infernal-egocentrism · 7 months
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When the one who introduced themselves as "Yves" has decided not to waste the effort of convincing you that they're just like you. Just human. Nay, they are far from dumb and ditzy.
The sound of hooves clicking on the ground wherever they walked suddenly makes sense. You stare at their horns, decorated with what seems like bloodstains. Are they the Devil?
"Ah, don't look at me like that~! I might've fallen from the heavens, but I'm not a demon~!"
That isn't exactly comforting, when they are closing the distance between them and you, and their presence makes the air in this room feel blisteringly hot. Their tail swishes back and forth playfully. It's hard to read what their expression means. + Pain + Stress +Trauma
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infernal-egocentrism · 7 months
Peer into the mirror.
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You feel as if something has shifted in the air as you hold the mirror's frame, large enough to be held in both hands, up to your face.
It's beckoning for you.
An image flashes in your mind. The face of someone familiar, yet different, too different. Someone wearing a human face with supernatural features. They remind you of the creatures you see when your grip on reality begins to slip.
Your fingers touch the mirror's golden surface despite your mind’s protests against it. Quickly, too quickly, your conscience fades-- no, it is split. In the real world, you feel your body hold onto the mirror, your body moving from instinct. Placing it in your bag, you start walking.
But what happened to your other half? +Trauma
You're startled. You try looking at your surroundings. For some reason, you can't seem to turn your head, but in the distance, you can make out lavish cushions and cloth piled up in the corner and other decor strewn about.
You feel like the word to describe what you're experiencing is on the tip of your tongue, but it doesn't quite register until you see someone approach you. They're wearing a school uniform, with the addition of a sweater they haven't bothered pulling up onto their shoulders.
They wear a blank expression while staring straight at you... Through you? As they fix their long, dark hair, brushing it smooth with a comb. It's eventually styled in a way that seems a little silly to you, but they stop messing with it, so they must be satisfied with it.
They suddenly seem frustrated about something, and glance to the side. They sigh, and their hand reaches for you, and you panic momentarily. +Stress
Your perspective changes. They're holding the mirror. It's behaving as a window, so you can see what it reflects. They carry the mirror with them, through winding halls and high ceilings. The idea that this may only be a small fraction of how expansive this place is makes your head spin. +Awareness
You can't see anything for a moment. You strain to hear what may be happening. You realize that inside your mind, you do not have access to any of your senses besides sight.
By the time you come to, you're placed on a dresser in a plain room. The same person begins making faces, seeming unsatisfied with the way they may come off to others.
They settle on a gentle, yet smug, smile.
You have the urge to reach out further, to go deeper.
1. Proceed + Stress ++Awareness +Willpower
2. Bail Out.
... Next. (link tba)
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infernal-egocentrism · 7 months
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// A sneak peek.
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infernal-egocentrism · 7 months
You come across an old mirror. Its age is made especially apparent because it is not made of glass nor silver; it is made of gold, polished to reflect anyone who gazes upon it clearly. It's out of place here, and coming across such a well-maintained valuable seems suspicious.
You can't help but reach forward to brush your fingers on its frame to look at it more closely. A searing sensation of fear rips through you. | +++Stress
You push through the fear and suppress what must be an illogical reaction to getting closer to just a mirror. You can rationalize it however you want. | + Willpower
Regardless, it might not be a good idea to touch something that doesn't belong to you. Still...
( Other is for me to see the poll results but this post can also be considered a RP STARTER. :]]] DM me if you have something you wanna plot out!)
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infernal-egocentrism · 7 months
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you have my heart !
