Soo I just finished an exam I was panicking about for literal MONTHS and finally got some positive feedback again. 🥳
Since starting University I've been struggling. Constantly feeling overwhelmed and like I was surrounded by better, brighter, more passionate people.
In school I was always a good, promising student and I barely had to put any effort in at all. Which I guess was bad for me because to this day I have zero competitive drive. That might just be me, though.
Anyway, zero competitve drive + everyone is so much better than me = I must just not be good enough.
Nevermind that I went home and could not bring myself to look over lectures because I'd start panicking that the stuff I was reading was completely new for me (OBVIOUSLY) and that I'd never be able to make sense of it and there were people who knew stuff I had never even heard about.
I was so disappointed in myself for not liking my studies. I had loved school so much, I thought I enjoyed learning. But it was just not fun. Just overwhelming.
A friend of mine pointed out to me that maybe I just liked how easy it was for me. Which...kind of makes me sound like a bitch.
I think she was right. Kind of. I was so scared of trying and failing that I never saw the lectures as what they were: an opportunity to learn new, if not always interesting, but always relevant things. Somehow my brain had decided that rather than really really try and maybe fail, failing for not trying was preferable. So I wasted nearly a year telling everyone that I was fine and studying, nervous, but fine. While in reality struggling to get out of bed, not talking to anyone but my parents for half an hour a day for days on end.
I went to the exams and obviously I failed.
Decided to be honest to my parents, and honest to myself. Even though I was still not really sure if I wanted this profession forever, I decided to just start trying. Found a study buddy and fought my way through our curriculum. Got my exminator-combination and had a breakdown because it felt as if I didn't know a single thing I had just spent half a year learning and they were so strict and so thorough and I would fail again and this time I did try. And it would be just as I feared.
It's not even a final exam or anything it's just about the first two years of my courses but it felt like this huge impossible thing that I could never sucessfully study for and that just blocked me from studying at all. Which is stupid. And dumb. And does not help self-worth and depression AT ALL.
And obviously I failed last time, lost a whole year bwcause of that.
Imagine that, actually TRYING makes an examination run way smoother...
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Decided to catch up with the news today... adulting is exhausting.
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Getting arrested is not romantic my dudes!!!
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Gosh I love these comics they make me cry within seconds... for once it was nearly happy tears ♥️
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tw: death/souls
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Oh my god Blackbeard is ADORABLEE!!!
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Oh that is a lot of nearly dying for such a fun 3 episodes so far!!!
Did you mean to do this? 😂
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Did you mean to do this? 😂
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Watching Our Flag Means Death now, because apparently I want my couples to be broken up.
Stede is such a naive little cutiepie... reminds me of Lockhart
"I did this. . . On purpose!"
"As many of you might have noticed, we have run aground... ... ... a little bit."
"Let's say no to the torture. I think. For now. Maybe take them on a walk. Air them out a little bit."
"How about lying flat on our backs on the beach? Huh?"
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Why are some people at uni so determined to destroy any thought out professionalism in my emails...
Me: Esteemed Prof Dr Whatshisname, I would like to thank you profoundly for the opportunity...
Him: Sure :) Mark
2 mins later: oh wow you wrote that other thing in Italian, that's cool :D
Sir. How am I supposed to communicate with you now? I wanna use smileys too. Am I allowed to? Are we friends now? What. WHAT. Why do you do this?
And then you hear stories about people getting Really Really Very Much Pissed Off because somebody dared to write them and didn't look them up to see what titles they hold. Now I'm scared.
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I love them.
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1.01 | 2.06
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The deal with myself was: If you study for the afternoon, you can keep reading when you get home... THIS is negative reinforcement dear Internet. I do not like that. We shall not make this deal again. Thank you.
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You can strive to be perfect, or you can strive to be art.
Nikita Gill, The truth about art
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Whoop-dee-doop I hate my brain sometimes...
Appropriately weird sky yesterday:
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'Flying girls' (Venice, 2017)
By Peju Alatise
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This post is a reminder to all intergalactic citizens but especially those within the fixed universe to please be extremely critical of any “cute” videos that involve humans (bipedal hominid organisms from Earth, Milky Way, Laniakea)
I have noticed a significant uptick in viral content containing this species (probably thanks to Xarqrets Kain’s recent “Universe’s Cutest Aliens: Sol” series 🙄) and I am very concerned with how humans are treated to produce such content. We all love seeing cute human videos, so let’s break down how we can ensure the content we’re consuming is ethical!
Red Flag Human videos to watch out for:
ANY video featuring a human on a planet other than their native home of Earth.
These videos are particularly concerning considering the increasingly pervasive (and highly illegal) human pet trade. Humans are a remarkably adaptable species, but even those who appear well-adjusted to life on another planet are in great danger. Exposure to novel pathogens in humans are not well-studied and any human placed in a new environment could be at risk of death or corruption. These creatures are also highly gregarious and removal from their established social group on Earth can be detrimental to health and well-being. Responsible scientists will only remove humans from their planet as a last resort.
Be cautious of videos that show humans inside their homes
Access inside human domiciles is highly restricted to legitimate research studies only, and bootleg streams from illegally placed monitoring systems are highly unethical. If you are curious about how humans behave in their homes, please seek out streams from accredited research organizations that have collected footage by methods undetectable to humans!
Beware of content that shows captive humans engaged in dangerous situations
 Humans are illegal to own for many reasons, but one of the most crucial is that this species has a dangerous tendency to get into things they should not. Humans are pathologically curious, and captive humans (especially bored ones) WILL find the most dangerous place in their environment to “explore”. I recently saw a video circulating of someone’s pet human approaching a field of Termakhan, solely because it wanted to get a better look at them. I shouldn’t have to tell you how dangerous that situation was.
This one should really be a no-brainer by now but please do NOT share videos where humans are curled into a ball on the ground or producing excessively intense acoustic waves. These are signs of extreme distress in humans!!
 The unfortunate reality of most encounters with humans (by non-trained individuals) is that they are highly frightening to the humans involved. That “adorable” video of a human vibrating the air molecules around it to an extraordinary degree when touched is actually an example of a behavior that is now well documented as an extreme stress response called “screaming”. Just because humans display fear in a way we don’t immediately recognize does not mean they’re not distressed by contact with us.
There is plenty of safe and ethical human content you can find if you look, and there is really no reason to support videos that put this amazing species at risk! Instead, seek out videos of adorable humans exhibiting normal behavior in their natural habitat on their planet- walking along coastlines, interacting with other species’ on their planet, playing with their young (so cute!), sharing meals with one another, and so on. Do your part to limit the human pet trade and avoid media that endangers or distresses these creatures just to make a “cute” video!
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