intpmale · 7 years
Yo dweeb. I'm bringing this back and you should too. Analyze me and our friends so I don't have to myself 🐾⛲💥
Can't a blog just die in peace?
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intpmale · 7 years
Are you still alive? 👀
Me: yes.
This blog: nope, sorry.
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intpmale · 8 years
You know what freaking sucks about being an INTP, seeing when somebody is hurting and not having the slightest idea on how to comfort them. Sure, I can analyze and try and fix their problems, but that’s not what people need when they’re messed up emotionally. I end up just standing there frozen while internally dying of heart break for them.
INTPs are not emotionless robots. We just have zero freaking clue how to deal with either our own emotions or the emotions of the people around us. So instead we do our best to shove them down the deepest darkest part of our selves and just act like they don’t exist.
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intpmale · 8 years
mbti as character tropes
(character tropes from here)
no shirt, long jacket
heroic comedic sociopath
first-person smartass
the all-american boy
very punchable man
jerk with a heart of gold
pint-sized powerhouse
badass bookworm
hooker with a heart of gold
badass normal
cool uncle
officer and a gentleman
understanding boyfriend
ridiculously average guy
heroism wont pay the bills
self-made man
grade-school ceo
mysterious protector
waistcoat of style
always lawful good
action mom
comes great responsibility
social climber
innocent flower girl
emo teen
incorruptible pure pureness
never grew up
mr imagination
a protagonist shall lead them
pretty boy
troubled, but cute
i just want to be special
mama bear
romantic runner-up
absent-minded professor
dead-pan snarker
death seeker
distressed dude
hell seeker
person of mass destruction
magnificant bastard
defecting for love
tall, dark, and handsome
lovable traitor
lovable alpha bitch
defrosting ice queen
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intpmale · 8 years
Every type's worst stereotype and why it's incorrect
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INTJs are super cold and calculated, playing people like pawns to achieve their goals
If you believe this, you’ve watched one too many movie where they are unfortunately portrayed as such. In reality however, they have tertiary Fi which by default makes them gentle beings and empathetic in their own way. If anything, some INTJs can become quite self-righteous when judging other people’s shady behavior. 
INFJs are mystical angels with esoteric powers
Well okay, that may not be such a negative stereotype, but a stereotype nonetheless. INFJs are very human like everyone, flaws and all. Where they have the upper hand on their sensor cousins (ISFJs) they lack some of the latter’s abilities, such as gritty realism. 
ENTJs are super cut-throat and strive for nothing more than absolute supremacy
Not every ENTJ is all about cooperate success. Some have very humble lives. And through tertiary Se, they can be quite fun and approachable.
ENFJs are cultists who dismiss/ostracize those who don’t share their vision
Just like ESFJs, ENFJs are more often than not your usual people person just looking out for everyone’s welfare and making sure they have a good time. 
INFPs are hippies, preaching love and acceptance but actually just sit on their asses and complain about stuff
The unhealthy kind unfortunately manifests itself this way. Healthy INFPs however, prefer to inspire people and if it doesn’t work, live and let live, appreciate others for who they are and so on….
INTPs are socially awkward nerds
They DO struggle to connect with people through inferior Fe, but a lot of times this is merely shyness. When you get to know them, you realize just how insightful they are. And no they’re not always nerds, they come in many varieties. 
