ioanisstuff · 1 year
easy exam spells??
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ioanisstuff · 1 year
A neurodivergent witch's guide to starting a grimoire 🌿✨️
I remember when I was first starting out with building a grimoire and getting frustrated with how few resources there are on what a grimoire is supposed to be. I wanted clear directions and examples of what to include, but I mostly found YouTubers giving vague descriptions and repeating over and over again that it's extremely personal and private so they wouldn't say anything specific. As a neurodivergent person, it was very frustrating to try to figure out what to do from that. It took me a while to figure out what my own specifics were, so for any beginner witches out there, here are some specific ideas for starting off! Once you get more used to it, it'll get easier and easier to figure out what you do and don't want to include.
I'd recommend researching sigils and creating one to protect your grimoire; I placed mine on the second page after I dedicated the notebook for it, but you can put it wherever you feel like
Dates of moon cycles/information on how they affect your practice
Wheel of the year/sabbats if you celebrate them
Record rituals for sabbats if you choose to do anything for them, that way you have a reference for next year
Information on the elements- earth, air, fire, water, and/or spirit depending on your practice
Information on herbs or crystals you have- I like to print out pictures to include with the correspondences and leave space to write down specific things I use them for
Also, a quick reference list of ways you can care for individual crystals will be very helpful if you use them! Pay extra attention to which ones are sensitive to sun or water, it'll save you crystals later on
Basics of tarot, runes, or other divination methods
Color correspondences!
Information on zodiac signs; I printed out my star chart and put it in
When you do spellwork, write down everything you did and date it. Later you can come back and update whether it worked, what the effects were, and tweak it if necessary- basically treat it like a magic recipe book
A grimoire is not the same as a journal- if you want to write down personal reflections on meditation or your emotional experiences, I would suggest using a separate notebook for those things.
While I understand why people are so hesitant to show their grimoires, I have no qualms with showing a few pages for example purposes. However, I would suggest that you don't share anything that is personalized to your craft to others unless you can 100% guarantee that they won't cause you harm with it.
The only reason I'm ok with putting pictures on here is because they're full of basic information that anyone with Google could find and nothing that's specific to me.
With that being said, here are a few examples from my own grimoire as a reference!
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ioanisstuff · 1 year
help out a beginner witch!!!
is evil eye closed practice??
also is this thing legit i never saw it before ?
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