islandhaunted-a · 7 years
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                  ❛ YOU’RE MY FAMILY AND EVEN IF YOU                             DON’T NEED ME, I NEED YOU. ❜
                                       oliver queen / petra solano / jessica queen
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islandhaunted-a · 7 years
so anyway. i’ll make a proper post about this probably with a promo....... sometime after i get some sleep ( bc it’s !! 8 am!! holy shit when did that happen ) but !!
lowhighkey moving oliver here ( still under construction pals )! i kept about half my mains ——— people i’ve managed to keep up with ooc, pretty much, but i’m happy to re-add any mains who want to follow me to my new blog! conversely, if any mains i swapped over would prefer not to follow to the new blog, just let me know and i can take you off!
fair warning that i have changed a few things ( including ollie’s fc! gasp! i know! ) but !! my portrayal will pretty much be what it has been here and. . . . . i’m still months behind on all my dctv so forgive me fam.
but yeah. here’s this shitty psa / lil blurb of info / me not having slept in forever and also having spent five fucking hours working on a blog that i had told myself i was gonna work on slowly.
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islandhaunted-a · 7 years
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               ❛  break it down ?  are you kidding ?!  this is hand-carved mahogany !!  ❜ /  @islandhaunted
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       "i’m not going to waste time arguing with you. if you have another suggestion—”
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islandhaunted-a · 7 years
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              “how can you say that? you are the best part of my life. the girls adore you. and you’re giving this up because you think we’d be better off without you? you don’t get to make that call for us!” and she doesn’t even know if her words are worth anything — she knows him well enough to know that it’s nearly impossible to change his mind once he’s set on something. her bottom lip quivers and tears well in her eyes as she takes a deep breath, tries to drown out the growing ache in her chest, tries to keep the frustration bubbling within her at bay ( and she tells herself not to cry ). “and you know what? we both know that my life has already always been in constant danger. even without you in it. so what is this really about? are you afraid of losing us too? is that what this is? because i’ve got news for you, oliver. you walk out that door and you lose us anyway.”
bb @islandhaunted / continued.
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       he wants to let himself love her. wants to stay with her. here. for as long as she’ll have him. but he doesn’t want to hurt her — and oh he’s so afraid he’s going to hurt her. “of course i’m afraid of losing you!” he’s afraid of what the bad guys do to people who love him. he knows how far his adversaries are willing to go to take away everything he cares about. there’s only so much he can do to keep her safe. “are you saying you don’t care about the danger? i can’t protect you from everything! i don’t know what i would do without you and that kills me. i’m not allowed to feel like this. guys like me don’t get the girl.”
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islandhaunted-a · 7 years
islandhaunted liked your post “Birthday starter call!  I might be getting ahead of myself thinking…” accepting
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“Are you my present? Because I might be inclined to accept after everything I’ve had to drink today already.” Even if it was the eve of her birthday and Christmas she figured she should start early, and unless there was some catastrophic event she couldn’t think of another reason that Oliver would be here now. 
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       if she were anyone else, he might be concerned about how much she’d had to drink. but she isn’t anyone else. she’s sara lance and somehow he’s convinced she could drink him under the table. at the very least match him shot for shot. a small smile threatens to break his stoic exterior. “and if you’d had less to drink? you wouldn’t want me then? that hurts, sara.”
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islandhaunted-a · 7 years
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hello everyone!! as you all know i love and adore oliver queen. this is true now and this will be true forever into the future. i, however, do not love dctv quite as much. i’m sure you’ve all noticed i’ve been struggling with muse (across all dc blogs) lately and that’s a lot bc everything is just a mess and i have a lot of anxiety about it. i AM still here! i will continue to be here for quite some time, i’m sure. however, something UNEXPECTED has happened in regards to muse and that something is this:
unsurprisingly, about a week ago, I MADE A NEW BLOG. my intention was to have it and get on when time & muse permit (which as many of you know tends not to be often with my muses). the surprising part is that this particular muse is A LOT STRONGER than i’d anticipated and i’ve been doing fairly well over there, all considered. for these reasons, OLIVER IS NO LONGER MY MAIN ACCOUNT.
