intothequasar · 10 years
Energon Scavenging.
I thought I would post this for Vera ( imber-noctis / crazy-flames / ars-mortifera ) because she is still feeling sad. I hope you feel better soon Vera! 
Firepepper belongs to Vera
Dodge belongs to me. Don't be a dick and steal this. 
Firepepper hummed cheerfully as she picked her way over the battlefield. Corpses littered the ground, the sharp smell of Energon and engine oil filling the air. Small fires burned everywhere, sending columns of acrid smoke into the sky. The battle raging for this particular planet had moved elsewhere. This fight in particular had resulted in a bloody victory for the Autobots. While Autobots removed their dead from battlefields, the Decepticons left them where they lay. Punishment for being weak, even in death. Firepepper didn’t mind though, it made her job a lot easier. She clambered onto the hull of a destroyed tank, the Energon tank on her back sloshed as she jumped down to the other side of the vehicle.
  She searched for the entrance hatch, clambering inside. She found a crewmember. His optics were dark and his spark chamber empty. Firepepper raised her arm. Attached to it was an Energon extractor, which was connected to the tank on her back by a heavy-duty tube. She plunged the large needle into the fuel tank of the dead ‘con and began extracting the Energon. Purple fluid began flowing through the tube, filling the tank. She’d have to go back and fill up some more cubes soon! Once the fuel tank was drained, she began tugging on the corpse’s chest plate. It came free with a clang, and Firepepper began rooting around in the chest cavity.
  Squealing with delight, she pulled out the empty spark chamber. There was still Energon surrounding the chamber. This Energon was slightly different to the stuff in the fuel tank. It was white and glowed with multicoloured lights. Firepepper clambered out of the tank with her prize. She scrambled over the piles of bodies back to the little camp she had set up on the edge of the battlefield. She had made a shelter from broken seeker wings and solar sails. She had lost contact with Decepticon forces when the battle had moved, so she had defaulted to the last command she had been given. Gather Energon from whatever source she could find.
  She arrived back at her camp and took off the Energon tank. Her camp was filled with scraps of technology she had salvaged from the battlefield. She’d even managed to build a small recharging slab. The only piece of technology she hadn’t salvaged was the device that produced empty Energon cubes. She pressed a button on the side of this machine, and it began producing the transparent cubes. Firepepper unplugged the tube from the needle on her arm, and began filling Energon cubes. She managed to fill three cubes with the Energon she had collected.
Still humming, she carried the cubes to the back of her camp. There was a hatch set into a pile of junk. Putting the Energon cubes down, she pulled the hatch open and crawled inside.
  She had hollowed the scrap pile, and was using it to store Energon cubes. She had amassed quite a reserve over the last few solar cycles. Stacking the three cubes in a new pile, she left the glowing hoard behind her and crawled out of the scrap heap. Closing the hatch she turned to the spark chamber. Sitting down on a crude stool in front of a makeshift table, she began smashing the chamber with a broken combat knife. The knife was nearly the same size as Firepepper’s arm, so she had to lift it with two hands. The Energon in the spark chamber would be enough to last her a while, considering how energy rich it was.
  After several whacks, the chamber cracked, but not enough to extract any Energon. Firepepper pouted. She wasn’t strong enough to drive a blade through a spark chamber this size, and her needle would probably break on the casing. Then an Aerialbot flew over her camp and crashed a few meters away. Firepepper blinked several times. The downed Autobot transformed onto his hands and knees. Sitting up, he looked around and saw Firepepper. Firepepper noticed half of his face had been scorched away by something. His optic was exposed and a lot of his armour plating was heavily damaged.
  Firepepper looked at the Autobot and the Autobot looked back. Firepepper raised a hand, transforming it into a flamethrower. Then she grinned.
“Primus! More of you! Oh scrap!” The Autobot said, trying to back away.
“Foooound yooou!”
There was a roar of engines and a bike leapt over a junk pile. Transforming in mid-air, the small Cybertronian collided with the Aerialbot, who screamed in terror.
“Nononono! Get of me!”
“Hold still!”
Sparks and scraps of metal flew up into the air as the small Cybertronian tore at the Aerialbot’s face. Firepepper saw its forearms were heavily armoured, and her fingers were more like talons. The Aerialbot managed to kick the smaller Cybertronian off him, and drew his blaster.
“Stay back you little psycho!” He said, pointing it at the strange ‘bot. Firepepper frowned. That wasn’t a very nice thing to do.
“Nuh uh!” The other Cybertronian said, standing up. Firepepper saw that it was a small female, like her. She looked pretty young too. Her colour scheme was brass and green. Firepepper couldn’t see any symbol on her though.
  “I mean it! I’ll shoot!”
“You shoulda’ done that aaaages ago!”
The blaster in the Aerialbot’s hand sparked and exploded, taking his hand with it.
The small Cybertronian leapt forwards, grabbing the Aerialbot either side of his head.
“Boom!” She said cheerfully. Electricity engulfed the Aerialbot’s head. He screamed and staggered back. His armour plating was twisted and melting down his face. His optics had likely exploded.
