italiangirlinkorea · 7 years
So many problems with my documents
As I told you before, during this two weeks I was so busy because of documents and official stuff. So where should I start? 1. When I arrived, I needed to pay my house owner (I just paid the august rent but I needed to pay the deposit, which is quite high in Korea) and she said I needed to pay in cash. So, it was around 950000 won and you want me to pay in cash? Alright. In Italy, it is not easy to get your hands on won, so I just took with me a large amount of euros to change as soon as I got here. And that's what I did few days after I arrived. But suddenly my house owner asked me to make a bank transfer, like what? I brought everything in cash as you asked me and now you ask me to do a transfer? Ok. Calm down. I did a bank transfer with cash and everything was good (except that the bank is not really close to my house). 2. Alien registration card. This horrible monster. It's a very important card that people with visa should do as soon as they arrive in Korea. It's very important because it's your korean ID basically that can allow you to make a bank account or a sim card (not the turist one basically). But I need a document from the university saying that I'm here to study and not to just have fun. So I went to the office of the language institute and I asked them about the document but they said that they will give it to me when the lessons start (4th sept) so I need to wait until then. Plus I need to wait few days for receiving that document. But ALSO the problem is that at the immigration office they need one entire month to make my alien registration card so for one ENTIRE month I can either access to my bank account (I have to change the password) nor buy a sim card to use. 3. And this will lead me to the third point. Sim Card. I wanted to buy a new sim card since mine expired last year when I left Korea. But I can't. Because I don't have that fxxking alien registration card. So I cannot use my phone number to buy ticket for concert or do any sort of things. I cannot use internet, unless there is wifi. So if I loose myself in the middle of night in a street where there's not wifi, I need to search for wifi. I'm done basically. 4. Documents for entering SNU master degree. I brought everything from Italy but then they suddenly asked for my parents' divorce document. My mum hurried and send me one through e-mail, but they said it was not ok, because it was a self-certification (the problem was that I could not get the official one because my mum and my dad need to ask it together but I don't even know where is my dad) so we needed to find another one or make it official. So I went to the Italian ambassy (as they said to me to do) but guess what? They have never seen something like that and they told they could not do it. So I went back to the office at the university and I explained the situation. In the meanwhile my mum took a day off at the work to go everywhere and find a suitable document for this situation and the university. At the end she found it but she could send me to me just through e-mail because sending the original copy would take a lot. They told me that it is ok (FOR NOW) but maybe they will contact me in the future. I hope they won't. Because of this situation I was so stressed that I couldn't sleep well (and I'm not the type of person who don't sleep well. I fall asleep as soon as I touch my bed basically). I couldn't sleep until 2 in the morning which is absolutely crazy for me. Anyway I hope that now the things will get a bit better.
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italiangirlinkorea · 7 years
It's been two weeks since I got to Korea... I'm sorry if I didn't update you for so long but I was so busy with so many things that the days passed and I did not even realized how fast the time flied during these two weeks. In the next couple of days, I'll update you about my life here, I promise.
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italiangirlinkorea · 7 years
I'll be in Korea in four days!!! Yey
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italiangirlinkorea · 7 years
These months were not easy at all for me but, at the same tome, there were many surprises. 1. I've been rejected by KGSP but one of my classmates took it. I was so upset and angry, especially with myself but also with that person. I know her, she is arrogant, ignorant and predictable. She is not very good at Korean, her pronunciation is influenced by an Italian accent while mine is not. She is that kind of person who keeps raising her hand to show off what she did. She was also bragging that she wrote the motivational letter with HER HEART. Oh well, who didn't? Please, girl. Anyway, after accepting my situation, I realized that was a win-win situation. If I had won the scholarship, I'd not worry about money and the tuition but I would not have gone to SNU, which was the uni I wanted to go. Since I did not take it, I can try to go to SNU, but I'll have to work for my tuition. 2. I took the topik exam, preparing it all alone, without any lessons. I used some books but that's it. The day of the exam I was sooo nervous. The exam, especially the writing, was very difficult for me so I thought I screwed but I didn't. I was trying to get a level 4 (or 3) but thanks to a high score in the writing (my weak point!!) and the books I used for this exam I got the level 5!!! 😱😱😱 I could not believe it. I was so proud of myself and this event boosted my confidence. I know that I am not that good but this is a start. I can get better and better so I can feel that I am fluent. With this level, I can already get into the SNU. But now I prefer to keep studying korean for six months at least. 3. I took my last exams and I'm going to graduate really soon. I'm really happy about these three imperfect years at Ca' Foscari university even if I face many problems because of my teachers. If I could go back, I'd choose it again. But now I need to change, find something new.
