inthemistofnothing · 8 years
Tree and mother in the snow
It was barren And covered in snow Beautiful white nothingness It weeped and it grieved It's lovely things were no longer with it As dawn turned into dusk It's body was stripped of its natural oils It showed its rough hard face Inside there were flowers Flowers everywhere It was beautiful Somehow it remembered its parents lightly stroking its tiny head It remembers the way it's friends would dance in the cold harsh winds And how it's guardian was Alast nice and fluffy But would sometimes were gray and went to leave it astray It had many friends A lot of friends actually It knew many animals and many plants However it grew lonely as the years passed on It was tired of seeing everyone around it dying Passing out as the months went on And as the winters grew long It was lonely
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inthemistofnothing · 9 years
Lonely coffee pot
Sitting in a barren room Sip sip Slurp slurp The coffee is trickling down my throat I can feel the burn on my tongue The pain in my throat And I can taste the bitter after taste on my tongue My mouth is in a frenzy My mind in a daze I look up above me and see a wild escape I see rainbows I see flowers I'll see your daze in an hour Tick tock Tick tock The clock is moving And my eyes are spinning My eyes light up I see blue lights Blue lights everywhere I see sparkle I see light I see everything in delight My eyes like a kaleidoscope My head in a daze My eyes begin to glaze Glaze over the lights Glaze into the eyes on the wall Gaze into the eyes of your soul Gaze into the coffee Gaze into the perfectly crafted foam Gaze into the eyes of your soul I begin to look Look and look all around Look around the room and see them all Stop staring don't you know it's rude to call? I begin to wake up My eyes slowly open I wake up to my dogs wet slobber on my face It was a dream A silly silly dream A dream that made me think Was this Alice in wonderland Or was the wonderland in me?
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inthemistofnothing · 9 years
These past few months have been a blur
The days go bye
And I don’t care
The people talk and I laugh but I'm not listening
You see I once was the girl who had morals who had standards
And now I have neither of those things
In my years of wisdom
I’ve learned that at the end of the day
It doesn’t matter how popular you are, how smart you are, how funny you are, what colleges you get accepted to, how many ap’s you have taken
None of that matters
The only thing that matters is who you define yourself as
No need to give yourself a label
But please
If you’re going to do anything great in the world
Remember the sand that lies in the crust of the earth is what makes you
All of those little crushed bits are small pieces of you
And if anyone shall try to disturb such a thoughtful silence
Then you don’t need them
And they were never your friends after all
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inthemistofnothing · 10 years
If anyone cares to listen Please hear me out Hear my melody sweet as I shout I know you can Oh sweet angel you And if you can see just know I see you too I see your gaze I see your smile I see your laugh every once and a while Our memories are fading And we are changing So tell me if your listening Can you hear me now?
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inthemistofnothing · 10 years
let us roam
  Let us roam
Roam like lions through the safari
And people aimlessly wondering
As they try to find themselves in a foreign place
We are lost never to be found
We see disasters but feel no shame
Blood on the ground
People walk by and stare
No one calls
It stays silent all day
Three days later someone finds the body
Laying and decaying
Burning and decomposing
Still no one calls
Years later some strange woman is on a talk show
And talks about how the woman that everyone passed by years ago was her sister
She’s mourned for years unwilling to accept
To accept the pain
To accept what they had done
Yet now if you ask what happened to her sister
She says nothing and in fact denies her sisters existence
She goes to work everyday on the bus
As the facts deteriorate and pick at her weak soul
Yet on the outside she portrays a blank face
She has numbed the pain
The injections
The pain
She feels nothing
She is floating in the air
And feels nothing because she is not capable of feeling again
The cuts are left behind on her arms
But the scars cut much deeper
Ask her and she will deny
Deny even her greatest spy
She contains what’s within her
And is no longer the open container she once used to be
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inthemistofnothing · 10 years
late night writing sessions feeds the soul :)
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inthemistofnothing · 10 years
i dont give a care in the world
These past few months have been a blur
The days go bye
And I don’t care
The people talk and I laugh but im not listening
You see I once was the girl who had morals who had standards
And now I have neither of those things
In my years of wisdom
Ive learned that at the end of the day
It doesn’t matter how popular you are, how smart you are, how funny you are, what colleges you get accepted to, how many ap’s you have taken
None of that matters
The only thing that matters is who you define yourself as
No need to give yourself a label
But please
If your’e going to do anything great in the world
Remember the sand that lies in the crust of the earth is what makes you
All of those little crushed bits are small pieces of you
