istrolim · 9 years
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Go to the city. Find somebody important. Tell them, I’m back. Tell them, I know what they did, and I’m on my way. And if they ask you who I am, tell them, I came THE LONG WAY ROUND.
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istrolim · 9 years
Questions I have for each sign
Aries: how is it so easy for you to make friends?
Taurus: why do you isolate yourself?
Gemini: will you ever stop searching for a new adventure?
Cancer: why are you so hard on yourself?
Leo: how do you remain so positive even in the most unfortunate circumstances?
Virgo: why is it that you rarely talk but when you do, you say the most beautiful things?
Libra: why do you succeed at everything?
Scorpio: why are you so infatuated with power?
Sagittarius: how do you stay so honest?
Capricorn: how do you remain so patient?
Aquarius: why do you stay loyal to those who barely deserve it?
Pisces: how do you fool others into thinking they know so much about you when they only know a fraction?
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istrolim · 9 years
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spells & charms & curses | (more)
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istrolim · 9 years
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Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.
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istrolim · 9 years
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How could the next one be as big? Maybe the next album will be a bridge to somewhere else. Or maybe I’ll just go ahead and change everything.
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istrolim · 9 years
Rowena Ravenclaw: Wait, Salazar, how come you ended up with the shittiest common room? We dished out the money to make them equally AND you're the richest sod out of all of us
Salazar Slytherin: [thinks back to installing a giantass slide into the Chamber of Secrets and putting a statue of himself in it]
Salazar Slytherin: Uhhhhh... taxes [sweats heavily]
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istrolim · 9 years
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First photos of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
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istrolim · 9 years
The Complete Encyclopedia of Wizarding Charms, Hexes, Jinxes and Spells
A compendium of some five-hundred-plus spells.
(and yes I do know that there’s also a post of this on my other blog, but I’m going to delete it so I’m just going to post this on here before I actually do)
Abigo ah-BIH-goh - Throws back an object. Unskilled practitioners can state the name of the object (Eng.). A Banishing Charm.
Ablattero ah-BLAH-terr-oh - Causes the victim to babble.
Abludificus ab-loo-DIFF-ih-kus - Dispels, protects against ‘cheating’ magic. Often cast on exam quills.
Acalanthus ahk-ah-LAN-thus - Temporarily transfigures an object into a giant canary.
Accio AK-ee-oh - Summons an object. The name of the object can be stated, though it is often unnecessary. A Summoning Charm.
Accetus AK-eh-tus - When cast on a person, everything they eat or drink tastes like vinegar.
Accresco Momentum ak-RESS-ko mo-MEN-tum - Increases the speed of a falling object.
Acerba ah-KER-bah - Makes food bitter.
Aculeus ak-yoo-LAY-us - Throws a number of small thorns from one’s wand.
Adesco Ferriculum ah-DES-koh fer-IK-yoo-lum - Encourages bread to rise.
Adesco Membrum ah-DES-koh MEM-brum - Gives the victim an erection. Ineffective on the fairer sex.
Adesse ad-ESS-ay - Causes the subject to suddenly raise their hand.
Adhero ad-HEER-oh - Adheres two objects together.
Adstrinxi ad-STREEN-ksee - Tightens something.
Aeneus ay-NAY-us - Turns an object to bronze.
Agitantus agg-ih-TAN-tus - Makes the victim paranoid.
Agneo AGG-nee-oh - Transfigures an object into a lamb.
Aguamenti AH-gwa-MEN-tee - Conjures a jet of water from the caster’s wand.†
Alarte Ascendare ah-LAR-tay as-en-DAR-ay - Causes an object to shoot up into the air.
Alectiplectus ah-lek-tee-PLEK-tus - Produces a parachute from the end of one’s wand.
Alohomora al-o-ho-MOR-ah - Unlocks an object.
Alveus AL-vee-us - Hollows an object.
Amitteo ah-MIT-ee-oh - Causes the victim to misplace the first object they come in contact with, or are holding.
Amplify AMP-lif-ai - Increases the internal dimensions of an object without affecting the external dimensions.3
Anakatus ah-NAK-ah-tus - Dazes the victim.
Anapneo ah-NAP-nay-oh - Clears the target’s airway, should it be blocked.
Anastus ah-NAST-us - Transfigures an object into a duck.
Anataracus an-ah-tir-AK-us - Prevents an object from being moved by non-magical means (picked up, pushed over).
Anaticula an-ah-TIK-yoo-la - Causes the victim’s wand to produce ducks whenever a spell is cast.
Ancorum an-CORR-um - Trails a chain and anchor from the tip of one’s wand.
Anguillio an-GWILL-ee-oh - Conjures eels.
Animalum Revelio ahn-ee-MALL-um reh-VEL-ee-oh - Causes non-human animals near the caster to be outlined in light. The effect is visible through objects and can only be seen by the caster.
Animum Pulsare AHN-ee-mum pul-SARR-ay - Stabilizes a heartbeat.
Animum Quiesce AHN-ee-mum kwee-ESS-kay - Slows down or, if so desired, halts the heartbeat. Not as dangerous as Avada Kedavra, as it takes time, is a near-contact spell, and is easily reversed.
Aniskey an-ISS-key - Sobers a person.
Anosmio an-OZE-mee-oh - Removes the victim’s ability to smell.
Ansalactus an-suh-LAK-tus - Causes an object to sprout handles.
Anserrus an-SERR-us - Causes the victim to honk like a goose.
Aparecium ah-par-EE-see-um - Makes invisible ink visible.
(latin object) Aperio ah-PAIR-ee-oh - Opens the uttered object.
Apospexo ah-poh-SPEKS-oh - Causes an object to emit an unbearably bright light.
Appareo ah-PAR-ee-oh - Causes an invisible item to become visible.
Apyrexus ap-PER-eks-us - Cools something. Often used as a fever-counteracting spell or a vernalization charm.
Aqua Eructo AA-kwah ee-RUK-toh - Issues a jet of water from the caster’s wand.†
Arachnifors ar-AK-ni-fors - Transfigures an object into a spider.
Arania Exumai ar-AHN-ee-ah EKS-oo-may - Forces a spider backwards.
Arba Verto AR-bah VAIR-toh - Transfigures an object to wood.
Arbusto ar-BUS-toh - Causes a tree to erupt from the ground.
Arcta AR-koh - Locks a lock.
Aresco ah-RES-koh - Dries an object.
Argilum AR-gil-um - Conjures clay.
Arpio AR-pee-oh - Throws a harpoon from the caster’s wand.
Arqus ARK-us Shoots an arrow, or arrows, from the caster’s wand.
Arreglus ah-REG-lus - Resets separated flesh. Useful as a splinch-fixing spell.
Arresto Momentum ah-RESS-to mo-MEN-tum - Slows the descent of a falling object.
Arretica ah-RET-ik-ah - Throws a net from one’s wand.
Arricneo ah-RIK-nee-oh - The Bucking Bronco Hex, causes an object to attempt to throw a person off of itself. Can be cast on chairs, rugs, brooms, animals.
Arroncalus ah-RON-kal-us - Causes the victim to snore. When cast on a snorer, causes the snoring to cease.
Arrugus ah-RUG-uss - Wrinkles material, including skin and cloth.
Ascendio ah-SEN-dee-oh - Shoots the caster upwards.
Atmofulmus at-mo-FULL-mus - Conjures lightning clouds.
Atramentus at-tra-MEN-tus - Sprays ink.
Attero AH-terro - One of the two Backfiring Jinxes. Causes the victim’s wand to either explode or snap in two, should the victim cast another spell.
Auctus AHK-tus - Enlarges an object.
Auduftus ah-DUFF-tus - Increases the intensity of a smell.
Aures Astaphae AHR-ays AST-ah-fay - Causes the victim’s ears to shrivel.
Aures Radiculae AHR-ays rad-IK-yoo-lay - Causes radishes to pour out of the victim’s ears.†
Auriptus ahw-RIP-tus - Tears off the victim’s ears.
