italiandivine · 4 years
Here's how I lost 11 lbs in a month
Get over those cravings! Whenever I feel like I want to binge or eat something not healthy, I get as far away from that food as possible. Get your mind off of it, and if you need to, choose something healthy and v low cal.
I eat a max of 700 calories a day, usually closer to 500. I eat 2 meals a day, lunch and dinner.
Intermittent fasting from 8:30pm to 12:30am. This is a game changer and helps me to reach my water goal.
You should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water a day.
Choose a handful of foods and only eat those. I have basically the same foods everyday so I don't have to think as much about calories since I already know where I am going to be with them.
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italiandivine · 4 years
okay but there’s literally no way you won’t look good when you lose weight
if you’re tall - you’ll look like a model.
if you’re short - you’ll be petite and small, like a doll.
if you have a narrow bone structure - you’ll look even skinnier than you are.
if you have a wider bone structure - your bones will stick out more.
if you have wide shoulders - your collarbones will look more prominent.
if you have narrow shoulders - you’ll look more feminine.
if you have smaller breasts - you’ll be able to wearstrapless tops.
if you have bigger breasts - your waist will look slimmer.
if you have wide hips - you’ll have a bigger thigh gap.
if you store fat mostly in your lower half - your arms will be more boney.
if you have a skinnier lower half - your legs will look longer because of how skinny they are.
every body is beautiful. you don’t even have to lose weight to look good. stay safe everyone.
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italiandivine · 4 years
Reasons I'm starving myself
• So I can look cute in my new grunge aesthetic
• So I can be confident enough to have sex with anyone I want
• So people think I'm beautiful
• So I can spend less money on food and more on things I need
• So I can look cute when I smoke weed instead of fat
• So I don't look gross when I eat in front of people
• So people notice and actually want to talk to me
• So I can wear a bikini this summer
• So I don't have to worry about certain angles when my picture is taken
• So I have a sharp jawline that will look good when my hair is in a bun
• So my ribs can be even more prominent and bruised
• So I can have little dainty wrists
• So I don't look huge next to my saxophone
• So I look cool playing oboe instead of weird
• So I look badass playing electric guitar instead of stupid
• So people believe I'm sick
• So I can look better than the girls my ex left me for
• So I can look cute drinking a mug of hot cocoa
• So people think I'm healthy instead of a fatass
• So I can be a skinny stoner instead of a fatass who gets the munchies
• So I can wear hoodies and not look like I'm hiding all my fat
• So when I'm in gym class, I don't look huge
• So I can take yoga classes and not be that fat girl who can't keep up
• So dark lipstick looks good on my face with my defined cheekbones
• So when I get friends, I can be the skinny one
• So I can finally love my body
Those are a few reasons I'm starving myself.
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italiandivine · 4 years
Do you ever feel too ashamed to visit Tumblr cause you ate so much
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italiandivine · 4 years
physically i am here but mentally i am lying in a field of flowers in a white silk dress watching the sun set over the mountains and eating fresh picked fruit
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italiandivine · 4 years
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i want to be skinny enough to wear this
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italiandivine · 4 years
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my thinspo
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italiandivine · 4 years
when somebody asks me about body image i always tell them that everyone is beautiful, which is true, yes, you should love yourself and love your body the way it is. it shouldn’t matter how much you weight or what your body looks like, but for me and my body it’s different. when i look at myself in the mirror i see a fat and disgusting pig and i hate it. i hate the way my body is shaped and the way it fucking looks. i don’t want to be the way that i am. i don’t want to look the way i look. since the end of the summer i tried to stop myself from eating. i tried my best. went on different diets but none of them actually worked. i still broke every single rule i made for myself. couldn’t stop myself from eating. i would lie if i said that it doesn’t happen anymore. i still can’t stop myself from eating less but at least i try. something about not eating and starving myself comforts me. i feel the euphoria of thinking how one day i will look the way i want to look. how one day i won’t be fat and ugly. how one fucking day when my future boyfriend sees me naked i won’t feel bad about my body. how one day.. i will feel hot, beautiful, confident and empowering. i want to be able to go to the store and just finally feel comfortable with myself while trying on clothes. i want to be able to leave the fitting room without tearing up and not wanting to immediately leave the store and go home. sorry for maybe annoying you with this. i know nobody cares but at least i got the chance to express how i feel.
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italiandivine · 4 years
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i spend like a good hour a day on my pinterest just to look at this
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italiandivine · 4 years
in the past i have created like 5 different tumblr accounts but i would just stop using them cause i never learned how to actually use tumblr.
and now... for the first time ever i actually get it. i finnaly (well almost) learned how to use it. tumblr is fun.
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italiandivine · 4 years
how in the world do you use tumblr??
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