itsthelass · 9 months
To all my Doctor Who fans. If you adore Catherine Tate and David Tennant, find the interview Tate did in 2008 with Tennant on a BBC radio show called Chain Reaction. In the UK go on BBC sounds. Elsewhere go on YouTube. I’ve been listening to it for about ten years and I still go back.
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itsthelass · 1 year
First chapter up! And a major change was made which made it all click nicely into place. Now I’m going to sleep.
Beating Hearts and Broken Parts part 2 is happening. :)
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itsthelass · 1 year
Beating Hearts and Broken Parts part 2 is happening. :)
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itsthelass · 2 years
I loved the Uneasy series so so so much, you are a master at portraying Starscream, thank you!
Ah thanks for your lovely feedback, glad you enjoy it!
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itsthelass · 2 years
Oh wow yes amen!
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ID: People don't derive joy from their ocs like they used to. Talk about them on main. Put them in silly little AUs. Torture them a bit. Ship them, make playlists, be cringe. Just have fun.
It's so easy as writers to forget why why're doing this, to get bogged down perfectionism and followers and plotting and marketing when none of that is the point of writing.
The point of writing is just to make a little guy. To make them happy and to make them sad. To teach them lessons and watch them grow. To maybe be a little horny about them (if that's for you). To make YOURSELF happy, above all else.
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itsthelass · 2 years
I made a video about my earliest fanfic, An Uneasy Partnership. This is the first part. If you want to share in my awkwardness and hear my nerdy voice then please enjoy.
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itsthelass · 2 years
Any plans to compile a TV Tropes page of the Uneasy series?
What would this look like? Sorry I’m clueless
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itsthelass · 2 years
Hi, I’m starting to transfer more stuff over to Ao3, so the first two chapters of Uneasy Alliance are up. I’m going through the chapters and weeding out typos, tidying up sloppy writing and expanding it here and there. It’ll be a painfully slow process, many sorries in advance.
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itsthelass · 2 years
I love the Uneasy series so much, that no matter how many years past- I always come back to this story, and it's fanart.
I also, want to do some fanart of some kind.
Though it maybe be a bit before I could.
Also, I'm not sure if ANYONE had asked this question, but for each instalment - what were the playlist for the fanfics?
Also I'm hoping you're doing well, I keep going back looking for any updates - and saw you posted on A03 which by the way, I've followed!
I love this series so much!
Ooo this is a really great question which I am more than happy to answer! Only thing is I’m about to start a hugely gruelling day at work followed by hanging out with a one year old, and don’t have time to answer properly, but yes I absolutely have a playlist for every series. In the early days Kasabian featured heavily, in the more recent series it’s been Neovaii, Bastille, etc etc… I actually have individual songs that link to characters in the Beating Hearts story but I’ve always been too shy to share this sort of thing. Give me a bit of time to get some real life nonsense out of the way and I’ll answer this properly. I’m a full time working mum with so little time to write but the Uneasy series is still alive for me and I’m so happy you still get enjoyment from it! Thank you and bear with me, I’ll come back with a more detailed answer!
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itsthelass · 2 years
I’ve just posted An Uneasy Partnership on AO3 if anyone wants to take a peek.
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itsthelass · 2 years
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Hurfhh motivation goneee
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itsthelass · 2 years
Please don’t worry. The Uneasy series is safe on my computer and I’m working on getting it uploaded to A03 (alongside being a mum amd a wife and working full time blah blah blah) so watch this space, and thanks for all the love and support people.
so! you want to rip a fic from fanfiction dot net?
I’m sure at this point we’ve all seen the posts about FFN’s inevitable demise. Not to downplay how much that would suck, for all we riff on FFN–but people have been saying that for literal years at this point, and while I do not doubt that FFN is dying, it’s probably not going to up and vanish on us in the next week. It’s got some good time of chugging and wheezing along left yet.
