iscrubmeclean · 28 days
As an adult still living with their abusive parent, I often find that affirmations meant to empower me are unhelpful at best. They often feel like they're overstating the amount of agency I have as an adult; I've spent my entire life being abused. It's all I know and I have a lifetime of conditioning and nervous system damage to show for it.
All that doesn't just go away now that I'm older than 18, and neither do the material circumstances that keep me here. Even though I have more legal rights and have grown since I was younger, I am still not in control by the very nature of being the victim in an abusive relationship. So, for those who relate, here are some affirmations that might hit different:
My abuser does not have my best interests in mind, even if they think they do.
I am my own person; my mind and body belong to me.
My feelings are justified, and I deserve to feel and express them.
I am doing what I need to survive, and that is all I need to do.
I am doing my best given the knowledge, resources, and support I have.
I am the only person who can decide what is best for me.
My situation is unfair and wrong. I deserve to be happy and safe.
I do not have to engage in toxic positivity; that will only hurt me.
As long as I am alive, there is something good in this life for me - no matter how small.
I have inherent rights just because I exist.
I shouldn't have to deal with this on my own; I deserve support and protection.
Everything I need is something I deserve. Everything I deserve is something I need.
If any of these don't resonate, feel free to discard them. Everyone finds comfort and empowerment differently.
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iscrubmeclean · 1 month
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iscrubmeclean · 2 months
Looooove my family triggering my ocd on purpose. Go fuck yourself
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iscrubmeclean · 2 months
Great they made my mood go from happy to sad within 10 minutes. Thanks. I wish i killed myself at 18 ugh i regret living everyday
I hate hate hate it
I hate that i still get upset when they insult me.
I literally want to go No contact, but why does being someones child just hurt so much?
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iscrubmeclean · 2 months
I hate that i still get upset when they insult me.
I literally want to go No contact, but why does being someones child just hurt so much?
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iscrubmeclean · 3 months
girls be like “fighting demons😤🤪” and the demons be their moms
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iscrubmeclean · 3 months
I hate having been raised religiously bc i feel so bad for thinking i wished my mom died but she didnt even feel bad beating me with a belt soooo. Thanks for the guilt, hope god will be happy to send me to hell for resenting my abuser 👍
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iscrubmeclean · 3 months
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This is so funny but this is genuienly my plan. Either i get sane enough once i move out of my parents place or i kill myself
My ass is NOT repeating the cycle i want kids more than anything in the world but if i never beat my depression id rather kill myself and take myself out of the gene pool than cause this to another generation like my mom did lmao
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iscrubmeclean · 3 months
Oh my god i want to kill myslef so baaaaad
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iscrubmeclean · 3 months
God i wish my mother was infertile. It wouldve been better for everyone of us
You raises two kids, both of who wanted to kill themselves so bad
You failed your job as a mother miserably, and now you want sympathy that i dont worship you like a god? Do you even hear yourself?
You beat me with belts and told me no body could ever love me for who i am. Go fuck yourself
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iscrubmeclean · 4 months
your child had to learn to love themself after years of hating themself because of constant criticism, they had to learn to love every part of themself, their “flaws” and who they are. if the only love they ever got was from themself, then maybe you didn’t do such a good job as a mother
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iscrubmeclean · 5 months
I hate working weekends lol ive worked weekends only now for 2+ years and ive missed so many events birthdays vacations....ahem hem hem.im so sad my friedns are all meeting up again soon :,)
But at least im putting in my 4 weeks next week and have until the first of july left to woooooork
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iscrubmeclean · 5 months
Mothers be like "yeah i didnt get you to the doctors as a kid when you displayed -Symptoms of a heritable Disease we have running in the family-. How dare you have -Sympotms- you lazy ass child"
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iscrubmeclean · 6 months
Honestly i hate my life so much right now,i just want to die. If it wasnt for myboyfriend and sister od probably just kill myself.
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iscrubmeclean · 7 months
abusive parents will go off about how expensive it is to keep you around and how they have no money and what a fucking burden you are and they don’t see the irony?
dude. you MADE me. what the fuck were you thinking. stupid idiot loser. go back to that moment and don’t have sex. problem fucking solved. what the fuck do you expect me to do, die now that you decided having kids is inconvenient? wow. maybe you should have thought this thru.
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iscrubmeclean · 7 months
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iscrubmeclean · 8 months
Love it when parents overdrink on alcohol and start fighting and then once they find someone else in the house, yelling at you, for existing.
Maybe lay off the alcohol? Cant be healthy to drink everyday anyways <3
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