itsaboutusaboutyou ¡ 4 years
      Starter for ( @cokainx2 )
     Darkness. It was the first thing that registered in Murdoc’s hungover, sleep addled, sluggish brain as he blinked into consciousness. Why was it so dark?...and cold? It took all of his brain power to assess the situation enough to realize that he was lying face down on the hard, cold floor of a room he hadn’t yet been able to identify with the lights off, dressed only in his boxers. His cheek was pressed up against the tile, next to it a puddle of saliva, his own, which ran from the corner of his mouth. With great effort he pushed himself into a sitting position, one hand blindly searching the area around him. Nothing. He was alone.       Murdoc swallowed roughly, his throat sore and scratchy from dryness. He felt so weak, tired, his whole body and head aching that he could have just fallen back over right then and lied there for a few hours until it started to wear off, but he was propelled up by the twisting in his stomach the combination of the dark, silence, and being alone gave him. Those things used to be rare treasures he would particularly savor during his recovery from a bad hangover, but now these things terrified him. Especially being alone. He wondered how long he’d been that way... there was no way he’d ended the night that way. He couldn’t handle it at night, when he got so drunk he couldn’t remember his own name, when he reverted back to his primal, basic instincts, those were the times when he needed to be around someone the most. Even if he’d pissed off 2D like he sometimes did, he would have sought out Cyborg Noodle to keep him company. So where were they now? Why had they just left him?      All. Alone.        Murdoc shook these thoughts away, for his own sanity and safety. Just get up, he willed himself. So he did. Feeling for the door, Murdoc pushed out of it once he’d found it, the dimly lit hallway outside of the recording studio welcoming him. He stumbled down the hallway, peeking into doorways looking for someone, anyone, down the stairs, into the kitchen which was also profoundly and sadly empty. The mansion was so silent it was starting to cause a ringing in his ears, or perhaps that was just the pounding in his head. If he was going to continue this search he was going to need a drink, that was the one thing he was certain of. He grabbed the first bottle of liquor he could find, vodka, left the cap on the counter as he took a swig and took off to continue his search.      He looped around the entirety of the lower level of the mansion without seeing so much of a trace of either of his two roommates. He was starting to panic, nothing too serious, just a feeling in the pit of his stomach that threatened to rise to his chest, Murdoc drowned it with more alcohol. 2D is probably just in his room... right? Murdoc peeked out at the brightness outside through the window, briefly blinding himself, preparing himself to journey down to the underwater area 2D called home. Only there was no need, for through his squinting eyelids he saw the unmistakable outline of none other than his Stu.       Suddenly, Murdoc was hit with the faintest flicker of a memory from the previous night. He remembered 2D, the expression on his face, well, okay, he didn’t really remember the expression per say but he remembered seeing his face and the feeling that accompanied it. He remembered the intense feeling of guilt and regret, wanting so badly to take back what he’d just said, something he frustratingly couldn’t remember. It had to have been bad to make Stu react in a way that caused Murdoc such immediate and intense guilt. He was known for being unfeeling and unremorseful, after all. Had it been cruel? Had it been some kind of confession of love? Of hate? Had he stupidly recounted one of the many horrible things he’d done in the past?        Did he even want to know? He didn’t know the answer to that question, still, he stepped out into the brightness, covering his eyes with a groan. “2D?” He called out, shuffling forward blindly, “Stu?” He called again.
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itsaboutusaboutyou ¡ 4 years
i for one would like to see your take on a noodle pregnancy. also i live for father daughter murdoc and noodle so if you added that i would be super happy. thanks!
This is more about Murdoc and Noodle reuniting but since you said you like that I hope you don’t mind. Honestly, I love the father/daughter dynamic between them, even though it’s a little angsty, on account of previous bad blood between them. I was admittedly inspired by that Noodle interview where she describes herself as acting cranky like Murdoc when she doesn’t get enough sleep. There is some NuAce sweetness at the end. Now I’m craving chocolate milk. 
Send me a 2doc, NuAce or 2dAce ficlet or headcanon prompt here.Read my about section here.
And, as always, reblogs are greatly appreciated, especially if you leave kind words in the tags. I’ll love you forever.
Noodle pulled the pillow over her face tighter in a futile effort to drown out the idiots downstairs. She hadn’t gotten a decent night of sleep practically from the moment she’d gotten pregnant, and no one, no one, was sympathetic to her plight, obvious by whatever commotion they were currently causing. She’d locked herself in her room because she knew if she saw anyone she would rip their head off. 
