itsonlyjoseph ¡ 19 days
Vampires Everywhere! | Eddie Munson x Reader
warnings: mean Eddie (daddy), vamp/monster Eddie, bullying, angst, kinda Stockholm syndrome, attempted SA (not Eddie), ending inspired by random scene from Twilight, mediocre lmao
synopsis: after witnessing something she wasn’t meant to, the reader has a hard time staying away from Eddie.
notes: this is kinda demented but vampire Eddie makes me horny
Also in this, the upside down demo bat stuff happens and all that but Eddie is younger bc they are still in school soooo ya
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The halls of Hawkins High seemed to blend together to you now. All the familiar faces that wouldn’t recognise you in a crowd, all blended together into one big sad blur. You hated school. You hated it with a passion for many different reasons. One of the bigger reasons was that you had zero friends. No one to talk too and no one to comfort you on your bad days.
Everyone at Hawkins High was either incredibly mean to you or simply didn’t give you the time of day and turned their noses up at you. The popular kids bullied you, the band geeks wouldn’t let you sit with them, with the resident ‘freak’ didn’t give you the time of day. You blended right into the background and pretty soon you became kind of okay with it.
Until you met Jason Carver of course. He had some sick problem with you that soon became rather physical. Sometimes he’d kick your bag down the hall or try to trip you in the cafeteria. He’d called a stalker or a freak plenty of times, claiming that you were a people watcher. I mean, sure you were but you didn’t see anything wrong with that. Observing the students around you. He just simply hated you and would do anything to make your time at this school absolute hell.
It was a normal (normal for you) Monday morning when you’d walked into the halls to start the day. You noticed a group of the popular kids standing by the lockers but luckily didn’t see Jason. You didn’t have the energy for him today. You did, however, notice Eddie Munson walking towards his own locker, head facing straight forward, a stoic almost angered look adorning his face. You couldn’t stop yourself from staring at him. He was so captivating in a way you couldn’t explain. Yes, you thought he was good looking or whatever but it was more than that. Something you couldn’t quite place.
He always sat alone in lunch, didn’t talk to anyone or really participate in class. You never saw him at pep rally’s and any after school events. He was a mystery to everyone.
Suddenly his deep, almost black eyes met yours and his brows furrowed. You sucked in a breath and quickly turned away, embarrassed that you were caught staring. You so badly wanted to talk to him and get to know him, considering he wasn’t exactly popular either, but judging from the looks he always gave you, he didn’t want to get to know you.
You sighed deeply before closing your locker and getting ready to head to class. Although, once your locker slammed shut, you had the fright of your life when you realised Jason had been standing there waiting for you.
“Hey Stalker.” He taunted, a sick, sarcastic smile of his face.
You tried to bite back the tears that threatened to spill, scared of what he’d do to you this time. The taunts were getting worse and worse as the days went on. You wouldn’t be surprised if he just straight up punched you in the face this time.
“What do you want, Jason?” You mumbled, pulling your bag closer to your body.
“Hey, hey, hey, we just want to talk.” He said, faking getting defensive. He stepped closer to you and placed a hand on your shoulder.
“Just wanted to see how you were doing this morning.” He smiled sweetly.
“How I’m doing?” You asked but before you could really finish the question, Jasons fist came into contact with your stomach. The hard blow caused to double over in pain as Jason crouched done next to you.
“Watch it, stalker.” He whispered before patting your back and walking away. You tightly clutched your stomach as the tears finally spilled over and streamed down your face.
You sat in the empty hallway for a few minutes before slowly climbing to your feet, still winded from Jason’s punch. You decided that today you’d just skip. You were already tired and mentally drained but Jason’s attack just put the cherry on top for you.
You slumped down and trudged out the doors of Hawkins Highs and down towards the forest. You didn’t have a car so you couldn’t drive home, unless you wanted to hitchhike for a few hours. You figured you’d just hang out for the whole day and then sneak onto the school bus. It wasn’t ideal but it’s all you had.
