look from behind their hands while doing so.
Diavolo threw him a blinding smile as he connected their hands palm to palm, gently but confidently, making sure that they were lined up perfectly at the bottom.
The tips of Lucifer's fingers, softly pressed against Diavolo's digits, were tingling curiously under the gentle feeling of skin against skin.
It wasn't that Lucifer was touch-starved, no, he was simply not used to these slow, soft, almost tentative touches; especially coming from Diavolo.
“Well, won't you look at that!”
“What specifically am I supposed to look at now? This is ridiculous. I still have work to do so-” he started, but before he could stand up again and return to his stack of papers Diavolo pushed his hands against Lucifer's perceptibly harder.
“Don't be like that, just look!!”
Lucifer pushed back out of reflex.
His eyes dropped down to their hands and, surprised by the unexpected sight, Lucifer felt something click in the back of his brain.
 Graceful, slender hands stood in contrast to slightly bigger, stronger looking ones. For once, he did not push back in retaliation, but mustered their joined hands instead.
The sight made him feel almost nostalgic. Hands, once curled to uncertain fists, were now joined in mutual obedience and respect. It was a strange and perhaps vulnerable thing to take note of. He shook his head, face to face with his own mushy thoughts.
Still, instead of pulling away as his instincts were telling him to, Lucifer pushed back as Diavolo also considered their hands for a moment, letting out a rumbling laugh before dropping his fingers a bit to fully slide them between Lucifer’s.
“Even your hands are positively stunning, Lucifer. Pray tell, how do you manage any of it? Stunning from head to toe,” he practically mumbled, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth, revealing the slightest hint of dimples on his cheeks.
Lucifer, unsure of what to do with his hands as he pretended to not have heard any of Diavolo’s flattering mumblings, furrowed his brows as he quickly blew a stray strand of hair out of his eyes.
“There you go buttering me up again like that. What even is the use of all of this?” Experimentally, he spread his fingers a little bit further apart and threw Diavolo a quick glance from under his lashes. Finally, he grew tired of keeping his fingers upright and dropped them unceremoniously, decidedly ignoring the fact that theoretically, if you were being really strict, he was holding hands with Diavolo right now. He forced himself not to think about it beyond measure.
“Permission to compliment?” Diavolo asked belatedly, a mixture of joy and mischief painting his features delightfully carefree.
“Absolutely not.”
They were adults, and additionally to that, two of the most respected demons all across the devildom. Them holding hands like frivolous adolescents would be ridiculous, preposterous even. If any of his brothers were to see him like this, they’d certainly laugh like the hyenas they were.
Certainly, Lucifer wasn't about to get embarrassed by him and Diavolo holding hands. Except for the fact that without any doubt, he was indeed feeling undeniably embarrassed.
He cleared his throat. “So, has inspiration finally struck hard enough for you to tell me what this is all about? If I recall correctly you mentioned this having been caused by another one of Levi's nonsensical ramblings?”
Diavolo’s eyes were still trained on their joined hands. He ran his thumb across the back of Lucifer’s hand and let his middle finger rub along Lucifer’s protruding knuckles. For a moment, he seemed lost in thought, unaware of the redness that was unmistakably dusting his friend’s neck and ears. 
Lucifer, ever so aware of his body’s own reactions, suppressed them with sheer dedication and efficiency before his tired mind could come up with any more funny ideas.
He cleared his throat and forced his attention back to their previous topic of conversation, away from Diavolo’s beautiful -of course solely objectively speaking- fingers rubbing soothing circles into the back of his hands.
“So what sort of nonsense was Levi trying to convince you of?” he tried again. And in spite of himself, Lucifer caught himself suppressing a sigh accompanied by a shudder as Diavolo ran his thumb over smooth skin, turning it into a huff before the traitorous sound had even so much as a sliver of a chance of slipping past closed lips
 Although he was known all across the lands for his professionalism, that didn’t mean he was unresponsive to outward stimuli. And no matter how easily exasperated he was by Diavolo’s lack of work morale, Lucifer had grown somewhat fond of the future demon king. Not that he would ever be caught dead admitting to such a foolish thing out loud.
“Oh, nothing much. He just mentioned it being a ‘sacred trope’, i think that’s how he put it, therefore I couldn’t help but feel tempted to try it out myself! So what do you think, Lucifer?”
Lucifer averted his eyes and successfully crushed the overwhelming feeling of sheer mortification daring to overtake his body.
Of course, Diavolo had been swayed by Leviathan’s absurd ramblings, overtaken by a morbid sort of curiosity he often liked to display as a born-to-be isolated from most of society. There was nothing more to it than that.
Lucifer untangled his fingers from Diavolo’s, standing up abruptly.
“This is not only a waste of my time, but also yours. We should get back to work now. There’s no reason to bother with this any longer.” Without any hesitation, he turned back around to the abandoned stack of paperwork sitting lonely by the fireside. He took a third of the work off the pile, placed a pen on top of it and pushed it into Diavolo’s lap, who blinked at him sheepishly for a moment. Diavolo then threw him one last look, which was glaringly obvious a pout, and let out one big, dramatic sigh. “You are incorrigible Lucifer, has anyone ever told you that?”
Lucifer allowed himself one last look at Diavolo’s almost cartoonish sulking expression before he averted his gaze from the playful twinkle in Diavolo’s eyes down to the way the fabric of his pants was stretching under the promise of girthy thighs and delicate skin, willing himself to come back to his senses before it was too late and he had officially lost all common sense. “Get back to work, Diavolo. You know I’m a busy man and neither of us have all day.” 
He threw the demon prince one last stimulated look, calmed his heart, picked up his pen and started writing.
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
did you watch lucifer season six and what are your thoughts pls and ty
Ahaha. Yes. Yes I did watch it. Then I cried for a literal hour and attempted to compose myself, only to start crying again when I lay down and kept on thinking about it. Then I had more feelings. Then I slept like the dead due to emotional trauma. Then I reblogged gifsets and had More feelings. Then @buffaluff and @flynnanimal watched it and also required emotional support due to drowning in their own tears. So, uh... we're all fine here now. How are you?
My main takeaway from the final season was the sheer amount of love for the characters, story, and fans that you could feel shining through all the episodes, and which made SUCH a refreshing change. I had feelings in my tags the other day about how a show about the devil was constantly goofy, hopeful, loving, and uplifting, rather than all the grimdark nonsense they could have easily done with it. (As I said, just imagine it as written by the GOT idiots?? NO THANK YOU.) The writing really loved everyone and wanted to give them a proper ending and emotional journey, and it wanted to show the fans that they weren't stupid for having invested six seasons of effort and emotion into this, and just... that is so much rarer than it should be? Compare all the movies and TV shows that treat their fans like the enemy, that want to outsmart them at all costs even if it means changing major plot elements, that ferociously guard spoilers and think that "shock value" means good writing, by throwing hackneyed cliche upon cliche and making everything Depressing, and just... Lucifer had its hiccups and slow points and missteps, of course, but I am SO glad they didn't do that. The entire show consisted of Lucifer slowly but steadily progressing toward being a better man, despite mistakes and setbacks and sometimes a little too much will-they-won't-they. (Season 3 was the only one where I got bored and skipped over the filler episodes with Pierce/Lucifer/Chloe in order to get to the end).
