introvertedchatterbox · 7 years
Being with you destroys my every Being
To be with you means I lose me.  
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introvertedchatterbox · 7 years
Battling my breakup
I sit every day wondering when I will have that break through moment; the moment where I finally give all my emotions away and I longer feel like a slave to our love. I feel trapped. I feel left along and in the dark. Why am I not the one getting encouragement. No one cared to ask me how I was doing. I got the cold shoulder, I got the unfollows and unfriends. What did I do wrong? If someone tells you they love you, but cheats on you repeatedly. They give you a ring in front of all your friends and ask your family to send in congrats videos only to continue cheating on you, why is it not okay to leave them. Why should you stay to fight in a relationship that has too many people in it. When you can no longer identify the reasons why you love him because the pain and embarrassment is too strong. When you can’t stand to look at him because you know what he did and is still doing. Why did you feel like you could treat me like that? Why did I have to be the bigger person every single time. Why do I have to wait for you to get your shit together, but I have to come to the table ready to deliver. 
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introvertedchatterbox · 7 years
Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.
Oscar Wilde (via wnq-writers)
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introvertedchatterbox · 7 years
Allow me to Introduce myself...
Introverted chatter box. It seemed perfect for this platform. I’m not a great writer. I probably could be if I had the attention span of an actual adult, but instead my attention span is about as long as a gold fish’s…
Introverted chatter box. I’m clearly an introverted person. The older I get the more I understand myself; the more I am comfortable with the idea of being introverted. I’m dedicating myself to use this space to “re-charge” myself in a sense. I’ve been looking for that space for a long time. Somewhere I can hind, but still express myself in a fashion that keeps me safe and comfortable. Comfortable is a word I use a lot. It’s funny though; my life and my beliefs are that you have to be uncomfortable to move forward. That’s my life motto. I use it whenever I feel “stuck”. But in this space…Comfort goes with re-charging and re-charging is an Introverts life saver. 
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introvertedchatterbox · 7 years
Allow me to Introduce myself...
Introverted chatter box. It seemed perfect for this platform. I’m not a great writer. I probably could be if I had the attention span of an actual adult, but instead my attention span is about as long as a gold fish’s…
Introverted chatter box. I’m clearly an introverted person. The older I get the more I understand myself; the more I am comfortable with the idea of being introverted. I’m dedicating myself to use this space to “re-charge” myself in a sense. I’ve been looking for that space for a long time. Somewhere I can hide, but still express myself in a fashion that keeps me safe and comfortable. Comfortable is a word I use a lot. It’s funny though; my life and my beliefs are that you have to be uncomfortable to move forward. That’s my life motto. I use it whenever I feel “stuck”. But in this space…Comfort goes with re-charging and re-charging is an Introverts life saver. 
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introvertedchatterbox · 7 years
There is no great genius without some touch of madness
Seneca (via introvertedchatterbox)
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introvertedchatterbox · 7 years
There is no great genius without some touch of madness
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