You walked into the forest, deep enough that no one would see you and kept walking, crying to yourself. So much so that you almost didn’t notice the leaves and twigs rustling and breaking near you. You looking around for the source of the noise, fear slightly setting in.
You crept forwards and thats when you saw it. It was him. It was Eddie. He was hunched over, squatting down over what looked to be a deer. Blood everywhere. So much blood. Blood covered his hands and mouth as he feed on the animal.
Your eyes widened in fear as he heard you gasp. His head shot around and you saw his usual eyes looking completely black and bloodshot, small inflamed veins covering the skin around them. He looked angry. And hungry.
You tried to stumbled backwards and run away but he was faster than you. He grabbed you by the neck and brought you closer to his face. You could see the angry radiating off of him and the sent of fresh blood so strong it nearly made you gag.
He trickled blood all over you neck and chest as he held a tight grip.
“What the fuck are you doing here.” He snarled out. If you weren’t so terrified of everything you just saw, you’d be glad to finally hear his voice for the first time.
“I’m sorry.” You sobbed silently.
His grip on your neck tightened as he lifted you so easily off the ground, bringing you eye level with him. “I should’ve known this would happen. Should’ve known you’d follow me. Stalker.” He taunted you. “I should kill you.” He said, squeezing.
You wheezed and coughed, trying to breathe, as you grabbed onto his terribly cold wrist. You felt dizzy as he squeezed your neck harder. He brought you slowly fading body face to face with him.
“I should break your fucking neck.” He snarled into your cheek. “You’d taste so good. They always do when they’re scared.” He whispered.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d think this was hot. But it was real life and you were about to die.
Suddenly, Eddie began to laugh. A sick, taunting laugh that showed all the blood and pieces of deer meet stuck in his teeth.
“You’re loving this aren’t you.” He taunted you, making your eyes snap open.
“W-what?” You muttered out, scared out of your mind.
“Always watching, you think I don’t notice you staring at me.” He snarled once again, his face getting even closer.
“I can smell it a mile away.” He whispered that last part, nearly making your eyes pop out of your head. His head dipped down to lick the space just below your ear lobe, licking away the blood he’d smeared there and feeling your thumping pulse under his tongue.
“Your heart is racing.”
His blackened eyes looked over you for a moment with an unreadable expression. This is it, you though. He was going to kill you.
Suddenly is hand released your neck and you fell to the ground coughing and trying to breath again. You looked up at him after a moment to see him walking away, back towards the school.
You let the tears run freely down your face as you clutched your neck. When you wiped away the tears, you also wiped away some the blood he’d smeared on your face with his mouth.
You didn’t know what to think. You’d found Eddie eating the guts out of a dead and he threatened to kill you. What would any person think in this situation. You were too scared to move.
After you caught your breath, you picked yourself up and bolted back towards the school. You had no other choice. You felt it too dangerous to stay out in the woods or hitchhike home.
Inside the school, the halls were empty as everyone was probably in class. Luckily for you, the girls bathroom was also empty.
When you finally caught sight of yourself in the mirror, you nearly screamed. There was smeared blood covering your neck where Eddie’s hand gripped you. There was blood dripping from your cheek where Eddie touched his face to yours.
The top of your collar was blood soaked also. You quickly splashed water on your face as best you could to rid yourself of the blood. You also opted to remove the blood stained shirt and just wear the cami underneath.
You walked out of the bathroom, breathing heavily, and walked towards the nurses office.
“Can you call my mom, I don’t feel well.” You squeaked out.
“Oh, dear, you look like you’ve seen a ghost! Why don’t you have a seat there and I’ll call her.” The nurse smiled sweetly at you.
You felt your heart pumping rapidly in your chest as you relayed to images from the forest in your mind. You knew Eddie was quiet and a little strange but never did you think about this.
Little did you know, Eddie couldn’t stop thinking about you either. He still had your scent in his nose. The smell of your fear, the smell of your arousal. He so desperately wanted to rip you apart in every way imaginable.
