investigatoor · 2 years
How To Stop A Panic Attack Before It Takes Over: 8 Methods That Actually Work.
investigatoor, for better health
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investigatoor, for better health - investigate your health will help you make good healthy lifestyle with healthy food and best exercise to be healthy
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Panic attacks can be incredibly frightening and debilitating experiences. They often come on without warning and make it difficult to think or act rationally. For some people, panic attacks can even feel like they’re happening in slow motion. Luckily, there are ways to stop a panic attack before it takes over. In this blog post, we’ll explore 12 methods that have been shown to be effective in helping people manage and prevent panic attacks.
What is a panic attack?
A panic attack is a sudden, intense feeling of fear that can be accompanied by physical symptoms such as a racing heart, shortness of breath, or dizziness. Panic attacks are often mistaken for heart attacks and can be very frightening.
What are the symptoms of a panic attack?
Panic attacks can be very frightening and often come on without warning. The symptoms of a panic attack can vary from person to person, but there are some general symptoms that are common to most people.
The most common symptoms of a panic attack are:
Racing heart
Difficulty breathing
Chest pain
The feeling of being out of control
hot flashes
stomach pain
tingling or numbness
feeling that death is imminent
 If you think you’re having a panic attack, seek medical help. Untreated, panic attacks can lead to other mental health problems, such as agoraphobia (fear of leaving home) or depression.
What causes panic attacks?
Panic attacks can be caused by a number of things, including genetics, stress, and environmental factors.
People with panic disorder often have a family history of the disorder or other anxiety disorders. Panic attacks can also be caused by physical conditions, such as heart disease or asthma. In some cases, the use of certain medications can trigger panic attacks. And finally, stress and emotional trauma can also cause panic attacks.
 If you are experiencing panic attacks, it is important to see your doctor to determine the cause. Once the cause has been identified, treatment can be prescribed to help you manage and control future panic attacks.
How do I prevent a panic attack?
There are a number of things you can do to prevent or manage a panic attack. First, try to identify your personal triggers. Once you know what sets off an attack, you can work on avoiding those situations or coping mechanisms. Secondly, make sure to keep a positive outlook and stay active. Exercise releases endorphins that can help reduce
8 Methods That will Stop A Panic Attack Before It Takes Over:
Recognize that you’re having a panic attack
You may remind yourself that you’re having a panic attack rather than a heart attack by realizing that it’s only temporary, that it’ll pass, and that you’re OK.
Take away the worry of death or impending doom, both of which are signs of panic attacks. This will free you up to concentrate on other ways to mitigate your problems.
 It’s not always feasible to avoid panic attack triggers, but knowing what they are will help you recognize that it’s a panic attack and not anything else.
Use deep breathing
While hyperventilation is a sign of panic attacks that can heighten terror, deep breathing can help to alleviate panic symptoms during an attack.
In a 2017 study trusted Source, 40 patients were randomly assigned to either a deep or diaphragmatic breathing treatment group or a control group. Those who practiced deep breathing exhibited increases in their concentration and emotional well-being after 20 rigorous training sessions.
Blood testing revealed that this group had lower cortisol levels, indicating that they were less stressed. Although none of the participants had panic disorder, the tactics might be beneficial to those who suffer from panic attacks.
Slow breathing, according to another group of scientists trusted Sources, may have comparable consequences. It may also boost sensations of relaxation, comfort, and attentiveness, as well as diminish symptoms of arousal anxiety, despair, anger, and disorientation, according to the researchers.
You’re less likely to have hyperventilation, which can exacerbate other symptoms — and the panic attack itself — if you can regulate your breathing.
Concentrate on taking deep breaths in and out via your mouth, allowing the air to gently fill and then leave your chest and abdomen. Breathe in for four counts, hold for a second, and then exhale for four counts.
Find a focus object
During a panic attack, some people find it beneficial to locate something to focus their entire attention on. Pick one object in plain sight and jot down all you can about it.
You could note, for example, how the clock’s handshakes and is somewhat uneven when it ticks. To yourself, describe the object’s patterns, color, forms, and size. Concentrate all of your attention on this thing, and your panic sensations may go away.
Practice mindfulness
Mindfulness can assist you in becoming more aware of your surroundings. Because panic attacks can produce a sense of detachment or separation from reality, this might help you cope with your panic attack as it approaches or occurs.
