isimpforweirdpeople · 2 years
I would like to remind you that red pandas exist
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isimpforweirdpeople · 2 years
I've noticed that a lot of people think the adults on asoue are just dumb but I'd like to say that they aren't, they're willfully ignorant here's how:
Justice Strauss
She's timid. That's it. She's seems like she genuinely wants to help, but she's too afraid to fully speak up or stand up for herself. She tried to help and if she had spoken up, may have been able to
Mr. Poe
He cares more about his job than anything else. Nobody and nothing can get between him and his job. He doesn't want to listen to the Baudelaires, just doesn't want to get fired
As much as I hate to diss him I have to include him. Monty is too focused on himself. He immediately thinks that Stephano is there for him and that he has to protect his reptiles more that his kids. Obviously, he cared about the Baudelaires, but he also cares about his work. A little too much
Aunt Josephine
She doesn't even want to think that bad things may be near. She wants everything to be OK, as we all do. But she wants it so much that she can't imagine that she or anyone else is in danger. She's afraid of being afraid
Sir and Charles
Charles, like many off the others, is afraid to stand up. Specifically to Sir. He knows that Sir is a bad person but he obviously cares about him anyway. He doesn't want to mess up the friendship that they have for the Baudelaires. Sir on the other hand, I don't really know. I can't tell of he's too distracted or if he just doesn't care or maybe he genuinely hates the Baudelaires because if their parents. I can't figure it out
Jerome is yet another guardian that's too afraid. We see that he cares, quite a lot. He genuinely wanted to help and give them a loving home. Not only did Esme get in the way of that but also that he was afraid to help them. We see this clearly after the auction. They ask him to help and he tells them that he wishes he was as brave as them, and leaves
Wanna take a guess. Yep, he's scared to stand up for himself. He's to afraid to even speak to certain people without passing out. He's a smart guy with a lot of potential but unless he learns to speak up, that potential is wasted. Hector did help in a way. Specifically with the Quagmires. Although I think he did enough, some may think that he could have done more
Hooky wasn't a guardian but I want to put him anyway since he's ANOTHER person that can't speak up, and I dont blame him. He doesn't know exactly how far Count Olaf will go. He didn't want to hurt them but he also didn't want to get hurt. He at least cared about Sunny. And I imagine he wanted the others alive to take care of her
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isimpforweirdpeople · 2 years
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isimpforweirdpeople · 2 years
One of my favorite parts of watching asoue on Netflix is seeing Sunny slowly learn to talk. She went from random noises to where you can kinda hear it
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isimpforweirdpeople · 2 years
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Holy shit
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isimpforweirdpeople · 2 years
Imagine waiting for the Baudelaires with your husband, Monty
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It's currently 6 am. I've been awake for 3 hours. Why have I been awake for so long? The simple answer is that I'm nervous. Today is the day that the family I've always wished for is complete. 3 children who have lost their parents are coming to live with me and my husband, Monty. So now I sit here and wait, wishing that time would go faster. Then I hear the footsteps of my husband coming downstairs. "Well that's new" he says, referring to the fact that I'm awake before him and follows up with "Is everything alright? You look nervous". "I'm very nervous" I respond. "Would you mind telling me what you're nervous about?" He asks me. "The Baudelaires. They come today, Monty. What if something goes wrong." I reply. " I'm sure that it'll be fine. What if we bake a cake for them? It could take your mind off it until they're here." He suggests. I might as well. There's no use in sitting here worrying. A while later, we're done with the cake. Then the doorbell rings. Oh God. Suddenly, all of the anxiety that I forgot about hit me like a tsunami. We both walk to the door, bringing the cut peices of cake with us. "Hello, hello, hello, you must be the Baudelaires!" Monty exclaims as he opens the door. After some conversations and confusion on who to give the last peice of cake to, Monty and I show them around the house. The day goes by quick and before I know it they're going to bed. Now, it's just 2 of us, Monty and I. "What do think of the kids?" He asks me. I honestly want to cry. So I do. Monty rushes over to ask me what's wrong. " I'm just so happy!". I am. I've been wishing for a family for so long, and now, because of the Baudelaires, I have the perfect family.
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isimpforweirdpeople · 2 years
I have no idea what the point of this post is but I want to say it anyway. I made a post over on reddit about wanting to find a set year or time period for "A Series of Unfortunate Events". Some of the comments mentioned that there probably wasn't a set year in mind which made me realize that I honestly don't care. For some reason I want to do this even though I know that I probably can't. It's weird and confusing. I know that I'm probably gonna drive myself crazy with this but I still wanna try
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isimpforweirdpeople · 2 years
So a couple days ago my friend showed me the first episode of "A series of unfortunate events" and got me hooked. Last night I finished the reptile room and cried to my gf about Monty which lead to the not so surprising realization that I simp for Monty. Someone help me, there are no fanfics of Monty. Not even oneshots. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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