ithika · 1 year
Oh god why is everything on the left now
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ithika · 1 year
And now I feel sentimentally drawn back to this blog again. I don't know, man, I am having some kind of crisis of identity lately. I just want to be silly on the internet, but I have become strangely conflicted about it
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ithika · 1 year
Don't mind me, I just:
rewatched the Dark Knight Trilogy for the first time in ~9 years and immediately lost my whole mind
went hunting for and found and absolutely read as fast as I could my most favourite Batfic of all time (Department of Archives, it is unfinished but don't let that stop you, it is wonderful. It is definitely one of the fics that has stayed with me the longest. There's not many fics that I remember after 10 years, I will tell you that)
this is my Balebat Renaissance and I am living for it
So anyway in like 2012 I made a sideblog called Balebat, I remembered it this afternoon (I thought it was "fuckyeahbalebat" but unfortunately nobody is perfect) and I am tapping my lip like do I just go ham on this side blog or do I subject my mostly marvel related followers on @thorst to months of Batman. Why not both, you ask? Why not indeed
Anyway, I am still not likely to be active on this blog (@thorst is still my main these days, honestly just because the mobile app makes it so hard to do both) but I had to log in, firstly for the sideblog, and secondly to share the extreme joy I've found in revisiting an old obsession. (I hesitate to use the term hyperfixation because as I understand it that's relevant and specific to neurodivergent people and to the best of my knowledge I'm not, but it certainly fits the definition! BUT, then so does obsession, so that's what I'll use)
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ithika · 3 years
lol thank you anon
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ithika · 3 years
Changing stuff up / back on my bullshit but in a brand new* way
So I've been using ithika as my handle online since 2002, maybe even 2001. Twenty years. As you can imagine I'm at once extremely attached to it and bored. So I've made a new Tumblr over at @thorst for new beginnings and all that. I'm gonna follow some of you over there, and log out of here for now.
(yes I've committed that the fandom of my 30s should be freer and that definitely means thirstier and stupider but there's nothing smart about the shame that burdened the fandom of my teens and 20s lol so ever onward ever upward, so long and thanks for all the fish. ✌️)
*everything new is old again?
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ithika · 3 years
Okay so every now and then I feel the urge to make a completely new blog (side blogs just don't cut it my brain demands CLEAN and NEW) anyway I did my first full month-long writing challenge and it was very fun. Some of these are even s-s-s-mut whaaaaaat
anyway I will be active on @thorst for the forseeable future, it appears to be a thor odinson blog and reader it is, but it is also multifandom, I am what I am
Is this a sneaky self reblog for numbers idk
Nanosmutmo #16: Romantic With A Capital R
Fifteen minutes. Pick a prompt. Write some smut. No edits, no thoughts, just sexy writing drills.
Chimerrobang’s Master Post ∙ Earth 202 ∙ These are on AO3 now
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If Thor had to name the thing he found most difficult about trying to adapt to life on Midgard among the mortals, it would absolutely be the concept of dates. Times of day he was good with, and he rarely needed a clock to tell the time besides. But dates? Dates were a bit of a nightmare; nothing on Asgard moved so quickly as to be measured by single days in a year.
Still, he was making an effort. And part of that effort was noting down the important festivals of the Midgardian calendar - and there were many. Happily, not all of them were important to observe to his friends, but he tried to keep note of as many as he could all the same. (There was even one that was held in his honour still, much to his surprise.)
Sam had mentioned his own plans for an upcoming feast day in passing over some post-mission revels; Saint Valentine's. He'd kindly answered Thor's questions, too, and so the god of Thunder carefully began his plans.
Thor was up to something, Carol knew that much. It was hard to tell exactly what; he could be very inscrutable when he wanted to be, and while he wasn't particularly good at hiding that he had some kind of plan, determining exactly what that plan might be was next to impossible. Not that she minded; Thor's surprises were always delightful.
So when Thor sent her an invitation to a remote seaside location on a Thursday evening in February by text of all things, she suspected that this was going to be the thing, whatever it was.
Thor did not consider himself to be much of a talent with magic. He could wield it just fine, of course - it was in his blood, part of him. But the art that people like his mother or Loki could create with their workings did not come naturally to him. He'd consulted them both for this, and unsurprisingly his mother had been more accommodating, but his brother ultimately more helpful. And he'd only had to endure one remark about thunderclouds being churlish and unsuggestable before they'd gotten to the heart of the matter, which surprised Thor very much.
Loki, shrugged as he admired Thor's handiwork, smirking as he glanced at the sky. "Perhaps you have more capacity for this than I thought, brother." Looking from the sky to his brother, Loki made a face. "Good luck. I absolutely do not want to hear how it goes," he'd smirked before winking out of sight.
For his part, Thor hoped Carol would find the location without too much trouble; he wasn't sure how long he could hold the storm this way for. He'd never really attempted to will his storms one way or another, aside from directing a bit of lightning here and there, and as he stood in a clearing devoid of rain, struggling to keep things how he wanted, he wondered if thunderclouds really were unreasonable.
