introvertslikecats · 2 years
I know now
That this is how it works
You don't get to keep everyone in your life forever
There are some people
That are just meant to be a sunrise for you
A light to pull you out of the darkness
There are friends, lovers, relationships
that are seasonal
And no matter how deep of a conversation with that person at 2 am
No matter how much you shared your heart
Even if you can still draw the lines of their smile
Like the map of the too familiar road
At the back of your mind
There almost always comes a time
To move on
A time to let go
And regardless of letting go
I just wanted you to know
You're always going to feel
A little bit like home to me
No matter how temporary
It is still beautiful
That I got to call so many hearts my home
- Whitney Hanson
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introvertslikecats · 3 years
what did shigaraki see in bakugou before/during the kamino arc and what has changed since then? what made shigaraki lose his interest and how much of that can be attributed to his growth? do you see a place for bakugou in the shikgaraki&midoriya and LoV redemption narrative?
What did he see in him?
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He saw a kid who was being treated cruelly, in front of an audience no less. Instead of taking any.... remotely normal measure, they put him on a stage looking like this.
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He saw a kid who he assumed was suffering in the same manner they were. I'd say close to the way Toga was suffering, being suffocated and suppressed for who he was. He saw a kid who, in his eyes, needed an out--an escape. He tried to give him one, but he didn't understand Bakugo as a person.
Lack of understanding is what drives the OFA/AFO plot line in BNHA.
What changed since then? Two changes took place. The first one:
What changed was his conviction. His first conviction was just "Kill All Might". Which, on the surface, nobody in their right mind is going to see the logic in that and agree to it. He wasn't making any real progress in his plans, because he didn't really even have any. He was called out by Overhaul for it. And Overhaul, to an extent, was right.
He changed from wanting a world without All Might, to wanting a different world altogether.
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He had forgotten about trying to "help" Bakugo, and moved on at this point. He didn't want to try to reason with heroes anymore. He just wanted to wreck it all and start over. Bakugo was old news.
The second change:
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The possession. I still don't think Shigaraki himself gave a damn about OFA before this. He didn't show any interest in it until he woke up from his surgery, which we know at that point AFO was in his head.
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Not on his radar anymore. His focus was on Midoriya at this point, for his quirk. Letting go of the idea of forcing Bakugo to join the LOV was his own choice, going after OFA was not.
Shigaraki had tons of growth in the story. He wanted a world that benefitted not just him, but others too. He wanted it so bad that he got too close and, well, it came back to bite him.
Do I see a place for Bakugo in the Shigaraki & Midoriya redemption narrative?
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Oh yeah, for sure. I think Bakugo's arc was always tied into Midoriya's from the beginning.
Bakugo doesn't actually have a villain to save. But his apology in chapter 322 seems, to me, like a pretty solid indicator that whatever comes of his arc is going to tie into helping Midoriya. In a way, to make up for how he's treated him, but also, because I think he'll come to understand that Midoriya is right about Shigaraki.
I link to this post I made a while back quite a bit, but my point in it about what Bakugo's role in the story was still stands.
Bakugo started off as needing to learn what being a real hero was, and stop bullying others to lift himself up. His arc was about learning that.
But his role in the story as a whole was a testament to how persistent the main character is willing to be when he sees potential in someone to do better. Midoriya saw it in Bakugo, and Bakugo pulled through.
He sees it in Shigaraki, he just needs to reach him to give him the chance to do better.
Basically what I said in my post about villain prototypes: Bakugo was a rehearsal for Midoriya to save Shigaraki. Midoriya's first moment of triumph was with Bakugo, and it's repeating itself with Shigaraki.
Shigaraki is the real final challenge for Midoriya.
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Midoriya's relationship with Bakugo throughout the whole story prepared him for it.
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I think Bakugo is pretty firmly tied into the OFA/AFO plot line at this point. I don't know exactly how he'll help, but it'll be a learning and growth experience for him as much as it is for Midoriya.
I think all the kids, specifically the main 4 will end their arcs having redefined being a hero in BNHA's world.
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introvertslikecats · 3 years
You are tired of hearing about this.
These is are incredibly old, but extremely popular discourse. It has been spread around by either Bakudeku, or Bakugou antis, and even some (a very small portion in the fandom) who are neither, find it to be somehow agreeable. But, here is a list, of those discourses, and why they are incorrect. (Also, please forgive me, for not using the official translation, i didn't have it in me to get those specifically. But, i think i can still drive my point.)
