infpicaroon · 4 years
The Types as Zodiac Animals
In honour of Lunar New Year, here are the 16 types I think each animal of the Chinese zodiac would be! 新年快乐, 牛年大吉 to my fellow Chinese friends, and happy Lunar New Year to everyone else who celebrates. I know this has been a particularly difficult year and I wish you a prosperous year of the Ox.  
Rat, 鼠, (flexible, quick-witted, kind): ISTP
Ox, 牛, (resilient, strong, warm-hearted): ISFJ
Tiger, 虎, (magnetic, passionate, idealistic): ENFJ
Rabbit, 兔, (graceful, soft-hearted, diligent): ISFP
Dragon, 龙, (confident, fiery, intelligent): ENTJ, ESTP
Snake, 蛇, (mystical, wise, calm): INFJ, INTJ
Horse, 马, (energetic, giving, lively): ESFP
Sheep/Goat, 羊, (stoic, gentle, quiet): INFP 
Monkey, 猴, (curious, intelligent, active): ENTP, INTP
Rooster, 鸡, (brave, sensible, assiduous): ESTJ
Dog, 狗, (loyal, hard-working, cheerful): ISTJ
Pig, 猪, (popular, generous, frank): ENFP, ESFJ
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infpicaroon · 4 years
perceiver thoughts
Recently, I read that the K-12 school system is run mostly by xSxJs (or Guardians). So, there’s a strong bias towards people with the J preference and Judging behaviours, such as planning far ahead, being very well-organised, and setting detailed goals. In college, most professors have the N preference (iNtuition), but the ratio of Judgers to Perceivers is still about 2:1. Basically, the whole education system is oriented towards people with the J preference. 
I’ve only recently realised how much this has affected my own education. Like most INFPs, I’ve always been a pretty strong writer, but when it came to essay planning, I’d find myself completely stuck. If a teacher asked me to plan out a whole essay and submit the essay plan before actually writing the first draft, I would find that my creativity and motivation decreased substantially. I always hated the 5-paragraph structure that was peddled to us in high school, as well as ‘note-taking methods’. 
For years I thought that there was something wrong with me and the way I worked. I’d try to plan essays in detail, down to the word count (this argument would take 200 words, the next paragraph 600, etc.) I’d try to organise my notes into colour-coded, bullet-pointed systems. I’d try to give myself three hours to only work on one thing, and tell myself that by the end of the three hours I’d have that one thing done. 
Now that I have slightly more autonomy in my education, I realise that, because. I’m not an xxxJ, those behaviours are not natural to me and they’re not the way I learn. In fact, they are distinctly harmful to the way I organise my thoughts and actually get my ideas onto paper. The best things I’ve written have been because I’ve started writing and gotten all my ideas down on paper, and only then looked at the structure and plan of my writing. Or because I’ve given myself enough time to work on several projects at once. Maybe I spend 15 minutes on one thing, an hour on another, and then go back to the first thing. That’s the way I work, and there’s nothing wrong with that as long as I give myself enough time to meet all my deadlines.
I hope if you’re a fellow perceiver, especially a fellow xNxP, you’ll find this useful. Maybe you’re still stuck in school being taught the five-paragraph essay or ‘ways to structure your arguments’. Maybe you’re having trouble submitting a project plan because you’re not a detail person. But that’s not because you’re not disciplined, or not motivated, or not talented. It’s because you’re you and you need to find something that works for you.
Much love!
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infpicaroon · 4 years
The MBTI Types As Folklore/Evermore songs
if this has been done before, I apologise. as it will soon become clear, this is a shitpost and not to be taken seriously.
ENTJ: mad woman. the #1 boss bitch track just has to go to ENTJ.
INTJ: exile (ft. Bon Iver). INTJ, like Bon Iver in this track, walks alone.
ENTP: the 1. the most commitment-phobic track on folklore. and ‘never leaving well enough alone’? ENTP we know it’s you.
INTP: august. INTP would totally cancel their plans just in case you called. because they had no plans in the first place.
ESTP: cowboy like me. the bonnie and clyde vibes here are too strong. it just MUST be ESTP.
ISTP: no body, no crime (ft. HAIM). we know ISTP did it but we just can’t prove it. 
ESFP: gold rush. everybody wants you. everybody wonders what it would be like to love you.
ISFP: willow. more for the vibe of it than anything else. ISFP is a witch dancing at the willow fire.
ESTJ: this is me trying. ‘all i do is try, try, try’. does ESTJ ever rest?
ISTJ: marjorie. ISTJ is just over here reminiscing over the past and wishing they had kept every grocery store receipt.
ESFJ: seven. for the warm, nostalgic, caring, cinnamony vibes.
ISFJ: tolerate it. because only ISFJ is patient, loyal, and self-sacrificing enough to withstand the situation this song describes.
ENFJ: invisible string. goal-oriented and ooey-gooey? that’s ENFJ to a T!
INFJ: ’tis the damn season. infj is a put-together bitch who just wants someone she can relax & be herself with. (but would totally judge them for the messy mud on their truck tires). 