That is an essentially simple premise, but they stuck to it, and they didn't try to create more drama by randomly wrecking what they had already established. I wrote a fic all the way back in mid-season 2 (In Nomine Patris) that ended up predicting quite a few of the future characters who had not yet appeared on the show at that time, including Eve, Michael, and Azrael, and several plot points, including the very major one of Lucifer returning to hell for the sake of his daughter with Chloe. And while this might mean that I am just that good at guessing TV shows (I would like to think this....) it also means that the writers set expectations, followed through on those expectations, and didn't suddenly derail everything or turn it totally on its head just for the sake of cheap shocks. As we can all attest, they certainly caused PLENTY of drama, anguish, pain, and suffering, but they did it in a way that remained faithful to the overall premises of the story and the characters, and wanted to see them become the best versions of themselves. I cried my eyes out at the end and then thought, "hey, I might want to watch the whole series again," which, if you ask me, is the mark of doing your job right. There have been so few TV endings recently where I didn't immediately swear off the whole thing or have to pretend that canon didn't exist, so yeah.
As I said, it was just refreshing to watch something that had that essential deep generosity at its core, where the message is that everyone is worthy of love if they make the hard and painful effort to change and become better, and that even if earthly things feel small next to all this messy celestial drama, they still matter, and that you are loved no matter what. I loved that Amenadiel became God and Lucifer returned to hell as a choice in order to help all the trapped souls be able to work through their guilt and go to heaven. There were obviously certain echoes of The Good Place in that ending; I don't know if it was something they had planned all along or if the success of TGP, another series asking deep questions about life, death, morality, and human nature within the framework of a goofy heaven-and-hell sitcom, influenced it, but either way, it worked so well. Even if it tore my heart out and stomped on it on the ground, it was fitting and oh so lovely to see Lucifer, once the most selfish being in the entire universe, following in Linda's footsteps and becoming selflessly dedicated to helping other people. Just. Chef's kiss.
And of course, Deckerstar. The Hades and Persephone vibes were IMMACULATE this season, and while it did take Lucifer and Chloe the best part of four seasons to get together, they never significantly backslid, never had third-party issues or cheap cheating storylines once they were officially a couple, and Tom Ellis and Lauren German REALLY killed it this season in particular. It was never easy for them and sometimes the drama went on a little too long over the course of said six seasons, but the love story was beautiful and incredibly meaningful and always true to the fact that the actors and characters and writers (not to mention the fans) all loved it so much. They were so much the emotional heart of this, and when they went to hell together in episode 6x03 (where they turned into cartoons because wHAT even IS this show), Joe Henderson said in an interview that this was to give the fans a view into Lucifer and Chloe's future (after) lives post-6x10, and to offer them a basis to write fanfiction. I mean... the showrunner saying to the fans "here, we love you, have something to write fic about!" is likewise pretty shockingly rare. It's again an example of how this show always audaciously poked fun at itself, never took itself TOO seriously, and was always welcoming its fans and the people who loved it to do so, rather than making them feel stupid or taking joy in wrecking beloved characters or plots.
Obviously, I loved Rory, the badass lesbian half-angel goth Deckerstar child straight out of My Immortal (seriously, she was SO edgy, it was amazing), because of the fact that Lucifer's entire arc was always about feeling abandoned by his father and that he was going to have to face it for himself. Dorky Devil Dad Lucifer trying his absolute HARDEST to bond with his daughter was simultaneously hilarious, adorable, and heart-wrenching, and yet again, the Growth. We all remember when he could barely tolerate Trixie touching him, and now we're here. Also, any variation whatsoever of "this is just a brief moment of time that we must be apart, love is eternal and stronger than death and we will never really leave each other" as a line is guaranteed to make me bawl my eyes out. So that was fun.
I got a big kick out of Ghost Dan running around and trying to get everyone to see him, and had feelings about seeing him in heaven with Charlotte and his beloved Pudding Pops at the end. I had feelings about how they handled Ella finding out the truth (or rather demanding to know why nobody had told her) and of course, I obviously loved Maze and Eve and their goth/femme wedding and the fact that they got a good three-season romantic arc (indeed, I wanted more of them). My god, Trixie is SO BIG, she used to be a tiny little nugget. I love that Linda was the moral and emotional rock all along, from the first episode to the very last, and that Amenadiel was Deeply Vindicated when Charlie's wings appeared at his first birthday party. I love how Lucifer in s6 is absolute thousands of light years from Lucifer in s1. And as ever, Chloe was Perfect. I am happy that I spent six seasons with these characters and saw them become better, and that I was never made to feel like an idiot for trusting the writers to end everything in a beautiful and emotional way. Because, well. They did. Sure, maybe I could go back and pick at a plotline here or a detail there, but I don't terribly feel the need to do so? It might not have been perfect, but it was perfect, and I am so grateful that it existed.
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Don't know how people are gonna feel about this but Loki should've been dealt with the way they dealt with Lucifer (from the Netflix show) I mean while the show straight up dismissed loki's feelings, lucifer netflix really showed us the natural and organic character growth with ups and downs while still maintaining the comic hilarity (WHICH WASNT AT THE EXPENSE OF THE MC). It's love interest and side characters are all original characters dealt as independent characters rather as brownie or plot points.
And the scenes that prompted me to think this?
1. Lucifer asking his Mazikeen to cut off his wings because he's moved past being a pawn in his father's 'Great Plan'. We could've had loki come to this conclusion and tell Mobius (who would've been an actual all out ally who was forced into doin lg what he did) that he no longer wanted any place in a land that hated him. (Once again like Lucifer calling the silver city hell)
2. Lucifer actually being the way he's supposed to be (angel of light, light bringer etc.) We could've had Loki act like the way he Actually Is. Not like how @iamnmbr3 so eloquently put it 'like larry the dumb lookalike'. We could've had Loki being stern yet having that air of sarcasm and wit that he had in his the films. His eloquence, his physical prowess (none of the falling flat on his face stuff, a lot of people talk about how he was trying not to hurt the people in ep 2 but srsly Loki would just immediately disarm them), and most of all his agency and refusal to cower or the pathetic attempts at lying.