'Midoriya would have saved anyone, in the Sludge Villain incident'
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A common one, to start. I find this statement to be specially wrong, but it makes sense to a lot of people. In which, i can see why, as we have been presented these snipets of Midoriya's hero complex on the very beginning. But, on a very important note, in this chapter, he had just been told by All Might himself, that he is not fit to be a hero, as a quirkless boy, so in the first image, you can clearly see, the way Midoriya only stands, and watches in the crowd. Hoping a Hero with the right quirk comes to apprehend the villain, while apologizing desperately, to the stundent captured, for incapacitating All Might. Until this point, he did not know the one taken hostage was Bakugou. But, the moment he locked eyes with him, with his expression, he runs to action.
And to further my point here, he lists Bakugou as a reason why he sprinted towards this severely dangerous situation, as well. It was here, the famous phrase 'My body moved on it's own' originated, and would later be paralled in a future chapter.
'Bakugou was not the reason Blackwhip was activated.'
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This one is blantly wrong, but i can maybe understand, why there could be doubt. Even then, i think the fact the Blackwhip came exactly after Monoma threw his insult to Bakugou, in the attempt to bait Midoriya, should have made it very clear already.
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Now, the confusion might had come, with the conversation Banjo had with Midoriya. But, i will clear it up. The thought of capturing, was what unlocked Blackwhip specificaly. If it wasn't for the situation's call, maybe he wouldn't have activated it, at that moment. The quirk unlocking was not planned. Neither Midoriya, or the OFA vestigies knew what would come. (On a small note, at the end of the talk, Banjo tells Midoriya to control his heart, so he wouldn't make the quirk go crazy, again.)
'Midoriya and Bakugou were never friends, let alone Childhood friends.'
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For the amount of times, one would think twice before making a claim, like that.
'Bakugou never cared for Midoriya.'
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Oh, well. There are many others, but Tumblr's image limit. This is a clear exemple, of people who ignore good portions of the story, or just doesn't know how to read a character's development.
In conclusion; I am tired.
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introvertslikecats · 3 years
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introvertslikecats · 3 years
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“Create a world without All Might. And cause enough destruction to show them all how fragile their justice really is. From this day forward… that’s my conviction. It’s all about All Might.” 
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introvertslikecats · 3 years
It just hit me that Natsuo is probably studying health welfare in order to do social works.
And maybe help families with abuse and violence cases.
Which means Fuyumi is helping kids and families by properly giving education and attention to the kids, as well as helping them understand and value themselves.
Natsuo is helping kids and families by studying how to provide effective social services.
Shouto is helping kids and families by becoming a hero so he can prevent crimes, save people and make sure everything is alright.
And Dabi really went on a whole revolution against his abuser, showing the world who he really was and trying to change the status quo.
The Todorokis really grew up thinking "I won't let other's suffer what I have suffer. I'm protecting the kids and I'm doing it my way”.
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introvertslikecats · 3 years
If Aizawa decided to earse Hagakure's quirk, shouldn't she become visible?
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introvertslikecats · 3 years
There is just something about Katsuki in pain that Izuku cannot fucking stand. It’s the thing that always spurs him to act immediately. He can’t handle it. It’s like he has an intense physical reaction to it.
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Starting with chapter one. He wasn’t going to interfere with the sludge villain until he saw the pain in Kacchan’s eyes. Then before he knew it, he was running towards him. His body just fucking moved. And it’s not the only time this has happened.
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The most prominent example is the final exams. All Deku had to do was fucking run like he was supposed to and they would have passed the exam. Kacchan was even begging for him to run but when All Might crushed him, Deku physically could not stand it. He had to go save him. The stakes were lower than ever. It’s not like All Might would have kept hurting Bakugo had Deku just made a break for it. But he was in pain and Deku just couldn’t handle it. He had to relieve him from the pain. He had to get him away from All Might.
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Then there’s Dk v Kc 2. Look at his face when Bakugo reveals how much pain he’s in. He wanted a peaceful talk with him but Kacchan was hurting emotionally and he had to accept his feelings the only way he knew Bakugo would be able to unleash them. Because he couldn’t stand him being in pain. He has no choice.
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I wanna now go back to before this fight and look at Uraraka’s words. A lot of people found this strange coming from her. But look at right after. We see Todoroki emphasizing that what they are doing is selfish. And what this Spurs Deku to think about?