Avada Kedavra ah-VAH-dah kah-DAH-vruh - The Killing Curse, foremost of the unforgivable curses.
Avifors ah-VIH-fors - Transfigures an object into a bird.
Avis AH-vis - Conjures a flock of small, twittering birds.
Babushio ba-BOO-shee-oh - Transfigures an object into a pair of novelty slippers.
Balatus ba-LAT-us - Causes the victim to bleat.
Balbutio bal-BYOO-tee-oh - Causes the victim to stutter.
Barbulus BAR-byoo-lus - Causes the victim to grow a thick beard.
Barcum BAR-cum - Conjures a small boat.
Barlabio bar-LAB-ee-oh - Causes the victim to sprout a moustache.
Barricus BAR-ik-us - Transfigures an object into an elephant.
Baubillius baw-BILL-ee-us - Pours colourful bubbles from the caster’s wand. A decorative charm.
Billium BILL-ee-um - Conjures thick, black goo.
Blitsify BLITS-iff-ai - Known as the Shock Spell, produces a small arc of electricity from the caster’s wand. Used as a form of mental illness therapy.
Bombarda bom-BAR-dah - Forces something open.
Boofio BOOF-ee-oh - Conjures a small puff of dust.
Bostus BOSS-tus - Causes the victim to yawn uncontrollably.
Bousio BOO-see-oh - Conjures a buffalo.
Bracchium Emendo BRAK-ee-um ee-MEN-doh - Sets a broken or fractured arm back into place.
Bracteus BRAK-tee-us - Conjures a hard sheet of metal.
Branxus BRANKS-us - Provides a creature with gills. The Gill-Giving Charm.
Briario bree-AR-ee-oh - Causes an arm to sprout from an object, or person.
Broccium (latin object) BRO-kee-um - Causes an area to rain the uttered object.
Broccium Blicsum BRO-kee-um BLIK-sum - Causes lightning bolts to rain down on an area.
Broccium Bufo BRO-kee-um BOO-foh - Causes toads to rain down on an area.
Broccium Bracco BRO-kee-um BOO-foh - Causes stones to rain down on an area.
Broccium Cruento BRO-kee-um CROO-en-toh - Causes blood to rain down on an area.
Broccium Lodo BRO-kee-um LOH-doh - Causes an area to rain hail.
Brocurio bro-CYUR-ee-oh - Prevents the victim from walking any direction but sideways.
Bulsio BULL-see-oh - Causes ulcers.
Bumastus boo-MASS-tus - Causes vines to spring from the earth and bind the victim.
Burbulo BUR-byoo-loh - Transfigures something into a cloud of bubbles.6
Caeco CAY-ko - Gums up the victim’s eyes.
Caeruleus say-ROOL-ee-us - Turns an object blue.
Calamesco cal-ah-MESS-koh - Turns extremities to tentacles.
Calathus ca-LATH-us - Conjures a wicker basket.
Calicrassus cal-ih-CRASS-us - Forms concrete blocks around the victim’s feet.
Califax CAL-iff-aks - Shoots intensely hot air from the caster’s wand. Useful for drying or melting.
Callesco cal-ESS-koh - Heats an object.
Calloselasma cal-oh-sell-AZ-ma - Transfigures an object into a group of snakes.
Colovaria co-lo-VARE-ee-ah - Alters hair colour, length, and style.
Calcimbrus cal-SIM-brus - Summons a cloud of stones that hurl themselves incessantly at the victim.
Calvorio cal-VORE-ee-oh - Removes all hair from the victim.
Campestus cam-PES-tus - Flattens uneven terrain.
Candesco can-DESS-koh - Causes an object to glow.
Cantis CAN-tis - Causes the victim to sing.
Capacus CAP-ah-cus - Causes an object to be easier to grasp. A Gripping Charm.
Capifans CA-piff-ans - Transfigures the victim’s head into that of a human infant.
Capite Canem ca-PEE-tay CA-nem - Transfigures the victim’s head into that of a dog.7
Caprio CAP-ree-oh - Transfigures an object into a goat.
Capripes ca-PREE-pays - Gives the victim goat legs.
Carne Cosorthum CAR-nay  koh-SORTH-um - Knits together torn flesh.
Carnegum CAR-neh-gum - Transfigures an object into a cactus.
Carniculens car-NIK-yoo-lens - Causes the victim to become insatiably attracted to flesh.
Carpe Retractum CAR-pay re-TRAKT-um - Pulls an object toward the caster, or vice versa.
Caspisso cas-PISS-oh - Thickens hair.
Catamarum cat-ah-MARR-um - Bundles objects together into a ball.
Cattacrimsi cat-ah-CRIM-see - Increases the intensity of something, i.e. turns a drizzle into a torrential downpour or turns a flame into a raging fire.
Caudex CAW-deks - Turns the victim’s head into a cube.
Cave Inimicum CAH-vay in-ih-MEE-cum - An Intruder-Repelling Charm. Prevents unwanted persons from entering a certain area.
Cerresco sir-ESS-koh - Conjures wax.
Cervesco SIR-ves-koh - Causes antlers to sprout from the victim’s head.
Chalungulus cha-LUN-gyoo-lus - Gives a creature enlarged, steel claws. The Steelclaw Spell.
Chromium Patellum CRO-mee-um pa-TELL-um - Plates an object with chromium.
Cirratus sir-AHT-us - Curls hair.
Cistem Aperio SIS-tem ah-PAIR-ee-oh - Opens a box, crate, or chest.
Cistem Orio SIS-tem ORE-ee-oh - Opens the victim’s mouth.
Clactus CLAK-tus - Embeds nails in an object.
Claresco cla-RESS-koh - Removes anything that impedes the subject’s senses. This includes stuffed noses, ringing ears, or any other variety of magical impediments.
Claudicus CLAW-dik-us - Causes the victim to limp.
Clavesco cla-VES-koh - Forms the wand’s tip into a skeleton key that opens most unmagical locks.
Clepsi clep-ZEE - A Summoning Charm like Accio that counteracts minor theft-preventing magic. The name of the summoned object can be stated, though it is often unnecessary.
Coculus CO-kyoo-lus - Transfigures an object into a snail.
Coclassus cok-LASS-us - Places a bubble over the caster’s head, so that they may breathe clean air. The Bubble-Head Charm.
Coleresco co-ler-ESS-koh - Covers the victim’s eyes with a thick white paste.
Colloportus col-oh-POR-tus - Seals a door.
Complectus com-PLEKT-us - Strengthens the caster’s grip on his wand.
Compressus com-PRESS-us - Compresses an object, or objects.
Condolesco cond-oh-LES-co - Gives the victim a splitting migraine.
Confringo con-FRIN-joh - Causes an object to violently explode.
Confundo con-FUN-doh - The Confundus Charm. Confuses and disorients the victim.
Conjelio con-JELL-ee-oh - Congeals liquid.
Conjunctivitus con-junk-tih-VITE-us - The Conjunctivitis Curse. Blinds the victim.
Conjurus (latin object) CON-jer-us - Low-level conjuring magic, used in tandem with an existing spell. For example, Plectrum conjures a quill. Conjurus Plectrum, thus, conjures a quill for a less adept caster.
Conoranium coh-no-RANE-ee-um - Conjures a traffic cone.
Consenesco con-seh-NESS-koh - Heals wounds.
Contralectus con-tra-LEK-tus - Throws the victim from their seat.
Coriaxis CORE-ee-aks-is - Gives the victim a bad case of diarrhea. The Squirts Jinx.
Cornifors COR-niff-ors - Causes the victim to sprout horns.
Corricum COR-rih-cum - Conjures a sand-bag.
Corruo COR-oo-oh - Topples an object.
Cortem Patellum COR-tem pa-TELL-um - Plates something with tree bark.
Corymbus cor-IM-bus - Conjures a basket of fruit.†
Coscaverso coh-ska-VER-soh - Transfigures legs into chicken legs.
