inviconhomes · 3 years
Why this is the best time for millennials to invest in housing properties
If the people belonging to the previous generation were self-made, mostly-middle class, and worked hard to save up some money with frugal investment, millennials, who constitute half of the current workforce, are way different. The current generation of millennials is highly educated, has humongous technical prowess, and makes well-informed decisions. They work hard and invest in many assets such as mutual funds, stocks, gold, and properties.
Like any other metropolitan city, the millennials from Hyderabad and Vijayawada are also savvy. A majority of them are engineers, doctors, and IT professionals. Thanks to the ongoing pandemic, these current generation youth have learned the art of frugal spending. As the entertainment hubs were practically non-functional for ages, these youngsters, mostly working from home, found time to search for wise investments. As a result, they have discovered expansive vistas of investment opportunities.
After investing a bit in all the assets mentioned above, except housing, the millennials have started making investments in apartments. No parent wishes their son or a daughter living in a rented house after marriage. Many parents back their children in offering advance payments to book apartments and ask their wards to pay the EMIs. So, the millennials are currently in this phase of evincing keen interest in investing in real estate. The builders also understand the new crop of the millennial generation, who are ready to invest in properties. Accordingly, the real estate developers are focussing on executing projects meeting the specific needs of these young homebuyers.
With frequent lockdowns, many of these millennials have had a tectonic shift in their attitudes and hastened the plans to buy new apartments. If the proof of the pudding is in the eating, as per research reports, the exponential growth of millennials investing in real estate from 63% in 2021 alone is in contrast with the previous year's 49%. Real estate developers capitalize on the millennials' needs offer them special prices, flexible payment options, and more.
As we are just getting out of the pandemic, the RBI, too, has reduced the interest rate for housing. The housing loan interest rate now is as low as 6.5%. Also, the Central Bank has increased the maximum permissible loan amount. Homebuyers can avail of housing loans of up to 90% of the total value of the apartment.
When floodgates of the real estate segment are opening up in a big way post-pandemic, property developers have geared up to capitalize on the exponential boom from the millennials segment, while the latter is gearing up to own properties on their own and set up their own families. Overall, this is undoubtedly a boom time for real estate developers and the millennial youth! Invasion offers Vijayawada's largest gated community with all amenities that a millennial would love to indulge in.
The extra-large 3 and 4 bedroom apartments are suitable for everyone's taste. Along with it comes many amenities like swimming pools, sports arena, business center, coffee shop, ATM, medical store, supermarket, and more. with the Benz Circle, just four kilometers away, Navah by Invicon is connected to every aspect of fast-paced life- airport, entertainment hubs, shopping centers, and educational institutions. For more details, visit: https://www.invicon.com/
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inviconhomes · 3 years
The Relevance of Having Parallel Modular Kitchen
'If you can organize your kitchen, you can organize your life,' writes Louis Parrish in the context of an organization. Rightly so, it has become all the more relevant when it comes to modern-day homes. The days of setting up simple kitchens have become a thing of the past. The best option for modern-day dwellings is to set up a Parallel Modular Kitchen. For, Parallel Modular Kitchen not only enhances the aesthetics of your house with the sight of your kitchen looking kind of orderly and organized but also it saves humongous space that can accommodate a host of kitchen essentials such as the sinks, cooking range, dishwasher, sink, refrigerator, microwave oven, bread toaster and what not in an optimal way.
The Parallel Modular Kitchen has become a fad of late. What's more, some of the Parallel Modular Kitchens have unique and distinctive arrangements for the chimneys. There are many different Parallel Modular kitchen designs from which you can choose the best. A few of the options are as follows:
Compact Kitchen is the Mantra
When it comes to the modern-day Modular Kitchen, the mantra is compact. Therefore, when you choose the Parallel Modular Kitchen, you need to ensure that it should be sleek, sophisticated, and sans eyesore so that not even a single spoon or a knife is visible on the countertop. When you opt for this model, you can ensure that your kitchen looks fantastic and orderly.
Space Management
Today, one of the challenges is to accommodate a host of appliances inside the kitchen, including refrigerators, grinders, mixers, dishwashers, washing machines, microwave ovens, cooking range, just to name a few. It is proven that the modern-day Modular Kitchen is the best bet to save space yet looks aesthetic.
