infamousalaska · 11 years
I believe it was.
Is that even a question?
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infamousalaska · 11 years
[Hannah leaves a note on Alaska's bed, with a few dandelions on it.] What the fuck is rhyming, I can't rhyme at all. Or do the poetry stuff because then I stumble and fall ON MY FACE and then you laugh so maybe it would be good. I'm super smooth though. But yes, I'd like to fuck you too. - Han
Alaska blinks at the note before promptly bursting into laughter, tucking the note into the shoebox under her bed that contains all her Westwood memories. Hannah is featured in a vast majority of them.
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infamousalaska · 11 years
alaska is human and conflicted and shouldn't be demonised
Mun and muse like this anon.
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infamousalaska · 11 years
alaska is being unfair and is selfish and she should just leave
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infamousalaska · 11 years
Alaska nodded slowly. "Oh... Um, I didn't know that. Sorry," she apologized again, hating how helpless she felt talking to Emmaline. They were supposed to be best fucking friends, dammit. Why was it all so stiff and horrible now? Nothing in life made sense anymore. Alaska hated it. "M'proud of you, though. You're strong enough to do it, m'sure," she tried to be encouraging, accepting Emmaline's explanation though she had her suspicions about how true it was. Contesting it would only land her in trouble and Alaska didn't want more with Em. "Why didn't you tell me, Em?" Alaska asked softly.
need you now | Montclair
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infamousalaska · 11 years
Alaska nodded slowly, feeling hollow, and looked at Emmaline with furrowed eyebrows. "Oh," she said, tucking a strand of hair behind her eyes, looking slightly annoyed when it jumped back out. "I got you these," Alaska muttered and took out the box of cigarettes and put it in Emmaline's lap. "How come you ended up at the hospital? Can't imagine you willingly coming here..." she said, shooting Em a small smile, trying to make the conversation between them less stilted.
need you now | Montclair
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infamousalaska · 11 years
Alaska hugged her tighter, wanting there to be no room there between them, wanting to stop and restrain Mackenzie because she didn't trust her sister to not run back. Leaving was a think people did to Alaska, not staying and not loving her. But Mackenzie wasn't like that. It had been years -- about three or so -- since Mackenzie had promised she wouldn't- Mackenzie had promised she was better. A sob, broken and scared, ripped from Alaska and she held on tighter still. "Babe, I'm here, okay? I'm here, Mackenzie. I love you, I'm here, you'll be okay, love, you will be okay," she murmured senselessly into Mackenzie's neck as she hid her face there, not letting her go an inch. Her blood felt frozen where it was and Alaska couldn't breathe right. Tears that came out very, very rarely fell now streamed down her cheeks and into the material of her sister's shirt. "You promised you wouldn't again..." she sniffled.
Nothing Lasts Forever || Mackaska
"No!" Crying out as she was pulled from the edge, Mackenzie struggled in Alaska’s arms, all coherent thoughts gone from her mind as her one main goal became getting back to the edge, to being in control of the situation once more. It wasn’t until her sister spoke, voice cutting through her like a knife, that Mackenzie actually realised who it was that had pulled her from the edge. Eyes widening in shock, guilt surged through her and she became still in Alaska’s arms, body continuing to shake as she simply lay there, unmoving, unfeeling. Her heart physically hurt, and Mackenzie hated herself more in that moment than she ever had before.
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infamousalaska · 11 years
Alaska internally sighed, not letting any hurt surface in her eyes anymore, and walked closer to Emmaline. "I didn't listen. I'm sorry," she replied, taking a hesitant seat next to Em's bed. The familiar jumper on Emm made her eyes soften as she looked at the scene and she pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. Alaska wondered for a moment when she'd started needing defenses around Emmaline and then stopped thinking about it. "What happened?" she asked softly, her eyes looking over Emmaline, scanning and then focusing on her face.
need you now | Montclair
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infamousalaska · 11 years
"Shut up," Alaska laughed lightly at Mackenzie's stubbornness and blew a raspberry against her shoulder, trying to cheer her up again. "I can be unbiased even if you are my sister, Mack," she said softly. "I don't know about you, but the truth makes me feel better. So obviously, that's what I'll use with you too, right? And I'm not saying kissing him wasn't wrong, Mackenzie. It was. I'm saying that you are not the only one at fault. It is not all you. Drunk or not, he had no right to kiss you in the first place," Alaska was pretty damn stubborn herself, not willing to let Mack be down about this. Stupid Horthorn students, she thought, slightly pissed off now.
"It can and it is." She mumbled the words stubbornly, drying her face once more before snuggling back down into the warmth of Alaska’s body. "You’re not looking at it from an unbiased view though, you’re my sister, your whole goal is to make me feel better." She sniffled, eyes fluttering shut as she grew more comfortable. All the crying and emotions had made her extremely tired, though she wasn’t about to admit such a fact, should Alaska then feel she needed to leave.