3. Costumes. The lucifer netflix team had an extensive costume department that ironically pales in comparison to what disney is capable of but still we see Lucifer have a wide array of clothes and styles. Have Loki take the first chance to change his clothes. If he wants the 50s aesthetic have at it! he can wear the tuxedos and the nice leather. Or maybe change into some nice Viking-inspired leathers and battle armor. Have him as a pirate, or a knight or a cowboy. You're traveling through time good man! you can at least hit some of the cool spots.
4. In depth analysis of lucifer's mental health. the only episode of the Loki tv show I liked (loose term) is the first one cause it's the only one that gave a fraction of what we were promised: an insight into loki. That's it.
5. Lucifer's organic growth. This is self-explanatory. Loki watched one video and was good. Very good five stars. I understand that they only had six episodes but come-on. You could've had the subtle changes through out all the eps and lead to the big finish finally. With each episode focusing on certain aspects of Loki.
5. Lucifer's exploration of self-loathing. This deserves to be a separate point because Istg it was done so well. Basically lucifer messes up and he's faced with the hatred that's been conditioned into him (not unlike Loki) and then he learns what it is and actually tries to love himself. And not by kissing a female variant of himself (ew and also respect the gender fluid persons). He actually saw the good in him by reflecting and his actual good friends helping him.
6. Lucifer actually wanting to be good. Look Idc what shut mike waldron wrote, loki is not selfish when his whole arc has been doing things for asgard, thor, odin, frigga etc. We all know that New York was mind control, I do not know why it's being swept under the rug. But here's the thing, that self loathing I mentioned earlier is a huge part of Loki thinking he's some monster and intent on proving it.
7. Lucifer facing his 'devil-face'. Loki should've come to terms with his Jotun heritage. The TVA could've had a case in Jotunheim concerning the Royal Family and Loki could've seen the entirety of Jotunheim and it's people not just that most-likely war propaganda the Asgardians force-fed him. Maybe have him meet his siblings or better yet his mother. There's a very nice fic on A03 called Asgardian Galdr that deals with this beautifully.
8. Luicfer having a Breakdown and Crying: First off this happens gradually, his problems pile up etc etc. and he faces off his father and gets angry until he finally breaks down. And basically God says, "I'm sorry but i can't fix you," And Lucifer in all his grief and desperation asks, "But you're God,'. I know we talk a lot about Loki being made weak in the Show but that's specifically about him being made weak and helpless to make Sylvie seem like a stronger character (Don't get me started on the Sif and Narcissm scene istfg), But maybe seeing Loki try awkwardly to be good and near the finish of the show we see it blow up in some angsty way? only for some conversation like this to happen and have Loki understand that being good is something that is innate and something he already had the potential for all along. Maybe learn that he's not lawful good but as always the morally grey character we know him as. (Protector of misfits, god of outcasts i.e all the shit Marvel shat on) and rise as the God of Chaos and Stories against the rigid bonds of The TVA and essentially Kang.
9. Lucifer having a nice healthy romantic interest and relationship. Lucifer and Chloe's relationship is more often than not the main point of the show but no matter how much it is focused on it remains health, organic and not a weird allegory for something disgusting. Even if Sylvie weren't a Loki (once again ew) the whole dynamic was toxic. She constantly put him down, and invalidated his feelings (Sounds like Odin huh?) and guess what Loki fell in love with her after one day, one conversation of what love was and Mobius calling her his girlfriend (he also said that it was freakish and i agree). We could've had Sigyn sweet lord. (I'll make another post about this)
10. Lucifer's Sexuality. There is a whole episode in which Loki's paramours are getting murdered and they all vary from men to women to all that comes in between. And there's no shame, no offensive jokes. Have Loki flirt with dudes, i understand ms.karen that this is for children, don't worry the casual sex ;) was offscreen. Have Loki turn into a woman and flirt with woman cowards, maybe make some questionable remarks about horses (That make Sigyn laugh)
11. Lucifer's Powers: lemme sum up, Lucifer can, let's call it, use compulsion on people. He is known for his strength and prowess and abilites to grant favors. Have Loki shapeshift into animals, absolutely mauling people. Have him use his silver-tongue to coax people into making or changing history (Yes Brutus, Caesar is getting to be a bit much, say have you heard how sharp knives are?)
I'm pretty sure there's more that i can't remember rn. And here is one thing i would like to make very clear.
You are not bad for liking the show or hating it whatever. The problem is that the show framed a lot of bad things as good (Anything the TVA did, Mobius' torture session with Loki, the way Sylvie treated Loki only for them to become romantic partners, the Sylkie fiasco as it was offensive to genderfluid people and the bare fucking minimum of LGBTQ and POC rep). The show was also marketed specifically to make us think hey! Loki might actually be the main character only for it to blow up in our faces. We were also promised an actual plot rather than a constantly plot twisting concept that could've been worth something.
Also i'm still working on a Loki fic rn after which i will write a Loki(TV) Rewrite but unitil then ig.
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babemendesbarnes · 3 years
A two way deal | one shot
Paring: Bucky x DemonFem!Reader
Word count: 3.3k
Summary: Bucky is tired. He hasn’t gotten a single good night of sleep in decades, and he’s done with the nightmares. Hearing about a certain woman who makes deals that could get him what he needed sounds like a miracle. Only when Bucky does find her, it’s no miracle, and she’s no saint.
Warnings: 18+ only, SMUT, talk of religious subjects (devil, hell...)
A/N: This is inspired by the character Maze in the show Lucifer, I absolutely love her arc. This is initially a one shot, but I liked it so much I might write another part. Also my first smut. Tell me what you think!
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The club lights flashed red and you downed your vodka shot, body getting warmer by the second. Excitement ran through your veins as the familiar feeling clouded your thoughts.
Something was different though.
Everything was so much stronger this time. The feeling so powerful you were forced to close your eyes, the fake human color being replaced by their true shade of black. 
You could feel his memories, almost taste how they haunted him.
The second he sat on the table across from you, everything slowed down. The music beat got sexier, tempting, as the air got thicker. His piercing blue eyes examined you from head to toe, searching for threats in your tight leather pants and black corset. 
You could see the disappointment in the brunette woman sitting with her legs on top of yours as she realized you would be busy. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, you whispered that you would find her later, gently patting her legs for her to leave.
Bucky didn’t stop staring at you for even a second.
"Didn’t take you for a club kind of man, Mr. Barnes."
If the super-soldier was surprised you knew who he was, he didn’t show it, his eyes still fixed on yours as you took him in.
He wasn’t dressed properly for the club, his dark jeans, black shirt, and leather jacket standing out from all the expensive suits you saw all night. And yet, the man looked better than anything you had ever laid your eyes on. 
The contrast of his apparent demeanor to the things you saw in his head was admirable. The former Soldat knew how to show just what he wanted to, his face not giving in the demons dancing on his mind.
His hands tucked in his pockets, you ponder if he’s still afraid of his own body.