Ace had actually been incredibly sweet throughout her pregnancy thus far, trying to make her as comfortable as possible, but some things were beyond his control. She was just cranky from the constant sickness, soreness and lack of sleep and she took it out on everyone, even Ace, even if he didn’t deserve it. He was even currently banned from her room. 
“H- Hey wait, don’t go in there!” 2D distinct and nervous voice made Noodle’s eyes snap open fully before they narrowed to aggravated slits. She pushed herself up in bed, something that was increasingly hard to do as the lump on her stomach grew. 
“Hey! You better listen to him, you ain’t getting through!” Ace demanded from, what sounded like, right outside the door. Noodle began to slowly reach for her nightstand. When something hit the wall hard enough to make the picture frames on her side of the wall rattle she nearly lost it.
Then the door burst open and without hesitation, without pausing to see who it was, Noodle threw her bottle of aspirin directly at them as hard as she could. “Get out! It’s my room!”
“Woah, woah, woah,” a familiar raspy voice called out making Noodle’s anger temporarily fizzle out, her eyes drawn to its source. Murdoc?
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itsaboutusaboutyou ¡ 4 years
A nice angst/fluff mix where phase 4 Murdoc has a nightmare about Plastic Beach and 2D tries to comfort him despite still harboring some resentment as a result of Plastic Beach ??? Love your writing btw! 💜
Uhhhh I love this request because I’ve been wanting to do something angsty and comforting. I made this post jail because I’m an idiot who can’t read? Other than that I hope it lived up to your expectations. I was also really inspired by that interview where Murdoc says he wasn’t sure he was 100% real back during phase 3. I wanted to convey how miserable that must have made him and how he felt like he had to force 2D to be around him. Anyway, here ya go!
Submit your own 2doc, NuAce or 2dAce request hereMaking a request is always free but reblogging with kind tags makes my day and you can always by me a coffee here, if you want
“What the hell is goin’ on here?” 2D demanded as he flipped on the light switch and filled the kitchen with harsh white light. He was revolted with what that revealed, Murdoc slumped over in one of the table chairs staring blankly at the wood, an empty bottle of whiskey and an upturned glass next to him. You didn’t need to be a genius to string together a narrative. 
Murdoc groaned and, with great difficulty, pushed himself into a sitting position, rubbing his hands over his face. “I dunno, you tell me, Stu,” Murdoc slurred. If the speech impairment wasn’t indication enough, or the stink of alcohol, or the empty bottles, 2D would have been able to tell he was smashed just from the way he’d called him by his real name rather than some insult or his stage name. Once upon a time, 2D found that kind of sweet. Now he was just repulsed. 
“I can’t believe you’ve done this,” 2D muttered in disgust with a shake of his head. “Actually, I can. You never stick to your word, you lousy, good for nothing drunk.” After all the years he’d been stuck with Murdoc he’d gotten used to the drinking and the drugs, but after Murdoc had gotten out of prison he’d come to the Gorillaz under the guise of being a new man. They’d all fell for his sob story. And to be fair he had been better, you know, by Murdoc standards, until now. 2D had seen this sight too many times before. 
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itsaboutusaboutyou ¡ 4 years
ello may I request 2doc cuddling somewhere grassy and 2d threading his hands through muds' hair and singing lazily and maybe some sloppy kisses? that would be p great thanks 🐸👌💓
I love this prompt so much thanks for submitting it. It gave me the chance to plug this wonderful song from Bojack Horseman too, which is a bonus. The ending is foreshadowing to Souk eye because ‘I will always think of you’ and ‘I will always think about you’ is close enough. Take 2D holding onto it until Murdoc was in jail however you will :) As always any reblgos are appreciated and kind words in the tags go such a long way in inspiring me!
Submit your own 2Doc, AceDoc, 2DAce, or NuAce prompts hereIf you enjoy my work PLEASE consider buying me a coffee here
Also listen to I will always think of you here (and also watch Bojack Horseman bc it’s so good?)
The night gives way to morning slowly like ink bleeding into paper— black bleeding into pink bleeding into orange. The moon and stars are bidding their farewell barely visible if you strain your eyes. It’s the kind of morning you only get to experience if you never went to sleep the night before. The type of morning that demands whispers and soft gestures to be appreciated. The peaceful transition period between the chaos night and the busy shuffle of day.