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italiangirlinkorea · 7 years
I’ve been rejected by KGSP. I am so upset and I don’t think it is time for me to tell how I am feeling now because I am so confused so I’ll write something when I calm down.
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italiangirlinkorea · 7 years
Hi! ~ sorry to bother you but where have you found those lists of vocabularies? I've seen you have several self-made vocabularies books :) thank you!
I used TOPIK guide but it was not useful as I thought when I bought it 😿
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italiangirlinkorea · 7 years
IU’s 4th Album ‘Palette’ - 팔레트 (Feat. G-Dragon)
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italiangirlinkorea · 7 years
KGSP Interview
Hello everyone~ I'm sorry if I've been MIA for a bit but I'm going to explain everything in the next post. I wanted to tell you about my phone interview for KGSP that I had few weeks ago. I'm sorry if I could not tell you about this but lately I was so busy 😓 Ok, so I was contacted by Ewha university, the one I chose via university (not embassy), and I received an email saying that I could choose when I can called by the uni for the interview. Since Italy has a time difference of 7~8 hours (less) with Korea I choose to be interviewed between 3pm~5pm (Korea time, in Italy is like 8am~10am lol). Actually they wanted to call me between 1pm~5pm but 1pm was too early for me (6am) so I asked them to call me between 3pm and 5pm. There is no problem, try to ask them. If you don't reply to the email (I did not reply before the deadline because I was sleeping lol time difference problem) they will call you, so there is no problem if you see any mail. Just be keep your cellphone next to you so when they call you, you will asked immediately. Anyway try to find someone who applied for the same uni (both from the same country of you or not, everything helps) so you can ask them if they received anything. Plus they will ask you if you want to be interviewed in korean or in english. I chose korean because I wanted to show off (oh yeah) my "skills" since I have not insert any TOPIK level in the first documents. Also I wanted to tell them that I was preparing TOPIK, so they know that I've not just started to speak/learn korean. So~ they called me at 9am (Italy time) and they told me that I had to speak with two different people. The first lady who I talked with was speaking slowly and she was so kind that she even told me that I'm very good at korean (not really but thanks lol). I don't remember exactly what kind of question she asked me but they were connected to the motivational letter I wrote, for sure. I prepared myself some answers, getting inspiration from some question that someone received during the interview. I found them on tumblr, but they were not very useful. So my advice is just know how to explain what you have written on your motivational letter (and prepare them in korean if you are going to speak korean). Don't be afraid to make mistakes, it is ok. Just calm down and think about what you are going to say. She asked me about my plans, asking why I want to study in Korea instead of Italy, why I want to study History of Art, what I want to do in the future. I tried to be confident so I think it went pretty well. The second lady who called me (half an hour after the first one) spoke very fast so I was literally sweating because I was so nervous. 😱 She did not praised me or anything she just asked similar questions, about plans (study and work plans). They even asked me if I was preparing TOPIK and I was proud to say YES! very loudly. It lasted 15 minutes I think (7 mins + 7 mins). They also told me that I was going to know my result in a week but last Friday I did not received anything so I was literally panicking. So I searched on a KGSP group on FB and I was relieved because many people did not received anything. A person even said that the university would send an email even the candidate did not pass. A week ago, on Monday (while I was peeing) I received my emails telling me that I'm in and now I have to wait until May 2nd for the last examination. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in my ask box. 💕 Good luck everybody
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italiangirlinkorea · 7 years
Apparently the dude who started Netflix did so cuz he got a $40 late fee from Blockbuster and was pissed
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italiangirlinkorea · 7 years
I received an email saying that tomorrow I will be called and interview by phone. Did I pass another step right? Omg I cannot believe it. I'm trying to think negative so that I pass the scholarship I'll be happier lol It's a stupid thing but yeah. I'm already setting my plan B if I cannot make it. Quite paranoid. Anyway good luck to everyone who reached the phone interview level lol
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italiangirlinkorea · 7 years
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I actually have so much love for dogs
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italiangirlinkorea · 7 years
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Me and my crush
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italiangirlinkorea · 8 years
She is soooo cute
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italiangirlinkorea · 8 years
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N치고 and N치고는 might at first glance appear to be the same grammar point, but the two have completely opposite meanings.