Wakanda might have given him a new vibranium arm, yet you wonder if he still sees blood whenever he looks at it. 
"I heard you make deals."
Bucky seemed reluctant to speak at first, although his voice was still steady.
He didn’t want to be here, but to be honest, none of your clients ever did, so you were pretty used to this. The only reason they come to you is that they’re always just way too desperate, just like he is.
"You heard right, Mr. Barnes." you crossed your legs slowly as you called for the waiter to bring you a martini. "And a whiskey for the gentleman, please."
"I’m not drinking." you waved the waiter off, ignoring completely what Bucky had just said.
Surprising you was difficult. You’ve lived long enough to see just about everything, and well, you were created in the pits of hell, so there were not that many things that could amaze you. And yet, there was so much about the man in front of you that just picked your curiosity.
The brave Sergeant Bucky Barnes, the only Howling Commando that gave his life for his country. The infamous Winter Soldier, tortured and manipulated, stripped of his humanity. And now? A fucked up super-soldier with no family, no friends, and a man out of his time.
That’s something not even a demon sees every day.
The drinks were set on the table and you pushed his whiskey to him, watching him through your lashes, a smile planted on your lips as he took a big gulp. The tip of your red bottoms slightly brushing against his leg.
"Tell me, Mr. Barnes, " your body fell slightly forward, your tongue wetted your red-painted lips as his gaze followed every move. "what is it that you desire?" 
Bucky felt lightheaded.
The sound of your voice dripped with something he couldn’t recognize, and yet, so desperately craved. He suddenly couldn’t form words.
"I need..." Bucky felt nervous, "I can’t..." his mind going against his commands and his eyes focused on the contour of your lips, how soft your skin would be upon his touch. So lost in thought he forgot he should probably finish his sentence. 
You saw right through him though.
"You want them gone. Don’t you?" the world seemed to fade around your form. Your head tilted to the side as you so sweetly said the exact words he needed to hear. "You want the demons to go away."
Bucky never thought he could feel this again, to feel... understanding. And it only took a demon to do so. 
Rounding the big red seat and dragging your body closer to Bucky, your lips brushed against his ear. 
"You’ve been through a lot, haven’t you?" His body stiffening as your nails traced his flesh arm. 
"I have." his words were a little bit harsher this time. Your eyes locked and your hand touched his chest, the sound of his heart beating faster, almost as loud as the music.
"Let me take care of you, James." your voice just above a whisper, his fate settled as he silently consented.
You got up and signaled for him to follow. 
Bucky didn’t have to be told twice, his body aching to be close to yours again.
This was not something he should feel. The priest of the small Brooklyn church he went to every Sunday morning used to lecture about how the Devil and his demons could lurk you in, bringing you to their sins just to drag you to hell. 
But it was Bucky who came looking for the wicked, all you did was welcome his desires with open arms.
You two walked into an elevator, and you instantly felt his stare on you.
The last bit of sanity in the 106 years old man screamed at him, begging him to run. Demons were not givers, whatever they gave, came with a cost, and for someone like him, owning a favor was not a possible option.
"What’s the price?" His hands began to sweat, your answer being able to end the last ounce of hope Bucky had.
The metal doors reopened, revealing a breathtaking penthouse. "Don’t worry about it, I have no interest on bring the Soldat back, Mr. Barnes."
That was all it took for him to finally exhale the breath he didn't even notice he was holding. 
Maybe stricking a deal with a demon could end well. Okay, probably not, but still. How the fuck did he even end up here anyway? 
Well, too late to back out now.
Bucky looked around, the Los Angeles skyline visible through the giant glass walls, a bar filled with alcohol he had never even seen before, and a large grey couch next to a bookcase filled with books from probably before he was even born.
You grabbed two glasses and poured a black licor on them. Opening a glass door, Bucky followed you as your arms leaned against the balcony’s railing, giving him his drink as you watched the city.
"What is this?" he reflected your stance. The usually loud noises of the big city down below now quiet, you're breathing the only sound he could hear.
"Something special." His suspicious gaze made you laugh, the sound alone being able to wash Bucky’s distress away. "Don't worry, tastes like wine."
You two stayed like that for a couple of minutes, the soft Autumn breeze hitting your hair, the soft strands dancing in the air, hitting Bucky’s face a couple of times. 
"Can I look?" your voice broke over the silence and Bucky didn’t need to ask what you were talking about. 
"Haven’t you already?" you chuckled and a smirk played on your lips. "A little bit. Just the things I already knew. But for this... I have to see everything."
You knew what Hydra had done to the man. Although, by the few things you noticed about Bucky, you were pretty sure the torture inflicted upon him was not the biggest issue here.
"I would say going inside my mind is like walking through hell, but I’m guessing that’s not a problem for you."
Leading him to sit on the couch, Bucky noticed how you seemed to avoid answering the comment. 
Everything about you confused Bucky so much, and every damn word you said just filled him with more questions.
You sat next to him, the tips of your fingers slowly touching the side of his head. If he noticed you wondered around his mind earlier without touching him, he didn’t complain about you doing it differently this time.
Bucky’s heart skipped a beat as images started to flood his head.
Both your chest’s rising and falling fast, his anxiety at watching his memories traveling to you.
A small Brooklyn apartment. George, Winifred, Rebecca. Dark alleys. Steve. World War II. 107th. Europe. Hydra. Captain America. Howling Commandos. Fall. Hydra. Pain. Erase. Cryo. Isaiah. President. Cryo. Stark. Gun. Cryo. Erase. Red Room. Blood. Cryo. Fury. Bucky?. Steve?. Erase. Lake. Steve. Zemo. King. Winter Soldier. Siberia. Stark. Sam. Wakanda. White Wolf. Thanos. Shield. Walker. Karli. Sam. Captain America.
Bucky’s hands are shaking against the couch. 
As you open your eyes, you see his tear-stained cheeks, and only when his long fingers gently wipe your face, you realize yours were too.
It never felt this personal, to look into someone’s head. You just took what you needed and that was it. Not this time thought. An urge to give the man any possible comfort made you get up in a rush and almost fly to get a refill.
Bucky starts to calm down and when his eyes follow you, he finally sees a black shining piano in the corner of the room that weirdly seemed to call out to him.
"You play?" your voice took him out of his thoughts. He left the couch and took a few steps towards you, who was now leaning on the instrument.
"My ma taught me before the war." you smiled softly and told him to go ahead. "Oh, no. I probably don’t even know how to anymore." he all of a sudden felt shy under your gaze.
You walked slowly to him, taking his vibranium hand in such a natural way, Bucky wondered how you had never done that before. 
Taking him to the piano, you both sat down, sharing the small seat.
"This is not something you forget," leading his hand to the keyboard, you placed your fingers on top of his, pushing the keys down, and shortly, a soft jazz melody echoed in the room as your skilled hands moved in sync. "there are some things no one can take from you, James, not even time."