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infernal-egocentrism · 7 months
Uuughhh that sounds so unfair!! 😦 Like, before I moved, ik how being the center of bad rumors are, plenty of people spread rumors about me being a boyfriend-stealing skank, I'm not the one who even... I wasn't even prettier than her! 😭
Hmphh, I just wanna make friends bc I'm in a new country altogether ykno :(((? I can't rlly do much but if I can help ppl with my abilities, I would too. Ur a real one Cain 🙏‼️
I'd loooove ❤️‍🔥 to set a date w you! It's hard to get ahold of u during school bc I never have the time </3 but this Friday evening maybe??? If u like any snacks or wanna eat somewhere after I can prepare it :)))
Hiiiii Caiinnnnn this is Yves so I've been scrolling down ur blog for a lil but and like- why does everyone hate you so much? 💔 U seem like a nice guy, but isn't like, speaking with the intention to possibly get what you want a way of life? Is that considered enough to be manipulation nowadays? 😱 Or does everyone dislike you bc you're a church boy? I can't understand others sometimes 😭 ❤️‍🔥 BTW I was wondering, I heard ur grades were like, rlly good? Can you help me study 🥺🙏⁉️
Hey, Yves!! Oh, who’s to say, really? People tend to look at me with their preconceived notions— fueled by rumours, which ends up clouding their judgement <3
Of course if they assume everything I do is ill-intentioned, they’ll be able to spin anything I do into whatever fits their narrative… 😅
I remain unbothered by how they perceive me! It’s definitely unfortunate that so many people lack trust in me, but I assure you my intentions are selfless & pure 💚 I seek to help people, not harm them! 😊
BTW, I’d love to help you study! I’m no genius by far, I’ve not gotten any distinctions, but if A* marks work for you, message me and we can set up a time! :)
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infernal-egocentrism · 7 months
sure, i'll drink the pink swirly potion that released a little heart shaped cloud when you uncorked it. what's the worst that could happen
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infernal-egocentrism · 7 months
The weather outside was chilly today again, snow drifting from the sky overcast to pile up high in the rear courtyard. This meant that there were only really two options when it came to socializing. The canteen or the library. Yves chose the latter, followed by a couple of other students who wished to keep chattering.
Within the week, they already became somewhat popular among the student populace despite their oddities. Before taking a seat at one of the tables, they pulled a book from a shelf and flipped to a page as they kept up with the conversation around them.
Before long, the volume rose to a generally unacceptable level for the space, and there were desperate shushes passed around. Perhaps it was too late to escape notice. Seems that Sydney and whoever was chatting with them came to scold the group.
"Ah~? Damn-- Didn't mean to raise the ire of the staff so early on~ ^^' Sorry~!!"
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infernal-egocentrism · 8 months
// HEY EVERYONE. Sang here. As always, I'd totally be up if you wanna discuss threads in dms or on discord, my job is flexible enough for me to be able to reply pretty often! Yves has a lot of mysteries surrounding them and while I don't mind revealing more to get people interested, I already do have a IW-Schism type reveal that I'm starting to write that might end up to be at least five or six pages? //Ask away!
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infernal-egocentrism · 8 months
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"Aren't I the cutest?"
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infernal-egocentrism · 8 months
Yves taps a finger to their chin before they shuffle through their bag, quickly finding the piece of paper they wanted. They placed it down on the table between the two.
"You know, I like doing plenty of those things already! I play the zither in my free time, exercise pretty frequently, ink painting... Ahaa... I sorta wanna a challenge~?"
They speak fast and excitedly, pointing through the list. Not all of these classes are available every period, though, so it restricts their choices somewhat. If Robin shows any anxiety visibly, they pretend not to notice.
"I think I saw sociology on here? That might be a good pick!!"
For the first half of lunch period, Yves doesn't seem to linger with any one group. Leaving behind a few of them eliciting laughter from how seemingly archaic their practice is, to introduce themself to everyone in the school- or at least, as many people as possible. Don't they get tired with this level of intense social interaction? They spot another person that they haven't spoken to yet- likely due to the fact that they haven't shared classes yet.
"Hey! I don't think I've said hello to you yet, my name's Yves!"
They slid into the seat opposite Robin and reached out to shake hands expectantly.
