#best wishes
paolodelorenzi · 9 months
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🎄Buone Feste!🎄
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thegoldenduckie · 5 months
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Silly anxceit
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80ssuperstar · 8 days
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For: @fxe4596 , @nicomxm23 , @russthevampireboy , @jgquintelslut , @pinkcandycatmakesart , @anifaz , @isrrael120 , @notadumbdog , @martingeekermmd , @eeveepalooza , @apollothedeity , @sidoresca , @siinhorhy , @insomniacz , @rhyliethecaterfly , @yeetafry , @calledattherndoftime , @breekitty17 , @kiwithekool11437 , @kiko2032 , @orchestralauthor , @untitled14360 , @loudlyhappycupcake, @rigby123, @finn-pot, @konikatt2, @konikat1, @moonlighteclipse17, @furrypandacollective, @dbd0812, @issacxjacob, @starwarspurgefan, @pokemonartextreme, @musclemanveryregular, @nastyablossomsworldxclover, @roseelgacha36
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jenniferlmeyer · 5 months
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Please take care of your self.
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Anyone else get shivers down their spine when they hear a adult male say they hate Iris from Pokemon or insult her in some way...
I do and yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. No one certainly has to LIKE Iris but while it is one thing to be neutral on her or dislike her, it's another to wish her death or suffering, call her very provoking and offensive names, say that she was an awful person, and say that Ash hated her. She is a KID mind you.
Another thing that I would like to point out is that Misty was more volatile and annoying to Ash in OS than Iris ever was even in BW IMO. So, besides nostalgia I do not know why Misty gets a pass for being (if I'm being honest) somewhat of a jerk to Ash yet when Iris just simply teases him, people flip out. Not only that, Misty also was mean to Psyduck in OS and people seemed to be less bothered by that than Iris's little kid shtick because it's supposed to be "comical". Iris cared for all her pokemon equally from the beginning and she was kind and caring to every pokemon she interacted with. Yet, haters seem to ignore that and instead whine and complain about her simple catchphrase that's meant to be taken as a joke.
I think the Iris hate is truly pathetic. If these grown adults are going to wish harm on a child because they simply tease their friend and the child doesn't baby them like the adult wanted, then imagine what these adults are going to do if they ever have kids themselves. Like Iris haters, I'm sorry Iris doesn't baby Ash or worship every ground he walks one like you desperately wanted. If your going to be hostile and violent towards a 10 year old fictional character because you can't handle the fact that she can stand her ground and likes to tease, then that's very immature of you and that's your issue, not Iris's. If Iris was such an awful person like y'all like to say, then why did Ash get excited when she returned in JN... Well because he considers her a great friend and thinks highly of her. He wouldn't if Iris was such an awful person. Iris is a better person than you all because while she can be annoying, she doesn't wish harm on people younger than her over small things and she doesn't hold pointless grudges. Iris haters are such little kids am I right?
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wanderrealms · 1 year
Almost accidentally ended a message with "beast wishes" instead of "best wishes".
I'm not sure if it implies I'm the beast, they're the beast, or I hope they get bit by werewolf.
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tanyaluca · 9 months
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Happy New Year, dear Friends and Followers!
Wish you a year full of happiness, health, harmony and peace!:)))**
Tanya Luca
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gbiechele · 9 months
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Wishing Everyone a Very Merry Christmas and Holiday Season.
Penatacon 50mm f/1.8 Sony A7
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emil1863 · 9 months
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sketch dump of the current fixations
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matchstique · 9 months
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Yo, I hope you’re doing well. I wish ya the best.
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poliwhirl42 · 3 months
I love the thought of Cilan going to Ash for advice on cooking authentic Kantonian cuisine instead of looking something up online or in a cookbook.
Cilan is able to recreate one specific dish effortlessly, though when Ash comments that it’s “good, but nothing beats my mom’s!” the connoisseur slumps down in defeat in the corner while Iris chuckles into her own plate.
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geritsel · 9 months
A sincere wish
Dear fellow Tumblrians,
Besides Happy New Year, I also – and above all – wish you all a good, safe and prosperous future in a broader sense. In my opinion, that means a future in which Vladimir Putin dies quickly, Benjamin Netanyahu is impeached and tried for crimes against humanity and Donald Trump is – quite rightly – excluded from participating in the elections in 2024, convicted of both fraud and undermining the constitution, and disappears ASAP in prison for a long time, where he belongs.
Not everyone has to agree with me 100%, but I sincerely hope that everyone who seriously plans to vote for Donald Trump in 2024 will stop following me here on Tumblr after reading this message. I prefer not to share my love for art and beauty with people who are so at odds with everything I believe in and cherish as right-thinking and decent.
A very Happy New Year to all of you!
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aretis · 5 months
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Happy Easter to my orthodox friends🐣
_______________ 🙏
#Σας Εύχομαι ό ν ε ι ρ α που δεν τελειώνουν
και θ έ λ η σ η δυνατή...
για να πραγματοποιήσετε κάποια.
Σας Εύχομαι ν α γ α π ά τ ε...
ό, τι αξίζει ν' αγαπιέται
και να ξ ε χ ν ά τ ε...
ό,τι αξίζει να ξεχαστεί
Σας Εύχομαι Π ό θ ο υ ς Ζωής...
Σας Εύχομαι Σ ι ω π έ ς...
Σας Εύχομαι να ξ υ π ν ά τ ε
με το κελάηδισμα των πουλιών
και με το γ έ λ ι ο των παιδιών.
Σας Εύχομαι ν'α ν τ έ χ ε τ ε...
να μην ενδίδετε στο βούλιαγμα...
στην αδιαφορία...
και στις αρνητικές δυνάμεις της εποχής μας
μα.. πάνω απ'όλα Σας Εύχομαι...
να ε ί σ τ ε ο Ε α υ τ ό ς Σας. ~Jacques Brel~
Καλή Ανάσταση,καλό Πάσχα σε όλους σας. 🙏#
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These are screenshots from an Iris and Cilan/Dent hate thread on Reddit from 2013. Notice how the comment that called Iris a very inappropriate name was upvoted twice while the comment expressing their honest opinion that they are perfectly entitled to have got much more downvoted. You would think it would be the other way around. Even if it was 2013 when anipoke BW was disliked by many, it's still astounding and disgusting how people in this thread seemed to be more accepting of calling a 10 year old fictional girl the c-word, which is mind I tell you a VULGAR INSULT to adults, let alone a kid, than a person harmlessly saying they liked two characters that the rest of them hated. Man, things like these are the reason why I'm glad the BW hate has died down some, gee whiz!!
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 2 months
my boy is biting me
munch munch
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