Crapulus CRAP-yoo-lus - Causes the victim to become ravenously hungry and eat anything edible within reach.
Cratsus CRAT-sus - Infests the victim with scabies – itchy, skin-burrowing mites.
Crepidus CREP-ih-dus - Transfigures shoes to sandals.
Criario cree-AR-ee-oh - Causes a foot or leg to sprout from an object, or person.
Crinnileo crih-NILL-ee-oh - Gives the victim a lion’s mane.
Crucio CROO-shee-oh - An Unforgivable Curse. Tortures the victim.
Cruenta Eructo croo-EN-tah ee-RUK-toh - Issues a jet of blood from the caster’s wand.
Cruento croo-EN-toh - Conjures blood.
Crusium Emendo CROO-see-um ee-MEN-doh - Sets a broken or fractured leg back into place.
Cruwendo croo-WEN-doh - Replaces the victim’s hands with their feet, or vice versa. The Limb-Switcher Curse.
Curbicurvis cur-bee-CUR-vis - Gives the victim knock-knees.
Cusculus CUS-kyoo-lus - Transfigures an object into a pincushion.
Daffodilius daf-foh-DILL-ee-us - Transfigures an object into a daffodil, or bunches of daffodils.
Decerpo de-CAIR-po - Strips one thing from another, e.g. strips a plant of all its fruit or flowers, or strips hair from a dog.
Dedactus de-DAK-tus - Removes fingers.
Dedesdus deh-DEZ-dus - Prevents anyone from apparating into a certain area.
Defervesco def-er-VESS-koh - Stops a liquid from boiling.
Deflecto def-LEKK-toh - A defensive spell that rebounds magic. Less effective than Protego, as it is only effective against a single spell and requires precision.
Defloresco def-lor-ESS-koh - Causes a plant to wither.
Defodio de-FOH-dee-oh - Carves deep gouges in an object.
Defoleo de-FOHL-ee-oh - Removes leaves from a plant.
Defundo de-FUN-do - Causes it to rain.
Dehiscus de-HIS-kus - Splits something down the middle, particularly plants or fabric.
Deletrius de-LEE-tree-us - Deletes, erases, or removes something.
Delitesco del-ee-TESS-koh - Moves an object out of view.
Denopso de-NOP-soh - Cures stuttering.
Densaugeo den-SAW-jee-oh - Enlarges teeth.
Depesius dee-PEE-see-us - Causes the victim’s legs to suddenly give out.
Depestime deh-PESS-tee-may - Causes a Muggle device to malfunction.
Depilio deh-PIL-ee-oh - Strips a bird of its feathers.
Deprimo DEH-pree-moh - Causes an intense downward pressure.
Depulso deh-PULS-oh - Throws an object backwards. A Banishing Charm.
Derectus der-EK-tus - Unstraightens an object.
Derunzo deh-RUNZ-oh - Unwrinkles material, including skin and fabric.
Descelestus desk-uh-LESS-tus - Reverses the effects of character-altering magic; potions, spells, etc.
Descendo de-SEN-doh - Forces an object downward.
Desiccatio de-sik-AHT-ee-oh - A Drought Charm, useful for drying. A potentially dangerous charm, as it severely dehydrates living things.
Detabulus de-TAB-yoo-lus - Makes an object unplottable.
Deterrio de-TAIR-ee-oh - Causes the victim to panic and flee.
Detrecto de-TREK-toh - Causes sharp, intense pain to anyone touching the target of this spell.
Devesto de-VES-toh - Rips away the victim’s clothing.
Devincio de-VINS-ee-oh - Ties, binds, or fastens an object.
Diccatero dih-KATT-er-oh - Prevents the victim from swearing; replaces any uttered swear word with a random, silly substitution.
Dictatus DIK-ta-tus - Enchants a quill to write anything that is dictated to it.
Diffindo dih-FIN-doh - Rips or slashes an object. Generally ineffective on tough, hard material. The Severing Charm.
Diminuendo dim-in-yoo-EN-doh - Shrinks an object to the size of a toy.
Dermestium der-MESS-tee-um - Conjures flesh-eating beetles.
Descarthus des-CAR-thus - Causes the victim to moult.
Direptus dih-REPT-us - Trashes a room.
Dissemino dih-SEM-in-oh - Causes a receptacle to spread its contents over a certain area, e.g. pours water over a field or spreads lacquer over a table.
Dissocio di-SOH-shee-oh - Moves two things apart.
Dosorsio doh-SORS-ee-oh - Deafens the victim.
Draconifors dra-CON-ih-fors - A variation on Vivifors that specifically animates dragon statues.
Dufto DUF-toh - Causes the object to emit a pleasant smell.
Dumosus du-MOHS-us - Covers an object or creature with thorns.
Duro DOO-roh - Turns an object to stone.
Ebublio ee-BOO-blee-oh - Causes an object to produce bubbles.
Eburneus eb-URN-ee-us - Turns an object to ivory.
Effasmus eh-FAS-mus - Conjures spider webs.
Effluvium eff-LOO-vee-um - Causes high volumes of mucus to pour from the victim’s nose and mouth. The Curse of the Bogies.
Effodio eff-ODE-ee-oh - Gouges out an item, e.g. an eye, or grapefruit.
Effundo eff-UN-doh - Pours a liquid-bearing receptacle (a cup, pitcher).
(latin object) Emendo ee-MEN-doh - Sets broken or fractured bones back into place, but does not heal them.
Emicto (latin word) ee-MIK-toh - The Pee Jinx. Causes the victim to pee the uttered word. By itself, causes the victim to pee urine.
Emicto Esco ee-MIK-toh ES-koh - Causes the victim to uncontrollably pee slugs.
Emicto Fico ee-MIK-toh  FEE-koh - Causes the victim to uncontrollably pee a contiguous string of twine.
Emicto Icso ee-MIK-toh croo-ENN-toh - Causes the victim to uncontrollably pee mites.
Emicto Texto ee-MIK-toh  TEKS-toh - Causes the victim to uncontrollably pee fortune cookie slips.
Emmorglius eh-MOR-glee-us - Infests a creature’s skins with burrowing, writhing, worm-like fibers; an infested creature is said to be ‘enmorgled’ with ‘morgellons’. [Poss. corruption of Provençal masclous, little flies.]
Emungo ee-MUNJ-oh - Forces out the contents of a clogged item.
Engorgio en-GORJ-ee-oh - An Engorgement Charm. Causes the target of the spell to enlarge or swell up.
Entabesco en-TA-bess-ko - Preserves food; prevents spoiling.
Entomorphis en-to-MORF-is - Transfigures the victim into an insect.
Epastus ep-ASS-tus - Removes hunger.
Epileptus ep-ee-LEP-tus - Causes an object to rapidly flash different colours.
Episkey ep-IS-key - Heals minor wounds, e.g. a broken nose.
Epistaxus eppy-STAKS-us - Gives the victim a nosebleed.
Epoximise ee-POCKS-ee-myze - Magically glues objects together.
Eradicus eh-RAD-ik-us - Pulls up a plant by its roots.
Erecto e-REK-toh - Erects a structure, e.g. a tent.
Erpetesco er-pih-TES-koh - Transfigures an object into a snake.
Errincus er-INK-us - Covers the victim with small spines, much like the quills of a hedgehog or porcupine. The Erinaceous Hex.
(latin object) Eructo eh-RUK-to - Issues a jet of liquid from the caster’s wand.
Eruo AIR-oo-oh - Rips an object out of another; a bulb from the ground, a sconce from a wall.
Erupto ee-RUP-toh - Causes earth to violently explode upwards.
(latin object) Evanesca ev-in-ESS-kah - Causes the uttered object to disappear.
Evanesco ev-in-ESK-oh - Causes an object to vanish.
Everberus ev-AIR-ber-us - Conjures a magical fist that strikes the victim.
Everro eh-VAIR-oh - Charms a broom to sweep a certain area.
Everte Statum ee-VER-tay STAH-tum - Throws the victim backwards.
Exaresco eksa-RESS-koh - Turns water to steam.
