This is absolutely HORRID. The fact that some people don't see how awful this is is just ridiculous. If you have the choice to say awful things to someone for no good reason or just not why on earth would you????
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You're so very welcome. I'm so glad you like it!
Got a request from @shonenkun20 . I apologize for getting it out so so so so so so So SO late I had started it just a few days after the request was made and had gotten a good chunk done but than I accidentally forgot to save it to my drafts at one point so I lost EVERYTHING and never forgave myself or this piece of writing 😅. Anyway, I had like no ideas for a story so I decided to just give you some jealousy headcannons and a small scene I apologize. Once again I'm sorry for getting this out as late as it is. Anyway here is my jealousy headcannons (+small scene) for our Oni boy Koga. I also apologize for how short and probably OOC this is. You didn't specify what gender so I went with female. I hope you like my little headcannons and fic. Enjoy♡
I think this should be pretty obvious but he doesn't really get jealous very easily...
The only people he ever really gets jealous about (specifically over his s/o) are Toichiro and Kyua
With Toichiro he doesn't like how interested he seems in you even though he is like that with basically everyone...
And then you and Kyua just seem very friendly and while he is very happy about that he also...isn't
When it comes to his particular form of jealousy he just becomes a bit more protective than he usually is
Just always having an arm around your waist or shoulders sometimes even a surprise (often a LITERALLY breathing) kiss
Just over all very sweet and slightly possessive boy who just wants to protect you from other people's eyes and just be loved (insecure boy tbh)
You, (y/n) were at the lavish mansion of a handsome and fairly well known aristocrat you just so happened to have built an albeit strange, but nice friendship with. By the name of Toichiro Yuri. You were not alone of course as your lover was with you as well. He was another fairly well known man within the town you lived in. His name was Koga Kitamikado. Toichiro's valet Shizuki was there as well of course but he is less important as of the telling of this story. So the four friends (including Shizuki) had been sitting in a living room type area for some time simply discussing unimportant topics that somehow turned to a party of sorts being held in town in two days time (y/n) aka still you, had completely forgotten until it had been brought up by the not only fox like but also physically a kitsune in human form; Toichiro. A hand was placed on your knee from the fox man. "So (y/n)..." Toichiro began "I belive you have heard of the party being held in town square in just a few days am I right?" You had to think for a moment before you had fully registered his words, you than nodded in recollection of the large festival like dance to be held. "Yeah I do remember hearing about it." You stated blatantly in reply wondering not only about why he was asking given he was quite literally the one who had brought it up to you in the first place, but also because his hand was now lightly resting on your thigh. Of course you couldn't have seen it but Koga had a glare frosty enough to rival Shizuki's ice powers and was directing it at Toichiro's smug face. He, Koga than slipped you out of the foxes grasp and into his arms a frigid look still pointed at his friend. "We are going together." He told The Kitsune. The fox smiled wryly at the Oni. "Oh? I wasn't aware you had fully made your claim to her." You ended up in the middle of a slightly intense stairing contest between the two, up until Shizuki cut into the conversation. "It seems to have gotten rather late. I believe it would be best if maser Koga and Ms.(Y/n) were to get home before dark." You wordlessly thanked him and the two other males nodded in agreement, thus cutting the tension in the room. So Koga and yourself both stood up from your seets and were escorted by Shizuki to the door. Once the two of you got to your house he slipped his arm from your shoulders to your waist and leaned in for a soft and sweet, yet passionate kiss. Almost like he was trying to pour every ounce of affection he had for you straight from his heart into yours. Once you pulled away from each other he gave you a gental smile and a second small peck to your lips, and then another, and then a third. You softly sighed and leaned against him. "You know he was just teasing you." He nodded at your words a sigh leaving his lips. "I know, but I don't like it when he touches you like that." He mumbled back. "I know...you know I love you, and you alone right?" He nodded, a hidden smile gracing his handsome face. "I love you too." He replied. "You should head inside and get some sleep." You nodded with a yawn. "I suppose." You mused before giving him one final kiss on the cheek and heading inside your house.
The end♡
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Got a request from @shonenkun20 . I apologize for getting it out so so so so so so So SO late I had started it just a few days after the request was made and had gotten a good chunk done but than I accidentally forgot to save it to my drafts at one point so I lost EVERYTHING and never forgave myself or this piece of writing 😅. Anyway, I had like no ideas for a story so I decided to just give you some jealousy headcannons and a small scene I apologize. Once again I'm sorry for getting this out as late as it is. Anyway here is my jealousy headcannons (+small scene) for our Oni boy Koga. I also apologize for how short and probably OOC this is. You didn't specify what gender so I went with female. I hope you like my little headcannons and fic. Enjoy♡
I think this should be pretty obvious but he doesn't really get jealous very easily...
