itsme-froggy · 1 year
What do you call an aromantic asexual aerospace engineer?
Aero Ace
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itsme-froggy · 1 year
Artemis I liftoff
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itsme-froggy · 1 year
I just found out why the F-117 Nighthawk – the thing that most people picture when they hear the phrase “stealth bomber” – looks Like That, while modern stealth aircraft don’t, and it’s both the stupidest and most amazing thing I’ve ever heard.
In brief, one of the main ways that stealth aircraft avoid detection is by passively reducing their radar cross-section – or, in plain English, being shaped in a way that reflects radar signals in unexpected ways, thus making them appear “smaller” than they really are to anything that pings them.
The math required to calculate an object’s radar cross-section is impractical to do by hand, and even the computers that were available in the mid 1970s could only do it for relatively simple models with low polygon counts and few or no curved surfaces.
Unfortunately, the results from the simplified computer models were found not to be effective when applied to the complex shapes of real aircraft, so the designers of the F-117 found a workaround: they built it to be the same shape as the low-poly model from the simulation.
And it fucking worked.
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itsme-froggy · 1 year
Kitty Cat = Happiness
I know its not that good, even for a little doodle but its good for what I can create. After years of trying to draw and giving up nearly every time I'm going to try to draw more. Drawing this little cat doodle made me so happy and I want to actually improve.
I dont know how long it'll take for me to get to a point where I'm truly happy with my art but I just have to keep drawing until I get there.
I'll try to draw more and post more here but no idea how often that'll be.
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itsme-froggy · 1 year
As @staff further refine the polls while they're rolling them out (still haven't gotten mine sadly), here's a suggestion of mine: Polls with a ten year time limit.
As of right now, it's impossible for polls to turn into long-running legendary posts. You can try, sure (see the bug race), but it's a week and then it's locked, fixed, done, and all that's left is for people to reminisce about that time there was a poll.
On the other hand, if a ten year poll gets popular, it can become part of Tumblr lore while still being updated. People can write passionate appeals for their vote and fight in the notes. Others can make graphs to show how the poll's majorities shift with each different US president or Taylor Swift album. People can make memes about "remember 2025, when option 3 was in the lead? That was a crazy time".
Why ten years, though, instead of a hundred or just no time limit? Because that way, the end becomes an event. People who voted in the poll when it was just a few hours old can watch the final countdown together, and there's a new point in Tumblr history: That day when we finally all agreed on the best option, and presumably also some important political stuff happened.
Now, granted, most ten year polls would never reach this level of notoriety. But it only takes a few polls like this to be worthwhile. Maybe this shouldn't be an option for users to select, but something the Tumblr website grants/pushes on you at random?
So, yeah. Ten year polls. They should be a thing.
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itsme-froggy · 1 year
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my beloved
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itsme-froggy · 1 year
i finally figured out how to sign in again
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itsme-froggy · 2 years
I remembered I have this social media again so now it’s time to ramble
I really like watching videos on microbiology and learning about it but like I can’t really do anything related to it but my brain keeps like screaming about how I should do microbiology stuff???
Hyperfixations are annoying but also I get happy when I learn anything relating to anything I’m fixating on.
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itsme-froggy · 2 years
Sitting in the shower and pretending you’re a frog in the rain > Being productive
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itsme-froggy · 2 years
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itsme-froggy · 2 years
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This isn’t a frog but like, scrunkly
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itsme-froggy · 2 years
Man I’m trying to write a sci-fi thing and I keep getting so caught up in worldbuilding cause it’s so fun. I just like think of one tiny thing and then my gay little brain is just “oooh what if this species is commonly hired for this reason cause of this” and then I get stuck thinking about that species’ history and like
I have one paragraph written of the story, but several of world building. How the fuck do people write books
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itsme-froggy · 2 years
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Forget the Myers-Briggs fucking personality assessment. I am dead tired of hearing if someone is an INFP or an ESLQ or whatever. I want to know if someone is melancholic or choleric. Bring back the four humors. I wanna see “Kaley, 16, phlegmatic” when I go to someone’s blog. Who is with me. Lets make this happen
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itsme-froggy · 2 years
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itsme-froggy · 2 years
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in tupperware for bad and naughty crimes
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itsme-froggy · 2 years
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okay so me and my friends were messing around with a neural network meme generator and it made this????? Feel free to use it wherever because it’s so fucking stupid and i just find this funny as hell
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itsme-froggy · 2 years
still have no clue how this website works how do the little gay people get inside my phone what the fuck
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