itsjoysjoy · 3 years
Here’s a map that can help you find the residential school closets to your home:
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itsjoysjoy · 3 years
I'm gonna talk a bit about Canada right now. Specifically residential schools, genocide and anti-indigenous racism.
We aren't taught about residential schools in the normal curriculum. At least not in any school I went to. I first learned about them and did some of my own research after reading a one woman autobiographical play in grade 11 drama class. I did not need to read the play. It was not mandatory. It was one script in a pile of possible scripts I could have picked up. No one else read the same one. I read it. I learned of the abuse. The horrors. The dehumanization. These "schools" were a prison. Worse than a prison. It's appalling they were ever put in place. It's appalling it all goes ignored. It's appalling so many were ripped away from their homes, their families... And for what? Genocide.
Apparently today the news covered things more. 215 corpses of children found. And there's countless more they still haven't. 215 children who were murdered but they weren't the only ones. And more disappearances and murders happen all the time. This isn't all in the past. This is a constant thing. Indigenous people are going missing all the time.
Every single time I hear a Canadian with pride for how this country is "better than the US" or wherever, it pisses me off. Because that sort of thinking is only a thing because of careful propaganda. Propaganda to make this country look like it's the best place on Earth. The nicest. Can do no wrong... This country isn't "better". This country commits horrible atrocities both within our own country and elsewhere. The country is soaked with blood. Until every last person answers for the crimes they commited, the harm they caused. Until the people in charge acknowledge things instead of sweeping them under the rug and turning a blind eye. No. Canada will stay the same, horrible, complacent, cruel country it always has been.
This isn't even mentioning the "60s scoop" which tore indigenous babies away from their families to be put into white families. Mass kidnapping is a pretty common thing within Canada's fucked up history. (Mind you, I don't remember as much about the scoop because it's been a while and at the time of writing this last part I'm rushing a bit so I can't really do the research at the moment. So I'm not sure if it was only a Canadian thing or if that did stretch to the US as well.)
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itsjoysjoy · 3 years
I don't understand how a human being could ever do this to another human being, to children. From the late 1800s to the mid/late '90s. Over 150,000 children attended residential schools in Canada, now think about those who never returned home. Not to mention the physical, mental/emotional and sexual abuse these poor children had endured. There were over 130 residential schools in Canada only. They would murder children, then just throw them in unmarked graves and carry on with their lives. Those same people claim to love God, that they're God's workers. 
Indigenous children were forcefully taken from their homes and put in schools, were given new names that were sometimes numbered, had classes for a couple of hours then had to do physical labour. 
How and why would the church, the same church that celebrates God, let these poor children suffer? How and why would the government of Canada fund anything like this? As a Canadian, I'm beyond embarrassed. This is actual bullshit. 
So this Indigenous History Month let's all wear orange and remember the innocent children who lost their lives and who were abused.
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itsjoysjoy · 3 years
Imagine this being your argument: "we illegally took their land, their houses, so they got mad and out of revolt they were throwing rocks at israeli cars, so after that we went to their holy mosque and threw bombs at them while they were praying because they are so dangerous! They threw rocks so they obviously started it first!!! Now we have to defend our nation, lets bomb them even more, even on their holiday, lets demolish every house and every place where they could live or hide! But they never want to choose peace and do nothing when we are torturing and killing them, so they are trying to attack us even more with improvised rockets that can't even compare with those that we're throwing at them, but thanks god america bought us that anti-rocket system worth billions that defends us from rockets of any kind, but that doesn't mean we won't try to accuse them about this too and throw even more rockets now. And if someone tries to calls us out for doing all these crimes, lets play our well known show: you are hating us because we're jews!!!!!! Lets call them anti-semites and even nazis!"
Based on true stories.
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itsjoysjoy · 3 years
Its so funny how there are people trying to defend israel and justify their terrorising acts, when there are israeli politicians that NOT ONLY ADMIT that what they're doing is terrorism, but they also admit it with pride, and say that they "look forward to more of it". They glorify killing palestenian children and people, mainly women.
"Justifying" terrorism is living in denial; it is an act that cannot be justified, you either support it or you don't.
They already KNOW what they're doing, and have already made it clear to the public. Your word will not change their's.
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itsjoysjoy · 3 years
Let’s get one thing clear, if you in any way support Israel, unfollow me right now. Block me, I don’t care. Palestinians that had to spend their Eid being bombed and losing their homes and loved ones are in dire need of support, #FreePalestine Until it’s #PalestineisFree
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itsjoysjoy · 3 years
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itsjoysjoy · 3 years
 Innocent people are being murdered, the Al-Aqsa mosque was bombed, people can't even go pray. Think about the children and families who are in constant fear. We need to do better, this type of behaviour shouldn't be tolerated. I don't care if you have 10 followers or if you have 10k, you should, and you need to speak about this. Palestine needs our help.
It's a privilege to come home and see that your house is still intact, to not worry that your friends are still alive, it's a privilege to live in peace, for your country to not be in a war.
https://www.islamicreliefcanada.org/emergencies/palestine/ (can)
https://www.map.org.uk/donate/donate (uk)
https://irusa.org/middle-east/palestine/ (usa)
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itsjoysjoy · 3 years
a friendly reminder that microaggressions against asians can also look like this:
pretending to gag at asian food
pretending to be weirded out by asian customs and cultures
excusing cultural appropriation (often through ignoring the stories of asians who have been mocked for wearing their ethnic dress while praising a white person for doing so)
not trying to learn how to pronounce an asian person's ethnic name correctly, or asking, "can i call you by something else?"
adopting an asian name for the ~aesthetic~
using the words "oriental" and "exotic" to describe asian people, particular asian women
ignoring the experiences and stories of south, southeast, *edit* west asians, and central asians
making sweeping assumptions about asian countries (including their political, historical and cultural landscape)
treating the entire asian community as a monolith and ignoring the fact that the experiences of asian nationals are remarkably different from the asian diaspora/migrant community
co-opting asian aesthetics into creative media without acknowledging their history
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itsjoysjoy · 3 years
Anti-Asian hate crime
If you profit off of Asian culture and haven't said anything about the anti-Asian hate crimes you're a horrible person. If you eat sushi or enjoy Asian cuisine, watch anime, listen to K-pop and all that jazz but have said nothing about the anti-Asian hate crimes you're a part of the problem. Don't make one post saying “ We need to do better.” “This needs to stop” cause that's promotional activism. I'm not trying to say that you have to make a thousand posts about it but at least sign some petition. If you're POC who has said nothing about this I am beyond disappointed (I'm a black girl). And please don't put down other races while trying to help.
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