He’d walked back to school after he cleaned off his hands and face and headed straight for the hellfire room. An old theatre room now used for storage where he’d come to be alone with his thoughts. He never expected you of all people to catch him feeding. Strange, stalker Y/N. He’d obviously noticed you around school before. He noticed everyone. But he never gave you much thought before. Just a play thing for the popular kids to bully.
He thought about what he wanted to do to you. What he should have done to you. He was hungry and you interrupted him. He should’ve ripped you apart, limb from limb but couldn’t bring himself to do it. Maybe he should have just bitten you, get a small taste to satisfy his appetite. He suddenly found himself growing angry at the thought of just letting you walk away like that.
He kicked the seat back and stomped out of the hellfire room and towards the front of the school. Just as his luck would have it, he saw you waiting on the front steps, seeming for someone to pick you up. Suddenly, a car pulled up and you got in. A wicked smile grew on his face as a plan formed in his head. He’d follow you home, wait until nighttime, then kill you and feed.
Driving home, you felt yourself grow more and more tired yet every time you closed your eyes, all you could see was Eddie’s eyes. Dark and evil, staring right into your soul.
“Are you sure you don’t need to see the doctor honey, you really don’t look well.” You mother asked you, turning onto your street.
“I’m fine, just need to rest.” You mumbled back, facing away from her. She definitely didn’t need to know what you saw today. She’d probably have you institutionalised. Although you wouldn’t blame her for that.
You arrived home and immediately ran up the stairs to your bedroom. Without even taking off your clothes, you dived head first into the covers and pillows and tried to allow sleep to take you. With no such luck.
You were so exhausted and sick to your stomach, your mind racing a million miles a second with the thoughts of earlier today. After a short while you eventually drifted off to sleep, although it wasn’t exactly a peaceful slumber. Inside your head, blood rained down upon you as the sky’s ripped open with a red lightening. Monsters and horrid looking creatures surrounding you and chasing you down.
Eddie had followed you home and now that night had fallen, he climbed up the drainpipe to your bedroom window and peered in to see you sleeping in the bed. The window was unlocked. Silly girl, he thought.
Once his feet where did planted on the plush carpet of your bedroom, he noticed that you appeared to be having a nightmare. Tossing and turning with sweat glistening on your forehead.
He could not only hear your heart beating out of your chest, but also see it. The loud thumping drawing his attention to your barely covered chest area made his tongue water.
He snatched his eyes away from your sleeping body for a moment to gaze around your bedroom. He noticed you had a Black Sabbath poster on the back of your door and if he wasn’t so blood thirsty right now, he would have smiled.
His eyes met your form once again as he crept closer to you, placing both his hands on other side of your head and hovering over you. His mouth laid itself on your neck as he readied himself to bite.
But he couldn’t do it.
For some strange reason he couldn’t bring himself to sink his teeth into your burning skin.
He’d never felt this way before. He so desperately wanted to rip your throat open and devour you yet couldn’t force himself to do it.
He also noticed that once he was close enough to you, your tossing and turning had subsided.
This angered him even further.
First, you interrupted him during his feed and discovered what he truly was and now he can’t seem to kill you.
Eddie grunted angrily before rising from the bed and leaving through the window.
You startled awake, sensing a presence near you. You didn’t see anyone or anything in your bedroom but noticed the window wide open. You were terrified. After what you saw, you were afraid you’d never be a peace again. Not until Eddie killed you.
You stayed awake for the rest of the night, too anxious to even try to let sleep take you. You sat up right in your bed, clutching a sewing needle in your hands tightly as if it would offer some kind of protection from Eddie.
After a while, you noticed the sun beginning to rise. You hadn’t even thought about it but you knew you couldn’t go to school today and possibly be in the same place as Eddie. Luckily for you, you still looked rather distressed and it took little convincing for you mother to let you stay home again.
But soon she left and so did your father and pretty soon you were all alone in your house. You didn’t actually think that one through either. Maybe it was better to go to school, be surrounded by other people.
Even though you were mostly on edge all day, it came and went rather quickly as soon enough you were tucking yourself back into bed and clutching the sewing needle under your pillow. You made sure yo lock both the window and the bedroom door before drifting off into another restless sleep.
