indyschei-blog · 8 years
Quiet - LIGHTS
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indyschei-blog · 8 years
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indyschei-blog · 8 years
“Well, I was learning towards the pizza and no pants, but if you’ve got a vote, I guess.”
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“Are you asking me to make the decision? Because I definitely will if you don’t.”
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indyschei-blog · 8 years
“I’m all for celebrating. I’m thinking tequila shots, techno music, and heels too tall to walk in or all-meat cheese stuffed crust pizza and pajamas. Tough choices.”
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“We should definitely celebrate. My evening has been rather uneventful, anyway.”
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indyschei-blog · 8 years
“Here’s hoping. This week a meeting with an agent, next month, I’m a star.”
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“You’ve had years of acting experience, and it’s basically a glorified job interview. It’ll be easy for you.”
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indyschei-blog · 8 years
“I want to make sure that I never do. I’m hoping it goes great. I could really use this.”
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“I’m proud to say I’ve never had that opportunity.”
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“I’m glad I can help! You’ll have to let me know how it goes.”
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indyschei-blog · 8 years
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indyschei-blog · 8 years
“I don’t even think the people that work there want to be part of them to be perfectly honest, that’s the worst part. No, I’m going to be really, really careful. I’m fully aware so all I can do is hope for the best. Thanks for the advice though, I really appreciate it.”
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“And it’s a logical fear to have. I hear too many horror stories like that. Plus, local commercials are the worst, and is anyone ever proud to be a part of them, or is that just a myth?”
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“As long as you’re aware, I don’t think it’ll be a problem.”
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indyschei-blog · 8 years
“Thank you! That’s my fear actually. That I’ll get incredibly excited and just sign away my life and I’ll end up doing mattress store commercials for the rest of my days. It’s a recurring nightmare.”
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“You’re right, that is exciting! I hope it goes well for you. I think the only form of advice I could offer you is to refrain from signing anything without reading it first.”
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indyschei-blog · 8 years
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“Well, I’m at a bookstore too. And I really love that, so I try to be available. You don’t have to do that for me. I actually have a friend who’s gotten me a meeting with an agent. That’s exciting.”
“You don’t work as an actress full-time?”
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“If you’re having trouble finding roles, I can always put in a good word for you.”
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indyschei-blog · 8 years
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indyschei-blog · 8 years
1.Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?”I want Chipotle. Maybe a boyfriend. But first, burrito.”2.When did your last hug take place?”Last week. It was more of a forced hug with Nic because he won’t accept my regular hugs. He’s awful.”3.Are you a jealous person?”No way.”4.Are you tired right now?“I am always tired. I always need a nap.”
5-10 previously answered.
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0 notes
indyschei-blog · 8 years
5.Do you chew on your straws?“I don’t really notice when I do. Until it’s basically unusable and I have to ask for another. So, yes.”
6.Have you ever been called a tease?”High school was a very experimental time for me, I got called a lot of things. I’m just kidding. Maybe a few times.”
7.Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?”I think the better question is have I slept for 48 hours straight. But yes, I have.”
8.Do you cry easily?”I’m a constant waterfall.”
9.What should you be doing right now?”Laundry and calling my mom, who will then remind me to do my laundry and fold it right away.”
10.Are you a heavy sleeper?”Not really. I’m definitely a light sleeper.”
11.Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?“I can’t even own the same pair of shoes for six months.”
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indyschei-blog · 8 years
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indyschei-blog · 8 years
“Are you nuts? People wait and work for so long to be able to get to this point. He’s more than a sweetheart. He’s my best friend, and he puts up with me better than anyone else.”
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“You really have to stop thanking me, it’s really nothing. I’m glad that Nic’s keeping you entertained. He’s a sweetheart.”
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indyschei-blog · 8 years
“Thank you. I seriously can’t say that enough. Well, I mean.. my days are pretty fun at the store. I like spending time with Nic. He’s basically the reason that I’m there.”
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“As long as you keep it like you normally are. Don’t worry about it, you deserve it. That’s good, hopefully your days will be a little bit more fun after today.”
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indyschei-blog · 8 years
“I can’t stay calm. It’s not in my nature. I’m really so grateful. This is wonderful. They’re going pretty well, I suppose. Nothing too interesting to report.”
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“It’s not a problem! Just stay calm, and you’ll do great. Now tell me, how’re things at the bookstore?”
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