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Kacchan in emotional pain. And while yes the emphasis is mainly on him telling Deku to “stay back”, his eyes are saying he’s in pain. So while Deku saving Bakugo in this case is selfish. It’s what he has to do. He cannot stand to having him in pain if he can do something about it.
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And now we have Monoma poking at Kacchan’s very real emotional turmoil and this causes Izuku to absolutely lose his shit. Bakugo is not in danger, I’m not even sure if Bakugo can hear what Monoma said but Deku remembers all the pain he went through and to have this insecurity mocked just tore right into Deku as if he was the one being insulted. So he unlocks a new quirk because he was that angry.
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And now the final moment to really eat away at his skin is Bakugo being hurt for his sake. I think that’s what tore away at him the most so when AFO insults Kacchan’s sacrifice, Deku again cannot handle it. He goes fucking berserk.
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I feel like Deku sees Bakugo as this strong, amazing impenetrable force who he loves to emulate in order to feel stronger. So when that person, when his self admitted symbol of victory gets hurt? It sends a complete shock to his system that he just..can’t handle.
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In conclusion, Deku spends a lot of the manga fighting for Bakugo’s safety and happiness and poor Kacchan keeps getting into more and more trouble as the series goes on. When Deku finally wakes up, I hope they will talk it out and Deku can see now that Kacchan feels the exact same way and has always felt that way which is what lead to them straying apart in the first place.
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introvertslikecats · 3 years
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the symbol of peace & victory
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introvertslikecats · 3 years
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This was a pivotal moment in their friedship. Where Bakugou thought Izuku offering his hand meant that he thought Bakugou was weak. From here on, Bakugou never wanted to accept help because he thought that made him weak or that others saw him this way. Beyond this, it was the start of their strained relationship.
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Guys, this is GROWTH. He’s finally accepting the hand that is being offered to him after all these years.
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introvertslikecats · 3 years
bakugou calling midoriya “all might’s copycat” is basically him going “i know you better than anyone else, but right now i don’t know what you’ve become and i can see how this version of you that you forced yourself to be is not what you want or what makes you happy. all might may have chosen you but that doesn’t mean you go and try to fill in his shoes.”
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introvertslikecats · 3 years
im sorry but the fact that 1a is telling midoriya memories they have with him that they cherished and he’s crying within the protection of his mask, fighting his friends to escape but truly understanding that this is the safest he’s been these past few days (weeks?) is genuinely heartbreaking.
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introvertslikecats · 3 years
Izuku was ready to give up.
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He's so injured and exhausted that he's literally falling over. He can't even stand anymore.
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"A reckless rampage, born of anxiety and impatience...you take on the world alone...to the point of exhaustion and ruin."
He's been working himself to the bone for so long he's famous for it. He wants so badly to win this war and save everyone that he'll never admit how broken he is.
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But I think, deep down, he knows it. He's suffering. This is destroying him. Look at how lifeless his eyes have become.
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He's trying to convince himself to fight, but he's not even trying to break free. He says he has to master One for All completely so everyone can smile again, together. But Izuku's not smiling anymore. He's beaten, broken, and just so tired of this. But then...
But then he's saved. By the one person who can get him back on his feet-
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Kacchan. His symbol of victory.
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"If there's anything that could bolster Izuku Midoriya now, it would be..." .
It would be Kacchan. He is, canonically, the one thing that can get Izuku to rally. The one person who can truly save him.
And the light immediately returns to Izuku's eyes.
Save to win, and win to save, y'all.
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introvertslikecats · 3 years
Save Me
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introvertslikecats · 3 years
let me tell you the story of a man.
he’s a powerful super hero who half the world looks up to for guarding and guidance.
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this man has a son/protégé who he specifically made to be his successor.
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he purposefully arranges it so the boy inherits his powers.
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he trains him hard to take his place, and through action and words makes it clear that this is how the boy can earn his recognition.
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but it turns out that the powers don’t work the same for the protégé as the man. they end up hurting, even disfiguring the boy every time he uses them.
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what starts out as the boy trying to prove himself…
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turns into the boy spiralling into physical and psychological self-destruction.
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the man tries to keep the protégé from continuing down this path
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but he has lit these feelings inside his protégé a long time ago.
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and it’s too late to the say the words the boy needed to hear all this time ago.
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now the question is, can someone help the boy snap out of this self-destructive death spiral?
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or will the story end with
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introvertslikecats · 3 years
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He didn’t have to go off this hard, BUT HE DID
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introvertslikecats · 3 years
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i’m so sorry
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