Excresco eks-KRES-koh - Causes a geyser to erupt from the ground.
Exomento ekso-MEN-toh - Causes the victim to suddenly and violently lose control of their bowels. The eloquently named Poo Hex.
Exordium eks-OR-dee-um - Conjures a large, thick spider web.
Exosseo eks-OSS-ee-oh - Removes bones from a body.
Expecto Patronum ex-PEKT-oh pah-TRONE-um - Conjures a patronus.
Expelliarmus ex-pelli-ARM-us - Disarms or throws back the victim.
Experrectus eks-per-EK-tus - Awakens a sleeping individual.
Expople eks-POP-lay - Reverses the victim’s knees.
Exposco eks-POS-ko - Throws the caster’s wand from his hand.
Expulso eks-PULS-oh - Causes an object to violently explode.
Expungeo ek-SPUN-joh - Erases text.
Extaspectus eks-tah-SPEKT-us - Prevents anyone from noticing or seeing an item. It does not cause the item to disappear, but it appears invisible to anyone other than the caster. It remains wholly tangible.
Extaviscus eks-tah-VISK-us - The infamous Entrail-Expelling Curse. Functions as advertised.
Exsecracus eks-SEK-ra-cus - Causes the victim to spew random insults; also can be cast on quills.
Exsterco eks-TAIR-koh - Causes insects to be intensely attracted to the victim.
Exstinxi eks-TINK-see - Extinguishes something, typically a fire.
(latin object) Exumai EKS-oo-may - Forces the uttered object backwards.
Exuvai EKS-oo-vay - Skins an animal.
Famestes fa-MESS-tees - Causes the victim to become insatiably hungry. 
Fanxus FANKS-us - Gives the victim fangs.
Farblus FAR-blus - Drains colour, i.e. removes dyes, colouring, and even bruised or blushed skin.
Farfuglio far-FOO-glee-oh - Causes the victim to speak gibberish.
Fascius FASH-ee-us - Bandages something.
Fax FAKS - Issues a steady stream of small flame from the tip of the caster’s wand, creating an effect similar to a torch. 
Felisco fee-LISS-koh - Transfigures an object into a cat. 
Felsus FEL-sus - Covers the victim’s eyes with a thick white paste. [L. fel, gall, bile.]
Fera Verto FAIR-uh VAIR-toh - Transfigures a creature into a goblet. 
Ferula fer-OOL-ah - Conjures a wooden rod. 
Fervensus fer-VEN-sus - Intensely heats an object. Often used to cook food, though it can be used as an offensive spell. 
Fettio FET-ee-oh - Causes an object to emit a horrible smell. The Stinking Hex. 
Fictilis FIK-til-is - Turns an object to earth. 
Finite Incantatem fin-EE-tay in-can-TAH-tem - Reverses or ceases magical effects.
Fiocio fee-YO-kee-oh - Turns skin dry and flaky, into a consistency similar to cornflakes. 
Fizzlius FIZ-lee-us - Causes a wand to backfire; effect is dependent on type of spell—powerful magic backfires in a concussive explosion, while most inoffensive spells, charms especially, just make hissing sparks. [Eng. fizzle, i.e. burn out, from earlier meaning ‘a silent but pungent flatus’.] 
Flabro FLAH-bro - Conjures a loud gust of wind. 
Flagrante flah-GRAN-tay - Causes an object to burn human skin whenever touched. 
Flagrate flah-GRAH-tay - Enables the caster to draw lines of fire with their wand. 
Flammo FLAM-oh - Sprays a cone of fire from the caster’s wand. 
Flecto FLEK-toh - Bends or curves an object. 
Flexipe fleks-EE-pay - Gives the victim club foot. 
Flipendo flih-PEN-do - Strikes an object with mild intensity. A low-level offensive spell. 
Flitsum FLITZ-um - Produces a blinding flash of light. 
Flofronio flo-FRO-nee-oh - Makes a creature happier; a Cheering Charm. [G. philofron, friendly, affable.] 
Floresco flor-ESK-oh - Causes a plant to grow. 
Florifors FLOR-if-ors - Causes bunches of flowers to burst and grow from an object. 
Fluio FLOO-ee-oh - Causes an object to float. A Buoyancy Charm. 
Flummerous FLUH-mer-us - Covers something in thick dough. [Eng. flummery, i.e. a pudding, from Welsh llymru, oatmeal jelly.] 
Flurnus FLURR-nus - Conjures a flower pot. 
Foffus FOF-us - Causes something to go limp or become flaccid. 
Fonduo fon-DOO-oh - Melts an object. 
Fornicopia for-nee-COPE-ee-ah - Transfigures an object into a flock of flamingoes. 
Fragilis FRAJ-ill-us - Makes an object flimsy or easily breakable. 
Fragrante fra-GRAHN-tay - Makes an object smell pleasant. 
Fraxus FRAKS-us - Blasts something apart into ash. 
Frendo FREN-doh - Magically grinds a blade, sharpening it. 
Frigesco FRIJ-ess-koh - Chills an object. 
Frigio FRIH-jee-oh - Conjures snow. Commonly used to cast snowballs. 
Fulgus FUL-jus - Causes lightning to strike the target object.
Fuligo foo-LEE-go - Throws soot from one’s wand.
Fulmo Vergo FULL-mo VAIR-goh - Causes the target object to attract lightning strikes. The Lightningrod Charm. 
Fumos FOO-mos - Produces smoke from the caster’s wand.
Funestus fun-ESS-tus - Saddens the victim. 
Funisio fyoo-NIZ-ee-oh - Ties a knot in an object, typically a rope or chord. 
Furnunculus fur-NUNK-yoo-lus - Causes the victim to sprout boils all over. 
Fusco FUSS-koh - Fogs glass/mirrors/etcetera. 
Fustium FUS-tee-um - Transfigures the caster’s wand into a club. The effect is reversed by repeating the spell. As a club, spells cannot be cast nor effects maintained. 
Futtilus fuh-TIH-lus - Causes an object to become brittle.
Gelesco gel-ESS-koh - Adheres the victim’s feet to the ground.
Geminio jeh-MIN-ee-oh - Duplicates an object.
Giffigus GIFF-igg-us - Conjures a cloud of noxious choking gas.
Glacius GLAY-see-us - Sprays a cone of freezing ice from the tip of the caster’s wand.
Glaucus GLAW-cus - Throws a chalky cloud of powder from the caster’s wand.
Glissando glis-SAND-oh - Causes the victim to speak in a sing-song voice.
Glisseo GLIS-ee-oh - Causes a flight of stairs to flatten, forming a type of ramp or chute.
Glumeo GLOO-mee-oh - The Skin Sloughing Curse. Causes skin to peel off.
Gnavus NAV-us - Conjures a small boat.
Gorifors GORR-if-ors - Encases the victim’s head in a pumpkin.†
Grascus GRAS-cus - Causes an object to become unbearably heavy.
Graufacto graow-FAK-toh - Causes the victim to perceive everything in black and white. Makes seeing in low-light conditions difficult.
Gutterus GUH-turr-us - Causes the victim to croak like a frog whenever they try to speak.
Harrundo ha-RUN-doh - Causes reeds to shoot out of a body of water and bind the victim.
Haurifors HOR-ih-fors - Transfigures an object into a hawk.
Hedera he-DAIR-ah - Causes ivy to grow from, or on, an object.
Herbivicus her-BIHH-vikk-us - Speeds the growth of a plant.
Hinnuleus hih-noo-LAY-us - Transfigures an object into a donkey.
Homenum Revelio HOM-eh-num reh-VEL-ee-oh - Causes humans near the caster to be outlined in light. The effect is visible through objects and can only be seen by the caster.
Homorphus hom-ORF-us - Returns a transfigured person to human form for a few seconds. Includes werewolves and similar.
Horripus HORE-ip-us - Gives the victim goose bumps.
Hydropso hy-DROPS-oh - The Dropsy Jinx. Gives the victim an edema.