The only people he ever really gets jealous about (specifically over his s/o) are Toichiro and Kyua
With Toichiro he doesn't like how interested he seems in you even though he is like that with basically everyone...
And then you and Kyua just seem very friendly and while he is very happy about that he also...isn't
When it comes to his particular form of jealousy he just becomes a bit more protective than he usually is
Just always having an arm around your waist or shoulders sometimes even a surprise (often a LITERALLY breathing) kiss
Just over all very sweet and slightly possessive boy who just wants to protect you from other people's eyes and just be loved (insecure boy tbh)
You, (y/n) were at the lavish mansion of a handsome and fairly well known aristocrat you just so happened to have built an albeit strange, but nice friendship with. By the name of Toichiro Yuri. You were not alone of course as your lover was with you as well. He was another fairly well known man within the town you lived in. His name was Koga Kitamikado. Toichiro's valet Shizuki was there as well of course but he is less important as of the telling of this story. So the four friends (including Shizuki) had been sitting in a living room type area for some time simply discussing unimportant topics that somehow turned to a party of sorts being held in town in two days time (y/n) aka still you, had completely forgotten until it had been brought up by the not only fox like but also physically a kitsune in human form; Toichiro. A hand was placed on your knee from the fox man. "So (y/n)..." Toichiro began "I belive you have heard of the party being held in town square in just a few days am I right?" You had to think for a moment before you had fully registered his words, you than nodded in recollection of the large festival like dance to be held. "Yeah I do remember hearing about it." You stated blatantly in reply wondering not only about why he was asking given he was quite literally the one who had brought it up to you in the first place, but also because his hand was now lightly resting on your thigh. Of course you couldn't have seen it but Koga had a glare frosty enough to rival Shizuki's ice powers and was directing it at Toichiro's smug face. He, Koga than slipped you out of the foxes grasp and into his arms a frigid look still pointed at his friend. "We are going together." He told The Kitsune. The fox smiled wryly at the Oni. "Oh? I wasn't aware you had fully made your claim to her." You ended up in the middle of a slightly intense stairing contest between the two, up until Shizuki cut into the conversation. "It seems to have gotten rather late. I believe it would be best if maser Koga and Ms.(Y/n) were to get home before dark." You wordlessly thanked him and the two other males nodded in agreement, thus cutting the tension in the room. So Koga and yourself both stood up from your seets and were escorted by Shizuki to the door. Once the two of you got to your house he slipped his arm from your shoulders to your waist and leaned in for a soft and sweet, yet passionate kiss. Almost like he was trying to pour every ounce of affection he had for you straight from his heart into yours. Once you pulled away from each other he gave you a gental smile and a second small peck to your lips, and then another, and then a third. You softly sighed and leaned against him. "You know he was just teasing you." He nodded at your words a sigh leaving his lips. "I know, but I don't like it when he touches you like that." He mumbled back. "I know...you know I love you, and you alone right?" He nodded, a hidden smile gracing his handsome face. "I love you too." He replied. "You should head inside and get some sleep." You nodded with a yawn. "I suppose." You mused before giving him one final kiss on the cheek and heading inside your house.
The end♡
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I-... Kagemaru...why is it so accurate...?
Attempting to Read You Based On Your Ayakashi: Romance Reborn Bias (Night Faction Edition)
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You like the idea of taking care of someone and knowing their loyalty lies with you. You think it's cute when someone is willing to stand up for you but still very sweet and gentle. You may feel like nobody truly puts the time or effort in to see you, to know you as deeply as someone who's literally spent years living as your cat would. With Nachi, you get to skip all that icky getting to know each other stuff and go right to the part where he knows you and loves you.
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You think shy guys are nice and smart ones are Even Nicer. You relate to the idea of hidden competence, of having a mind that runs deeper than it seems to on the surface. You like the idea of being able to share a look with someone and understand that about each other, and help build each other up in a mutual interest. You may feel like nobody is there to help you grow and be genuinely patient and interested in it.
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God, can someone just give you a break? You love the best friends to lovers trope and admire people who are just good, in the most uncomplicated sense of the word. You think good hearts are underrated, and you may feel like the world expects you to fight constantly when you believe people deserve to rest and be as they are. Tatsuomi is simple and comfortable, and it makes you feel safe.