The shrill buzzing of your alarm clock woke you up after what seemed like a few minutes after you closed your eyes. You took a deep, shaky breath and got out of bed.
You got ready like normal. Brushing your teeth, packing your lunch and getting dressed. Everything seemed normal from the outside, but inside you were ready to faint, overwhelmed with possibly seeing Eddie and finding out what he’d do to you.
The bus picked you up and dropped you off at the front steps and you made your way in, gripping your backpack straps so tightly your knuckles turned white.
Home room was fine, as was your first two classes. You thought you kept seeing Eddie everywhere from the corner of your eye but realised once you turned it was just someone with long dark hair or dark clothing.
Things however took a turn when lunchtime rolled around. You made your way into the cafeteria and sat down at your usual table to eat when you locked eyes with him. The real him.
Eddie was sat a few tables away, staring right into your soul. His lip was slightly upturned as if he wanted to growl at you. His pale skin was a bright contrast from his dark eyes and dark eyes.
You couldn’t pull your eyes away from him. You were too scared to do anything.
Suddenly, however, you focus was forced towards something else when you felt you chair kicked out from under you, causing you to fall to the ground. You looked up and saw Jason and a few of his goons laughing above you as did the rest of the cafeteria.
“Hey Stalker.” Jason smirked. “We missed you yesterday. We had a surprise for you.” He taunted, sarcastically.
Jason pushed your bag off the table and kicked it til it slid across the cafeteria, completely out of reach. One of his buddies then handed him a tall take out cup full of what looked like chocolate milk.
You looked on in horror, ready to bathe in this chocolate milk as Jason raised the cup above you. Suddenly, a cold pale hand gripped Jason’s forearm tightly. You looked over to see Eddie, an almost unreadable yet angry look on his face as he stared down at Jason. Eddie was slightly taller and bigger than Jason and as it seemed, a hell of a lot stronger.
“Touch her again, and I’ll break this arm.” Eddie seethed quietly, to which seemingly on Jason and yourself heard him.
You didn’t know what to think right now. Eddie was… defending you?
He squeezed Jason’s arm just enough for him to drop the cup, spilling its content all over the floor next to you then a look of uncontrollable fear flashed across his face.
After that, Jason made a dash for the doors and Eddie looked down at you, still seething with anger. You couldn’t exactly read to look on his face but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t intrigue you.
Here he was, this brooding quiet loner who threaten to kill you just days before now defending you against your biggest tormentor. Why would he do that?
He looked you over once more before stomping out of the cafeteria himself, everyone’s eyes watching him leave before turning to you. You scrambled to your feet, feeling the embarrassment set in, and left also.
Eddie made his way home after that. He was angry at himself. His fists gripped the steering wheel of his beat up of van so tightly that his knuckles turned white. Even whiter than his already pale skin.
Skidding to a stop, he jumped out and stomped into the house. At first he was pacing his bedroom, internally fighting himself. Then all that anger just bubbled out and his fist was flying into the wall beside him.
The patchy, brittle drywall crumbled beneath his fist, a few cuts lining his newly bruised knuckles.
Meanwhile, you cleaned yourself up in the girls bathroom, a few splashes of chocolate milk getting in your hair. You were so beyond confused right now. Confused about what Eddie was, why he defended you, your feelings.
It didn’t take long for the chocolate milk to be out of your hair and you walked out of the bathroom when you heard the bell sound.
For the rest of the day, no one spoke to you. It wasn’t really a change from every other day but now it felt more amplified. You got strange looks of disgust and intrigue from everyone around you. You could barely take it.
You walked home that day, not bothering to wait for the bus. You couldn’t imagine being cramped in a bus for 45 minutes with everyone staring and whispering.
Your mom and dad weren’t home when you arrived. They’d left a note on the kitchen table saying they’d gone to visit your grandmother for the night. Great.
You slumped up to your room and immediately collapsed on the bed. What a day, you thought. You’d been having quite a few of these ‘days’ lately.
You’d drifted off rather quickly and your light snores filled the air as the temperature in the room became cold, your window sliding open slowly.