ENFP: the last great american dynasty. flies in all their bitch pack friends from the city. loses on card game bets with dali. which of these isn’t something ENFP would do?
INFP: mirrorball. the most ‘sad thot’ song on folklore naturally belongs to INFP. u ok?
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infpicaroon · 5 years
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infpicaroon · 5 years
making an mbti post like
the basic option: ENFP, ENFJ, ISFJ, INFP, ISTJ
the cool option: INFJ, ENTP, INTP, ISTP, ESTP
put all the types you don’t know what to do with here: ESTJ, ISFP, ESFP, ENTJ, ESFJ
it’ll still get notes as long as the last one is a joke about: INTJ
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infpicaroon · 5 years
the types as yahoo questions
Disclaimer: Stereotypes
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infpicaroon · 5 years
types as buzzfeed quizzes
After a long hiatus, I am (a) back and (b) neither sorry nor responsible for the shitposts & stereotypes this blog (lightheartedly) propagates.
ENFP: Which BuzzFeed Quiz Are You?
INFP: Who Hurt You?
ENFJ: What Kind of Cookie Are You?
INFJ: Which Melancholy Vegetable Matches Your Personality?
ENTP: What Kind of Garbage Are You?
INTP: Which Primitive SpongeBob Meme Are You?
ENTJ: Which Possible Illuminati Member Are You?
INTJ: How Likely Is It You’re Going to Hell?
ESFP: How Funny Are You Actually?
ISFP: Is This a Guy From the Distant Past, or Just a Hipster?
ESTP: How Bro Are You?
ISTP: How Brave Are You Actually?
ESTJ: What Grade Are You Getting in Life?
ISTJ: What British Swear Word Should You Use Today?
ESFJ: Are You Good Enough for My Son?
ISFJ: Can You Plan Your Wedding Without Going Over Budget?
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infpicaroon · 6 years
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leather bird: estj, istp boople snoot: isfj, enfj tiger pony: estp, esfj murder log: entj death floof: infj, enfp sea flap flap: entp, esfp formal chicken: istj, intj trash panda: infp, isfp danger noodle: intp
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infpicaroon · 7 years
fi users: *breathes*
mbti blogs: fi users have NO valuable use in society, everything they do is SELF CENTERED, they are, SELF REVOLVED, horrible, scums of the earth, they killed my crops, they are of NO asset to modern society, uh arts? poetry? UHHH???? gay shit????? fuck yo
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infpicaroon · 7 years
MBTI as Types of Precipitation
INTJ: Deep Late Autumn Fog
INTP: Midnight Downpour
ENTJ: Winter Snowstorm
ENTP: Hailstorm
INFJ: Autumn Thunderstorm
INFP: Early Spring Dawn Mist
ENFJ: Monsoon
ENFP: Summer Sun Shower
ISTJ: Sleet
ISTP: Summer Thundershower
ESTJ: Ice Storm
ESTP: Tropical Storm
ISFP: Sunlit Rain
ISFJ: Spring Drizzle
ESFP: Cloudburst
ESFJ: First Snow Flurry
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infpicaroon · 7 years
What Each Type Sees People As
Stories. Walking, living, stories. - INFP, ISFP, INFJ
Fears, Possibilites, and Dreams-  ENFP, ENTP, ENFJ
Stars. 7 billion stars - ESFP, ESTP, ESFJ
Help. Ways to help others - ISFJ, ISTP
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infpicaroon · 7 years
help my istj started sobbing out of nowhere
Y'all know we aren’t all tapped into one grand ISTJ consciousness right
Talk to them and ask what’s wrong and how you can help unless you’re like, watching a Pixar movie in which case they’ll be fine in a bit.
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infpicaroon · 7 years
How I’ve experienced the Romantic~ side of the intuitive MBTI types
(By an ENFJ)
-hey cutie lets talk government conspiracy
-smooth and hilarious pickuplines
-wait do I really like my significant other tho?
-won’t take ur shit
-will always beat u at board games
-wants u to join them when they rule the world
-decides to stay single
-probably does if they don’t find someone they have fun with and can help them grow
-struggles w too many and too few emotions at the same time
-will say the most adorable things
-smol beans of love
-will give u their love in some form of art
-will ask u a million questions
-won’t date u if yall don’t have a future together
-wants to help u w urself
-«what can i do to make u happy!!1??»
-needs to think about themselves first!! Too selfless for their own good
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infpicaroon · 7 years
i love your blog wow marry me
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infpicaroon · 7 years
There’s a method to my madness: ENTP, ENFP, INTP, ESTP, ENFJ
There’s a madness to my method: ENTJ, INTJ, ISFJ, ISTP, ISFP
All method: ISTJ, ESTJ, ESFJ, INFP
All madness: ESFP, INFJ
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infpicaroon · 7 years
types as whale sharks
at this point i feel no need to explain or apologise for my shit posts. None of these pictures are mine i do not take pictures of whale sharks
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infpicaroon · 7 years
When you’ve been happily married for 40 years but a 15 year old on tumblr claims your Myers Briggs types are incompatible
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