Mindfulness entails the following:
focusing your attention on the present
recognizing the emotional state you’re in
meditating to reduce stress and help you relax
Concentrate on familiar bodily sensations, such as sinking your toes into the ground or feeling the texture of your pants on your palms. These precise feelings anchor you to reality and provide you with something to focus on.
Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation, can help control anxiety symptoms, according to experts, however, it’s unclear if they can treat an underlying anxiety disease.
In 2015, American Family Physician suggested mindfulness as an approach for coping with panic and anxiety, claiming that it can be just as effective as CBT and other behavioral therapies for lowering stress.
a little research
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, according to Trusted Source, might benefit persons with anxiety disorders who are undergoing medical treatment but haven’t found the pharmacological treatment to be effective.
Seek counseling
People who suffer from panic attacks or panic disorders can benefit from cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and other forms of psychotherapy. CBT seeks to modify the way you think about difficult or frightening events and to help you find new strategies to deal with them when they happen.
CBT is available for individuals or groups, online or in person, and the length of therapy varies. Your therapist will expose you to anything that might provoke a panic attack and help you work through it in exposure-based CBT.
CBT has been shown to impact areas in the brain that are involved for panic feelings, in addition to modifying behavior.
In 2018, some researchers discovered evidence that patients who participated in four weekly sessions of exposure-based CBT had alterations in the brain circuits that cause panic feelings. This was, however, a preliminary study, and additional research is needed.
In 2018, 37 persons in Korea participated in a mindfulness-based training once a week for four weeks to investigate if it may assist with panic disorder symptoms. Because some patients have cardiovascular symptoms during a panic attack, one component of the treatment was to focus on their heart rate.
The findings revealed that following the therapy, the participants could better regulate their symptoms by using their own thinking processes. This was, however, limited research with no control group. More study is required to discover
Close your eyes
Some panic episodes are brought on by overwhelming triggers. A panic attack might be exacerbated if you’re in a fast-paced atmosphere with a lot of stimulation.
Close your eyes during a panic attack to limit the sensations. This might help you focus on your breathing by blocking out any distracting stimuli.
Picture your happy place
Stress and anxiety can be reduced with guided visualization techniques. Spending time in nature and imagining nature, according to research, can help alleviate and manage anxiety.
What is the most soothing spot you can think of on the planet? What could be better than a sunny beach with gentle flowing waves? Do you want to rent a house in the mountains?
Imagine yourself there and try to concentrate as much as possible on the details. Consider sinking your toes into the soft sand or breathing the fresh perfume of pine trees.
No streets of New York or Hong Kong, no matter how much you love the metropolis in real life – this location should be peaceful, tranquil, and soothing.
Repeat a mantra internally
Internally repeating a mantra may be soothing and calming, and it can provide you with something to hold on to throughout a panic attack.
 Repeat a mantra in your thoughts until the panic attack subsides, whether it’s simply “This too shall pass” or a phrase that speaks to you personally.
How can I make sure my panic attacks don't happen again?
There are a few things you can do to help make sure your panic attacks don’t occur again. First, it’s important to understand what triggers your panic attacks. Once you know what sets them off, you can work to avoid those things. Second, it’s helpful to have a support system in place. Talk to your friends and family about your anxiety and Panic Disorder. They may be able to offer support and understanding. Finally, make sure to seek professional help if you’re struggling to manage your panic attacks on your own. A therapist can help you develop coping mechanisms and work through the underlying causes of your anxiety
There are a few things you can do to help make sure your panic attacks don’t occur again. First, it’s important to understand what triggers your panic attacks. Once you know what sets them off, you can work to avoid those things. Second, it’s helpful to have a support system in place. Talk to your friends and family about your anxiety and Panic Disorder. They may be able to offer support and understanding. Finally, make sure to seek professional help if you’re struggling to manage your panic attacks on your own. A therapist can help you develop coping mechanisms and work through the underlying causes of your anxiety
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investigatoor · 3 years
How Smoking Affects Your Health: The Shocking Truth.
investigatoor, for better health investigatoor, for better health - investigate your health will help you make good healthy lifestyle with healthy food and best exercise to be healthy
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Nearly everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health. But what most people don’t know is just how bad it is. Smoking can cause a wide range of health problems, including cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems.