Ichthyus IKK-thee-yus - Transfigures an object into a fish.
Icterus ICK-ter-us - Gives the victim jaundice.
Igniculus ig-NIK-yoo-lus - Throws a spark from the end of the one’s wand. 
Illegibilus ih-LEJ-ih-bil-us - Causes text to become gibberish. Reversed by Legibilus. 
Immergo im-MER-joh - Causes an object to take root into the ground. 
Immobulus im-OH-byoo-lus - Freezes objects where they are. 
Impedimenta im-ped-ee-MENT-ah - Severely slows an object. 
Imperio im-PEER-ee-oh - Allows the caster of obtain control of the victim. An Unforgivable Curse. 
Imperturbatum im-per-ter-BAY-tum - Creates a barrier that sounds, objects, and creatures cannot cross. 
Impervius im-PERR-vee-us - Makes an object resistant to liquid, similar to waterproofing. 
Impungo im-PUN-joh - Stabs the victim. 
Impustio im-POOST-ee-oh - Makes an object flame retardant. A Fireproofing Charm. 
Inanimatus in-anni-MAH-tus - Inanimates a magically animated object. 
Incarcerous in-CAR-ser-us - Binds the victim with magical ropes or chains. 
Incedo in-SEE-doh - Prevents the victim from disapparating. 
Incendio in-SEND-ee-oh - Casts a fireball. 
Incudus INK-yoo-dus - Conjures an anvil. 
Infensus in-FEN-sus - Enrages a creature. 
Infragilis in-FRAJ-ill-us - Makes an object unbreakable. 
Infrendeo in-FREN-dee-oh - Removes teeth. 
Inlutulens in-loo-too-LENS - Dries mud into earth.
Intepestus in-teh-PES-tus - Causes the victim to vomit uncontrollably.
Knaxus NAKS-us - Conjures exploding wizard crackers.
Lacrimo LAK-ree-moh - Causes the victim to cry. The Weeping Jinx. 
Lactorrea lak-toh-REE-ah - Causes something to lactate, or otherwise produce milk.† 
Langlock LANG-lok - Causes the victim’s tongue to be glued to the top of their mouth.
Lapifors LAA-pih-fors - Transfigures an object into a rabbit.
Latrato la-TRAH-toh - Causes the victim to bark like a dog.
Laxo LAKS-oh - Cures stiffness and dispels adhesives.
Legibilus leh-JIB-ill-us - Makes jumbled text legible.
Legilimens leg-ILL-ihm-ens - Allows the caster to read the victim’s mind, albeit with no control over what is seen. Non-verbal Legilimency is a more precise practice. 
Levicorpus lev-ee-CORP-us - Dangles the victim in mid-air from their ankle.
Libaugeo lih-BAH-jee-oh - Causes the victim’s lips to swell in size. 
Liberacorpus lib-erra-CORP-us - Frees a creature being manipulated by magic.
Ligamens LIG-ah-mens - Conjures bandages. 
Lingaugeo lin-GAA-jee-oh - Causes the victim’s tongue to swell up. 
Linnius LINN-ee-us - Casts string or rope from one’s wand, which can be coiled or ensared around something. 
Lippio LIP-ee-oh - Irritates skin. Particularly effective against eyes and mouths. 
Locomotor (english object) lo-KO-mo-tor - Causes the uttered object (e.g. Locomotor Trunk) to travel through the air. It may be steered by the caster.
Locomotor Mortis lo-KO-mo-tor MOR-tis - Causes the victim’s legs to lock together. The Leg-Locker Curse. 
Lolifors LO-lee-fors - Transfigures an object into a squid. 
Luftesco luf-TESS-koh - Attaches a balloon to the target object or simply conjures a balloon. 
Luftesco Maximo luf-TESS-koh MAKS-see-moh - Attaches a large bundle of balloons to the target object or simply conjures a large bundle of balloons. 
Lumos loo-MOS - Causes the caster’s wand to emit light, similar to a torch. May be extinguished by the spell Nox. 
Lustrus LUS-trus - Causes a surface to become reflective. 
Lutulens loo-too-LENS - Turns earth into mud. 
Lyssacus LIS-ah-cus - Causes the victim to foam at the mouth.
Madidus mah-DEE-dus - Drenches the victim with water.†
Malmoleo mal-MOLE-ee-oh - Hardens something.
Manifesto man-ih-FES-toh - Returns a transfigured object to its original state. Also works on Animagi.
Manipulus mah-NIPP-yoo-lus - Allows the caster to remotely manipulate an object. Can be used to turn the page of a book from across the room, or close the book and place it on a shelf. The latin name of the object may be stated, though it is often unnecessary. Principally used nonverbally.
Manipulus Capulus mah-NIPP-yoo-lus CAP-yoo-lus - Allows the caster to remotely manipulate a handle.
Manipulus Florum mah-NIPP-yoo-lus FLORR-um - Allows the caster to remotely manipulate a flower.
Manipulus Librum mah-NIPP-yoo-lus LEE-brum - Allows the caster to remotely manipulate a book.
Marmimicus mar-MIM-ih-cuss - Transfigures the victim into a statue.
Marmora mar-MORR-ah - Turns an object to marble.
Massalus MASS-ah-lus - Replaces the victim’s teeth with a set of dentures.
Mastippus ma-STIP-us - Gives the victim horse teeth.
Medimento med-ee-MEN-to - Seals a wound.
Melisculus me-LISS-kyoo-lus - Makes a person feel better, either generally or by dulling pain.
Meliwendo mel-ee-WEN-doh - Transfigures an object into a badger.
Mendaflesco men-da-FLES-koh - A Flame-Freezing Charm. Causes flame to tickle rather than burn.
Mensa Evanesca MEN-sah ev-in-ESS-kah - Disappears a table.
Mensum MEN-sum - Conjures a table.
Mercimonium mer-kee-MOH-nee-um - When cast on a container, conjures a parchment listing the container’s inventory.
Methustos meth-USS-tose - Intoxicates the victim, causing them to act inebriated.
Meteolojinx Recanto mee-tee-OH-lo-jinks re-CAN-toh - Halts meteorological spells.
Migmus MIG-mus - Blends a concoction. 
Milvus MIL-vus - Trails a kite from the end of one’s wand.
Mirorum mih-ROR-um - Conjures a mirror.
Mobili (latin object) mo-BILL-ee - Moves the uttered object.
Mobiliarbus mo-BILL-ee-ARB-us - Moves a tree.
Mobilicorpus mo-BILL-ee-CORP-us - Moves a body.
Mofflus MOFF-lus - Causes the victim to forget how to do what they are currently doing, e.g. manipulating a mechanism, reading, or traveling somewhere.
Momordi mo-MOR-dee - Causes small flashes of light to explode around the victim’s feet, inflicting pain. The so-called Toe Biter Hex.
Moneo mo-NAY-oh - Reverses minor memory-altering magic.
Mora Fura MORE-ah FYUR-ah - Prevents an item from being moved, picked up, or summoned. An Anti-Thieving Charm.
Morscipio mor-SKIP-ee-oh - Transfigures an object into a shark.
Morsmordre mors-MORD - Casts the Dark Mark.
Mucorous MYOO-cor-us - Causes mould to grow.
Muffliato muf-lee-AHT-oh - Fills the ears of anyone near the caster with an unidentifiable buzzing, making it difficult to hear things.
Mulceo MUL-kee-oh - Calms an animal.
Mulsus MUL-sus - Sweetens food.
Murtimus MUR-tim-us - Breaks bones.
Muscus MUS-kus - Transfigures an object into a mouse.
Musimeste myoo-see-MESS-tay - Causes the victim to suddenly act as if he is in a musical and break out in song and dance. The effect lasts for as long as the spell is not reversed.
Musso MUSS-oh - Prevents the victim from speaking any louder than a whisper.
Myrmicus MER-mih-cus - Conjures ants.
Naugeo NAA-jee-oh - Causes the victim’s nose to grow in size. 
