i kissed a dog
when my girlfriend dumped me on my first day of high school I decided that kissing my dog, while pretending she was her, would rid me of any lingering longings for my ex. it worked, and quickly.
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did other kids do this
when i was in elementary school me and my best friend who was a girl like me would plan sleep overs and she would touch me sexually. i didn’t know what was happening so I never said stop, i don’t know if she knew either,
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Blanky Fucker
When I was a teenager I was a blanky fucker. As in I fucked blankets. Later one in life I confessed this secret to a few friends on a trip and It made me feel the most embarrassed I almost ever felt.
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on my most recent birthday i waited till everyone left and smoked cocaine alone in my room.
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I was sexually assaulted last year and was just diagnosed with PTSD. i’m scared.
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i’m disgusted by anyone who doesn’t have an “ideal” body or mind even though i realize how fucked up that sounds
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I am a radical lesbian-feminist women’s studies professor and think the state of contemporary feminism/‘q*eer’ theory is at Emperor’s New Clothes levels of absurdity. 
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I find instagram to be very anxiety-inducing 
Day to day is exhausting
I’m not telling you anything else because it’s too personal
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nothing bad ar all
not being really fair with my partner, giving him a bad reactions, punishing him for my bad behavior, unfair and un puto malo de los cojones.  I promise myself to work on it, for him, for me, for both. 
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At least twice a day, I think about the fact that I’ve never had sex and  I get sad
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Sometimes I wish that he would die.
He hasn’t.
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I'm losing faith interest and respect for depoliticized art. Just feels like yt hipsters circle jerking.
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I am actually more powerful than I’ve been acting
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i am dating two men and i love them both. but sometimes i hate them both. i don’t know if i’m the most wonderful women they’ve ever met or a psychopath who is ruingin both their self esteems. love is so confusing. sometimes i just want to dump both of them and go be a hermit in the mountains. but then i get horny and want to cuddle…..
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if you knew
there are some things i cannot tell you no matter what
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I hate people and I’m nice to them. Everyday I lie to myself by being nice to fucking assholes who don’t give a shit about me. I also don’t give a shit about them, but I have societal stockholm syndrome so I continue to be nice when I’d rather tell everyone to fuck off. 
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When Cecilia meets Victoria in Beaches, the greatest movie of all time, they are faced with a common dilemma for most americans: can we be friends despite our socio-economic differences. 
I’ve already watched that movie 3 times this year. 
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