As both your hands kept making music, your eyes locked and Bucky forgot all about the definitions he heard all his life about the divine and the profane. 
Your smile felt like heaven, only your lips were sin.
His hand moved to the back of your neck, his eyes asking for permission you happily granted, your lips meeting as you pulled him to you.
The kiss was eager, your lips moving fast as you didn’t waste a second to open your mouth and welcome Bucky’s tongue. 
You climbed his lap, your hands running through his short locks as he kissed along your neck.
Lust almost felt like a drug. You were sure you were addicted. 
Between gasps and shivers, you fell to your knees and heard him take a shaky breath. Placing your hands on his face, you pulled Bucky down to look you in the eyes.
"When was the last time someone made you feel good, James?" Bucky gasped as your delicate fingers slowly undid his belt, your voice sweet like honey. "Answer me, baby."
"I... I can’t even remember it." 
You chuckled lightly, pushing his jeans down, your nails trailing along his strong thighs, wet kisses following the path of the fading red lines. "Let me make you feel good, James."
Your light touches and lust dripping voice made Bucky feel like he could come undone by this alone, his hands holding tightly onto the piano bench.
Your tongue traced the trimmed hairs on his abdomen, your own personal path to paradise, disappearing into his black boxers.  You pulled at his shirt, ripping and throwing it somewhere in the room.
"What do you want, James? Tell me." you pulled his boxers down, Bucky quietly moaned as his cock sprung free.
Your mouth salivated at the sight of Bucky’s hard cock, his impressive length making your walls clench around nothing, panties ruined at the thought of him inside you.
"Your mouth. Please, Y/N, I need your mouth." The desperation in James's voice only made you want to pleasure him even more, eager to hear his sweet sounds.
Your hands pumped him before your tongue traced the vein running along the side of his cock. You licked him top to bottom a few times, his pleas finally attended as you swirled your tongue over his tip, relaxing your jaw and taking him in your mouth. Each time going further down his length, you hollowed your cheeks, a raspy moan he let out going straight to your core.
"Fuck, doll." Bucky wrapped his hands on your hair, pushing you further down his dick, saliva dripping down his balls. "You look so fucking good with your mouth wrapped around my cock."
His sudden vocality only spurred you, moaning when his tip reached the back of your throat.
"That’s it doll. Come on, take everything." 
Bucky’s head fell back as you choked on him, his grip moving your head to take him faster, a familiar feeling of pleasure he missed so much clouding all his senses.
"Shit... I’m not gonna last long, doll." you took your lips off of him just for a second. 
With puffy, red, and wet lips, you glanced at him with lazy eyes, the sight alone bringing him closer to falling apart. "Come for me, Bucky."
Your lips wrapped around his dick again, and with two more hard thrusts, Bucky came with a groan. You swallowed every drop he gave you.
"Holy fuck." he swore as his breathing calmed down and you gave him a mischievous smile.
"Not exactly holy, Sargeant." you both chuckled and it didn’t go unnoticed by you the twist on his face at the use of his old title.
Bucky kicked off his jeans and picked you up, your legs wrapping around his waist. Your back hit a wall as he kissed your neck, biting and sucking on the soft skin. 
You moaned when he found a sensitive spot between your neck and collarbone, his mouth leaving red marks behind. You jumped out of his embrace and led him to your bed, throwing him into the mattress.
His stare never left your body. At every piece of clothing you removed, the blue in his eyes seemed to disappear even more, his pupils so blown out it reminded you of your own.
"You have been bad, Sargeant." 
You crawled into the bed, taking your time on getting on top of him. The feeling of your hot, wet core against his skin made Bucky’s cock impossibly harder. Your hand pulled at his hair, forcing him to look at you, a raspy moan escaping Bucky’s lips. "You like being bad, James?"
"No." his answer made you chuckle.
"No?" your lips kissed his jawline, licking every piece of skin you found, your teeth biting his earlobe. "But look at you, Sargeant, falling apart on my hands."
Your hands rested against his chest as you bent forward, guiding his cock into your core.
"Fuck." you both moaned as his tip slowly entered you.
Bucky’s hands had a tight bruising hold on your hips, he slowly helped you sink down his length.  You didn’t wait before moving your hips back and forth, loving the pain of being stretched out by him.
"Shit, you feel so good around me, doll."
Bucky pulled you to him, his mouth catching one of your breasts, biting and kissing your nipple, his hand caressing the other as you bounced on his cock.
You tugged harder on his brown locks as he started to thrust up, fucking you harder. You nearly screamed his name when he found that special place inside you, hitting it with every thrust of his hips. 
"You’re so fucking tight." Bucky let out a groan as your pussy squeezed the shit out of him.
Everything was way too much. You felt dizzy as you met his hard, frenetic thrusts. His cold vibranium fingers found your clit, drawing fast circles, bringing you even closer to the edge. 
"Bucky! Fuck, I’m gonna..."
You pushed his body down, your hands grabbing his throat and giving it just a little bit of pressure, his eyes rolling back, and his deep moans getting louder.
Your veins turned to fire, your whole body shaking as you felt the waves of euphoria taking over. You threw your head back, tears falling as the strong orgasm hit you, your eyes turning into their natural black as you stared at the ceiling.
"Come here, doll." he tried pulling you to him, but you just pushed him further down. 
Bucky pushed himself up, pulling you by your neck, his hands forcing you to look at him. Your breath hitched as his hands held your cheeks with a tenderness you had never known, his lips meeting yours in a soft, gentle kiss. Your mind was spinning at the sudden change.
Your breath caught in your throat as Bucky´s beautiful blue eyes stared at your empty ones like they held the keys to Eden. 
"You’re not scared of me?" the confused, bitter tone on your voice made Bucky’s heart break in two, cause he recognized that. He heard it in his own voice every damn day. 
"Are you, of me?" a tear fell down your cheek, his thump gently brushing it away. You knew every part of him, so the quiet 'no' you whispered made Bucky’s smile grow. "There you go, sweetheart."
For some reason, after that, everything seemed to change. Bucky turned you both around, your back hitting the mattress as he slowly pulled out, just to fill you up completely again.
His thrusts became harder and faster as he chased his own orgasm, driving you into your second one, but somehow, it felt more caring, personal.
Your nails scratched his back, leaving red angry lines behind, a reminder you would leave on him of this night. 
Your legs hugged Bucky’s form, urging him to hit deeper inside of you, if that was even possible. His vibranium digits finding your clit again.
"One more, doll." his hands brushed the hairs out of your face, his eyes filled with unfamiliar adoration. "Come for me." 
He kissed you gently as you felt his dick ripping you apart, ruining you just the way you liked.
You came again, milking his cock and triggering his own orgasm. 