Eddie had followed you home once again. He waited till you were sleeping to crawl into the room and crouched down next to your bed.
He had a deep scowl across his face as he watched your sleeping form. You looked at peace and he hated it. He hated it more than anything that he was feeling so… soft around you.
Almost on instinct, Eddie’s hand reaches up and gently touched your hair. It was soft. His hand stroked your hair a few times before moving down to rest on your exposed shoulder. The skin beneath his hand burned against him.
You started to shift around in your sleep and Eddie thought for a moment that he’d been caught. But he looked up to see your eyes still closed. You continued to move around, soft groan leaving your parted lips and a frown deepening on your face.
You were having a nightmare.
Eddie quickly retracted his hand and looked at you confused.
Even before he turned into this creature, he didn’t have a ton of experience with people. He didn’t know if he should comfort you somehow or just leave. He didn’t want you to wake up and see him there.
He hesitantly reached his hand out once again and placed it on your cheek, his thumb absentmindedly stroking your cheek.
You reached out in your sleep and grabbed his wrist, snuggling into it further.
Eddie frowned at you and the warm feeling spreading in his chest. He hated this feeling. He hated it even more when you seemingly relaxed and went back to a peaceful slumber.
Eddie quickly snatched his hand away and stood up, making his way for the window before disappearing into the street.
You sleep for the rest of the night.
Friday arrived and you found yourself bored out of your mind. You hadn’t really since Eddie since he defended you in the cafeteria two days ago.
“Yeah dude, they don’t even ID you!” You heard two of the band kids chatting amongst themselves. They were walking a few paces ahead of you but close enough for your to hear their conversation.
“Okay, Hideout. 8 o’clock.” The other replied excitedly.
The Hideout. You’d heard of it before. It was some trashy bar that let anyone in. You’d never been before but it did intrigue you.
Maybe you could go and get drunk and have fun for the first time in a while.
It would definitely take your mind off things…
Later that night, you were ready.
Even though you were just wearing what you’d worn to school that day, you still felt good. Excited.
Hitchhiking to the Hideout only took around 20 minutes. The sun had barely set so you still felt a little safe walking by yourself.
There were a few sketchy looking people standing around outside, chatting and smoking, some looking over at you menacingly.
There wasn’t anyone at the door though, meaning you could simply walk in without any trouble.
Inside, the atmosphere was thick and dark and smokey. People were everywhere as you made your way to the bar.
“What can I get ya’?” The bartender asked you, wiping his hands with a dirty rag.
“Uh..” You hesitated. You didn’t think this far. You didn’t really know of any alcoholic beverages besides wine. You couldn’t exactly order that in a place like this.
The bartender sensed your unease and chuckled at you before pouring you a beer. The first one they had on tap.
“Here kid, try that.” He said before walking away. You’d reached into your pocket to pay him but he was already gone.
You turned back to your beer, sipping it and immediately deciding you hated it, scrunching your face up at the horrid taste. The crowd piled in as the band made their way onto the stage to finish setting up.
Suddenly, the stage lights flickered on and the sound of loud heavy metal music pounded through your ears. Your eyes wondered over the band before landing on Eddie. You blinked a few times and saw that it really was him. And that he was already looking at you with a blank expression on his face.
You gulped down the rest of your beer and nervously watched as the band played a few songs. Eddie’s eyes seemingly never left you.
The night was coming to a close so you decided to step out into the alley way to take a breather. The air was still warm as you leaned up against the dirty bricks.
“Hey doll.” You heard from beside you. You opened your eyes and looked to the side to see an older, 50 something man smirking uncomfortably at you. You tried to politely smile at him before turning away hoping he’d take the hint. He did not.
“You look a little lonely out here by yourself.” He was suddenly right beside you. He smelled heavily of liquor and sweat and it made your stomach turn. He also towered over you.
“I’m fine.” You smiled, scooting away slightly.
“You don’t want a little company, baby?” He smirked, he filthy hands coming up to touch your waist, making you flinch. “I bet you taste good.” He whispered as his face inched closer to yours. The tears welled up in your eyes as you found yourself frozen with fear.