Nefastus neh-FASS-tus - Causes the victim to suddenly vomit and defecate profusely. 
Nefralcus nef-RALK-us - Gives the victim kidney stones. 
Nemmio NEM-ee-oh - Causes the victim to forget their name. 
Nepacus NEH-pa-cus - Transfigures the victim’s hands into lobster claws. 
Nephilus NEFF-ill-us - Conjures fog. 
Nicriptus nik-RIP-tus - Tears off the victim’s finger- and toenails. 
Ningius NIN-jee-yus - Makes it snow. 
Nomisma no-MIS-mah - Conjures coinage that disappears after a period of time, in a manner similar to Leprechaun’s Gold. The coinage is generally a poor facsimile of the real thing, although experienced casters produce better results. 
Norricto nor-RIKT-oh - Causes skin to grow over the victim’s mouth, preventing speech. 
Nossus NAA-sis - Turns bones to dust. 
Novacula no-VAK-yoo-la - Throws a dagger from one’s wand. 
Nox NOKS - Extinguishes illumination magic produced by the caster’s wand, particularly Lumos.
Obex OH-beks - Barricades something, usually a door or a window, with nearby objects.
Obsapeo ob-SAY-pee-oh - Rigs the target area with an alarm.
Oblittero ob-LIH-ter-oh - Erases something (e.g. footprints or writing).
Obliviate ob-LIV-ee-ate - Erases memory.
Obrigesco ob-rih-GES-koh - Causes something to stiffen. Useful on hands.
Obruo oh-BREW-oh - Causes everything in the vicinity to be thrown at the victim.
Obscuro ob-SKYUR-oh - Blindfolds the victim.
Obsuo ob-SOO-oh - Closes an object.
Occrocio oh-KROE-see-oh - Covers an object in muck, slime, and mud.
Oculo Maculus OKK-yoo-loh MAK-yoo-lus - Causes the victim to see white spots everywhere. The Bedazzling Hex.
Omatophorius oh-ma-TOH-for-ee-us - Causes the victim’s eyes to grow on stalks from their head.
Oncorreo on-KORR-ee-oh - Repels insects.
Ooferous OOF-er-us - Transfigures something into an eggplant. [Irish ubhthoradh, eggplant.]
Oppleo OP-lee-oh - Plugs a hole.
Oppugno op-UG-no - Impels something to attack the victim.
Oppunco oh-PUNK-oh - Bends or twists an object.
Optio OP-tee-oh - Throws a small ball of light from the caster’s wand. Often used to illuminate distant areas.
Orem Aperio ORE-em ah-PAIR-ee-oh - Opens the victim’s mouth.
Orchideous ork-id-AY-us - Conjures flowers from the caster’s wand.
Oscurio os-CURE-ee-oh - Sucks light into the caster’s wand.
Osmadeo oz-MAD-ee-oh - Forces the victim to drool uncontrollably.
Osse Cosorthum OH-say koh-SORTH-um - Knits together broken bones that have been reset.
Pack PAK - Places assorted items in an object.
Pallesco pah-LES-koh - Causes an object, or person, to become pale.
Palpriptus palp-RIP-tus - Tears off the victim’s eyelids.
Pammesto pah-MESS-toh - Covers something with a tarp or sheet.
Papilio pa-PILL-ee-oh - Conjures butterflies.
Pappius PAP-pee-us - Transfigures an object into a duck.
Papulus PAP-yoo-lus - Gives the victim acne.
Parataxus para-TAKS-us - Causes the victim to prattle on and on without pause. The victim often passes out from forgetting to breathe, and even then they murmur in their unconscious state.5
Parmeo PAR-mee-oh - Emblazons an object with a target symbol.
(latin object) Patellum pa-TELL-um - Plates something with the uttered substance.
Paterra PAT-err-ah - Conjures a bowl.
Pausifraus POW-si-frows - Guards an object against jinxes. An Antijinx.
Pediculosis ped-ik-yoo-LOHS-is - Infests something with lice.
Pelivello pell-ee-VELL-oh - Tightens skin.
Peniculus pen-ICK-yoo-lus - Conjures a sponge.
Pependi peh-PEN-dee - Causes gravity to pull excessively hard on the victim.
Periculum per-ICK-yoo-lum - Throws a flare from the caster’s wand.
Peripeli pair-ee-PELL-ee - Replaces the victim’s hairdo with a wig.
Perpatesco per-pa-TESS-ko - Causes an object to sprout legs.
Perpessus per-PESS-us - Hardens skin.
Perplexi per-PLEK-see - Turns a transparent surface foggy on one side; the other side remains transparent. The effect is similar to a one-way mirror.
Pertusio per-TOO-see-oh - Riddles an object with holes.
Petrificus pe-TRIF-ih-cuss - Stiffens or immobilizes objects or creatures, though on a smaller scale than Petrificus Totalus. Will stiffen a joint or an appendage, for example.
Petrificus Totalus pe-TRIF-ih-cuss to-TALL-us - The Full Body-Bind Curse. Causes the victim’s body to become entirely rigid and immobile.
Petrum Patellum peh-TRUM pa-TELL-um - Plates an object with stone.
Pezifors PEZ-ih-fors - Transfigures an object into a fish. [Spanish pez, fish, + L. fortia, force.]
Phalesco fa-LESS-koh - Coils, or rolls up, an item, e.g. rope, a carpet, parchment.
Picarus PIK-uh-rus - Conjures a magpie, or magpies.
Picassicus pik-ASS-ik-us - Causes the victim to become intensely attracted to shiny objects.
Pigma Eructo PIG-mah ee-RUK-toh - Issues a jet of paint from the caster’s wand.
Piqulio pih-KYOO-lee-oh - Stings the victim, causing painful welts. The Stinging Hex.
Piertotum Locomotor peer-TOH-tum loh-koh-MOH-tor - A high-level spell that animates a great number of inanimate objects.
Pifflifors PIF-lih-fors - Causes the victim to make no sense. Can also be cast on text and similar.
Pilastro pih-LASS-troh - Conjures a column or pillar.
Pilosus pih-LOH-sus - Causes thick busy hair to grow all over the victim’s face, including from the nose and ears.
Pinguis PIN-gwis - Plumps an item or creature.
Pinnatus PIN-ah-tus - Causes an object to sprout small wings, and fly about.
Pinocchio pin-OH-kee-oh - Causes the victim’s nose to grow substantially.
Pinsio (latin color) PIN-see-oh - Paints something the uttered color. A Painting Charm.
Pinsio Griseum PIN-see-oh GRIS-ee-um - Paints something gray.
Pinsio Rufum PIN-see-oh ROO-fum - Paints something red.
Piphalus PIF-al-us - Causes the victim’s mouth to burn. Also known as the Pepper-Breath Hex.
Plectrum PLEK-troom - Conjures a quill.
Plicatius plih-KAY-shee-us - Causes hair to clump and mat together. [L. plica, roll up.]
Plommus PLOM-us - Shoots a cloud of pebbles from the caster’s wand.
Ploratus plor-AT-us - Causes the victim to bawl, or cry.
Plumbum Patellum PLUM-bum pa-TELL-um - Plates an object with lead.
Plungro PLUN-groh - Causes a creature to cry; the Weeping Jinx. [Dalmation plungro, cry, complain.]
Pluplium PLOO-plee-um - Covers an object with feathers.
Point Me point me - Causes the caster’s wand to point North. The Four-Point Spell.
Polifors PO-lif-ors - Transfigures an object into a chicken.
Porpapus POR-pah-pus - Causes a creature to feel very sorry. [L. porrum, leek, + pappo, eat, from Eng. ‘eat the leek’, i.e. ‘eat one’s words’, apologize.]
Porrectio por-EKT-ee-oh - Stretches an object.
Porrifors POR-ih-fors - Causes the victim to sprout leeks from their ears.†
Porsifors POR-sih-fors - Transfigures an object to porcelain.
Portus POR-tus - Turns an object into a Portkey.
Practus PRAK-tus - Sharpens something.
