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The Shadowhunter Chronicles Celebration!
Week 4 - TBC/TSA
Day 1 - Favourite Character
Ragnor Fell
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The Shadowhunter Chronicles Celebration
Week 3 - The Dark Artifices
Day 7 - Favourite quote
Jules. <333
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The Shadowhunter Chronicles Celebration
Week 3 - The Dark Artifices
Day 6 - Character you love to hate
Malcolm. *Cries*
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The Shadowhunter Chronicles Celebration
Week 3 - The Dark Artifices
Day 5 - Favourite scene -> The beach scene <3
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The Shadowhunter Chronicles Celebration
Week 3 - The Dark Artifices
Day 4 - Most underrated character
Dru. <333
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The Shadowhunter Chronicles Celebration
Week 3 - The Dark Artifices
Day 3 - Favourite ship or a ship that didn’t sail -> Cristina/Mark/Kieran
(Our favourite ship is actually Julian/Emma, but we love this OT3 so much! <333)
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The Shadowhunter Chronicles Celebration!
Week 3 - The Dark Artifices
Day 2 - Scene that made you laugh or cry
“Because he doesn’t want to see us. Any sign of us.” “Because he loves you?” “Or because he hates us. I don’t know.” Julian dug restlessly at the sand. “I’d hate us, if I was him. I hate him, sometimes.” Emma swallowed. “I hate my parents, too, for dying. Sometimes. It’s not— it doesn’t mean anything, Jules.” He turned his face toward her at that. His eyes were huge, black rings around the blue-green irises. “That’s not the kind of hate I mean.” His voice was low. “If he was here, God, everything would be different. Would have been different. I wouldn’t be the one who ought to be home now in case Tavvy wakes up. I wouldn’t be doing an immoral thing, walking down to the beach because I needed to get away. Tavvy, Dru, Livvy, Ty— they would have had someone to raise them. Mark was sixteen. I was twelve.” “Neither of you chose—” “No, we didn’t.” Julian sat up. The collar of his shirt hung loose, and there was sand on his skin and in his hair. “We didn’t choose. Because if I’d ever been able to choose, I would have made really different decisions.” [...] “What would you have done differently?” she whispered. “I don’t know if I would have wanted a parabatai.”
(c) Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare
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Ro’s translating them in Italian... just wait a little bit more!
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Read the first 50 pages of LORD OF SHADOWS exclusively on Bustle.com! cut and paste THIS LINK : https://www.bustle.com/p/start-reading-cassandra-clares-lord-of-shadows-right-now-exclusive-chapter-reveal-58113
Enjoy - and only ONE WEEK TILL LORD OF SHADOWS! #loscountdown #tda #bustle
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The Shadowhunter Chronicles Celebration!
Week 3 - The Dark Artifices
Day 1 - Favourite Character –> JULIAN ATTICUS BLACKTHORN
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The Shadowhunter Chronicles Celebration
Week 2 - The Mortal Intruments
Day 7 - Favourite quote
“Heroes aren’t always the ones who win,” she said. “They’re the ones who lose, sometimes. But they keep fighting, they keep coming back. They don’t give up. That’s what makes them heroes.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire
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The Shadowhunter Chronicles Celebration
Week 2 - The Mortal Intruments
Day 6 - Character you love to hate
The amazing Seelie Queen! ;)
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The Shadowhunter Chronicles Celebration
Week 2 - The Mortal Intruments
Day 5 - Favourite scene
“But—” Maia, still looking over at Alec and Magnus, broke off and raised her eyebrows. Simon turned to see what she was looking at— and stared. Alec had his arms around Magnus and was kissing him, full on the mouth. Magnus, who appeared to be in a state of shock, stood frozen. Several groups of people— Shadowhunters and Downworlders alike— were staring and whispering. Glancing to the side, Simon saw the Lightwoods, their eyes wide, gaping at the display. Maryse had her hand over her mouth. Maia looked perplexed. “Wait a second,” she said. “Do we all have to do that, too?”
- Cassandra Clare, City of Glass, Chapter 18: Hail and Farewell
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We know! And we can’t wait for the world to know too ♥
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A snippet from Lord of Shadows! What is going on with these three…? ;) ELEVEN DAYS TO LORD OF SHADOWS! #loscountdown
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The Shadowhunter Chronicles Celebration
Week 2 - The Mortal Intruments
Day 4 - Most underrated character
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The Shadowhunter Chronicles Celebration
Week 2 - The Mortal Intruments
Day 3 - Favourite ship or a ship that didn’t sail
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Lord of Shadows Contest
I have FIVE ARCs of Lord of Shadows to give away! Here’s how you enter the contest: Take a picture of yourself holding a copy of any Shadowhunters book you already own. (Foreign editions are totally fine. Ereaders are OK as long as there’s a visible image of the TITLE PAGE on the screen.) Try to make your the picture creative. For example, you could take the picture in an interesting location, include elements of what you love about the books, or wear a costume. (You don’t have to go anywhere elaborate to do this: one girl won a contest like this for taking a picture in a bathtub full of spaghetti!) 
No Photoshop This is about love for the books and having fun, not showing off your (totally awesome) photoship skillz, plus we don’t want to exclude people without Photoshop.
Post your picture to social media: tumblr, twitter, facebook, instagram. Whatever your favorite platform is. Then email the link to that post to [email protected] before May 16.  We have to be able to click the link and see the image so it must be publicly available. If it is on a private or locked account we can’t see it so we can’t judge it. The contest will end in a week (May 16, midnight EST). Winners will be contacted shortly after the contest ends and LOS will be express mailed to them so they get it before it is released. This contest is open to readers all over the world, ages 13 and up. One entry per person.
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The Shadowhunter Chronicles Celebration!
Week 2 - The Mortal Instruments
Day 1 - Favourite Character --> Isabelle Sophia Lightwood
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