He chuckled darkly as his hand moved from your waist to grope your breast. This didn’t last long however.
Almost as suddenly as it started, he was ripped away from you with a grunt. Your eyes shot open to see him pressed up against the brick wall opposite you, his feet dangling above the ground and a strong fist gripped tightly around his throat.
It was Eddie.
He had that same look of pure rage adorning his face. The same one he had with Jason in the cafeteria.
Eddie’s hand was squeezing the man so tightly, his face was turning purple. He didn’t say anything, but you could tell he wanted to kill the man.
“Eddie, stop.” You pleaded. He didn’t hear you, he simply squeezed harder as the man’s eyes widened.
“Please, Eddie. Don’t!” You cried, grabbing his arm. This got his attention. His head snapped towards you to see your pleading face. His features softened for a split second.
He turned back to the man and dropped him to the ground, watching as he was gasping for breath. Then, Eddie turned to face you with his signature scowl across his face.
“Let’s go.” He seethed. You silently followed him close behind, making your way to his van parked out of the street.
You didn’t understand why but after seeing him defend you twice now, your fears of him began to slowly slip away against your better judgment.
You watched as he opened the passenger side door for you, not meeting your eye. You hesitated for a moment before slowly climbing into the van. Eddie closed the door and walked around to the other side, getting in himself.
Eddie drove in silence. You didn’t exactly know where he was taking you but once you started to recognise the neighbourhood, your stomach dropped.
“Wait! I can’t go home!” You panted. “If my mom finds I was out and drinking alcohol, she’ll kill me!”
Eddie looked at your frazzled face, slightly confused and slightly annoyed, before turning back to look at the road.
“Fine.” He muttered.
He made a swift u-turn, away from your neighbourhood.
Once again, silence coated the van.
“I didn’t know you were in a band.” You mumbled, trying to make small talk.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” He said back, before turning to you and continuing. “Also seems like there’s a lot you do know.”
You gulped at this turned back to the road. You almost forgot about that. Almost.
“How long have you been in a band.” You felt beyond awkward but the small talk kept spilling out.
“A while.”
Pretty soon after that riveting conversation, the van pulled up outside a small, rundown looking trailer. You didn’t notice the van turn into the trailer park just outside of town but you did notice the lack of lights or people.
“Oh god.” You gulped, thinking this was it. Eddie was going to kill you and turn you into a meal.
“This is where I live.” He deadpanned, noticing your distress.
You took a deep breath and exited the van, following him towards the dark trailer. Your mind was screaming at you to turn and run away but your feet kept dragging you forwards.
You were waiting for the horrors of death to grab you as you walked through the door after Eddie, but once you were inside, your fears washed away. The inside of Eddie’s home was actually kind of… nice.
It was small and nothing special but it had character. There was a couch and a tv and plenty of trucker hats pinned to the walls.
“Do you live alone?” You wondered out loud, looking around the place.
“No, I live with my uncle but he works nights at the plant.” Eddie mumbled back to you, never talking his off your curious form.
“Why did you bring me here?” You said softly, finally meeting his eye.
“You didn’t want to go home.”
A soft silence fell over both of you, but not an uncomfortable one. You looked up at Eddie and in this light, he was the most beautiful creature you’d ever seen.
His eyes were so warm and gentle, nothing like the ones you’d seen in the forest that day.
“Come on. I’ll show you were you can sleep.” He said, breaking the small staring contest, walking down the hall.
You followed quickly and into what you guessed to be his bedroom. Your breath quickened when you stepped inside.
The room held to same feel as the rest of the trailer, yet seemed darker in comparison. Less homely.
Eddie gave you some clothes to wear to bed and they smelled just like him. Cheap but inviting. You came back to the room after changing to see Eddie pulling back the covers for you.
You gently laid down, scared to disrupt anything. Eddie turned to leave the room once you were in his bed but stopped when he felt your hand delicately wrap around his wrist.
“Wait!” You spoke, causing him to turn and look at you. “Will you lay with me?”