ENFPs are hyper-active nutballs, whom, despite being smart, never accomplish anything and change their minds the next day anyway
Tertiary Te disagrees. Many ENFPs not only work for good causes but will even START them. And they can fight for that same cause for years, maybe even their entire lives. Though they are day-dreaming in nature, they know when to land on the ground and get sh*t done
ENTPs are the very embodiment of a troll, just being a contrarian for their own amusement
They love it, I won’t lie. But behind this, their actual goal is to make you think and reconsider things, and thus hopefully expanding your horizons. Through tertiary Fe, they actually put MUCH more emphasis on communication and harmony than it may seem
ISTJs are incredibly obtuse about what they believe and can even reach levels of bigotry
If they very seldom stepped out of the house as children, yes, unfortunately. While it may be hard to pull them out of their comfort zone, Te can be swayed by logical arguments on how to look at things differently and it that fails, just like INFPs, they have a tendency to adopt a live and live philosophy 
ISFJs are blindly loyal, then blame others when they don’t meet their end of the deal
Again, not gonna lie, they can do this a lot. But that’s when tertiary Ti steps in….then steps back and makes them question why that is, often learning valuables lessons through impersonal analysis
ESTJs are know-it-alls who impose their will on others through their narrow-minded views on things
If I had a quarter for every ESTJ I have mistyped because they are so fun and care-free. Similar to ENTJs, they can be quite controlling when it comes to business, but in any other scenario, they are easily they life of the party
ESFJs are snobby and gossipy b*tches
If they are, then it’s actually their weird way of bonding with people? (You hate this person…..so do I and this is what I heard about them….) But yeah, that doesn’t make it okay. MOST of time however, they are the ones who will give the shirts off their backs
ISTPs are extremely rough around the edges and impulsive
Teriary NI can make them very deep. And while it’s true that their harsh truth-telling can bruise people, they often see it as their way to make you see things logically and therefore bond with you
ISFPs embody the the Peter Pan syndrome, causing a devastating trail of destruction for their loved ones to clean up
It’s true that they are probably the hardest type to logically argue with. But they are very caring and mean well. If you meet them halfway, they may very well lend their ear and sympathize with your wisdom
ESTPs are cheating bastards and will either sweep it under the rug or convince you it was your fault
ESTPs are a handful, that’s for sure. You will be surprised however that they are the type that will be most likely to drive to your home at 3am on a work day to help you with your emotional crisis
ESFPs are dim-witted party animals
Who doesn’t like that? ;) But yeah, through tertiary Te, they can be quite logical, down-to-earth and active problem solvers. If immersed into a project, they can surprisingly be a secret weapon. 
The common theme here seems to be the tertiary function, but there’s good reason for that as I believe this function is the one that breaks stereotypes since it makes (forces) every type to step put of their comfort zone and do (see) things differently.
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intpmale · 8 years
I've really neglected this blog in true intp fashion. Sorry about that. I'll try and start updating again, but as we all know following through ain't something we're know for. P.s. If you want to join a good community check out /r/intp on Reddit. Lots of interesting posts and discussion.
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intpmale · 8 years
The Introverted Friendship
ESFJ: How are you and INFP best friends if you never see each other or talk to each other? INTP: I favorite his tweets INFP: I share things with him in Facebook ENTP: INFP checks to make sure INTP is alive about 4 times a year INTP: I confirm that I’m alive at least twice.
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intpmale · 8 years
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intpmale · 8 years
MBTI Approaches To Friendship
requested by perfectlynormal33
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intpmale · 8 years
What causes/relieves stress: NT types
What stresses out an ENTJ:
Being in an environment that lacks vision or ideas for the future.
Being in an environment where others don’t appreciate their vision.
Being interrupted.
Being surrounded by (or guilty of) incompetence.
Poorly managed change.
Having to be a follower instead of a leader.
Not being able to make their goals come to fruition.
Having to deal with intense emotions from others.
Feeling guilt over being critical towards others.
Not having their strongly held values validated or respected.
Small talk or frivolous conversations.
When experiencing stress, ENTJs may at first become argumentative and combative with anyone who is causing it. They may feel that they are losing control, and feel an urgent need to complete a task. If the stress continues, they become distracted by the urgency and need to get something done. They may engage in compulsive, misdirected activities like cleaning, counting, or inspecting. They will feel a growing sense of failure, and a rising sense of anger and frustration. If they are in a state of chronic stress, they may fall into the grip of their inferior function, introverted feeling. When this happens they may become uncharacteristically emotional and furious and withdraw from others to prevent anyone seeing their lack of emotional stability. They may become hypersensitive about their relationships, misinterpreting tiny, insignificant details and believing that others hate or dislike them.
How to help an ENTJ experiencing stress:
Give them some space and time alone to sort out their feelings.
Listen and let them talk it out when they’re ready.
Discuss information or ideas that could lead to solutions.
Don’t be overly sympathetic or emotional.
Give them a change of scenery by getting outdoors with them.
Encourage them to vent their frustration without fear of judgment.
Remind them that they are OK, and it is perfectly fine to feel the way they do and that you won’t judge them.
What stresses out an INTJ:
Being in an environment that doesn’t appreciate their skills, visions, or ideas.
Not enough alone time. Too much extraverting.
Too much noise or sensory input.
Working with those they see as lazy, incompetent, or ignorant.
Having to pay attention to too many details at once.
Being in unfamiliar environments.
Having their well-settled plans disrupted.
Too much focus on the here-and-now.
Not being able to use their intuition to envision the future.
