iriadocastelo · 8 years
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Unlucky is a big size pencil drawing. 100 x 80 cms. 2016.
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iriadocastelo · 8 years
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Iria do Castelo. 2016.
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iriadocastelo · 8 years
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Perjury is a group of four big size pencil drawings.
112 x 80 cms. on Gvarro Superalfa paper. 
More details www.iriadocastelo.com
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iriadocastelo · 9 years
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A project in collaboration with Ricardo O'Nascimento.
" Be Loved " is a transdisciplinary project created by Iria do Castelo & Ricardo O'Nascimento supported by MAC Contemporary Art Museum of A Coruña (Spain).
It is possible in collaboration with Niffo Galerie Rotterdam.
Ricardo O´Nascimento: is a new media artist from Brazil. He research into body- environment relations through interactive projects and hybrid outlook.
Iria do Castelo: I am spanish artist, my work includes sculpture, installation and illustration projects. Surreal artworks that ranges from irresistible to terrible, from hallucination to tale.
" Be Loved " is a project that seeks the boundaries of love, the borders of attraction in bodies. Love as a way to be more free being tied by someone.
The piece is composed of two twin weareable pieces that interact with each other. The braids conect the twins turning it into an active audio performance that shows a complex mix of anxiety and relax feelings.
On 31 october 2015 while South Explorer, a cultural event in Rotterdam, we featured this collaborative piece titled "Be Loved". It was performed by us using new media interactive processes and elements of our personal discourse.
Photos: Lidia Vevi
Video: Javier Lloret
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iriadocastelo · 9 years
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Tiger & Nilgae
Woodcuts made while artist in residence at Uttarayan Arts Foundation, Gujarat (India).
70 x 50 cms.
October 2014.
Photos by A&Y, they also shot a beautiful vídeo about our experience.
Artworks avaliable at PG Printmaker Gallery, Fitzroy, Melbourne.
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iriadocastelo · 10 years
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Breve tratado sobre el Erotismo según Bataille.
Iria do Castelo.
Escultura, assemblage, software y videoproyección. 2015.
Con la colaboración de Salvador Gutierrez de la Concha.
Se trata de una pieza creada para la exposición Excusa Argumental comisariada por Ignacio García en MAC (Museo de Arte Contempor��neo Gas Natural Fenosa de A Coruña).
23 de Enero - 15 de Marzo 2015.
G. Bataille relaciona el erotismo con la prohibición, la transgresión y el sentimiento de muerte. Mística, sensualidad, santidad y sacrificio.
El ser humano construye un mundo alejado de la animalidad, es decir, racional, planificado, ordenado, previsible, que le aporta seguridad, pero por momentos, ansía la animalidad, la intensidad del apetito animal, en la que encuentra una imagen de libertad. Sin embargo, la libertad que el humano persigue no puede ser ya la vuelta al mundo del apetito del animal, puesto que en él ha aparecido la conciencia (y, en particular, la conciencia de la muerte), que reparte las posibilidades de la vida entre lo permitido y lo prohibido. Este conocimiento es irrenunciable e irrevocable.
Breve tratado sobre el Erotismo según Bataille.
Iria do Castelo.
Sculpture, assemblage, software and video. 2015.
In collaboration with Salvador Gutierrez de la Concha.
This piece was created to Excusa Argumental exhibition at MAC (Contemporary Art Museum Gas Natural Fenosa A Coruña) curated by Ignacio García. 23 January - 15 March.
G. Bataille relates eroticism to the prohibition, transgression and the feeling of death. Mystic, sensuality, holiness and sacrifice.
Man builds a, planned, orderly, predictable world, away from the animal world, that adds security, but at times craves animality, the intensity of animal appetite, which is an image of freedom. However, the freedom that man pursues may no longer be around the appetite of the animal, since it has appeared consciousness (and in particular, the awareness of death), which distributes the possibilities of life between what is permitted and what is forbidden. This knowledge is inalienable and irrevocable.
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iriadocastelo · 10 years
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Bunny Pickwick: Gardening Lessons.
A project that was born at MAC (Contemporary Art Museum Gas Natural Fenosa A Coruña) while artist in residence program. Now growing with Melissa Adams photographer and A&Y videographers. Great collaborators!!
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iriadocastelo · 10 years
Bunny Pickwick. Gardening Lessons.
A project that born at MAC (Contemporary Art Museum Gas Natural Fenosa A Coruña) while artist in residence program.
Now growing in colaboration with A&Y Vídeo and Melissa Adams Fotografía.
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iriadocastelo · 10 years
On 14-15 june 2014 I hosted a gathering of artists in my studio to share our passion about art in a natural environment.
A&Y vídeo filmed this piece with love to remember all that happened there.
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iriadocastelo · 10 years
Castelo Open Studio is a new project that involves some great artists from different countries in some very special days in my studio. We share our experience about art with people that want to learn some disciplines in a natural environment.
Bianca Tsaikner, Elin Kawachi, Samia Singh, Paula Fraile, Roberta Venanzi and me.
Teaser created by Alber Ferreiroa & Yayi Sempere: A&Y
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iriadocastelo · 10 years
I created this sculpture during the Artist in Residence Program at MAC (Contemporary Art Museum Gas Natural Fenosa A Coruña). Residencias MAC 2013. Olimpia & Vivian Heimlich is an interactive sculpture that responds to the proximity of the public with feelings. She starts to breathe when someone gets near and gets excited when they get even closer. An automaton with two motion sensors that works with arduino tecnology. The electronic and mecanical system was designed in collaboration with Salvador Gutierrez de la Concha. The title is based on Sinister on Psichoanalysis Essay by Sigmud Freud (1919).
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iriadocastelo · 10 years
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Olimpia & Vivian Heimlich.
Interactive sculpture realized while Artist in Residence Program at MAC (Contemporary Art Museum Gas Natural Fenosa of A Coruña). Residencias MAC 2013.
The idea is to create an automotive that responds with feelings to the proximity of the viewer. The piece has two motion sensors and so start breathing when someone stay near and get excited when people get even closer. The title is based on Sinister in Psychoanalysis Essay of Sigmud Feud (1919).
1,90 x 1,70 x 75 cms.
Iron, papel clay, textile, assemblage and electronic elements based in Arduino.
Electronic & Mecanical system designed in collaboration with Salvador Gutierrez de la Concha.
Photo: Melissa Adams.
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iriadocastelo · 10 years
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Bunny Pickwick is a about introduce surrealism in the real life. About to discover that everything is possible, if you can dream it, it could happens. 
Bunny Picwick is a project created while artist in residence program at MAC, Contemporary Art Museum A Coruña.
Photo by Melissa Adams.
Artwork by Iria do Castelo.
First video of Bunny Pickwick adventures created by Montero & Lesta is currently on display at MAC, Contemporary Art Museum A Coruña.
Special thanks to Alcampo Supermarket A Coruña.
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iriadocastelo · 11 years
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Illustration. Graphite & digital touch.
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iriadocastelo · 11 years
Vídeo creado por Montero & Lesta sobre nuestra estancia como residentes en MAC (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de A Coruña)
Vídeo created by Montero & Lesta while our "artist in residence" time at MAC (Contemporary Art Museum A Coruña)
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iriadocastelo · 11 years
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Studio visit.
Photo by Melissa Adams.
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iriadocastelo · 11 years
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Best wishes. LOVE ❤ #love #newyear #2014
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