Praecoccus pray-COK-us - Hastens cooking.
Praeruptus prai-RUP-tus - Smooths an incline, similar to Glisseo.
Pricosis prik-OH-sus - Covers something with thorns. [Old Eng. prica, prickle.]
Prior Incantato pree-OR in-can-TAT-oh - Causes a wand to reveal the last spell it performed.
Procellosus pro-SELL-oh-sus - Causes a sudden gust of air to rush up from the ground.
Prolato pro-LAT-oh - Causes an object to increase in length.
Protego pro-TAY-go - Creates a magical barrier that deflects spells. Can also be used to physically impede others.
Protego Horribilis pro-TAY-go horr-IH-bih-lis - Protects an area from dark magic.
Protego Totalum pro-TAY-go toh-TAL-um - Disallows physical – as well as most kinds of magical – entry into an area.
Proteus PRO-tee-us - The Protean Charm. Magically binds objects to the target object. Any change in the target object is subsequently reflected in the bound objects.
Pulcrumsempra pulk-rum-SEM-prah - A low-level Glamour Charm that ladens a person with gaudy cosmetics. 
Pullo PUL-loh - Causes a pole to shoot up from the ground. 
Pulvinexpulso PUL-vin-eks-PUL-soh - Banishes dust from an object. 
Pulvis PULL-viss - Transfigures something to sand.
Quabbirus KWAB-ah-rus - Wards against lightning. 
Quagswaggus kwag-SWAG-us - Causes something to shudder violently, or shake about. 
Quaplusto kwa-PLUS-toh - Causes the victim’s wand to produce ducks whenever a spell is cast. 
Quidvis KWID-viss - Heightens senses. The Supersensory Charm.
Quietus KWAI-eh-tus - Decreases the volume of a sound, typically one’s voice. 
Quinesco kwee-NESS-koh - Transfigures an object into a kumquat.† 
Quiro KWEE-roh - Produces the shrill cry of an eagle. 
Quiscalus KWIS-kah-lus - Conjures grackles.
Ramale ra-MALL-ay - Skewers something with a stick. Useful for making kebabs.
Rantisma ran-TIZ-mah - Pours wine from one’s wand.†
Rashio RASH-ee-oh - Shreds thin objects, such as cloth or paper.
Rasterus RAST-err-us - Rakes together detritus, such as leaves.
Razigna raz-IGG-na - Spills small red sparks from the tip of one’s wand, in an effect similar to Muggle flares.
Recitus RESS-ih-tus - Magically reads writing aloud.
Rectio REK-tee-oh - Straightens an object.
Redactum re-DAK-tum - Counters size-altering magic.
Reducio re-DOO-see-oh - Reduces an object’s size.
Reducto re-DUK-to - Blasts an object apart.
Refervesco ref-er-VESK-oh - Boils liquid.
Relashio re-LASH-ee-oh - Produces a stream of fiery sparks, which can cut objects or set them aflame. Underwater, produces scalding bubbles.
Rennervate REH-ner-vate - Revives an unconscious person.
Reparo re-PAR-oh - Repairs an object.
Repello Muggletum re-PEL-oh mug-LEE-tum - Causes Muggles entering an area to suddenly remember an important appointment and leave.
Repello Revitsum re-PEL-oh re-VITS-um - Prevents vermin from entering the target area.
Repleo REP-lee-oh - Refills an object, typically goblets.
Rescoldo res-COLD-oh - Burns innards. Useful for inflicting heartburn. The so-called Waterbrash Curse.
Resectus reh-SEK-tus - Prunes a plant. The Pruning Charm.
Resipisco res-ih-PISS-koh - Removes personality-altering magic.
Restinxi re-STINKS-ee - Sprays fire-smothering foam from the caster’s wand.
Retracto re-TRAK-toh - Causes something to retract, e.g. claws, attic stairs, a turtle into its shell.
Retundo re-TUN-doh - Hammers one object into another.
Revoca Specto re-VOH-kah SPEK-toh - Reverses moderate memory-altering magic.
Revomai REV-oh-mai - Causes the victim to burp uncontrollably.
Rhoncus RONK-us - Causes the victim to wheeze and cough. The Wheezing Jinx.
Rikketus RIK-ket-us - Softens bones.
Rictusempra rict-oo-SEM-prah - Causes the victim to laugh uncontrollably. The Tickling Charm.
Riddikulus rid-IK-yoo-lus - Causes an item, creature, or person to take on an amusing appearance. Particularly useful on Boggarts.
Rimeto (latin object) ri-MEH-toh - Causes the victim to vomit the uttered word. Unmodified, the victim simply vomits.
Rimeto Felum ri-MEH-toh FEL-um - Causes the victim to vomit bile.
Rimeto Molum ri-MEH-toh MOH-lum - Causes the victim to vomit slugs.
Rimperius RAM-prus - Causes vines to grow on something. [Fr. ramper, crawl, creep, + L. imperio, command.]
(latin name)riptus RIP-tus - Tears off the uttered object.
Robbigo ROB-ih-goh - Rusts metal.
Rostratus roh-STRA-tus - Causes the victim to grow a beak.
Rotoflesco roh-toh-FLESS-koh - Encircles something in flame.
Rovinesco ran-SESS-koh - Rots material or spoils food.
Rubesco roo-BES-koh - Causes a person to blush.
Rupus ROO-pus - Conjures a boulder.
Saburra sah-BUR-ah - Throws sand from one’s wand.
Sacceum SAK-ee-um - Conjures a burlap bag.
Saflussus sa-FLUSS-us - Makes a liquid more viscous, or thick.
Salsamenti sall-sah-MEN-tee - Causes something to taste excessively of salt.
Salvio Hexia SAL-vee-oh HEKS-ee-ah - Protects an area from low-level dark magic.
Sanguinolens san-GWEE-no-lens - Causes the victim to become insatiably attracted to blood.
Sapeo SAY-pee-oh - Causes a fence to sprout from the ground.
Scabagus SKA-ba-jus - Transfigures something into a beetle. [Swedish skalbagge, beetle.]
Scandeo SKAN-dee-oh - Throws a grappling hook from one’s wand.
Scaturrio sca-TUR-ee-oh - Causes liquid to froth and bubble over.
Scourgify SCOR-jif-ai - Cleans an item. A Scouring Charm.
Scractata skrak-TAH-tah - Enchants something (a quill, chalk) to write anything that is dictated to it. [L. scribo, write, + haec, this, + dictatus, dictate.]
Scuto SKYOO-toh - Produces a whip from one’s wand.
Sectumsempra sect-um-SEM-prah - Slashes the victim.
Secundo seh-KUN-doh - Enchants an object to follow.
Senectus sin-EKT-us - Causes the victim to appear dramatically aged. This spell has no effect on the elderly.
Serpensortia ser-pen-SOR-tee-ah - Conjures a snake.
Serrasalmus se-ra-SAL-mus - Conjures piranhas.
Shissius SHIH-see-us - Prevents the victim from swearing; replaces any uttered swear word with a random, silly substitution. [Imitative of sh, i.e. be quiet, from Eng. and L.] 
Silencio si-LENS-ee-oh - Silences the victim. 
Silius SIL-ee-us - Causes something to suddenly jump into the air. 
Singulto sin-GUL-toh - Gives the victim hiccups. 
Sinnis Erupto SIN-iss ee-RUP-toh - Causes a plume of ash to burst from the earth. 
Sirtis SIR-tis - Turns ground into quicksand. 
Sittybum SIT-tee-bum - Conjures parchment. 
Smordus SMOR-dus - Causes the victim to be clumsy. The Klutz Jinx. 
Snaticus SNA-tih-cus - Causes the victim to sneeze uncontrollably.
Snespus SNES-pus - Throws icicles from the caster’s wand.4
Snirtlus SNIRT-lus - Suppresses laughter.
Snossigus SNAH-sig-gus - Transfigures something into a sausage. [Eng. snossidge, i.e. a sausage.]