When in a state of stress, the INTJ can feel an immense amount of pressure – as if everything is on the line. To an INTJ, this often means the ability to produce something significant is somehow stifled. They may find themselves overwhelmed, and thinking about ideas and options that don’t have a productive end. As stress increases, the INTJ can become argumentative and disagreeable. Social interaction becomes increasingly difficult; and they may become preoccupied with obsessive ideas and plans. They may start to spend a massive amount of time fighting horrible thoughts, and feelings of worthlessness. They will ruminate about their mistakes, inadequacies and weaknesses, and stop progress on a project for fear of failure. In a case of chronic stress, the INTJ may fall into the grip of their inferior function; extraverted sensing. When this happens, they may give into self-destructive indulgences, like over-eating, over-exercising, alcoholism, or buying lots of useless items. They may obsessively clean or re-organize files.
How to help an INTJ experiencing stress:
Give them space, and time alone to process their thoughts and feelings.
Reduce sensory stimulation like noise, TV, radio, or bright lights.
Let them express their thoughts and feelings without judgment. Understand that they may be irrational.
Don’t give them advice. This will only make them feel worse.
Give them a break from responsibilities.
Encourage them to get enough sleep at night.
Help them lighten their schedule, or cancel unnecessary activities.
After some time of solitude, encourage them to get a change of scenery by going outdoors.
What stresses out an ENTP:
An environment where rules are rigidly enforced
A lack of change or progression
A lack of outside stimulation
Being micromanaged
Having their creativity stifled
Being forced to make decisions or complete projects before they’re ready
Working with individuals they view as incompetent
Not having their visions appreciated
Having their principles violated
Having to focus too long on mundane details
Overextending themselves
When an ENTP is experiencing stress, they become distracted and overwhelmed, losing their signature “can do” attitude. They may feel incompetent, inept, and inadequate. They can become overwhelmed with fear, panic, and anxiety and will feel a need to escape whatever situation is plaguing them. Their creativity will be stifled, and if the stress isn’t handled they will fall into the grip of their inferior function, introverted sensing. When they fall into the grip of their inferior function, they will become uncharacteristically quiet and reserved. They will feel depressed and stew on ways they have failed. They may notice minor bodily changes and become convinced that they are suffering from some life-threatening disease. They often become hypochondriacs, imagining all kinds of ailments that are befalling them physically.
How to help an ENTP experiencing stress:
Give them time alone to deal with their feelings.
Avoid patronizing them, even if they are being irrational.
Don’t try to “solve the problem”.
Listen without making judgments, or trying to talk them out of their negative state.
Encourage them to have some time alone to exercise.
Encourage them to get enough rest.
Give them a massage.
After they’ve calmed down a little, ask if they want help.
What stresses out an INTP:
Being in an environment where they feel controlled by others.
Not being allowed to go with the flow of the moment.
Being required to do simple and repetitive tasks.
Being surrounded by individuals they see as incompetent.
A lack of autonomy.
Being in charge of the quality of another person’s work.
Not enough alone time. Too much extraverting.
Being immersed in emotionally charged environments.
Being in a place where their expertise is not appreciated.
People “barging in” on their space.
Not having their strongly held values validated.
When an INTP begins to experience stress, they often feel highly self-critical and powerless. If stress continues, the INTP feels as if their mind is blocked and they can’t access all the vital information they’ve stored there. Their creativity comes to a halt and they may suffer from stage fright, writer’s block, and a general inhibition of their usual ingenious thinking. The INTP may become self-conscious and distracted in anticipation of failure. If they become too overwhelmed with stress, they may stop taking any risks and fail to gain the expertise and mastery they need. In the case of chronic stress, the INTP may fall into the grip of their inferior function, extroverted feeling. This may cause them to have uncharacteristic emotional outbursts, and become edgy, illogical, inefficient and obsessed with details.
How to help an INTP experiencing stress:
Give them alone time and space.
Excuse them from some of their responsibilities.
Let them get away from everything.
Don’t ask them how they feel or if they’re okay.
Encourage them to have some alone time exercising.
Let them know it’s okay to feel unreasonable sometimes.
Stay out of the way and forgive out-of-characteristic behavior.
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intpmale · 8 years
Order 66
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intpmale · 8 years
Why MBTI Type Descriptions Can Seem “Off”
When Myers and Briggs developed the MBTI system, they decided to gloss over very important aspects of Jung’s original theory of cognitive functions in order to make typology easier for everyday people to understand. Unfortunately, this has led to many of the problems people experience when trying to type themselves. Generic type descriptions cannot capture the true range and variety that can be found within each type, which leaves many people out in the cold. Read type descriptions with a huge grain of salt because they have some serious flaws.