Robin shook their hand with the excited stranger. "Oh, hello there. I’m Robin. It’s nice to meet you, Yves.” They replied back. Robin hadn’t expected to have been sitting next to Yves as they were waiting for one of their friends to show up for lunch. They did notice how the stranger was introducing themselves to everyone. Maybe they’re a transfer student? Or maybe they’ve just never noticed them until now. Either way, Yves feels like someone that Robin could get along with.
“Would you like to eat lunch with me?” They ask, though they were curious if Yves would continue to introduce themselves to others during this period.
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infernal-egocentrism · 8 months
Hihiiiiii so I guess this is what some people do in their spare time around here :D? Haiii my name is Yves but sometimes it can be abbreviated to YS, I don't mind <33❤️‍🔥🧡♥️💖~ It took a while for me to get a cellphone because I haven't been here for long! I came from a different country altogether >-<
Try asking me things! Or tell me about yourself! Everyone's so interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would LOVEE to get to know you all 🧡💖❤️‍🔥♥️ <3~
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infernal-egocentrism · 8 months
"Ah, I'm sorry to decline today! Maybe another time? I want to be able to greet everyone- but I can spare a minute or two, since you asked, Robin~!"
They bring their legs up to cross in their seat, sitting on their feet as they rest their elbows on the table.
"What's a typical school day like, here? How about your elective? I haven't chosen yet, but after lunch, Headmaster Leighton told me I could take a look at each of them~!"
For the first half of lunch period, Yves doesn't seem to linger with any one group. Leaving behind a few of them eliciting laughter from how seemingly archaic their practice is, to introduce themself to everyone in the school- or at least, as many people as possible. Don't they get tired with this level of intense social interaction? They spot another person that they haven't spoken to yet- likely due to the fact that they haven't shared classes yet.
"Hey! I don't think I've said hello to you yet, my name's Yves!"
They slid into the seat opposite Robin and reached out to shake hands expectantly.
Robin shook their hand with the excited stranger. "Oh, hello there. I’m Robin. It’s nice to meet you, Yves.” They replied back. Robin hadn’t expected to have been sitting next to Yves as they were waiting for one of their friends to show up for lunch. They did notice how the stranger was introducing themselves to everyone. Maybe they’re a transfer student? Or maybe they’ve just never noticed them until now. Either way, Yves feels like someone that Robin could get along with.
“Would you like to eat lunch with me?” They ask, though they were curious if Yves would continue to introduce themselves to others during this period.
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infernal-egocentrism · 8 months
"Ah... Well, see you later then! My next class is an elective, and if it's yours, too, I might see you. Headmaster Leighton allowed me to look at all of them during my period before I made a final decision."
They stand up to leave the table, deciding not to push boundaries too far.
"It really was nice to meet you, Kylar."
Yves peers in between the volumes after they start browsing the bookshelves to see if he really left. Oh well. They don't actually care too much for those who scare easily. | - Intrigue
Yves has been greeting everyone through lunch hour, not even stopping to eat anything but a piece of fruit they grabbed earlier. Juice ran dribbled around their lips as their teeth pierced through the flesh, and they licked between them like they were quaffing down the apple's sweet pus.
'Who have I not greeted yet?' They thought, eyes darting throughout the library. Amber spheres landed on the small, dark-haired student scawling with pen and pencil in the poorly-lit section of the room.
They stride over to him, wiping their mouth with the back of their left hand before tossing the core into a trash bin. Sliding into a chair next to them, they beamed with a pleasant smile.
> > "Hello! I'm new here, and I thought I'd introduce myself. My name's Yves, I'm not sure if we share any classes~?"
They hold out their right hand to shake.
Kylar stares at their hand, unmoving.
"I... I'm Kylar."
He looks to the side, then back at his paper, then back to the hand, still outstretched.