so, you may be thinking: what does this mean for me? the answer is simple: PRACTICALLY NOTHING IS CHANGING. i will still be active here when i can. my activity has never been that great to begin with, so i anticipate not much will change in that department. this decision may even end up being temporary, though i’m not promising that. what will be changing is the following: I AM NO LONGER LOGGED INTO OLIVER ON MOBILE. in addition, i may be emptying out asks and going to threads-only. i have not made an Official decision, but that is my current inclination.
if you have any questions, feel free to direct them at me here or ask which blog i’ll be at. thank you for your understanding.
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islandhaunted-a · 7 years
unrelated to the post i just made: @petrasplaining is an angel and a gift to this world. i love and cherish her and she deserves all of the best things from life. i hope each and every one of you has someone like bea to love & support you in all you do.
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islandhaunted-a · 7 years
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hello everyone!! as you all know i love and adore oliver queen. this is true now and this will be true forever into the future. i, however, do not love dctv quite as much. i’m sure you’ve all noticed i’ve been struggling with muse (across all dc blogs) lately and that’s a lot bc everything is just a mess and i have a lot of anxiety about it. i AM still here! i will continue to be here for quite some time, i’m sure. however, something UNEXPECTED has happened in regards to muse and that something is this:
unsurprisingly, about a week ago, I MADE A NEW BLOG. my intention was to have it and get on when time & muse permit (which as many of you know tends not to be often with my muses). the surprising part is that this particular muse is A LOT STRONGER than i’d anticipated and i’ve been doing fairly well over there, all considered. for these reasons, OLIVER IS NO LONGER MY MAIN ACCOUNT.
so, you may be thinking: what does this mean for me? the answer is simple: PRACTICALLY NOTHING IS CHANGING. i will still be active here when i can. my activity has never been that great to begin with, so i anticipate not much will change in that department. this decision may even end up being temporary, though i’m not promising that. what will be changing is the following: I AM NO LONGER LOGGED INTO OLIVER ON MOBILE. in addition, i may be emptying out asks and going to threads-only. i have not made an Official decision, but that is my current inclination.
if you have any questions, feel free to direct them at me here or ask which blog i’ll be at. thank you for your understanding.
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islandhaunted-a · 7 years
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                                          ( loved by mandy , lest , lea , pixi & & bobbie )
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islandhaunted-a · 7 years
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islandhaunted-a · 7 years
im too stubborn to die
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islandhaunted-a · 7 years
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islandhaunted-a · 7 years
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“Why can’t they just say, ‘go to this place, here’s the treasure, spend it wisely’?”
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islandhaunted-a · 7 years
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                                             TIME FOR ATOMIC ACTION !
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islandhaunted-a · 7 years
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islandhaunted-a · 7 years
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grief, I’ve learned, is really love.
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islandhaunted-a · 7 years
my url
Do I Follow Them?: Of course.
Why Did I Follow Them?: Originally, I followed Ric’s CIsco on my Ray and we just became so close OOC that I just ?? Love & follow Ric. Basically always. Even if I don’t know the character.
Do We Role Play?: Yes! But not enough. :P
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: Always.
An AU Idea For Our Muses: We’re in the middle of this AU right now with no superheroes. I’m not overly familiar with Richter so coming up with AU’s is a lil difficult for me but like. I’m enjoying the one we’ve got.
A Song For Our Muses:
Do I Ship Our Muses?: Yeah, Ric and I have a problem and our muses often get gay with each other. Oops.
What I Think About The Mun: Ric is like a sister to me. I love her and will protect her forever and always.
Overall Opinion: I will never get tired of telling the world how amazing Ric is.
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Super Secret Hidden Option: 11 / @dontcallmejulio
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