Your job does not end with setting up a Parallel Modular Kitchen. The challenge is to ensure that not a single appliance is seen outside. So, the requisite number of cabinets should be in place to enclose all the appliances. As a result, your kitchen will not only be seen as beautiful but also compact, with ample space seen all across, and you will enjoy working in it.
Separation of Cooking Table from Storage Drawers
With the increased usage of chimneys and high-end cooking ranges, you need space to accommodate other appliances. That is where a Parallel Modular Kitchen plays a pivotal role in offering you the much-needed space to make sure that the storage drawers are kept away from the cooking table.
Clubbing of Dining Area in Modular Kitchen
These days, builders, architects, and interior designers are under tremendous pressure to include the dining area in the kitchen. Again, the Parallel Modular Kitchen comes as a cropper, which allows enough space to accommodate the dining table with a minimum of four chairs. You can't ask for more!
Style Statement
A Parallel Modular Kitchen is undoubtedly a style statement. So, the kitchen too is as important as a living room or a bedroom. What is the point of investing so much money without having a kitchen with great looks? In addition to saving much space, the modular kitchen also allows sufficient space to accommodate compactly.
Sink is Special
Sink plays a unique role in the modern modular kitchen. The challenge for you is to make sure that the sink is placed in your kitchen's strategic location based on Vastu Shastra. As the modern Parallel Modular Kitchens position, the kitchen is in the center, and the idea behind such a thought is that it becomes hassle-free to segregate the cooking and non-cooking areas.
Focus on Lighting
With all the aesthetic amenities inside the kitchen, without proper lighting arrangements in place, the entire effort will go for a toss. So, the bottom line is to have a well-lit kitchen. It helps you cook with consummate ease and adds up to the aesthetics quotient to a great extent. As the Parallel Modular Kitchens have many cabinets and drawers to accommodate all the utensils, crockeries, cooking ingredients, and other stuff, a less lighted kitchen will become a breeding ground for pests, insects, and rodents. You should have sufficient light in the kitchen for all practical purposes to make sure that cooking is an enjoyable pursuit. You have plenty of power-saving LED lights available.
Shapely is Scintillating
While opting for Parallel Modular Kitchens, the propensity is to keep some areas unoccupied. Utilizing the space to the maximum is the mantra. Therefore, a U-shaped Parallel Modular Kitchen design is one of the best bets.
Choosing Colours
Choosing just the right colors for your kitchen is of paramount importance. As the new age kitchen platforms are invariably be seen with black granite platforms, the ideal color pattern is for you to choose your modular kitchen with white laminates. With the black granite, white-colored laminates give excellent aesthetic contrast.
The usual pattern of color selection for modular kitchen laminates is either white or cream colors, as it matches aesthetically with the black kitchen platform. If you want your kitchen to be a little more unique, then the next choice of color is obviously to go in for brown laminates. Like white or cream colors, brown to gives an exotic look. You can opt for varnish or French polish to bring that added shine!
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inviconhomes · 3 years
Designing your kids' rooms
Designing your kids' room is one of those projects where you don't need to follow any rule whatsoever as long as your child's safety and comfort are not compromised. Bright yellow and duck-themed? Blue with clouds on the walls? Truck-shaped bunk beds? They would welcome all or any of them with cheers from your little one(s). At the same time, certain pointers might help keep the room as functional as cute.
Bed on the floor
That's one worry off your list – whether your kid will roll off the bed or the top bunk. The bed on the floor can be turned into a play space or a cozy reading corner during the day if you cover it with a bedspread. However, if you wish to save space on the floor, you can also consider a bunk bed with safety railings all around.
Scribbling board wall
Let's face it, kids will draw on the walls, come what may. Instead of endlessly trying to stop them, transform one of the walls into a scribbling area. This can be a wall with washable paint or a stick-on white or blackboard, which can be re-used. Encourage them to draw and write all they want on this wall so that the rest of the house remains clean. Alternately, turn the back of the door into a scribbling pad so that the mess remains invisible when the door is open.
Gender-neutral colors
Pretty pink for the girls and baby blue for the boys; it is actually old. Unless your kid insists, go for gender-neutral colors like shades of yellow, orange, purple, or green, as your child wishes. You can also create a theme according to their favorite cartoon or comic character and add little details here and there. However, beware, since kids' tastes change as quickly, and within months they might be begging you to change the room's theme. A better option would be to add a few removable items for the theme and paint the room neutral.
