I g9t tired 9f waiting 9n Anunit, wh9m s9me 9f y9u kn9w and kn9w that I was waiting f9r him s9 we c9uld 6e mates and I did try t9 wait. H9wever, these last few times that he came 6ack (after 6eing g9ne f9r a m9nth 9r m9re) he did n9t try t9 c9ntact me what s9 ever despite the fact that I tried t9 c9ntact him,
S9, with a heavy heart, I shall rem9ve him as my master.
H9WEVER~! I have fixed my mistake and n9w have Cr9nus 6ack as my mate wh9m I shall add~~!!
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The fact that I still get followers even when I'm not online is amazing and I must say that I love you all! However, I have some bad news. I'm currently shutting-down the blog for an unknown amount of time. My keyboard is very, very broken and it has taken a lot to type this out.
The moment I get back, I shall welcome all new followers!
And thank you for following me despite how idle I have become. Thank you all!
Good bye for now!
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lately i've been getting on without anything to indicate i am online and reblog things for a few moments then leave as though it never happened
i'm strange
if i posted an open starter, how many people would reply to it?
that might get me going again
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Send me a ™ if you think I could be a writer for my muse's canon dialogue
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He smiles wide and pat her head softly. "Soon, I'll figure out what happened to your wing." He offers another strawberry.
A small dragon hatchling sits nearby. She is black with a dark red underscale layer. She look over, a small bit, but stays focused. Her wings must be injured because she doesn't fly away. What do you do? ((From the Dragon-scale-hearts blog!
Hesitate before crouching down and gently looking at the little dragon. Oh dear, she really is hurt, isn’t she? Well, he’ll have to fix that. He gently picks up the little dragon and carries her inside. Once she was strong and healthy again, he’d let her be free if she wanted. Until then, he’d take care of her.
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"The troll I love hasn't come back in, like, a little over a month and I'm getting tired of waiting for him to see if he and I can be mates...."
Looks down and wipes at his eyes with a small sigh.
>Scoop up grandbaby
Quiet squeaky noise before grinning and holding onto grandfather.
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He smiles happily and moves to the kitchen, setting her on the table. Did she like fruit? He pulls out some blueberries and strawberries, looking at her.
A small dragon hatchling sits nearby. She is black with a dark red underscale layer. She look over, a small bit, but stays focused. Her wings must be injured because she doesn't fly away. What do you do? ((From the Dragon-scale-hearts blog!
Hesitate before crouching down and gently looking at the little dragon. Oh dear, she really is hurt, isn’t she? Well, he’ll have to fix that. He gently picks up the little dragon and carries her inside. Once she was strong and healthy again, he’d let her be free if she wanted. Until then, he’d take care of her.
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A small dragon hatchling sits nearby. She is black with a dark red underscale layer. She look over, a small bit, but stays focused. Her wings must be injured because she doesn't fly away. What do you do? ((From the Dragon-scale-hearts blog!
Hesitate before crouching down and gently looking at the little dragon. Oh dear, she really is hurt, isn’t she? Well, he’ll have to fix that. He gently picks up the little dragon and carries her inside. Once she was strong and healthy again, he’d let her be free if she wanted. Until then, he’d take care of her.
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Kankri hesitates before he shifts a bit closer, not too close to touch. If he did that, he'd be falling. Like he use to. He also couldn't meet the other's eyes anymore. It hurt too much. He didn't really know what to do. He gulps and curls up again, looking at anything but at those damn lovely eyes that he adores so much.
"I shouldn't have left. I should have stuck around to talk things out with, you. It wasn't fair of me to just... Blow up and left. You even told me you had come to try and marry me as well, but... But I just couldn't... It was far too much...
But you're wrong on one thing. I don't truly have a lot of people. Not anymore. Most of those I use to talk to are gone. Anunit, my master and flushcrush, I have not seen in a month or two and I am wary on waiting for him to see if we can be together. I have not seen Clorad in a while, either, which is bad. But he and I will never be mates, so that's okay. Eridan may love me, but I can not love him back because I will never truly mean it. And... And my timeline's Cronus... He and I broke it off and I have not seen him in a long time. My blackcrush... He shall always be just that; a crush. He will never return my feelings, I shall always be just a fling to him. A one-night-stand....
Blukat and I have not talked in forever, grandfather and father rarely talk to me, I feel alone a lot now and I do not know what to do. I miss knowing I could go to you and you would accept me without a seconds hesitation. I miss getting wrapped up in your arms and kissing you. I miss cuddling. I miss knowing that, with you, everything is safe. I'm safe. I miss it. I miss you.
I miss you so much and it hurts! I'm so confused and conflicted because there are three I am flushed for and I know I will not be able to be with any of them because I fucked up! I fucked up with Anunit, that's why he hasn't come back! It's my fault! I broke it off with Cronus! I couldn't handle knowing that he killed our friends after I left and when I look in his eyes I just remember the cold I once saw there and I fucked up with you! I let jealousy get the better of me and run me rapid!"
He completely breaks down then, sobbing an almost wailing with his pain. His grimdarks where going haywire, but they never once hit Danny. Around him, in front, behind, but not him.
"I'm so stupid! Disgusting! Fowl! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'M SORRY!"
hey, lover ((prepared for the feels? i'm not. also, hey))
> Shit. Now that you realized what you’d just done, you realized how fucking stupid you are. Your chest hurt, and oh god, there was a sting in your eye. You were going to fucking cry and it hurt. You were an idiot.
> You don’t know what to say. You want to be alone but you don’t want to kick him out. In all honesty? You just want to curl up with him and apologize. But its too late for that, so there’s no point.
…i’m sorry…
((Heeeeeey. Why would you even.))
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New FMK Game brought to you by inboxideas!
Inbox Ideas is a meme archive. The sole purpose of the blog is to host memes. Please be careful not to accidentally send a response to inboxideas. Thank you!
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i'm gonna get to replies that need getting to
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First person to submit a wedding ring to me gets to marry me for a week.
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at this point on parp, when i run into a character i'm just like
lemme wait here for them to disconnect
and when they do
i get all 'i knew it'
and then go cry
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Either no one on parp likes Minnie or no one knows who she is
Either way this is highly upsetting
Cause everyone is disconnecting
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