“And one more for good measure!” The little robot pointed two fingers, like she was miming a gun. “Pow!” she said, and a bolt of electricity arced from her fingertips and blew a hole straight through the Aerialbot’s head. Twitching, the flyer slumped.
“Aww yeah! Direct hit! Do you know what happens to Autobots when hit by lightning? Scrambled mainframe! Aww yiss!”
Firepepper started clapping. The other Cybertronian squealed with surprise and fell over.
  “Oh gosh! Are you alright?” Firepepper called.
A hand was raised. The forearms and hands contrasted with the rest of her body, being sleek and silver, instead of brassy.
“I am…okay, probably!” came the reply. Getting to her feet, the other female brushed herself off.
“What’s your name?” Firepepper asked.
“I’m Firepepper!”
“Hurray! Also excuse me.”
Dodge was also wearing an Energon extractor, except she didn’t have a storage tank. Instead she had a rack with three pressurised canisters on the back. She jammed the needle into the now still Aerial bot and began extracting the Energon. Firepepper saw a row of lights on one of the tanks begin to glow, from red to yellow to green, and then the lights dropped back down to yellow again.
“What are those things?” Firepepper asked.
“Energon compressors! They can store double the Energon of an extraction tank!” Dodge replied.
  “Aww, they sound cool! I have to use one of the tanks. It gets really heavy.”
“So do these. The only reason I can lift them is because of these!”
Dodge raised her hands and waggled her fingers. Firepepper could see now that she was actually wearing gauntlets. There were small diamond shapes on the back of the gauntlets that glowed blue.
“Oooh! What are those?” Firepepper asked
“Thunder Gauntlets! Well, that’s what I got told they were called. I call them Boom gloves!”
“Can I try them on?”
“I can’t get them off. They got welded to my hands when I put them on. It really hurt!”
“Oh no!”
“Yeeeah… but it’s alright now! I can shoot lightning and they make me really strong! Though not as strong as Quasar… he’s really really really strong!”
Dodge was busy tearing open the Aerialbot’s chest as she chatted away.
“Yay! Spark juice!” She crowed, pulling out the empty spark chamber.
“You like it too? Oh my Primus I thought I was the only one who liked it!” Firepepper squealed with delight.
  “It’s awesome!” Dodge agreed, cracking open the spark chamber with ease. She began drinking the glowing fluid. Firepepper looked at the spark chamber on her table longingly.
“How did you get over here so fast?!”
“I have a very cool teacher!”
“Oh. Well…I can’t get into this spark chamber! It’s too hard!”
“Don’t you know the trick?”
“Yeah! Lemme show you!”
Dodge put down her spark chamber and picked up Firepepper’s. She began tapping it. Clink clink clink GLOING.
“Ah hah! See, most sparks have a bit that is thinner than the rest!” Dodge said, holding out the chamber and pointing. Firepepper tapped the spot Dodge was pointing too. It sounded hollow, while the rest of the chamber sounded solid. Firepepper tried to push her fingers through the weak spot but she still wasn’t strong enough.
“It isn’t working!” She wailed.
“Spare needles!” Dodge said, holding up a spare needle from her Energon extractor. She handed it to Firepepper, who jammed the needle through the weak point on the chamber.
  The sharp tube punctured the sphere and white glowing liquid oozed out.
“Yay!” Firepepper said, and began drinking through the needle. The two of them sat there, hands covered in purple and white Energon. Almost like two children eating watermelon.
“So why are you here?” Dodge asked.
“We-ell… I lost communication with Shocky, so I’m doing the last thing he told me to do before we lost contact, which is to harvest Energon!”
“Cool! I’m kinda doing the same thing… but only because my friends are doing a super dangerous mission. ‘Oh Dodge, you are too small and young and this job is far too dangerous! Go and harvest Energon on a battlefield! Blah blah blah! I’m Quasar! I’m all big and grumpy!’”
Firepepper giggled.
  “Well my tanks full, so do you wanna go out and look for more Energon?” She asked.
“Sure!” Dodge said, tossing the drained chamber to the side. Firepepper transformed and revved her engine.
“Oh wow! You transform into a bike too? That is sooo cool!” Dodge said, transforming as well.
“Aww… your alt mode is so cool!” Firepepper said.
“Thanks! Yours is pretty awesome too!”
“Lets go!”
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intothequasar · 10 years
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Reblog if you're bored and want random anons.
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intothequasar · 10 years
Perhaps if you got yourself a proper cygar, and not some piddly little thing like that. 
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Any other grown men here to talk some serious ass business with?
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intothequasar · 11 years
We found an old space hulk today. Looked like it had been drifting for millions of stellar cycles. Scans showed no life signs, so we boarded her to see what we could salvage. Not a lot as it turns out. 
The ship was full of dead Quintessons. 
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intothequasar · 11 years
↖ is now accepting curious anons.
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intothequasar · 11 years
Okay, the sprinkler system took car of the fires. Now there is melted rubber EVERYWHERE. 
It's going to take someone ages to clean all this up. 
It won't be me in case you were wondering. 
On account of me being the captain. 