It's a myth that kids are interested only in Disney characters. Each child is different, and your child might actually love it if you make their room nature-themed. Put up a few greens here and there and opt for a jungle or waterfall wallpaper with animal-themed cushions and bedsheets. Hang bamboo wind chimes or faux creepers from the ceiling. You can even install a tent for a camp effect which will surely thrill the little ones in the house. Put up battery string lights in the tent for full effect at night.
Storage is important
Kids will be kids, but having their own room doesn't mean it can stay permanently messy. Make some ground rules from day one so that it becomes part of their routine to put away any toys, books, or clothes from the floor after they are done with it. Top shelves can be difficult to reach for kids, so try for storage boxes or baskets that can be kept in a corner. Ask the kids themselves to clear up their mess to feel ownership about their room.
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inviconhomes · 3 years
Premium 3/4 BHK For Sale Kanuru, Vijayawada | Invicon Homes
Living in a gated community can feel very much like living with an extended family. All the children in the community would play together, and your neighbours would be the first people you go to for any emergency. Sharing food and tips are also part and parcel of everyday life. However, the best part of such a life is celebrating festivals together, where everything is more extensive than when you live independently.
Christmas is just weeks away and is one festival with endless possibilities for community celebrations. Here are a few tips for a merrier Christmas this year.
Organize Door-To-Door Carol Singing
Nothing excites children and teens than having a little celebration of their own sans adults. In a gated community, everyone knows everyone else, so you can easily send your children for door-to-door carol singing with other kids, even during the late evening. Inform all the residents about the arrival of the little squad so they can keep candies and tips ready.
Secret Santa
Adults, too, need some fun, and it can be pretty exciting not to know who is giving you those surprise clues and notes in a Secret Santa game. Keep the recipients in anticipation till Christmas eve when everyone can get together in a common area and exchange gifts. Make a rule that the gifts should not be expensive so that the game doesn’t become a competition. Not only will this exercise build team spirit, but you might also find a new friend within the community.
Party On Christmas Eve
Along with the Secret Santa game, you can also have a little party at a common area on Christmas eve. Ask everyone to pitch in and decorate common areas to give a Christmassy feel. You can also put up a tree and get all the children to help decorate it. If everyone is up for it, why not organize a fun competition for the best décor in individual houses as well? Have someone dress up as Santa and give small gifts to everyone. Keep everyone guessing who Santa is till the reveal at the end.
Potluck or Dinner Together
Let Christmas dinner be common so that everyone is free of cooking and chores on Christmas eve and is in a mood to party. Depending on the number of participants, you can also consider a potluck, where each family brings in their home-cooked contributions as dishes, cake, or wine. The idea is to eat together like a family and make everyone feel included.
Organize a Charity Event
There’s more to Christmas than celebrations. It’s also a time to give and to provide the less fortunate a chance to celebrate as well. You could set up a charity drive with just fund collections or encourage the youngsters to earn some money and give it to charity. This could be through selling home-cooked treats, DIY craft items, candles, or Christmas décor. You could also organize a group trip to an orphanage or destitute home so that everyone feels they are part of the drive.
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inviconhomes · 3 years
5 Reasons Why Parents Prefer Gated Communities to Raise Their Children
The evolution of housing is fascinating because it goes through cycles that are often reactions to the previous stages. From community living in villages where everyone knew everyone else, people moved to small towns, where seclusion was possible, and later apartments became the norm. The repercussions of the last stage have been many; sedentary lifestyles compromised security, lack of connections with the community, and asocial children who often flounder in adult life and the workplace. This could be why urban parents with children prefer gated communities over all other forms of housing. Gated communities offer children opportunities to interact with other children and adults in a safe and secure environment besides encouraging them to participate in physical activities. The long-term benefits of gated communities are much more for children, and here are five major reasons why parents prefer them.
Safety and Security :
Gated communities give top-most priority to safety, and only visitors approved by residents can enter the gates. Surveillance systems, including security staff and CCTVs, are in operation 24/7, so the safety of the children is guaranteed, especially when they have to be alone at home for short periods. Due to the absence of high-speed traffic, children can move safely on the inner roads inside, too.