Eddie faltered for a moment and his stomach dropped. He looked down at you laying in his bed and felt something he’d never felt before. He couldn’t explain it.
He pulled back the covers of his bed and slid in next to you. You were both laying on your sides, facing each other. Eddie had his eyebrows furrowed together as he looked at you.
“Thank you.” You whispered after a short while.
“For what?” He asked, confused.
You scooted forward slightly, close enough to feel his hair tickling you on your forehead.
“For helping me… with that guy at The Hideout. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been there.”
His brows softened at your confession and the feeling of butterflies erupted in his stomach. Seemingly for the first time. He hated it.
“Okay.” He simply replied, slightly awkward and very uncomfortable at this foreign feeling.
You were silent for a few more moments, looking deeply at each other’s faces.
“How long have you been this way?” You whispered.
“Not long.” He said back to you. “When the earth quake happened last summer, it wasn’t an earthquake.”
“I was in hell… or what felt like hell. These things attacked me. Ripped me apart and next I knew, I was like this when I woke up.”
He didn’t notice until now, but whilst he was speaking, you’d shuffled closer and closer until you had your chest pressed up against his.
“Were you going to hurt me that day… in the forest?” You whispered, not looking into his eyes.
“Why didn’t you?”
You were slightly scared of the answer but needed to know.
“I don’t know.” He answered honestly. “I wanted to. I wanted to hurt you so bad but I couldn’t. I couldn’t make myself hurt you. Couldn’t stand when other people tried to hurt you.”
You felt warmth swirling in your stomach at this. It was a strange feeling considering he wanted you dead at one point but you couldn’t help but feel softer.
“Eddie.” You whispered.
Eddie’s hands found their place on your waist. They were significantly larger than yours and nearly covered your entire mid section.
“I can’t stop thinking about you.” He muttered, brown furrowing once again.
Your breath hitched in your throat at the contact. You’d never had another boys hands on you before. You never expected it to be Eddie. And although this wasn’t inherently sexual at all, your skin was on fire.
“I can’t stop thinking about you either.” You respond. “Every time I see you I feel something I can’t explain. Like, I’m terrified of you but I don’t want to be away from you.”
Eddie didn’t respond. He just looked at you taking in your features. Suddenly, Eddie bedroom door swung open and the light flicked on, in walking what appeared to be Eddie’s uncle.
You and Eddie both sat up quickly and turned to the doorway.
“Eddie, I’m back from-“ Eddie uncle stopped himself when he noticed Eddie wasn’t alone. “Oh, sorry..”
Eddie uncle was surprised to see a girl in Eddie bed. He didn’t even know Eddie had friends.
“I’m Wayne.” He introduced.
“Eddie, can I talk to you. Outside.” Wayne asked.
Eddie didn’t say a word, simply watching the interaction between you and his uncle. He got up from the bed and turned back to you.
“I’ll, uh.. be back.” He said, unsure.
You nodded and watched him walk out behind his uncle.
Once Wayne and Eddie were outside the trailer, Wayne pulled a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.
“Does she know?” He asked.
“She knows.” Eddie responded.
“You told her?”
“She caught me. It the woods at school.”
“So what, you’re keeping her around until you rip her heart out?”
Eddie grimaced. He didn’t know what he wanted from you. All he knew was that he felt odd without you.
“I did. But know I don’t know.”
Inside, you were watching Eddie and his uncle converse through the bedroom window. You turned away and started to look around Eddie’s room. The room definitely belonged to a teenage boy but showed no signs of the blood thirsty beast that Eddie really was.
He had band posters and an electric guitar hanging on the wall. He had a tv and some pornography clumsily hidden next to it. An ashtray pull of cigarette butts by his bed.
His bedroom was almost inviting and comforting.
Eddie returned shortly after.
He was still uncomfortable. It was clear he’d never had anyone in his private space, let alone a girl.
“Hi. Uh, is it okay with your uncle that I’m here?”
“It’s fine.”
The conversation faded out again. Eddie was still stood by the door, just watching you sat in his bed. He knew you were beautiful. He’d always known. Soft round face, sweet timid eyes and long flowing hair. You looked too pure to be here in his presence.