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infamousalaska · 11 years
Mackenzie sat on the roof, in the same spot where her and Artemis had first spoken after the elder girl returned to Westwood. Her legs were dangling over the edge and one trembling hand clung tightly onto a now half empty bottle of vodka, the other gripping firmly onto her thigh as the brunette drifted between the realms of reality and fantasy. Her whole body shook slightly and tear tracks stained her cheeks, though she paid no heed to such an obvious sign of weakness. At this point, she didn’t think she could sink any lower, and the itchy feeling of her fresh wounds rubbing against the sleeve of her jumper was a constant reminder of that fact. She had done so well, had stayed strong for so long but she couldn’t do that, not anymore. It was too hard to ignore the pain, too hard to ignore the blinding numbness that echoed through her body like a never ending wave of misery and loneliness, swallowing her up whole. It would be so easy to just jump now, to just end it all and end everyone’s misery in the process. The only person who would care besides the select few Horthorn students was Alaska, and she had Artemis and Hannah to make things better. Yes, maybe it was easier that way. She stood up slowly, legs trembling with the effort as she stared down at the ground below before raising her bottle to her lips. One more swig, and then the bottle was falling and it was in pieces on the floor, too small for Mackenzie to see yet smashing loud enough to be heard. Yes, it would be easier this way.
Alaska's head felt too full, and it was just one of those days. She couldn't write, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, couldn't talk to anyone and she felt alone and empty. She felt like a shell of a person rather than a whole one and it hit her hard. Felt like a relapse every time such a day came by and Alaska knew it would pass, because such days always did even though they dragged by heinously. Alaska had a bad feeling prodding her gut incessantly and she saw no reason for it -- not for lack of trying, though -- and decided she was being stupid and paranoid. It was unnecessary as far as she could see it and Alaska just needed to get away. She headed for the roof because she needed to smoke, needed to scream out into nothingness and breathe easier. She ran up the steps, not even noticing that the door was unlocked, and walked out into the light. She was just expected fresh air and a place of peace but what her eyes landed on only made them widen, her feet moving of their own accord as she ran and snared her arm around her sister's waist, yanking her back and the motion resulting in them falling to the ground. Alaska cursed under her breath as they fell but immediately, her hands reached to grasp Mackenzie at the elbows, her wide eyes having fear in them and looking over sister over and over again. "What the fuck," Alaska hissed, folding Mackezie close and holding tight, as if the girl would slip out of her fingers into oblivion, an oblivion she was too terrified to even think about. Suddenly, Alaska felt so, so cold.
Nothing Lasts Forever || Mackaska
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infamousalaska · 11 years
Big enough to fit me in them?
Of course, have you seen my my trunks? They’re huge.c
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infamousalaska · 11 years
need you now | Montclair
Alaska wasn't thinking clearly at all but she rushed to get the principal's permission for leaving school grounds and raced to her bike as soon as she got it. She straddled the vehicle easily in her jeans and as it roared to life, Alaska rushed as fast as she could to get to the hospital. Things may be really bad between the two of them but that did not for a second mean that Emmaline did not mean so, so much to Alaska. She always had, and she always would.
She remembered the pack of cigarettes and felt them burn in the pocket of her trousers and adjusted her jumper before hopping off her bike, kicking it to a stand and then headed into the hospital. It looked like it was about to rain and Alaska fleetingly wondered if the world was trying to be ironic here. She didn't spare it much thought, though, and instead headed towards Emmaline's room. Nurse Abigail -- who smiled at her like they were friends and accepted Alaska's short hug and worried smile -- led her to Emm's room upon her prompting. "Why..?" she asked the nurse but the woman just gestured she go inside.
Softly, Alaska rapped her knuckles against the door and peered her head inside. "Emma?" she murmured, looking uncharacteristically uncertain.
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infamousalaska · 11 years
[text] don't light 'em. Or  we could do that think with steam and the exhaust-fan and open the window.
[text] wait what you're in the hospital i am on my way
[text] where are you? Haven't seen you in a bit.
[text] i’m sick.
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infamousalaska · 11 years
D'you reckon I'll fit?
Aw, how nice of you. I’ll just put you in my trunk and take you with me!
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infamousalaska · 11 years
[text] i like breaking rules. you already know that. i'll bring you a pack of cigarettes. and yes, i am shamelessly bribing you here.
[text] where are you? Haven't seen you in a bit.
[text] i’m sick.
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infamousalaska · 11 years
[text] can I come see you?
[text] where are you? Haven't seen you in a bit.
[text] i’m sick.
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infamousalaska · 11 years
I'll miss your face. How 'bout I store you in a box or hide you in my closet?
Almost everything packed! Can’t wait to go back to ignoring half of Horthrons population.
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