Respect for Other Cultures :
Gated communities have a village-like eco-system where neighbors have good relationships with each other. Urban parents often have longer working hours, and nothing can give them a sense of freedom and relief than the knowledge that their neighbors would keep an eye on the children. Another aspect is the community. Children get to see people from other communities, and often the communities celebrate almost all the festivals with much gaiety. This gives children a sense of respect for all beliefs and rituals and helps them when they start working in global organizations.
Green Space and Play Area :
Gated communities are built keeping children in mind, and the amenities extend to much more than a play area. The activities are aimed at the overall development of children. Thus, there would be parks, bicycle tracks, swimming pools, sports courts, reading rooms, and even small libraries besides crèches which would keep the children occupied and productive. Some gated communities even employ exclusive tutors for children which mean that children don’t need to travel long distances to learn something new.
All-Round Development :
Children grow up with a sense of community in gated communities, as the secure space offers plenty of opportunities for interaction. Celebrations of festivals and other events are done together, giving way to a sense of belonging and the development of emotional intelligence in children. Children who spend their crucial years interacting with different kinds of people grow up to be more rounded personalities who realise that life is more than academic success. Often there are a plethora of contests and fun games which see enthusiastic participation of children. Though a small area, gated communities are a world unto themselves compared to the outside world.
Less Noise and Pollution :
Traffic and speed limits are highly regulated in gated communities, resulting in minimal pollution levels. The spaces are an oasis of calm and green with all the comforts and conveniences of city life, with plenty of trees and fresh air. Most such communities would have energy conservation and other environment-friendly measures, all of which help children realize the need to conserve the environment. Such spaces also encourage children to spend more time outdoors than glued to their screens, which results in better health over time.
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inviconhomes · 3 years
Why Should You Invest In a Property in Kanuru, Vijayawada
Vijayawada is the second-largest city in Andhra Pradesh, with a history spanning more than14 centuries old. A center of culture, history, and heritage, the city became a real estate hub after Amaravati was announced as the capital. Since 2015, the city has been buzzing with real estate activity, and Vijayawada and the suburbs have become real estate hotspots.
Vijayawada is considered the heart of Andhra Pradesh as it’s a melting pot of culture, politics, and business. Known as the Business Capital of Andhra Pradesh, Vijayawada is well connected to various parts of the country and overseas.  It’s the third-largest city in Andhra Pradesh, and Vijayawada’s railway station is one of the busiest stations in India. The place, situated on Krishna River banks, is a sight to behold, with Indrakiladri Hills on the West and the Budameru River to its north.
With very fertile soil, the city and suburbs are known for their mangoes. A highly preferred residential area, Vijayawada is also the abode of Goddess Durga, and the Kanaka Durga Temple is very famous. The world-famous Pushkaram takes place there in River Krishna.
Serene, Well-Connected Locality
Kanuru is a famous locality located in Vijayawada.  Kanuru has become one of the most preferred residential locations due to its connectivity and affordable prices.
Invicon has come up with Navah, a premium 3 and 4 BHK apartment project in Kanuru. The project is the largest gated community in Vijayawada and has 286 apartments spread over 4.5 acres. It offers spacious 3 and 4 BHK apartments with square feet ranging from 1610 to 2750 square feet, making it an ideal home for you and your family.
Away From Crowd but Always In the Centre
Kanuru is a place where you can enjoy the best of both worlds. It’s away from the pollution and traffic chaos while it is well connected to airport, railway station and workplaces. The famous Benz Circle is just 4 km from Kanuru, making it an ideal location for you to buy a home to live in or for investment purposes. With the land and residential prices skyrocketing due to its development in the past few years, it makes much sense to invest in Kanuru. Kanuru has a good number of reputed educational institutions, and that’s one of the significant advantages for families to select a property in Kanuru.  From International syllabus to CBSE, the top schools offer education that suits your child’s interests and your budget.
Kanuru also has several major hospitals making it ideal for those elderly to make it their home. Having a home in Kanuru, and that too, in a gated community, will give children peace of mind who live abroad and leave their parents in India. They can rest assured that their parents live in a warm and connected community with exceptional amenities for elders and near to hospitals. The connectivity to the airport, just 12 km, is icing on the cake as it makes reaching home in Kanuru a cakewalk for everyone staying in faraway places.  
Vijayawada has a rich past and a prosperous present, and Kanuru in Vijayawada is ideal as an investment destination.
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