He was a wolf and you were a sheep.
Eddie slowly walked back towards the bed and laid down next to you again.
His eyes looked over you. They were so dark, you couldn’t actually see any brown in them, only black.
Before you knew it, you’d started to drift off until a gentle snore fell from you. Eddie was still awake as he listened, but not for long. Pretty soon, he was also asleep.
He’d had one of the best nights sleep he’d ever had since he turned into this.
Several hours later, Eddie woke up. He woke up and found that you were still sleeping but now you were practically on top of him, head on his chest and arms wrapped around his middle. Eddie was uncomfortable for a few moments but made no effort to move you. He slowly relaxed and lowered his arm until it was around your back.
He thought about that day in the wood and how he was ready to murder you. He wanted to. He was getting sick of eating deer and “missing” cattle. He’d even eaten someone’s missing cat once. It was gross. It was all gross but he figured it was better than killing people. No matter how bad he wanted to.
He remembered back to the day of the earthquake. Being attacked. Waking up with an unquenchable thirst that nothing seemed to satisfy.
The day he turned into whatever this was, he felt pieces of soul was replaced with a dark black nothingness. He was always uninterested and barely smiled at people but now he was different. He was meaner, he never cared about anyone or anything. He felt nothing now. He couldn’t even tell if he hated it or missed it when it had a soul.
The next morning, you woke up but Eddie was nowhere to be found. You’d put your other clothes back on and folded the clothes Eddie gave you and placed on his made bed.
You’d wondered into the main part of the trailer and saw that no one was around at all.
You figured Eddie went out early before you’d woken up. He could have been doing anything anywhere so you decided it’d be best if you just walked home.
You didn’t know what to feel right now.
First, Eddie almost killed you. He wanted to.
Then he defended you and practically saved your life.
And then lastly, you’d spent the night in his bed and had one of the best nights sleep ever.
Your brain and heart were jumbled.
You’d stayed in your bedroom all day and barely came out. You’d read and watched tv and cleaned and rearranged your closet just to pass the time.
Before you’d even realised it was nighttime, you’d heard a tap on your window. You gasped and jumped slightly but semi relaxed when you saw Eddie’s hard face.
Opening the window and stepping back, you let him in.
“Eddie. What are you doing here?” Your voice still just as timid and small as ever.
“I don’t know. I wanted to see you.” His expression was just as hard and unreadable as ever.
“Oh, okay.” You said, going back to sit on your bed.
“Actually,” Eddie started, looking down and walking towards you, also taking a seat on your bed. “I wanted to try something.”
You gulped.
“Try… something?”
Eddie finally looked up and scooted closer to you. He could hear how fast your heart of pumping.
He reached his hand up and gently tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. His hand lingered though, coming to rest in between your neck and shoulder. His hand was so large that it was practically flat against your whole chest.
Your breathing quickened.
He started to lean in.
Eddie breathed you in before pressing his cold lips to your hot ones.
The kiss was nice. Incredible even.
Eddie tried to keep it as a soft, delicate peck but you kissed him back a little harder. You moved closer and placed your hands on his shoulders, moving your mouth against his. The kiss started to get more and more passionate.
You let out the softest, gentlest moan into Eddie’s mouth and he hissed as he pushed you back into the bed, continuing to kiss you, his hands moving to your hips.
“Wait, stop.” He hissed, pushing you back and moving away from you.
“I’m sorry.” You responded, flustered.
Not only did you make out with Eddie for the first time and that the first time you kissed anyone.
You wondered if Eddie had kissed anyone before.
Eddie looked at you from the other side of the bed and like always, his expression was unreadable.
“That was nice.” You mumbled gently under your breath.
Eddie stood up and wondered over to your cork board and looked at the Polaroids stuck to it. It was mainly just your family because you didn’t really have many friends.
Eddie realised that he couldn’t stay away from you. He realised that he didn’t want to.
Eddie also realised that for the first time since he turned and the first time in his entire life, he begged that you felt the same way.
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