Client Challenges
This course I have been working with a new club on campus called, Triple A. Triple A is a new club on campus that works with kids in the community who have disabilities. I believe they have a lot of potentials to make an impact in the community but will struggle if they don’t build relationships with college departments and businesses in Mount Pleasant. Regarding technology and social media, I believe they will have struggles implementing their social media strategy across all three channels. I only say this because the amount of content that will be posted is not quite enough for 3 channels. Hopefully, they will have the confidence and energy to build this club and their social media presence from scratch. 
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Game of Thrones or Game of Social Thrones?
Now that I grabbed your attention, take a look at this video before reading the rest of this post! 
Once I came across this video, I knew I had to use it! It was only fitting since we have been working with Hootsuite for the past semester.  
This may be the most effective social media content ad there is. Hootsuite cleverly uses a popular theme that everyone loves, Game of Thrones, and builds a marketing video that relates to what Hootsuite does as a business. To have highly effective marketing content, it’s important to study what content is successful depending on the channel you are posting on. For example, you should think of highly successful topics like “VSCO Girl”, “Game of Thrones”, or “Barstool Sports.” Then use this movement to your advantage where viewers can relate to it. Knowing what the public likes can help build effective content which drives likes and shares. 
Some would say it is crucial to have a social media presence in order to be successful with business. Those businesses who are unwilling to innovate will struggle to grow and will eventually fall to competitors. 
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Big Data = Little Privacy
Once again, we learn more about how troubling data and the internet can be by Doug Lalone. The more I learn about data mining and how businesses are constantly being hacked, the more I want to look into business opportunities to prevent this kind of behavior. Throughout this video, we learn about the current conditions that are affected by people like Mark Zuckerburg or even others who breach companies' firewalls and steal private information. For example, the security breach that Wendys had two years ago, putting many people’s credit cards at risk. Never before has firewall protection been this important in today’s society and the importance only continues to grow. 
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Social Media Consulting
Social media consulting is a very broad topic in today's society because social media is everywhere and in many different forms. The position is considered to be the face of the organization or company. This includes the eyes, ears, and voice just like the true face of a companies character. The consultant is to maintain the different social media accounts and be able to display and a consitent and positive message across each platform. Some of the most important qualities to poses are high standards for oneself, understanding, and relaxed as well as thoughtful while under pressure. 
If I were to act as a consultant for myself, I would want to maintain and promote a professional, classy, repeatable, but yet trustworthy tone. In efforts to build my social media presence in a professional manner, I have started to make accounts private, delete meaningless relationships with other accounts, and finally promote reputable content that doesn't tend to be polarized.  
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Junk or Fake News?
Just as it sounds, is it junk or fake news or is there even a difference in today's society? The real estate on websites for advertisements is an ever-growing price today but why is that? Today the exposure of advertisements can have a major effect on an individuals’ judgment on what's real and fake in society. News companies are no longer reporting true facts. News channels spin facts however they would like depending on what they want you to think. Mostly are for political means and others are simply to fuel the human need for constant entertainment. Back to what important, the real estate that continues to seem tailored to ourselves more and more every day. This is all done by algorithms made form search engines. These algorithms are intended to keep individuals in a bubble of similar views, that way their beliefs grow more polarized than before. With these algorithms, search engine companies can learn your habits and build an exact replica of your character. Almost as if the company could predict your next actions or thoughts. Ultimately, this prevents you from developing your beliefs freely. America, home of the brave and land of the free; at least that's what I thought it said. It seems like the words between the lines are growing a different meaning. Americans have started to be dived more than ever before due to polarizing media news and content. It will be astonishing if we as a country ever return to the rights of freedom and privacy that our country was once built on. 
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Week 3
Extremely large data sets that may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behavior and interaction. This is the definition of Big Data. “The Data Brokers” discusses the breach of privacy that is taking place. Businesses across the nation are able to access this information without any consent being given from individuals. This is all done from the ability of the internet. What is the internet and the capabilities of the internet? Can data mining change the course of history?  
In the previous 2016 election, Data mining was used by the British company known as Cambridge Analytica. This data could personalize every American in the United States which allowed the Trump campaign to know how to advertise to every American. This ability has the power to change history and countries' voting habits. Allow this technology can be scary if it is abused, the technology can also protect ourselves from terrorist attacks on domestic land. The FBI is using technology but 10x more powerful and invasive to stop terrorist attacks in the US before they even have a chance to set off the bombs. The following decade after 9/11, the FBI was able to stop 10 possible terrorist attacks similar to 9/11 due to this invasive technology. Sometimes people have to decide whether to give up some privacy to stay safe. 
From a business standpoint and not national security, I believe that there should be limitations to businesses. Businesses should have consent to data-mine in such manner. 
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Social Media Experiment
Over this past weekend, I decided to do the social media experiment for 24 hours. On average, I would only be on my phone for about 5 hours daily every week. My daily average for the past week for Social Networking is an hour and a half. As you can see, my social media screen time is not bad, to begin with. Knowing this, not being on social media for 24 hours didn’t seem out of the question when I saw this assignment. 
Anyway, I started the 24-hour timer when I woke up on Saturday. This past Saturday was the last home football game so through the morning and into the early afternoon, I was preoccupied for the majority of the morning. Along with the football game, my fraternity held our parents' tailgate weekend this past weekend as well. Between the football game and a tailgate for parents weekend, most of my day is face to face interactions making those memories that people would be posting on their social media. I started tailgating with parents around 10 am which transitioned into the football. From there I was not getting back home until about 3 pm. After when I got home, I took a nap until about 7 pm. After this, I started to drive for Uber. I generally drive for Uber on the major weekends for the University. Ubering took me far into the night until 2 am Sunday. This rounded up the 24-hour social experiment. 
After looking back throughout the day, I really didn’t find social media being an urge for a distraction. I generally don’t look forward to being on social media but i do find it very interesting how it sources may aid in business. 
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Influence of the Internet
Social Media has a major influence on today’s society as well as my own. I will first start by acknowledging my social media usage when platforms, like Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram, first become available. When these platforms first became available, I would be on them for probably 60% of my day. This was the vast majority of my day when I was in high school. I would have to say being on social media constantly was the “cool” thing to do in high school. Now as I have graduated and currently enrolled in my last year of college, this viewpoint has changed drastically. I would have to say I am on social media for about 30% of my day. This is nothing compared to some college students where their time spent hasn’t changed from high school. Looking back social media use to be a bigger influence in my life then it is now. This may be due to the time I had available in high school than compared to the time I have available now. 
I agree with Turkle's opinion on phones and internet access that if used properly then humans have the ability to advance oneself in society. I say this due to the knowledge we have at our fingertips which many people don’t take advantage of this gift. As I often say, only buy something if you can justify the use like an apple watch or the newest iPhone. If you can’t then you really just wasting the technology and what it was developed for. 
Throughout high school and college, I have been in areas with no cell phone service more times than I can count. This may be while I am hunting, hiking, snowboarding, or boating in Lake Michigan. Every time I lose service I am able to enjoy the moment more with no distractions. Although I am leary of not having a way to communicate in case of an emergency, I still enjoy the moment to the fullest. This may probably be why I enjoy these activities the most because I am able to step away and enjoy nature. 
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