"Fuck, Y/N!" Bucky came hard, chanting your name as his cum shot deep inside you.
After you both felt like you could breathe again, Bucky slowly slipped out and fell next to you on the bed.
His eyes had already started to close, his chest falling and rising evenly as he searched for your body, pulling you close to him.
You both fell asleep and for the first time in decades, Bucky’s demons didn’t haunt him in his dreams.
The sun was rising and you had been awake for a long time, your mind racing as the events of just a few hours ago played in your head.
Demons weren’t born. They were forged in hell. 
You were made with one purpose only, to serve Lucifer and torture the souls that lost themselves into perdition. The lack of your own soul was never a problem as you spent your days in the pits of hell. But now? Joining Lucifer on Earth showed you just how much you couldn’t have.
Bucky reminded you of what you couldn’t have.
As the man woke up, he felt an unusual sense of cold enveloping him, and that’s when he noticed your body was no longer pressed against his.
Opening his eyes, he noticed a small note resting on top of the pillow you had laid in, all night long, as he held you in his arms.
I’m not one to break a deal, your nightmares were gone for this night just like they always will be from now on. 
Don’t worry about your part of the deal, you’ve paid me already.
And before you get any ideas, I’m not a name on your make amends list, you can’t help me, Mr. Barnes. Do not come looking for me again.
Sweet dreams, James.
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decennia · 3 years
i give u free reign to infodump ab all of the knights and the og army bc i am vv intrigued agjgssgsh
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I've separated it into sections:
The Knights of Walpurgis, and the motivations for their assigned sins.
Dumbledore's First Resistance, and the motivations for their assigned virtues.
The dynamics between the opposing contenders.
Given the sheer volume of information, I've included a cut. Please enjoy this manip that I am still very proud of.
THE KNIGHTS OF WALPURGIS (later known as Death Eaters) Tom Riddle (Pride)
Pride and arrogance were very large contributing factors to Tom Riddle's downfall in the end, and honestly, the whole idea for the gifset came from Florence + The Machines' Seven Devils playing while casually thinking of Dagrim and Tom, and then about how perfectly Tom would fit as Lucifer.
Dagrim Patil (Avarice)
When questioned about what she wants, and what Riddle promised her in exchange for her unwavering loyalty, her response is, quite simply: everything. Dagrim grew up starved not for affection, but recognition. And what she was denied in childhood, she would take in adulthood by force. Her philosophy is that if something is worth wanting, it is worth taking.
Cantankerous Nott IV (Lust)
We know so little about Theodore Nott's father from the source material, other than he was elderly, and he raised Theo himself. And that he was a Death Eater, of course. His name is an ode to his ancestor, the Cantankerous Nott who created the Sacred Twenty-Eight pureblood directory. I assigned him "lust" purely for the events leading to the conception of his son (sis, it gets messy).
Abraxas Malfoy (Envy)
Abraxas Malfoy envied Tom Riddle to the point of a half attempted mutiny. He was quickly put in his place, his co-conspirators made examples of, and spared only for his close friendship with Dagrim, who pleaded for his life. Riddle, who trusted Dagrim to a fault for all she'd done to earn it, conceded. Abraxas would later prove himself to Riddle again, regaining his seat among Riddle's favoured generals. He was the one who taught Lucius to never disobey the Dark Lord, and he was not a kind teacher.
Ulysses Mulciber (Gluttony)
Indulgence and excess, spoiled rotten and filthy rich. The Mulcibers were the richest of the Sacred at one point in their lives, rivalled only by the Malfoys. Ulysses never knew the meaning of "enough," and was a glutton not only in all manners of vice, but also for cruelty, dealing it out carelessly with little to no regard for the repercussions he was well protected from by his noble standing and wealth. He was one of Riddle's greatest allies and sponsors, and instrumental in his rise to power.
Carmilla Avery (Wrath)
Carmilla was in the year above Riddle, and was quick to anger and slow to calm. Her temper was legendary, and even her younger brothers – also admitted into the Death Eater ranks – feared her. She had an untempered fury, a rage at the world for no reason at all. She developed an unhealthy codependency with Abraxas Malfoy, who served to have a soothing presence over her. People seldom survive crossing her, as her reputation dictates.
Serafine Lestrange (Sloth)
Serafine is not lazy (as the sin "sloth" would suggest), she just lacks the motivations to pursue the goals that are expected of her. A particularly bright witch, and a wealthy one too, she never applied herself at school for she didn't see the need. Instead, she fell into a fascination of the Dark Arts, where she met Riddle, perusing the Restricted Section. She is rather discontented with life, disillusioned from already such a young age. She initially joins Riddle's gang for the excitement of it all.
DUMBLEDORE'S FIRST RESISTANCE (later known as the Order of the Phoenix in its official conception in 1970)
Albus Dumbledore (Patience)
Name a man more patient than Dumbledore, I'll wait. Better yet, he'll wait, because he's patient as hell. So patient, in fact, he waited until after Harry's supposed death to come to him as a hallucination and tell him about how he was a Horcrux.
Rathin Patil (Temperance)
Temperance is abstinence, and I wanted to explore the kind of toll having his sister so far gone into the dark would have on any man, let alone one who really cared for her and wanted to do right by her. Rathin is not a perfect man, he is still fallible, and unfortunately, he develops a dependent comfort in inebriation when Dagrim disappears with Riddle. He pulls himself back together, especially when he becomes Isaiah Moody's partner at the Ministry, and he begins to pursue Miraya.
Miraya Varma (Diligence)
Methodical and persistent, Miraya Varma earned herself a position at the Ministry immediately out of Hogwarts where she would later go on to form her own task force within the Ministry specifically designed for the interrogation and recommended sentencing of dark wizards and witches. She has been known to put her duty first, up until the birth of her son, Divyansh Patil, father to Padma and Parvati.
Isaiah Moody (Humility)
For a very long time, people seldom knew the Moody name, and that was the way Isaiah liked it. He believed that his line of work would endanger his loved ones (in spite of his wife being in the same profession) and so he never took credit for the numerous arrests he made. It was Isaiah who suspected something was strange about Morfin Gaunt's arrest while investigating the Riddle Massacre, and consulted Dumbledore about it. Once his identity was discovered and he was viewed as a threat by Riddle, an attack was made on his heavily pregnant wife, jeopardizing her and his unborn boy's (Alastor) life.
Minerva McGonagall (Chastity)
Mini Minnie is seventeen, my dudes. But not only that, Minerva grew up with a religious father (he was canonically a reverend), who probably taught her his values. Also given the fact that Minerva was the first of the younger generation to participate and involve herself in the war (she sought out Dumbledore and enlisted herself into his Resistance, fearing her family would be made into another statistic if she didn't at least do something to intervene), she really didn't have much time to think about something as arbitrary as the concept of virginity. Also, it's the 1950s.