Thor was never hard to find. This was true no matter where they were, or what the situation was, and it was true today; Thor had given her very particular coordinates, but she didn't need them once she was within fifty miles of the spot; she could see the storm gathered on the coast, and she'd have known it for Thor's even if she wasn't looking for him. Grinning, she zoomed closer, blazing a trail of multicoloured light as she went.
Dripping with rain, she landed next to Thor, who was still with concentration, but smiling as he turned his eyes from the storm above to kiss her when she reached for him.
Carol, still smiling, turned to follow his gaze, then laughed with delight. The storm clouds, for all their turbulent fury, were arranged into the shape of a heart. "Wow," Carol said simply, wrapping her arms around Thor's middle, resting her cheek on his chest as she watched the clouds rolling and roiling in their shape. She could feel the tension in Thor's torso as he apparently held the storm there by force of will, but when he looked down at her he wore the affectionate smile she knew so well. "Will you be my Valentine?" he asked, the words careful. The storm stopped abruptly as he bent to kiss her, and Carol wondered with a little thrill how long it would be before he called another.
"Always," she replied simply, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him for all she was worth.
It was February 22nd, but she'd never tell him, not if she lived a million years.
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ithika · 3 years
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ithika · 3 years
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Nikki Giovanni
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ithika · 3 years
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My friend just sent this to me and said “you will appreciate this” and she was VERY correct
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ithika · 3 years
nautical history friends help
there’s a glass thing aboard wooden whaling ships where it’s like a little crystal they put in the ceiling to let light in belowdecks
what the fuck is it called
it looks kind of like this
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ithika · 3 years
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I have never laughed so frigging hard at a bumpersticker
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ithika · 3 years
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Thor (2011) | Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
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ithika · 3 years
Changing stuff up / back on my bullshit but in a brand new* way
So I've been using ithika as my handle online since 2002, maybe even 2001. Twenty years. As you can imagine I'm at once extremely attached to it and bored. So I've made a new Tumblr over at @thorst for new beginnings and all that. I'm gonna follow some of you over there, and log out of here for now.
(yes I've committed that the fandom of my 30s should be freer and that definitely means thirstier and stupider but there's nothing smart about the shame that burdened the fandom of my teens and 20s lol so ever onward ever upward, so long and thanks for all the fish. ✌️)
*everything new is old again?
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ithika · 3 years
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Those were the stories that stayed with you. They meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. 
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ithika · 3 years
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Chris Hemsworth - instagram 
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ithika · 3 years
Hey, truckhole (the person who made the fish feds post that you reblogged) is 26, so just be careful and try not to reblog from them in the future. Stay safe!
being over the age of 25 is problematic
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ithika · 3 years
queer is literally a slur. like you’ve never been called that in a derogatory context like most lgbt people? you think your experiences escaping homophobia make it okay to justify the use of a homophobic slur?
queer is an identity.
it has also been used as a slur. there is no denying that. but using a word as a slur does not make it a slur. because before queer is a slur it is an identity. before it is derogatory it is a label. the use of queer as an identity is infinitely more important than the use of queer as a slur because the people who identify as queer are infinitely more important than the people who use queer as a slur.
say a lot of people decided they hated me. despised me. were disgusted by me to the point where my own name became a slur. would you tell me not to say it? would you tell me i could no longer be helena, and instead must come up with a euphemism for the name that belonged to me decades before it belonged in the mouths of bigots?
because that would make you an enabler.
you would tell me i can’t say my name anymore because some lowlife decided he could use it to insult me?
you would tell a gay man that he can’t be gay anymore because some teens in the early 2000’s started calling everything they didn’t like “gay”, and now he has to say “same sex oriented male identifying individual”?
does that enrage you? because it should. that’s exactly how you sound.
you are telling me i cannot use my label. you are telling me that when my great-uncle shouted until his face was red and he spat tobacco and the word queer at my feet, he was right. he was right to insult me, and i was wrong to say my name.
you are shitting on every single one of our predecessors. you are slandering every person who fought for their rights to exist and and be tolerated and be celebrated in their countries, every person who was lost to the aids epidemic, every person whose country criminalizes love and gender expression, every child whose parents abandoned them for straying from the norm, every person who was born and will die in the closet longing to be themselves. the queer umbrella is a safety net, a security blanket, the comfort of being known without being pressured to tell. it is near and dear and important as fuck to every member of the lgbt+ community and you are a blight upon the earth you walk.
how dare you speak upon my experiences with homophobia. how dare you disguise your own homophobia as activism. and how fucking dare you have the audacity to come to my blog and hide behind an anonymous ask and preach to me about how i’m oppressing myself. go look at the fucking wikipedia page for queer and read about how 1980s lgbt+ activists, especially lgbt+ people of color, fought to call themselves queer in a world that still hates peculiar things. and here you are forty years later spitting queer back at their feet.
i don’t give a fuck if people start using my name as a slur. my name is still helena. i will not change it. i chose it, i like it, and it belongs to me. it does not belong to bigots no matter how badly they want it. your discomfort with my identity is not my fucking problem.
i am helena. i am queer. die mad & go fuck yourself
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