itsmindsurfer · 10 years
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itsmindsurfer · 10 years
I believe
Oh .. I believe that people can be good. No matter how hard the world tries to tell me otherwise, I know people can be good.
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itsmindsurfer · 10 years
So hold me closer tiny dancer 
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itsmindsurfer · 10 years
I want someone who will tell me that I'm awesome in the middle of the night with no purpose. I want someone who will know that I'm not okay, even when I say that I am fine, and will squeeze me in this super conforting hug. I want someone who will be the sun of my days and the moon of my nights. We won't be this gross couples who are lame and all they thik about is one another, we will be us.. there's no better definition, we'll be perfect in our own ways, we'll be perfect with our imperfections.
by myself. Tanya Anderhalden
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itsmindsurfer · 10 years
I want to be loved and feel loved, I want to fill this empty space in my heart full of stories of people who got into my life, into my world, to make me a better person. I want to know and travel the world, and discover what feeling alive really means. I want to be remembered.
by myself. Tanya Anderhalden
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itsmindsurfer · 11 years
Why are trying so hard to fit in, when you’re born to stand out.
Oliver James (via observando)
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itsmindsurfer · 11 years
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Let's live, without thinking about tomorrow, or what could go wrong, carpe diem is what we want and need
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itsmindsurfer · 11 years
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love sayings and quotes
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itsmindsurfer · 11 years
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humorous poems
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itsmindsurfer · 11 years
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itsmindsurfer · 11 years
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147 notes · View notes
itsmindsurfer · 11 years
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252 notes · View notes
itsmindsurfer · 11 years
When someone makes you the happiest person and the saddest person at the same time, that’s when it’s real. That’s when it’s worth something.
(via nie-wieder-fuehlen)
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itsmindsurfer · 11 years
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itsmindsurfer · 11 years
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Dream people
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itsmindsurfer · 11 years
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itsmindsurfer · 11 years
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There is a whole world we don't know, let's start living for the day, the present, be kind and thankful..
gnight sweet cherry pies
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