Corinne Scamander (Kindness)
Corrine is honestly the greatest. She has all of the tenacity of Tina, and the best qualities of Newt. It was Dumbledore's previous bond with Newt that encouraged him to recruit her, and she willingly accepted, because of course she would. She'd always been the soft spoken girl with a tender touch and a love for life, and she was often the advocate for hope in the resistance. She was adept in a few healing charms she'd learned from her father, and was something of a specialist in magical beings, proving herself to be highly valuable while Riddle was expanding his ranks with all manner of dark creatures.
Declan Diggory (Charity)
Sacrifice is in the Diggory blood, and Cedric's grandfather, Declan, was not the first to prove it. He also, unfortunately, wasn't the last, but he sure was one of the best. Selfless to a fault, Declan would willingly get hypothermia if it meant someone else would have warmth. Diggory's contributions to the war effort consisted of offering sanctuary and shelter to muggleborns who received death threats, and orchestrating the evacuations of targeted muggle residences. He was the leader of a small faction of the resistance, including, but not limited to: Fleamont Potter, Enoch Longbottom, Wilhelm Shacklebolt, and Ramona McKinnon.
DYNAMICS (just the contenders for now because this is hella long)
Albus Dumbledore vs. Tom Riddle
Adversaries, a fair deal of mistrust and guilt from Dumbledore's side (upon reflection, he'd been the one to introduce Tom to the wizarding world; even though he knows that if Riddle had been left unchecked, the risk of him becoming an Obscurus would've resulted in catastrophe all the same). Riddle sees Dumbledore as nothing more than a foolish old man, a pest, and an obstacle to overcome at first, but learns to begrudgingly respect Dumbledore's strength and mastery of magic (after all, Riddle only knew him as the Transfiguration teacher before, and thought the accounts of Dumbledore's victory over Grindelwald had been exaggerated to great effect). Riddle's hubris was believing he could defeat Dumbledore on his own, thinking himself already stronger than Grindelwald ever hoped to be.
Rathin Patil vs. Dagrim Patil
Rathin had always been very protective of Dagrim, and loved her dearly, although his acts of affection were often misinterpreted as pity and condescension. This only served to push them further apart. When Dagrim turned to the Dark Arts and found solace in Riddle, it revolted Rathin, as he was hugely against the corruption the Dark Arts has on the performing witch or wizard, and wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy. He still very much loves her, and it hurts him to fight her. Dagrim, on the other hand, finds catharsis in duelling her brother, believing it to be justice for the way her parents treated her and the little he did to dissuade them.
Miraya Varma vs. Cantankerous Nott
A mutual respect and an academic rivalry, Cantankerous and Miraya were not friends by any means, but not enemies, either. Cantankerous even went as far as to warn Miraya of an impending attack, allowing her to evacuate the building. But although he knows she's clever, he also knows that she's incredibly stubborn, and displayed little surprise to find her awaiting him in the now vacant building. They are equally matched, and their unique relationship spans several decades, even into Cantankerous' failed run at Minister for Magic, and Theodore and the Patil twins' time at Hogwarts. She was present at his trial following the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, and watched as he was sentenced to life in Azkaban for his crimes as a Death Eater.
Isaiah Moody vs. Abraxas Malfoy
Given his profession, Isaiah has a lot of enemies on the Sacred Twenty-Eight who are loyal to the Dark Lord. One such enemy is Abraxas Malfoy. When Tom gets word of Moody's involvement in solving the Riddle Massacre, he sends Malfoy and a newer Death Eater, Evangeline Rosier, to hinder the investigation. Abraxas and Evangeline were responsible for the attack on Isaiah's heavily pregnant wife, who, if she hadn't been an Auror herself, would've never survived. Alastor Moody was prematurely born at St. Mungo's following the attack, and all of Isaiah's efforts were turned on exacting vengeance on those responsible. Malfoy went into hiding, but Isaiah, ruthless, managed to hunt down Rosier. She died under questioning, setting in motion a vicious cycle of vengeance between the Moodys and Rosiers. Once Isaiah had been killed by Evangeline's brother (Evan [who was named after her] Rosier's father), Abraxas deemed it safe to rejoin society.
Minerva McGonagall vs. Ulysses Mulciber
On the list of things Ulysses loathes, he would put half-bloods above muggleborns (although he turns a blind eye to his Dark Lord's blood status when it conveniences him). Half-bloods only serve as a reminder of the lowest and weakest of his kind; the unworthy muggleborns, the lecherous blood traitors, the vermin muggles. Mulciber prides himself as something of a "purifier," and finds great enjoyment in pruning family trees that have been poisoned by muggle blood into purity once more. He takes a great interest in Minerva McGonagall, given that she is an incredibly powerful witch at such a young age, and he wonders how glorious she would've been had she been a pureblood (a twisted and untrue belief among the Sacred Twenty-Eight during that time). Minerva, the threat of Mulciber weighing heavily on her, places her family under Dumbledore's protection. She vows to stop Mulciber and his perverse idea of justice.
Corinne Scamander vs. Carmilla Avery
It didn't take much to enrage Carmilla Avery, and Corinne had been caught in the tempest Carmilla's fury since the day they'd met. Carmilla, who took great pleasure in picking on people she deemed lesser, made a target out of Corinne, perceiving her kindness for weakness. During their time at Hogwarts, Corinne had gained the attention of Avery for being a blood traitor and a muggle sympathizer, which only strengthened Carmilla's vindication. Corinne, who had been friends with Rubeus Hagrid prior to his expulsion, and who had almost fallen prey to the basilisk when she had heard Myrtle Warren's cries from the bathroom, never lowered herself to Carmilla's level nor did she rise to any of the challenges. This hurt Avery's ego, as she thought this was Corinne's way of claiming herself better than her. It wasn't until after Hogwarts that Carmilla's growing resentment came to a head, and, without the protection the school offered Corinne, Carmilla was looking to finally put an end to the blood traitor line of Scamander.
Declan Diggory vs. Serafine Lestrange
Declan and Serafine were childhood friends who drifted apart during their time at Hogwarts, particularly when she fell in with Riddle's crowd. She is viewed by Dumbledore as having the power to sway the entire outcome of the war, for if Serafine could be persuaded into leaving Riddle, her cousins (one of whom is the father of Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange) would surely comply, and the families who held the Lestranges in high regard would be inclined to follow. This makes Declan and Serafine key pieces in Dumbledore's game of strategy. However, Serafine was disowned long before she defected from the Death Eaters, leaving the Lestranges firmly in Riddle's grasp. Although Serafine claimed to feel nothing for Diggory, she still refused to deal any real harm to him when they duel, in spite of having ample opportunity to do so; something which Riddle picked up on. She was later forced to torture Declan in front of him to prove her loyalty to the Dark Lord, something which Declan permitted her to do, knowing she had very little choice in the matter. He was left for dead, but Serafine would later secretly return with Corinne to get him medical attention. She gives her son, Francis, "Declan" as a middle name.