Maybe they have the morning to thank for the peace between them, or maybe it is the acid they’d dropped, or maybe it is simply fatigue. Maybe it was love? Not like the love they normally shared hidden in the dark of nighttime, under the influence of drugs, or persuaded by loneliness but the kind that remains even when morning comes.
It sure feels like love.
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itsaboutusaboutyou ¡ 5 years
Anyone want to do a plastic beach era 2doc rp? I can play either. I’m heading to be but feel free to send in a sentence starter (reblogging some now) and indicate who you want to play! I only do multi para however
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itsaboutusaboutyou ¡ 5 years
My Muse is zoning out while tears shed from their eyes! Send “Hey? Hey! It’s okay!” to help wake them up.
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itsaboutusaboutyou ¡ 5 years
Summer Beach Sentence Starters
“Hey, can you pass the sun screen?” “Can you rub the sun screen onto my back? I can’t reach.” “I love watching the sun set over the water.” “This view is gorgeous!” “Wanna go swimming?” “The water is freezing!” “are there sharks in this water?” “Let’s play some beach volleyball!” “Wanna go look for sea shells?” “You’re blocking the sun! i’m trying to get my tan on here!” “A seagull pooped on my sandwich.” “There’s so much sand in my swim trunks/swimsuit.” “I told you that you’d enjoy snorkelling!” “Let’s go get some ice cream.” “Bet i can beat you at limbo!” “A candle lit dinner on the beach? what’s the occasion?” “This is my hammock! i claim it as my own!” “Code red! something just brushed up against my leg!” “Wow, that’s a really good sandcastle! can i help?” “I rented a sail boat. wanna come?” “There’s something so calming about the sound of these waves.” “There’s a storm coming, we should go inside.” “So…i fell asleep in the sun and now i’m redder than a lobster.” “Why did i agree to let you bury me in the sand?” “Don’t go out too far in the water! the ocean will swallow you whole.” “You were supposed to catch that frisbee with your hands, not your forehead.” “Let’s hunt for buried treasure!” “Come dance with me! it’ll be fun, i promise!” “Can we just buy a beach house and stay here forever?” “Surfing is easy! come on, i’ll teach you.” “Listen, my only goal for the day is to learn how to hula.” “How come my sandcastles never turn out that good?” “Want to help me build a sandcastle?” ”I’m going to build the biggest sandcastle you have ever seen, you just watch”. “Hey, help me find an open beach umbrella, will you?” “I’m sorry, but you want me to jump off of that giant cliff and into the water? what do i look like to you? an idiot?”
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itsaboutusaboutyou ¡ 5 years
Anyone want to do a plastic beach era 2doc rp? I can play either. I’m heading to be but feel free to send in a sentence starter (reblogging some now) and indicate who you want to play! I only do multi para however
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itsaboutusaboutyou ¡ 5 years
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when u forget ur not actually supposed to be pda or even like each other (unless drunk)
murdoc is under house arrest for youtube crimes 
this is dumb
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itsaboutusaboutyou ¡ 5 years
Phase 1:
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Phase 2:
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Phase 3:
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Phase 4:
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Phase 5:
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itsaboutusaboutyou ¡ 5 years
Oh shit guys I’m getting into gorillaz again help
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itsaboutusaboutyou ¡ 5 years
Just listened to Humanz for the first time in... mmm 6 months? And I have literal tears in my eye. You guys!!!! This shit slaps!!!!
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itsaboutusaboutyou ¡ 6 years
Homophobic abuse apologist also noodle is a fucking lesbian freak, why can’t you fujoshis fucking die?
lmao I didn’t even get a notification when I got this but I’m cackling ?!
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itsaboutusaboutyou ¡ 6 years
2D: I gave him a kinder egg Murdoc:
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itsaboutusaboutyou ¡ 6 years
Hey uhhhhhh breaking my silence to say that I don’t have a TON of time to write anymore but I do have a little time so I put up a post on cherubplay looking for someone to roleplay 2doc with (with me as 2d) so if you wanna hit me up there just look for gorillaz under the directory and connect to the top post.... 
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itsaboutusaboutyou ¡ 6 years
Listen I know they are all fake but I legit cried when I found out I was going to get to talk to Noodle. I just love her ok.
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itsaboutusaboutyou ¡ 6 years
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they ended up going to a weird underground club in the woods instead
[video source]
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