But among the panic there are people asking sincere questions about what can be done to save fics from FFN in the case of the site going down and taking literal decades of fandom history with it, and I’m seeing a surprising amount of people saying that the only way to do it is to either screenshot the fics or type them out yourself because copy/paste does not work on FFN. And that is just blatantly not true. There are many ways in which you can save fics from FFN. Here are just a few:
You can copy/paste directly from the mobile site. This is probably one of the easiest methods for anyone to do. Just click on the URL of the chapter you’re reading, and change the www. to m. Hit enter and the page will reload in mobile mode. You can now copy/paste the chapter right into a word document. You will have to go chapter by chapter.
CTRL+S. Go to the fic you want to save, and hit ctrl+s. Save the damn webpage. This will keep it in the exact format of the webpage, which you could see as a pro or a con, but it will also keep the ads, which does suck. You’ll also have to go chapter by chapter with this method but it does go a lot faster than manually copy/pasting the text.
HTML to PDF. This method I’m admittedly a little less sure about, since when I used it it was like, 2013 and I was in highschool so I’m not sure how viable it still is, but–just a quick google search should find you a website that will let you save a webpage as a PDF file. I have folders and folders of fics I saved back in highschool using this method. It will again have to go chapter by chapter and just like saving the webpage will keep the format of the site intact–down to keeping the ads.
Use a fanfiction downloader. Two I’ve been using for years are FF2eBook and FicHub. You put in the link of the fic you want to download and it converts the entire thing into a file for you. Yes, the entire thing–you don’t need to manually go through chapter by chapter. By default, both sites download in epub format, though FicHub does have a few other options. I’ve never really experimented with them though because I’m personally fine with epub, and there are a million epub to pdf (or other file type) converters out there.
And there you go: a handful of ways for you to save your favourite fics before FFN goes under. Again, I don’t think it’s something to be too worried about, but the best time to do your part for fandom preservation was yesterday. The second best time is to get started right now. There is no reason to wait for FFN to be on its death bed to start saving fics. I’ve been doing this for years just so I have fics to read offline. 
I’m a little too young to have been around for livejournal, but I was one of those weirdos that posted their first fics on quizilla. I remember when quizilla just…changed. And so much was lost. Looking back, almost none of what was posted on quizilla was actually good, but it was still something that someone put time and effort and passion into creating, and it was important.
There is almost no way that when FFN inevitably goes down that its entire archive will be saved. But we can do our best to save as much as we can. Stop panicking and start saving.
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itsthelass · 2 years
Hello! I just wanted to start off and say that I'm a huge fan of your work, and it's been one of the few fanfictions that has impacted me so deeply.
I recently have been getting interested in book binding as a hobby and I wanted your permission and to ask if it would be okay for me to bind my my own copies of your Uneasy series? I do not plan on selling them for profit I would just like my own physical copy of your work because of how much I adore it. 💖
Wow that sounds great, please do go ahead, as long as I get to see pics!
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itsthelass · 3 years
Guilty as charged…
Me, waiting for my WIP to write itself
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itsthelass · 3 years
So I just have to say that your Uneasy Series got me back into the Transformers fandom (even though I'm like 10 years late) and I binged the whole thing in like a week and I couldn't resist making some Starscream mimes. I hope you don't mind but like I needed to share them with someone since none of my friends get them.
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Aw nice one! Thanks for sharing these! Glad you enjoyed the story, and don’t worry I’m still 10+ years late to most things.
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itsthelass · 3 years
Not to alarm you or anything but in any case, if or when Fanfiction.Net goes down for good, do you have any plans to upload the Uneasy series anywhere else? Because it would be a shame to see a decade's worth of your writing just vanish like that.
Yes that would be a good idea. It would be quite a big undertaking but I would do it if the site were to close. I wouldn’t want to lose all that writing as you say.
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itsthelass · 4 years
@erinwhelan99 you got me bang to rights!
the sheer offensiveness of rereading something you wrote, discovering that, hey, it’s actually pretty good, and then reaching the end, wherein you realize that if you want more you actually have to write it
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