"Maybe we do share classes. So what..?" He mumbles his words, not quite meeting Yves' eyes as he speaks. He stares for a moment longer, then sighs and goes back to drawing, pointedly covering the side of the page with his arm to protect it from the student's gaze.
//clickable link to the blog here! : @infernal-egocentrism
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infernal-egocentrism · 8 months
They notice his reluctance to shake and their hand retreated under the table to clasp with the other in their lap. Regardless, he seemed protective over his work- perhaps others have mocked him over it? It's a scene they were familiar with in the past, from watching others. Their curiosity glimmered in their eyes as to what he could be hiding, though they make no movement to try to peer closer. | + Intrigue
"Ah, if we were classmates, I'd love to have a good relationship with the people I could be working with. It matters a lot to me, so I hope we can get along!"
Yves was still upbeat despite the seemed rejection.
"Well, anyways, I think I'll borrow a book. I'm good at mathematics, but I need to catch up on history. Do you mind if I come back to sit here~?"
Yves has been greeting everyone through lunch hour, not even stopping to eat anything but a piece of fruit they grabbed earlier. Juice ran dribbled around their lips as their teeth pierced through the flesh, and they licked between them like they were quaffing down the apple's sweet pus.
'Who have I not greeted yet?' They thought, eyes darting throughout the library. Amber spheres landed on the small, dark-haired student scawling with pen and pencil in the poorly-lit section of the room.
They stride over to him, wiping their mouth with the back of their left hand before tossing the core into a trash bin. Sliding into a chair next to them, they beamed with a pleasant smile.
> > "Hello! I'm new here, and I thought I'd introduce myself. My name's Yves, I'm not sure if we share any classes~?"
They hold out their right hand to shake.
Kylar stares at their hand, unmoving.
"I... I'm Kylar."
He looks to the side, then back at his paper, then back to the hand, still outstretched.
"Maybe we do share classes. So what..?" He mumbles his words, not quite meeting Yves' eyes as he speaks. He stares for a moment longer, then sighs and goes back to drawing, pointedly covering the side of the page with his arm to protect it from the student's gaze.
//clickable link to the blog here! : @infernal-egocentrism
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infernal-egocentrism · 8 months
"Ah! Hello, what did you wanna talk about~?" | + Intrigue
Yves smiles a bit too widely, and you can see their sharp teeth glint before they cover their mouth playfully with a giggle.
Info Under the Cut->
(Edited Feb 15th, 2024.)
I follow from @thesufferqueen , but please direct your attention to @thevicariousviscount instead. I have written my introduction post earlier, but I should make a proper one! Hello, my name is Sang, and this is an ask/rp blog for my OC, Yves for "Degrees of Lewdity." They are considered an NPC of interest. This will be an 18+ blog, so minors or blogs without an age will be blocked.
I do not condone the actions of this character. I will be able to be semi-active; if I do not reply, I might be busy, forget, or not answer anything I am uncomfortable with. I will always greatly appreciate communication through DMs. This blog is primarily just for fun! I don't think it'll get too busy.
Som asks would be responded to in the first person, as if Yves themself were responding, but otherwise, my preferred method of RPing is Third Person, unreliable narrator. It's up to you to unwind this airheaded bitch!
If I have anything else to say, it will be added later.
First intro post with more info about Yves can be found here.
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infernal-egocentrism · 8 months
They weave through the halls with a bounce in their step, the toes of their shoes clicking on the linoleum floors. It's their first day of school, and it just began snowing! They're excited to introduce themself to everyone. Now and then, they smile and say hi to the passerby students.
Regardless of whether or not they have classes with them, they go around to pay respects to the professors and the headmaster as well.
"Hello! My name is Yves, I hope I will be in your care."
Dangerous words to be saying in this place. They look like an easy mark, dumb and bubbly and eye-catching. They notice fingers reaching towards them sometimes, to yank at their long hair, but they simply twirl and stride beyond reach.
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