Snussilens SNUH-sih-lens - Transfigures something into a small box. [Eng. snuff, i.e. tobacco, + Hungarian szelence, box; lit. snuffbox.] 
Solesco so-LESS-koh - Conjures a small, false sun that illuminates the area. 
Somnus SOM-nus - Causes the victim to fall suddenly asleep. 
Sonorus so-NOR-us - Increases the volume of one’s voice. 
Sorcio Exumai SOR-see-oh EKS-oo-may - Forces vermin backwards. 
Sorifus SOR-ih-fuss - Transfigures an object into a lizard. 
Sordisempra sor-dee-SEM-prah - Makes something extremely dirty. 
Spattica SPAT-ih-cah - Transfigures the caster’s wand into a sword. The effect is reversed by repeating the spell. As a sword, spells cannot be cast nor effects maintained.
Specialis Revelio spesh-ee-AL-is rev-EL-ee-oh - Reveals any properties hidden by magical means.
Sphagnum SFAG-num - Causes moss to grow from an object.
Spiffero SPIF-er-oh - Blows a small, concentrated stream of air from the caster’s wand. Typically used for blow-drying or cleaning.
Splingio SPLIN-jee-oh - Causes a thorn to sprout from the victim’s tongue.
Spolfus SPOL-fus - Produces a feather bunch from the tip of the caster’s wand. Useful for dusting.
Spongify SPUN-jih-fy - Causes an object to become soft and springy, like a trampoline.
Sporgio SPOR-jee-oh - Causes something to swell up or become bulbous. Famously used as an eye-bursting spell in duels.
Spugeo SPYOOJ-ee-oh - Causes the victim to vomit uncontrollably. [Dutch spugen, vomit.] 
Squamify SKWA-miff-ai - Covers an object with fish scales.
Stacta STAK-ta - Throws oil from the caster’s wand.
Stamatama stah-MAT-ah-mah - Prevents the victim from apparating.
Stataro sta-TAR-roh - Stabilizes something, such as a shaking object.
Stigmus STIG-mus - Intensely heats the tip of the caster’s wand. Most commonly used for branding cattle.
Stirarsus stur-AR-sus - Evenly stretches out an object. Useful for chiropracty, but can cause severe internal injury if cast intensely enough.
Stoffus STOF-us - Stops the flow of liquid.
Strinxis STRINKS-is - Transfigures something into an owl. [Gk. strinks, screecher.]
Structus STRUK-tus - Causes a wall to erupt from the ground.
Stupefy STOO-piff-ai - Stuns the victim.
Sublivacius sub-lih-VAY-shee-us - Considerably lightens the weight of an object. The Sublivacious Charm.
Succlamo suk-LAM-oh - Causes a person to spontaneously scream in pain.
Sudabus SOO-da-bus - Causes the victim to sweat profusely.
Suifors SOO-ee-fors - Transfigures an object into a pig.
Sufflafors suff-LUH-fors - The Braking Charm, causes an object or creature to suddenly stop.
Sufflesco suf-LES-koh - Causes an object or person to inflate and float about.
Suffuscus suf-FUSS-cuss - Darkens something, e.g. skin, a window, paint, fabric.
Supplanto sup-LAN-toh - Trips the victim.
Susurra suh-SOO-ra - Lowers a person’s voice volume to that of a whisper.
Svisserus SFISS-er-us - Causes a creature to defecate its internal organs; the infamous Entrail-Expelling Curse. [Italian sviscero, disembowel.]
Swungus SWUN-gus - Makes the victim entirely exhausted.
Synnifus SIN-ehf-us - Causes an area to become overcast, or cloudy.
Tarantallegra ta-ran-ta-LEG-rah - Causes the victim’s legs to dance uncontrollably.
Tartarus TAR-tar-us - Creates a deep pit.
Taurifors TOR-ih-fors - Transfigures an object into a bull.
Tavulus TAV-yoo-lus - Transfigures an object into a writing desk.
Taxus TAKS-us - Conjures dice.
Telacesco TEL-ah-kess-koh - Forms a web between fingers and toes, for swimming.
Tempresto tem-PRESS-toh - Makes it windy.
Tepesco tep-ESS-koh - Sprays a chilling mist.
Terga Verto TER-gah VER-toh - Impels the victim to run away.
Tergeo TER-jee-oh - Siphons something into one’s wand. Used for cleaning purposes.
Terramotor ter-rah-MOE-tor - Causes a localised earthquake.
Terrodio ter-ROH-dee-oh - Infests wood with termites.
Tetriptus TETCH-riptus - Rips off the victim’s nipples.
Thrombus THROM-bus - Clots blood.
Tinctus (latin colour) TINK-tus - Turns an object the uttered colour. For instance, Tinctus Verto turns an object green.
Tintinnus tin-TIN-nus - Attaches bells to an object.
Titillando tih-TIL-an-do - Tickles the victim.
Tondesco tawn-DES-koh - Shaves hair.
Torcsus TORK-sus - Conjures a raging whirlwind or creates a whirlpool in a liquid.
Torpus TORP-us - The Numb Jinx. Numbs flesh.
Tortillio tor-TILL-ee-oh - Makes the victim’s fingers take on a jelly-like consistency. The Jelly-Fingers Curse.
Traducto TRA-duk-toh - Makes the victim feel terrible.
Tribulus TRIB-yoo-lus - Conjures caltrops.
Tripsi TRIP-see - Lathers an object with soap suds.
Trismus TRIZ-mus - Locks the victim’s jaw shut. The Lockjaw Hex.
Turbeo ter-BAY-oh - Causes an object to spin like a top.
Ungaugeo un-GOW-jee-oh - Causes finger- and toenails to grow.
Vedilectus ved-ee-LEK-tus - Dispels gas, e.g. clouds, fog, and noxious vapors.
Velamentus vel-ah-MENN-tus - Causes an umbrella to sprout from the end of the caster’s wand.
Velocius vel-OH-see-us - Speeds something up.
Vermiculus ver-MIK-yoo-lus - Conjure worms.
Vermillious ver-MILL-ee-us - Conjures rats, mice, or other vermin.
Vervexus ver-VEKS-us - Eliminates romantic passion.
Vespigrex VES-pee-greks - Conjures a swarm of stinging insects (bees, wasps, etcetera).
Vesta Evanesca VES-tah ev-in-ESS-kah - Disappears clothing.
Vipera Evanesca vie-PAIR-ah ev-in-ESS-kah - Disappears a snake.
Vitrum Patellum VITCH-rum pa-TELL-um - Plates an object with glass.
Viverus VIH-ver-us - Transfigures an object into a ferret. 
Vivifors VIH-vih-fors - A charm which causes an object to spring to life for a short amount of time. The animated object can be commanded by the caster to do his/her bidding.
Vocsum VOKS-um - Conjures wax.
Volactus vo-LAKT-us - Causes an object to become capable of rudimentary flight. 
Volvorsus Ilmium vol-VORSE-us ILL-me-um - Forces an animated object (or otherwise magically controlled thing) to do the caster’s bidding.
Volvorsus Leleum vol-VORSE-us leh-LAY-um - Transfers control of an animated object (or otherwise magically controlled thing) to another person.
Warfesco war-FESS-koh - Thins blood.
Werfendo wer-FENN-doh - Throws an object in the indicated direction.
Werterbo Ventrectus wer-TAIR-boh ven-TREK-tus - Scrambles organs.
Wibulus WIB-yoo-lus - Makes the victim’s legs wobbly and unsteady. The Jelly-Legs Jinx.
Wingardium Leviosa win-GAR-dee-um lev-ee-OH-sa - Levitates an object.
Worphus WORF-us - Chokes the victim.
Xiphius ZIF-ee-us - Transfigures an object into a swordfish.
Zasco ZASS-koh - Causes something to be droopy, saggy, or elastic.
Zerocso zer-OKS-oh - Copies a document onto another piece of parchment.
Zorlomandius zor-lo-MAN-dee-us - Puts the victim in a straitjacket.
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