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You live for the drama. Bodice-ripping, ankle-showing love stories never fail to interest you. How do you feel about Bridgerton? You crave absolute devotion, pure loving worship from someone who sees all the best in you even though they know your flaws. You want what Morticia and Gomez have, and you may feel like nobody really appreciates you and shows you they want you around.
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You want someone to believe in you. Like really, really believe in you. Yeah, people might tell you they do, but deep down you can't help but suspect that they don't mean it. So the idea of having someone who cares so much about strength and beauty fix their eyes on you makes you melt. You may feel like you're not enough, like everyone is laughing at you when you aren't looking because you're weak or ugly and it's visible.
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Oh I thought that was actually candy... can I still eat even though it's not?
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Sea Glass By IG: @seaglass_takechan
takipçi hilesi Pinterest: @artwoonz
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Idk what this says about me but like-
Let's go!!!
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54 notes · View notes
THIS IS NOT OKAY no matter what gender you are you do NOT have the right to touch someone without consent or physically harm someone. I will physically fight anyone who says anything different just WATCH ME.
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...Otome games????
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What it be?
138 notes · View notes
Time travel, mate, pining...that's a whole mood
Fake date +Body swap + Love triangle
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Tag ur friends and mutuals!
@1-800-i-ship-it @dimobserver @valiantcoffeetiger @morimortaccitua @step-on-me-khun @savemycrustysoul @jill-8-7 and everyone else who wants to try
Ctto google
12K notes · View notes
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honestly not sure what would happen if a zombie bit a vampire in this universe…. mobile screenshot game!
142 notes · View notes
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...can I pick or do I get both or???
"Do this, it'll be funny" I say
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All of them?
Tagging @space-bimbo @casey-the-writer @daisiesandshakes @hugs-4-primogems @henry-and-the-seven-lords
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Sorry for clogging the tag with this but I feel like this is something important we shouldn’t disregard.
Like I already said once, Tumblr is an amazing platform. Very good content creators, just people taking some of their time to contribute to something bigger and share, make others happy. 
And maybe some persons are going to put me back in my place for speaking up about this but I don’t give a damn. Honestly I’ve had enough and I’ve never been one to keep quiet about shit that annoys me. 
I don’t know what is possibly going on in your heads, like really, explain because this leaves me clueless. I don’t understand the need you seem to have to drop in talented writers’ inbox to tell them that they should get a life or that their works are shit. When just ignoring their content if you don’t like it is so damn easy. Like really you could just ignore their page and get on with your life.
Then again, if you actually had some constructive criticism, okay. No problem, this is always welcome and actually helpful, benefits everyone. But here you’re just running on empty remarks, void of any meaning and purpose. 
And honestly you’re just losing everyone’s time. Ours because we have to delete all your asks from our inbox or answer… And yours too because like I said your comments are irrelevant. And I don’t know if you realise how much energy you’re wasting on us, how much time you’re throwing away just to be mean. Honestly there are much more interesting things to do. Like anything more productive and concrete for you. 
Now please if you like a writer, support them. Show them love and tell them that they make you happy, that their works mean something to you. Because many have already left and it is truly a creative waste. Let’s show content creators how much of an impact they have on us.
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Alright let's just see how this unfolds...pick a character any character my dudes
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This will be interesting. Let it begin!
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As requested by @forgotten-ayakashi823 have some Aoi fluff from the fandom Ayakashi romance reborn. Honestly I don't know how accurate his character is because I haven't read his rout yet but I hope he isn't too ooc...it isn't the best in my opinion but here it is...