N치고 is used with a noun to indicate that a certain characteristic is the case in every instance of that noun.  It is followed by a double negative construction to emphasize that there is no exception.
사람치고 사랑을 받고 싶지 않은 사람이 없다.  There’s no one that doesn’t want to be loved. (Everyone wants to be loved without exception.)
드라마치고 예쁜 주인공이 안 나온 것을 본 적이 있어요? Have you ever watched a drama where the main character isn’t pretty?  (All dramas feature pretty main characters without exception.)
N치고는 is used with a noun to indicate that it is an exception to the general rule for its kind.  It is often followed by A/V-(으)ㄴ/는 편이다 (”to tend to be”,”on the side of”).
모델치고는 키가 작은 편이에요.  For a model, she’s short/on the short side.
한국인치고는 술이 약한 편이에요. For a Korean, he doesn’t drink well.
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italiangirlinkorea · 8 years
Stop pitting Book of Life and Coco against each other. Just be happy that we have two recent movies from two wonderful companies that celebrate Dia de los Muertos and Mexican culture.
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italiangirlinkorea · 8 years
-조차 even. more emphasis than -도, similar to -마저. but used commonly only in negative situations.
생각해 보는 일조차 없었다 = I’ve never even thought about it.
이름조차 모른다. = I don’t even know his name.
-을 거라고는 생각조차 못했다 = I would have never thought that..
한국에 올 거라고는 생각조차 못했다. = I would have never thought that I’d come to Korea.
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italiangirlinkorea · 8 years
문법: -었더라면 if (I) had… (used in regrettable situation)
1. 집에서 늦게 나오지 않았더라면 버스를 놓치지 않았을 거예요.
If I hadn’t left the house late, I wouldn’t have missed the bus.
2. 돈을 아껴 썼더라면 용돈이 떨어지지 않았을 거예요.
If I spend money more wisely, I wouldn’t have used up all my allowance.
3. 과속을 안 했더라면 교통사고가 나지 않았을 거예요.
If I hadn’t been speeding, the accident wouldn’t have happened.
4. 늦게 일어나지 않았더라면 수업 시간이 지각하지 않았을 거예요.
If I hadn’t gotten up late, I wouldn’t have been late to class.
5. 공부 열심히 했더라면 시험을 잘 봤을 거예요.
If I’d studied hard, I would have passed the test.
6. 과음을 하지 않았더라면 병이 나지 않았을 거예요.
If I hadn’t drinken so much I wouldn’t have become ill.
7. 가: 야유회는 즐거우셨어요?
나: 왜 안 오셨어요? 같이 갔더라면 재미있었을 건데요.
a. Was the picnic fun?
b. Why didn’t you go? It would have been fun if we went together…
8. 가: 심야영화까지 모두 매진이네요.
그렇군요, 예매했더라면 영화를 볼 수 있었을 거예요.
a. The night movie tickets are all sold out.
b. If we’d reserved them ahead of time we could’ve seen a movie
9. 가: 감기에 걸린 지 오래된 것 같은데 아직 다 안 나았어요?
나: 푹 쉬었더라면 ��써 다 나았을 거예요.
a. It’s been a long time since you became sick, but you still haven’t recovered?
b. If I had rested well, I’d be better by now.
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