1. Behavioral Boxes: MBTI type descriptions assign a particular set of behaviors to each type in order to help people easily figure out which type they are, which has resulted in the common labels that are usually associated with each type, e.g., ESFP entertainers, ESTJ managers, INFP dreamers, ISTP craftsmen. These labels are deceiving because they portray each type as a collection of traits rather than explaining the causes/reasons for why each type displays those traits. Why do ESFPs like to entertain? Can you still be an ESFP if you don’t like to perform? Is this a fundamental quality of ESFPs? Are there ESFPs out there who do not like to perform? Answer: Yes. So what is a “real” ESFP? This is a question that can only be answered by cognitive function theory. This is because cognitive functions don’t start at the level of traits, rather, they begin at the root level of the mind, describing the psychological forces that give rise to those traits. As long as you possess a particular pattern of cognitive functioning, you are that type regardless of whether or not all of your behaviors match up to the generic label/description. This cognitive pattern of psychological drives is set very early in life but it is a dynamic process that shifts according to which of the functions are being used for responding to environmental demands - remember that there are many different factors that can affect how a person acts aside from their personality, therefore, beliefs and behaviors are not 100% accurate metrics (and even some cognitive function descriptions can fall into this trap). The most important point when typing: What are the underlying cognitive forces producing those beliefs and behaviors?
2. Development Blindness: MBTI descriptions tend to be skewed towards the dominant and auxiliary functions, with the assumption that they are working in a typical or ideal manner. For instance, INFJs are considered empathic “counselors” because Ni-Fe makes them care about improving other people’s lives, which serves to create the stereotype of them being almost saintlike. Are there INFJs out there who dislike people or don’t care about improving society? Absolutely, but MBTI can’t explain how or why a person’s type might appear to change or deviate from what is considered typical or ideal. Cognitive function theory is a part of the psychoanalytic tradition (as pioneered by Freud) and a central tenet of this school is the notion of ego development. People grow and mature over time - or fail to do so in unhealthy cases - and accumulation of knowledge and experience can alter how someone uses their functions throughout life even as their type remains the same. As a result, an individual’s cognitive functions can be expressed through a variety of healthy or unhealthy behaviors depending on where a person is at in the process of ego development.
3. Strength Bias: MBTI descriptions are often skewed towards the strengths and favorables of each type (because that is what people like to read about themselves) and weaknesses are usually only mentioned in passing if mentioned at all. However, the flaws/weaknesses are exactly what you need in order to distinguish the types with greater accuracy! Two different types can display the same behavior but for entirely different cognitive reasons. In order to tell the difference between them, you should understand the darker elements of the two types, the elements that a person subconsciously seeks to repress or avoid as expressed through the lower functions. A lot of people have difficulty with this step because they lack self-awareness and don’t understand their own dark side. The differences between types are most apparent as you move lower down the functional stack but MBTI descriptions leave out this important fact. Cognitive function theory says that you must look at the entirety of your personality - your strengths, your weaknesses, your dislikes, your flaws, your ego defenses, your fears and insecurities, your adaptive and maladaptive behaviors - to understand why these things exist and the process through which your four functions have produced these things in you as a unique individual. If you only take 1-2 major aspects of the personality, as MBTI descriptions often do, or if you only look at the first one or two functions, then you are missing too much of the big picture and cannot type accurately.
see: Cognitive Function Guide to Typing Yourself
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intpmale · 8 years
INTP: I know I fit into every little detail of my MBTI functions perfectly, but a part of me can't help but think I've been mistyped and I'm not really an INTP.
everyone else, probably: shut the fuck up already as if that's not the most INTP thing to say
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intpmale · 8 years
You know what really sucks? Homework. I love learning in class but have to do hw just drains the fun out of everything. I wish I could just take the darn tests and be done with it.
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intpmale · 8 years
Literally Everyday
Them: You're impossibly clumsy, and lazy. Your skin is pale white and ice cold. Your opinions always change, and sometimes you speak like... like you're from a different world... You never drink anything but coffee. You don't go out in sunlight... how long has it been since you last slept?
Me: *shrugs* A while
Them: I know what you are.
Me: Say it. Out loud. Say it!
Them: INTP
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intpmale · 8 years
I hate when people act like people with low Fe (particularly INTPs) have no sexual or romantic desire. Like???? I may be shit at dealing with that stuff but it is not because I’m not interested. I’m lowkey so interested??? I’m just…so…bad.
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intpmale · 8 years
No delete #2
While I like college level discussion, I never really find my place in it. I usually am still thinking by the time the instructor moves on. I always feel like I missed an opportunity.
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