And If anyone shall try to disturb such a thoughtful silence
Then you don’t need them
And they were never your friends after all
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inthemistofnothing · 10 years
<a href="http://www.influenster.com/profile/pebsnow"><img src="http://widget.influenster.com/34538ef814fab16596d0ba1843f65171.png"></a>
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inthemistofnothing · 10 years
<a href="http://www.influenster.com/profile/pebsnow"><img src="http://widget.influenster.com/34538ef814fab16596d0ba1843f65171.png"></a>
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inthemistofnothing · 10 years
a brief love story
At last this time has come
for late night in
long good byes
and sleepless nights
while i look out my window as i carefully wait for you
As i wait for merely days and days on end
as i wait patiently for you
ive waited too many years for this
way too many
ive always dreamed of sparks
sparks of joy that fill the room
when my lips are pressed upon yours
and when your beat up hands are put gently upon mine
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inthemistofnothing · 11 years
Welcome to tommorowland The The land of new things and no returns You'll get lost in this technicolor phase Go blind beyond the shining stars And gaze out and see rainbows among the skys I tell you friends this is true this dream that your dreaming is about to come true When it all ends who are you to blame Afterall me and you are nothing but the same I'll show you things that you could never dream of dreaming and the things that you too will be seeing Why yes there wonderful indeed Come and take my Hands and be ready to see your wildest dreams come true You think your going crazy? Why my god that's only the beginning See the stars and the galaxies you are among them In order to become something great you must enjoy Why everything I showed you is nothing new You've seen it all before in a dream you've once dreamed before Nothing you see is really abstract in this place we call our home You see nothing I told you is as crazy as it seems No tricks involved just a few simple things You see that's all it took To transform a person living in a foreign frame
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inthemistofnothing · 11 years
Believe in yourself
People have every right to be angry at the people who abandoned them Who talked down to them Treating them as a small child Niave and mentally weak Small animals are incapable of larger tasks beyond their natural instincts But they too will soon learn Once they at last advance It will be too late Their owner will keep them at their natural state Not ever letting them advance We too are much like these animals Let nothing stand in your way Pass up even the greatest of all No matter what people may tell you You are capable of anything your heart desires You just need faith Faith to spread your wings and fly Fly deep into the air And never go back to the people who abandoned you Show those Wicked people how greatness has overcome you You too have changed yourself But those people that have trapped you let those to be the ones who suffer Let go of the past live life and be free once more Just like the day you were born
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inthemistofnothing · 11 years
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Happy Valentines day AKA happy single awareness day!
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inthemistofnothing · 11 years
This is about labels
I want to be free And have that name no longer attached to me Your anger and frustration by trying to keep me here Only makes me want to leave even more The cage i was once in will break I will finally be able to live my life without having to hear that name again By this time next year i shall be free I will be able to forget any names attached to me I dont want your help Especially if you live your life trying to sugar coat every word that comes from your lips every sound that comed from your lips is the sound of the devils cry Your help is not wanted You wish to cage your prey and keep it there until it dies You want it to have a twisted perception of reality and life itself It has now become my goal to erase this part of me When i release myself from my cage I will be able to live life and be happy once more No more secrets to keep No more names to be called My name shall be Madison and that is all No names attached no fingers or hands shall touch Once im free i will never come back I will erase that part of my life and never go back Never go back to the people who lead me astray Who took you by the hand and insisted you were going to be okay And truthfully, I thought i was for many many years and many many tears Eventually it caught on to me what they were doing I tried to stop it but they kept on pursuing While i shed tears each night before i wake I dreamed of a life of happiness and treasury It took an emotional toll on my life That toll will soon be gone and out of my life The toll and the scrolls shall be burned and then ripped Thrown into the ocean like a happiness adrift Once that it is done my life will be complete i will throw my self in the ocean where at last i will sleep
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inthemistofnothing · 12 years
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inthemistofnothing · 12 years
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inthemistofnothing · 12 years
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Wanna LAUGH OUT LOUD?! Follow this blog.
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