Daisy chains and pouring rain
It was a bright summer day in the middle of June with not a cloud in the sky as a pair of silhouettes stood against the bright morning sun. (Y/n) a cheerful and kind girl was with a boy just about her age, Aoi. You could say the two were more than just pretty good friends as the two worked together on a team of sorts and may or may not have been harboring feelings for one another romantic feelings...but enough of that the two were in a bright field of wild flowers the sun hanging low in the sky as if it was too tired to get out of bed in the morning. The two were sharing some quality time and what better time to start than an early time when they would have the rest of the day ahead of them? The girl was picking flowers, or rather had just finished picking flowers and was beginning the long and tedious process of braiding them together stem by stem. The boy was sat next to her making his best attempts to copy her movements as she taught him the intricate ways of daisy chain making. "So we have our flowers correct?" She asked already knowing his answer "for the third time (Y/n) yes I have the flowers" she giggled at the annoyance in his response. "I know I'm just messing with you" he sighed but the slight red hue on his face showed his true feelings about her. "So step one was getting the flowers which we did. So onto step two, braiding them together!" He gave a soft smile to her joy, he was happy she was having fun. "I'm guessing you know how to braid things so I'll skip teaching that to you." He nodded and started to braid the three longest of his stems together, adding the other flowers in as he went. She did tell him how to do a few things but over all it was a pretty easy thing for him to grasp. "You know making these used to be my favorite summertime activity." He glanced over at her catching sight at her soft expression. "Really?" He asked the girl to which she nodded. "I would run around feelds just like this trying to get the prettiest flowers I could find just so I could braid them together and give them to my friends." She laughed at the fond memory, her eyes sparkling with life. He loved that look, it was the face she made when she was excited, he especially loved it when she looked at him that way. "It's been a while since I've done it with someone so I'm glad I can again, especially if it's you I'm doing it with." Both of their faces heated up at that statment. "I'm...glad I'm the one your doing it with too..." that caut her off guard, the gentleness in his voice and the loving look in his eyes. It drew her to him...she scooted a bit closer to him. She was going to say something, they were both going to say something, the same something. However their words were cut off by a clap of thunder startling them both. The sky had gone from its once brilliant blue to a dark misty grey, from not a cloud in the sky to a sky filled with clouds to the point you couldn't tell there even was a sky to begin with. Than, drip...drop two tiney specks of water hit each of their noses. "What? How even?...there wasn't even a single speck of cloud in the sky." Aoi spoke what they both thought. The girl giggled and stood up extending a hand to her partner. "We should go than" he nodded and took her hand, the two than began running and went to (y/n)'s house. They sat on the floor both dripping wet. "This isn't good..." the girl had tilted her head at what he had said. "What isn't good?" He looked up at her. "I dropped the flower chain..." there was a long pause before the lady burst into fits of laughter. "W-what's so funny?!" She took a few deep breaths and smiled at him raising up the flower crown she had made and plopped it on his soaked head. "...what?" She giggled slightly and leaned her head on his shoulder. "Nothing...I love you..." she looked up at him and he looked at her in kind. "Love you too..."
The end♡
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I can't take the risk 😔
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Rules and other stuff
Hello my fellow internet dwelling fanfiction readers and anime dating sim players! This is just a friendly list of the Do's and Don'ts of requests for me along with the different fandoms I write for because yes I am indeed a writer, a fanfic writer to be precise.
Headcannons, one shot's, scenarios, all the typical stuff
Smut/nsfw (I like the dirt)
Reader inserts (duh)
Character x character (unless I find it uncomfortable)
I write match ups (just specify the fandom obviosly)
Suggestive fics (if you don't want to get all the way into the dirt and grime but still want something a bit more mature? That's cool have this as an alternative!)
Platonic relationships (not ready to settle down? Fine with me!)
Male/Female/Non-binary characters x reader
Female and gender neutral readers (I can't do male readers I'm sorry T-T )
Yandere characters (even if the character is basically a cannon yandere I will not write them as a yandere, it makes me uncomfortable)
Oc x character
Toxic relationship dynamics
Full blown angst (like stated in the Do's hurt/comfort is okay)
Incest (unless it is two related characters with another character than I'm more lenient but just the siblings or whatever than...no)
Abuse (light bullying or teasing is ok but I will not write abuse unless it's related to a characters past)
Fandoms I don't know/haven't listed below (if I get into other fandoms the list will change but if there is a fanfic you want to request than check the list)
What I write for!
I write for quite a few fandoms and unless I decide to make a separate post they are all going here! Along with the characters I write for.
Akayashi romance reborn
All the main characters (aka dawn, twilight, and night factions)
Ikemen vampire
All characters (including the three villain boys)
Ikemen revolution
All characters
Twisted wonderland
All characters except for the baby Ortho (For romantic/NSFW)
Court of darkness
All characters (this game is so understand oh my godddd)
The arcana
All characters
Obey me
Anyone but Luke (for romance/nsfw)
Ensemble stars
Everyone but Sora, Mitsuru, Hajime, Tomoya, Tori, and Shinobu (For NSFW)
How to request
Preferably by sending me one in my inbox so I remember to look at it but otherwise giving me a comment on this post is fine too but less likely for me to remember to write it.
So yeah that's it feel free to request anything as long as it doesn't involve any of my Don'ts and I will very gladly do any request that comes my way!
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