itcastimagines · 1 year
Happy heavenly 66th birthday dad!!!! I hope you have fun with Al, Jack, Nanny, Papa and Pa Harlan we love you and miss you so much and eat some cake for me as well and I’ll do so earthside love you💙🩵
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itcastimagines · 1 year
So from my last post about my uncles dad he passed away on Tuesday and his visitation and Funeral was Friday and today. (Visitation) Friday (Funeral) today. He was on the vent because his organs were shutting down he made it through Monday night into Tuesday and then Tuesday that’s when he took a turn for the worse and not even 5-6 minutes after my uncle and his mom made the decision to pull the plug on his dad they took out the vent tube that was breathing for him and his heart stopped. I went to the Funeral Home in Monterey TN for my Visitation because I had to work Friday when they held his actual visitation but I got to see some of his side of the family that I haven’t seen since I was little and some people that I haven’t seen in years and yes please don’t come for me but I brought my daughter to the funeral home.
Now I know what you’re thinking: “you brought your baby to a funeral home?” Yes I did. I brought her so her cousins could see her and people that my mom knows on his side of the fam could meet her and so that my aunt and uncle and my cousins girlfriend and Nanny could see her before the service started and they would be bawling their eyes out. Now I left with her before the service started because I HATE FUNERAL HOMES! I’ve been to so many funerals in my life that I just don’t like going into a funeral home knowing that someone’s loved one is in a casket and it’s open. At this funeral home in particular there was I think 5 funerals and those were before I was born and then there was my godfather, my uncle and 2 other members that had also passed and had there funeral services there. My godmother was so traumatized when my godfather died and they had his service in that funeral home that my mom told her that she didn’t have to go to either the visitation or the funeral if she didn’t want to. But she managed to go to both after years of NOT stepping foot in that place. This was the first time in literal YEARS that she stepped foot in there and quite frankly I’m proud of her.
Now my soul purpose for bringing my daughter to the funeral home was just so she could see her family and they got to get their loves out on her before they started crying because of the family loss. I went up to his casket and looked at his body someone in my fam that was there was holding her and she was distracting them. But I am so proud of her because I expected that she would scream or yell or make any loud noises because she’s 18 months old but she didn’t and I’m so proud of her. If she’s like that for any other future funerals it will be her choice to come or not. I went in support for my cousins, their parents and their Nanny so yeah.
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itcastimagines · 1 year
Hey y’all asking prayers for my aunt uncle cousins and their nanny their pa is sadly about to pass away and it would mean a lot to me if prayers were being sent their way thx -star🩵💙
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itcastimagines · 1 year
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I just want to give my daughter Brooklyn-Juliet a shout out she’s 1 baby let’s go!!!!!! Brooklyn you’ve made everyone so happy and I’m so glad that I have you as my lil bestie FOREVER!!!!! I love you so much baby girl happy birthday!
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itcastimagines · 2 years
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I just want to give my daughter Brooklyn-Juliet a shout out she’s 1 baby let’s go!!!!!! Brooklyn you’ve made everyone so happy and I’m so glad that I have you as my lil bestie FOREVER!!!!! I love you so much baby girl happy birthday!
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itcastimagines · 3 years
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For people who like babies meet my daughter Brooklyn Juliet Hunt. And the question of the day is which Hogwarts house would she be sorted into?
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itcastimagines · 3 years
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Well I never updated y’all but for those who care my lil peanut will be making her official debut from a Scheduled C Section on Wednesday February 9th I’m so excited!!! And I’ve been married for 2 years already like what?
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itcastimagines · 3 years
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itcastimagines · 3 years
My dad just passed away so yeah if you’ve lost a parent please tell me how you dealt with it. Because I need help. Badly.
Update: Today is the 1 year anniversary of my dads death. The dreaded day that cancer took him from us and made him miss the opportunity of finding out I was pregnant and meeting his grand daughter when I moved back from North Carolina. Today is really hard for me so yeah but I’m getting through it like he would’ve wanted me too. Dad it’s been 1 year without you and we all miss you so much. But I know that you are up there with the fam watching over us. We love and miss you so much daddy. We love you forever.
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itcastimagines · 4 years
My 1st year wedding anniversary is in a couple of hours like what? I mean y’all don’t care but it’s aight
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itcastimagines · 4 years
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This boy. Our Henry Frances Bowers. Our pretty boy. Nicholas William Hamilton’s song Different Year is out on all music streaming platforms. PLEASE GO LISTEN TO IT IT’S SO GOOD!!!!!
The song is below this post if you guys want to listen to it. Trust me when I say that your ears will be blessed my were for sure! Give this song a go it’s so good I’m so obsessed with it!!!!
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itcastimagines · 4 years
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I never updated you guys on my dad but he’s done with treatment I’m so happy and so thankful that he got through it! And even better news I now own a camper/tiny trailer LIKE WHAT!!! We’re still fixing it up but I’m going to enjoy living in it for sure! Thank you guys for sending love my way and praying for my dad! IN OTHER NEWS:
Our Henry Frances Bowers aka Nicholas William Hamilton is releasing his first and new song to all of us called Different Year you can pre save it now it comes out next Friday AHHHHHHH!!!!! If you want to listen to a sneak peak of it you can go to his TikTok promoting his song and he gave us a sneak peak!!!
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itcastimagines · 4 years
So I know you guys really don’t care about what I post on here but my dad has his last Chemo next Tuesday and then his last radiation treatment is around New Year’s Eve but yeah I just thought y’all would like to know oh and by the way I’m going to be coming out with an Imagine here pretty soon so stay tuned!!! Oh and thank you to my 13 followers hope y’all have a Merry Christmas
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itcastimagines · 4 years
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So this just happened to me last night! I don’t know how to feel rn. Basically in short my dream has come true and Nic Hamilton now knows my name! This has honestly made my whole life and I am complete now. Oh and if you have Spotify look him up and follow him. If you have Twitter here’s the link to follow him on his Spotify. If you follow him on Twitter go to his page and click on the link! YOU WON’T BE DISAPPOINTED I PROMISE!!!!
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itcastimagines · 4 years
I just threw up on my hardwood floor in my shared bedroom that I share with my husband how gross
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itcastimagines · 4 years
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This month is special to me because not only is later this month my 21st birthday but my dad was diagnosed and has lung cancer and it is lung cancer awareness month to show your support you can wear a white shirt and pearls or just a ribbon if you or anyone you know has had survived or died from lung cancer wear white to show your support for this cause
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itcastimagines · 4 years
He has lung cancer
His first radiation treatment is Monday
But he’s home
Thank you guys for sending good vibes his way that means a lot to me my to my followers and non followers you guys are the best
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