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intothequasar · 11 years
So I come out of my recharge cycle to the smell of burning rubber. So I think that one of my crew may have been using the ship's corridors as a race track again. 
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intothequasar · 11 years
So we were exploring an area on the galactic rim today and we came across this big (though not really by Cybertronain standards) black ship with weird arm things on the front. It transmitted a really strange, bassy sound and started interfering with The Thunderhead's (my ship) systems. We fired a warning shot and then all these yellow lights on the front lit up and it fired some kind of energy beam at us.
We took down its shields with a single barrage from our fusion cannons. They surrendered pretty quickly. Turns out the ship was controlled by a fairly sophisticated AI, and didn't know we were "technological constructs". The ship apologised for the attack, and left. Our sensors show it head out of the galaxy into intergalactic space. 
It was a very peculiar encounter, though it is nice to know there are other cybernetic lifeforms other than Cybertronians. 
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intothequasar · 11 years
"There is absolutely no way we can escape the gravitational pull of a Neutron Star!" 
Hah! I showed them! That star never saw it coming! 
By that I mean we blew up a star. 
It was everything I ever hoped it would be. 
In your face Cobalt! 
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intothequasar · 11 years
You know "what". 
Wait, is this because I won't let Dodge "play" with you?
I got set on fire once. 
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intothequasar · 11 years
What is this "Christmas" thing and why are all the Fleshcreatures getting so worked up about it?
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intothequasar · 11 years
Don't you do it. 
I got set on fire once. 
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intothequasar · 11 years
Crew Profiles: Prototron
Where to begin with this guy? He is quite possibly one of the most terrifying engines of death I have ever met. But he can't hold his energon worth a damn. 
We recovered Prototron from a Decepticon research facility several lightyears from the Cybertron system. He was built in a lab to be the perfect killing machine. Loyal to Megatron and a firm believer in the Decepticon "cause". How they ignited his spark without Vector Sigma I don't know, but they managed it. Aside from this, we don't really know much else about him. I guess something went wrong when he came online and he wiped the facility out. Or maybe he rebelled? Who knows. All I know for certain is that we found him in a veritable ocean of burning ruins, armour scorched black by the flames. When we arrived he asked us if we were Autobot or Decepticon. When we said we were neither, he asked if he could come with us. Just like that. 
I wasn't gonna say no, so come with us he did. He didn't have any sort of identity of his own, only the project name. So that's what we called him. Prototron. The Prototype. It was a pleasant surprise to find out he was a Triple Changer too. Tank and a VTOL. Very versatile and pretty much unstoppable in combat. Which he loves. I guess it was hard coded into his personality. Up close he uses his size and a wicked glaive to scrap opponents, and then at range he'll just hit you with shells and missiles from tank cannon and missile pods.
He's also a complete lightweight when it comes to drinking. Can't handle more than a few cubes before he's over-energised. Which is funny for someone who knows eighty seven ways to kill a Cybertronian. He also keeps telling Dodge different ways to kill things with electricity. Like the brat needs any more encouragement... 
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intothequasar · 11 years
Crew Profiles: Torque
So I suppose I'd better tell you about my crew. They all have wanted listings anyway so it's all right if you lot know about them. 
First we have Torque. He was a racer during the decline of the Golden Age, one of the best around. He was listed as one of the fastest Cybertronians alive. Number five I think. Well during the championships, he got sabotaged and ended up causing a fatal accident. He was blamed for it by the media, even though there was proof of being sabotaged. They stripped him of his titles and he ended up an Empty wandering the slums. Until the Decepticons happened of course. One of their "recruitment" scouts recognised him and brought him in. He served as the leader of a five 'con assault group that operated lightning strike missions on enemy supply lines.
During one raid they were ambushed, and the field commander declined Torque's request for back up. So I went in there To extract his team. He was the only one left. He was pretty distraught by that. He's one crazy spawn of a glitch, but he's not like modern Decepticons. He's honourable and loyal. He threw his lot in with me after I split from the 'cons. Glad to have him really. He knows more about high speed ground assaults and ambushes than anyone I've ever met (aside from one other). 
I said earlier he was crazy, and that reflects in the way he fights. He likes to get up close and personal. Uses an energy sabre and a sawn-off shotgun. He's fast enough to use them effectively too. In a fight he's all over the place, but never out of place, if you see what I mean? He and Dodge make a great double team. Speaking of Dodge, he loves that little sparkling. She's the little sister he never had. Good thing too 'cause Some of the other guys on my crew are terrible role models. 
Speaking of which...
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intothequasar · 11 years
"Lose them in that asteroid belt!"
Clearly you know nothing about how space works, and how vast it is. In an asteroid belt, you can stand on one and observe only blackness. You can fly in and out of an asteroid belt and not even encounter an asteroid. 
Asteroid belts make TERRIBLE cover. You might as well fly around in the intergalactic void for all the good it will do you (though I have just been informed that the intergalactic void is REALLY hot)
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intothequasar · 11 years
Remember kids, sub-zero cannons are fun to play with.
What? Were you expecting some sort of safety announcement? Those things are ridiculously fun! 
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intothequasar · 11 years
I got set on fire once. 
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