In the United States, smoking is the biggest cause of avoidable death. Every year, more than 480,000 Americans die from smoking-related diseases. That’s more than 1,200 deaths per day.
Every day, people around the world make the choice to smoke cigarettes. And while many are aware of the health risks associated with smoking, they may not be fully aware of just how dangerous it can be. Smoking is a leading cause of preventable death in the United States, and it can affect virtually every organ in your body.
Smoking statistics:
In the United States, smoking is the biggest cause of avoidable mortality, accounting for more than 480,000 deaths per year. That’s 1,300 deaths from smoking every day. Each year, smoking kills more people than HIV, illicit drugs, alcohol, motor vehicle accidents, and firearm-related occurrences combined.
Smoking also costs the nation billions of dollars each year. In fact, direct health care costs and lost productivity from smoking cost more than $300 billion a year. This figure includes $170 billion in direct health care costs and more than $156 billion in lost productivity.
5 dangers of smoking:
Smoking is a habit that is difficult to break. Nicotine is a naturally occurring substance found in tobacco plants that is largely responsible for a person’s addiction to tobacco products, such as cigarettes. Nicotine-induced addiction to cigarettes and other tobacco products is comparable to the addiction caused by narcotics like heroin and cocaine.
Smoking takes 11 minutes off your life. Smoking has been shown to impair practically every organ in the body while also lowering one’s overall health.
Smoking is the major cause of cancer and cancer-related mortality. It causes malignancies of the lung, esophagus, larynx, mouth, and throat, as well as the kidney, bladder, liver, pancreas, stomach, cervix, colon, and rectum.
Smoking causes heart disease, stroke, COPD, emphysema, diabetes, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, age-related macular degeneration, and cataracts in adults, as well as worsening asthma symptoms. Smokers are more prone to get pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other respiratory illnesses, and smoking weakens their immune systems.
Smoking makes it more difficult for a woman to conceive. A pregnant smoker is more likely to have a miscarriage, an ectopic pregnancy, a baby born too soon and with unusually low birth weight, and a kid born with a cleft lip and/or palate. Smoking during or during pregnancy raises the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in the baby (SIDS). Erectile dysfunction is more common among men who smoke.
Why people start smoking?
There are many reasons why people start smoking, but the three most common reasons are because they think it will make them look cool, make them feel grown-up, or help them lose weight. Teenagers are especially susceptible to these reasons, as they are trying to find their place in the world and figure out who they are.
Smoking cigarettes is a social activity, and it’s often hard to resist the temptation to smoke when everyone around you is doing it. It can also be addictive, and once someone is addicted, it’s very hard to quit.
How to quit smoking?
There are many ways to quit smoking, and what works for one person may not work for another. However, there are some general tips that can help anyone trying to quit smoking.
One of the most important things is to have a plan. Decide how you want to quit, and make a plan of action. This will keep you on track and motivated.
People attempt to quit smoking in a variety of methods. Some people use nicotine replacement therapies, such as patches, gum, or lozenges. Some use prescription medications, such as Chantix or Wellbutrin. Some people use alternative therapies, such as acupuncture or hypnosis. And some people just try to quit cold turkey.
No matter which method you choose, there are some general tips that can help you quit smoking. First, make a plan. Decide when you want to quit and create a quitting timeline. Next, tell your friends and family about your plan and ask them to support you
In this blog post, we are going to talk about the effects of smoking on your health. We all know that smoking is bad for us, but many of us don’t know just how bad it is. We are going to discuss the effects of smoking on every system in your body, and we will also talk about the different kinds of smoking. We hope this blog post helps you understand just how harmful smoking can be and encourages you to quit smoking for good.
The post How Smoking Affects Your Health: The Shocking Truth. first appeared in investigatoor, for better health
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investigatoor · 3 years
Best Healthy Food for Diabetes, The Guide for Better Health
investigatoor, for better health investigatoor, for better health - investigate your health will help you make good healthy lifestyle with healthy food and best exercise to be healthy
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Diabetes is a disease that has been around for many years and it has also evolved to be one of the most common diseases in people. Diabetes can be managed by monitoring blood glucose levels and making healthy food choices.
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a condition in which the body has trouble producing or responding to insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps the body turn sugar into energy. The disease usually progresses over time, but can be managed with exercise, diet, and medication.