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justme92297 · 4 years
HC: Kissing Under the Mistletoe (New Dateables)
I want to apologize for how long this took me, but I also want to be realistic to the people who decided to follow me. I told in my bio that I am not a consistent writer and this prompt took me a bit, because I wrote Barbatose's story 5 different times, because I would finish one section and come up with an idea I liked better and wanted to incorporate it. As you might have been able to tell, I had to quit or this would never be posted. Anyway enjoy.
TW: I still don't think so, but if any it would be kissing. Reader: Gender Neutral.
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Human world traditions? Sign him up. Seriously, after a day or two of Lucifer not budging on a holiday party, you knew what to do. Go to Diavolo in the middle of RAD and mention how you have been trying to convince Lucifer. He can’t say no to this man, and you will get your party. Diavolo didn’t know about the mistletoe tradition, but just thought it was cute when you explained to him why the boys hanged mistletoe everywhere.
Diavolo didn’t plan on kissing you, he knew that Barbatos and Lucifer would have some remarks about his prince image, but when the opportunity present himself, isn’t it his duty to welcome human world traditions in open arms and respect? Shouldn’t he participate to show how much he wants to unify the realms? That’s why when Diavolo stated he wanted to practice his selfie skills with you and take a picture to remember this day he didn’t see what would be wrong with perfectly placing you under the door way next to the tree. That tree that you and Levi spent decorating, and at least has 2 mistletoes around it. Right when Diavolo went to take the picture was when he stole a kiss.
His kiss was shocking to say the least, sparks felt like they were engulfing your body in the brief moment of the kiss.
~After looking back at the photo disappointment couldn’t comprehend the emotion he was feeling. He thought that he was going to have a memento of that night and participating in a human world tradition. However, when looking at the photo he couldn’t tell between the blurry shifty photo of the wall of HoL. Lucifer and Barbatos was more than pleased that the only photographic evidence of what happened was illegible.
Walking down the corridors of RAD, you couldn’t help to skip a bit, with getting the green light to host the party, it is time for planning and preparation. Saying that you paid attention in class would be a lie, but at the end of the day you figured out what everyone would be tasked to do, and you put yourself on the food part to make sure that the party still maintains a human world feel. After planning the menu you still had one problem. The drinks. You want something classic to make Lucifer and some nonwild individuals comfortable but with a fun spin to still keep the others happy. You needed Barbatos’s help.
When Barbatos arrived you asked if he could taste the drink to see if you got the recipe correct. That’s when Solomon walked in. Barbatos saw the mess happen. He knew that throwing that fruit cake was not an accident, and as a way to reward the sacrifice that you made he decided to help clean up the scattered bits of cake and broken plate before Solomon could think of a way to fix his dessert. Helping out and cleaning was something that wasn’t expected but also wasn’t that surprised.
Gathering all the pieces into the trash, Barbatos came up behind you near the cauldron stove, lit with spiced devil cider, he asked if he could taste the specialty drink now. Holding your breath you tried to spot a reaction from the poised devil. Looking at the spices around the cauldron, you see that he added a bit more cinnamon, some more anise and stirred. Bringing the wooden spoon to your lips “try this now.” A harmony of the flavors couldn’t mask the feel of Barbatos against your lips. “There it should be perfect now.” With that Barbatos went back to the group seeing if Diavolo needed anything.
Barbatos’s kiss was reserved. He didn’t feel comfortable enough to show too much affection in public yet. He knows what could be, but that doesn’t always mean that this is the timeline that has his desired outcome, and he knows to respect you and your choices.
~Barbatos wouldn’t normally be someone to show so much affection in a somewhat public area, which is why Simeon and Luke needed to take a moment to actually realize what had happened. Luke was wondering if you were okay, and if you needed some mouthwash, or something stronger to get rid of a demons kiss. Simeon on the other hand was trying to stop Luke from invading in your personal time and telling him that if you really needed help there are multiple people here ready to rush to help you.
Simeon actually didn’t kiss you the day of the party. After seeing everyone avoiding Asmo, or trying to execute their plan to kiss you, Simeon thought it would be best if he didn’t attempt but give you a person you wouldn’t have to worry about during the party, however he wasn’t going to miss the chance if it presented itself to him again, and that is just what he planned on making sure happened.
Simeon showed up the next day to help clean up, knowing full well that most of the boys would need a morning or a day to recuperate before trying to do anything productive. So with some of Luke’s homemade cookies in hand he knocked on the HoL doors expecting only you to be awake.
During clean up Simeon and you became a pair of cleaning and straightening heroes. Placing pillows and blankets in the correct places, grabbing all the dishes into the sink to start washing them, Simeon offered to help dry and put away. Turning you head to thank him, you two started discussing how the party went and wanted to make sure that each other had fun. “I saw that a lot of people kissed you MC.” “Yeah, it’s a human world tradition, when you are under a mistletoe your are suppose to kiss.” “Aren’t we under one now?” Looking up to see that there has been a mistletoe above this sink the whole time Simmeon leans down to meet your lips.
If an angel’s food cake could be transformed into a kiss, this would be that kiss. Simeon’s kiss was light and made you want to melt against him, sadly it was quick.
~Without realizing it Simeon’s D.D.D was taking a video when he placed it by the sink. To this day. Simeon still does not know about the video.
You knew Solomon was trying, you knew that he was just trying to follow human world customs and bring some food to the party. You knew Solomon just didn’t know how bad his cooking actually is. What you didn’t know was how to dispose of this multi-dimension time-shiftng poison before anyone could eat the spicy devil fruit “cake”.
Solomon wanted to walk with you into the kitchen to make sure that you have a place at the table that can fit this monstrosity, when Solomon noticed the mistletoe hanging over the door way. Twirling you around Solomon kissed you. While Solomon’s kiss was nice, you found it to be your perfect opportunity and drop the cake, purposefully face down with as much force as you could muster.
Kissing Solomon was an experience. Solomon’s lips started out hard with little movement, where he softly started to kiss you and started to slowly back away. His kiss felt like you could be here for eternity, but only think it was a second, and you are not quite sure if that is due to magic, the interesting technique he used, or a different reason.
~All of the brothers saw this happening, and you should be thankful that Barbatos took you away so you could avoid the yelling, threatening, and maniacal giggling that was happening in the next room. When Solomon got back to Purgatory Hall you made sure that his enchantments and locks were strong against his room.
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indigoxchildrenx · 6 years
lucifer, what do you think of your daughter? do you think she'll be able to properly complete the mission you gave her?
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“Lilith is too much like her mother for her own good.” The devil nodded, “I think she’ll do just fine in her mission.”
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