 In Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin and is usually diagnosed in childhood and adolescence with symptoms including excessive thirst and urination, weight loss, fatigue, and hunger. In Type 2 diabetes, either the pancreas doesn’t make enough or the body does not respond appropriately to insulin. also can be associated with years of high blood sugar levels which leads to complications like heart disease and kidney failure.
The importance of a healthy diet for diabetics!
The key to good health for diabetics is a balanced diet, which includes fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. These foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that the body needs. It’s also important to limit sugar and fat intake.
A diet rich in whole grains will help to prevent diabetes-related complications and reduce the risk of heart disease. Diabetics should limit sugar intake to no more than 100 calories per day and try to eat healthy fats like olive oil instead of saturated fats like butter or lard.
 Diabetics should also maintain a healthy weight
The best food for diabetes patients
Although there are a variety of diets available to people with diabetes, the best diet for diabetes is one that improves cardiovascular health and weight. The key is to eat more of a plant-based diet, which is rich in healthy, unsaturated fats and loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
The best food for diabetes patients is a vegetarian diet. The ADA found that a plant-based diet can lower blood sugar levels by up to 25% in as little as three weeks. A vegetarian diet also boosts cardiovascular health by lowering bad cholesterol levels and reducing insulin resistance.
Beans are a good source of folate, which helps regulate blood glucose levels and aids in reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Beans are also rich in fiber and have been shown to increase feelings of fullness and take longer to digest, which can help with weight loss.
Salmon is a great food choice for people with diabetes. The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon help the body produce insulin, regulate blood sugar levels, and maintain healthy cells. Omega-3s have also been shown to lower cholesterol, reduce inflammation, and aid in weight loss.
Broccoli is a rich source of chromium, a mineral that helps regulate blood sugar levels, which makes it a great addition to your diabetes diet. According to a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, when people with type 2 diabetes consumed 100mg of chromium per day- either in the form of broccoli or as a supplement- their fasting blood sugar level decreased by an average of 6%.
Garlic is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. It’s loaded with antioxidants and has been shown to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure levels. It also contains a compound called allicin that prevents blood clots and lowers LDL cholesterol.
But it’s garlic’s ability to lower blood sugar in people who have type 2 diabetes that has researchers excited. When participants were given 12 grams of raw garlic, their insulin resistance improved by 33%.
The medicinal properties of garlic have been known for centuries, but now there is scientific evidence to back them up. The next time
Green Tea
Green tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world and is a refreshing alternative to coffee. It can also be an effective remedy for diabetes, a disease that affects over 29 million Americans. The EGCG in green tea works to lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications.
Green Tea may also regulate blood sugar by improving insulin sensitivity, which in turn reduces the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
Eggs are an excellent source of protein, vitamin D, and other nutrients. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of eggs for people with diabetes and share some delicious recipes to try.
Eggs improve blood sugar regulation and help manage cholesterol levels in diabetics. Recent research reports that eggs can be consumed without a significant increase in blood glucose levels.
Eggs are a nutritional powerhouse, boosting a healthy breakfast or lunchtime meal and supporting metabolism by providing protein and healthy fats.
Eggs are a nutrient-dense food, which means they have more nutrients per calorie
Foods you should avoid if you are diabetic
If you have diabetes, there are certain foods you need to avoid in order to stay healthy and control your blood sugar.
Fruits: Avoid fruits with a high sugar content such as oranges, bananas, grapes, and mangoes.
Grains: Whole grains are good for diabetics because they are lower in sugar than other types of grain products. You should avoid white bread, anything made with white flour, and anything containing refined sugar.
Cereals: Cereals that contain more than 4 grams of sugar per serving are bad for diabetics. Avoid cereals made with cane
 also, avoid: 
· Sodas and fruit juices
 · Pastries and cakes
 · Cookies 
· Fried foods
To help prevent or manage diabetes, you need to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. These tips will help get you started on the right path. If you have any questions about your diet or exercise plan, please feel free to contact us online for more information today!
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investigatoor · 3 years
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investigatoor · 3 years
Lose weight Easy, Focus on your eating Habits
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everyone wants to lose weight but he or she focuses on a lot of exercise and a very hard diet. but it’s not like that, let me tell you for my experience with a lot of people that suffer from that phenomena, if you want to lose weight you need to start to focus on your eating habits, yes as you hear it eating habits means a lot you can discover more in my article in detail to know what I mean... read more    
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