Hi love, could you please do a David Escamilla imagine where your mom comes over for something and Davids at the studio recording or something like that and she's trying to get you to break up with him and you yell at her and then he comes home and asks what happened so you tell him and he proposes??? I'm sorry if this was confusing because I couldn't figure out how to word it *places cookies down and backs away* I give you these cookies as a sign of gratitude. please and thank you :)
Okay, so I finally have this written and I'm so sorry it took me so long. I haven’t been on this account in SO long. I will TRY to be on here more. There were a few David Escamilla requests so this one can count for them too :)
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He’s Perfect (David Escamilla Imagine)
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I hummed along to the song that was playing from my phone as I started putting yet another load of laundry into the washing machine. My boyfriend, Dave, was at the studio for the day working on a new album with the rest of his bandmates so I found it to be the perfect opportunity to catch up on some laundry since it had started piling up. Usually when he was home, I tried to spend as much time as I could with him since he did have a job that would keep him away a lot. I couldn’t complain though because we made it work and we were both happy.
I had just finished turning on the washing machine when I heard the doorbell ring. It was a good thing I hadn’t been wearing earphones or else I wouldn’t have heard it. I stopped wearing them around the house when Dave always found it funny to sneak up on me every chance he found appropriate to scare the living day lights out of me. I turned the music off on my phone before I walked out of the laundry room. I wasn’t expecting any company so I didn’t know who it could be. I opened the door regardless and sighed loudly at who I found standing there.
It was my mother of all people and probably the last person I ever wanted to see.
“Well, that’s no way to greet your mom now is it?” she asked when she heard my sigh. It wasn’t like I tried to hide it or anything. “Aren’t you going to invite me in, dear?”
I didn’t feel like I had any other choice so I stepped to the side so that she could come in. As you could probably already tell, my mom and I did not get along. We didn’t see eye to eye on much and she had a lot to say about me. Things I didn’t like. I was different from my uptight family. I thought differently and I definitely looked different. I didn’t dress like the princess my mom always wanted me to and I just didn’t fit her standards. I hadn’t even seen her in months, yet here she was and it couldn’t be good.
“Is something wrong, mom?” I asked as I shut the door after she was finally inside.
“No, can’t I just visit my daughter? It’s been a while since we’ve been around one another.”
I eyed her suspiciously because I knew better than that. She wasn’t there just to visit me. There was another reason she dropped by and I could already tell I wasn’t going to like it. I decided to ignore her question by asking her one. “Can I get you something to drink or anything?”
“No, I’m okay,” she spoke as she looked around the living room. She hadn’t been to mine and Dave’s home so I knew she was sizing it up. “Nice place.”
I knew she meant it in her own sarcastic way, but I decided to ignore it and smile anyways. It was a nice place. Dave and I had made a nice home for ourselves. It wouldn’t be up to my snooty mom’s standards, but it met mine and his just fine. “Yeah, Dave and I really like it here. We’ve made it ours.”
“As I can see,” she responded as she made her way over to the couch and sat down. I followed her and sat down beside her. It was all really awkward for me honestly. I didn’t know what my mom was doing and I was already ready for her to just leave already. “So I thought we could discuss some things.”
I looked at her with my eyebrows raised in curiosity. What could she possibly have to discuss with me. “Like what?”
“Like you and this relationship you have with David.”
I could already sense that this wasn’t going to be a friendly conversation between mother and daughter. “What would we possibly have to discuss about my boyfriend and I? Our relationship is going very well and I don’t understand why we would have to discuss it because it’s mine and his relationship. Not yours.”
My mom sighed and folded her hands in her lap as she looked at me. “Y/N, when are you going to realize that this boy is not good enough for you? He’s in a rock band for crying out loud and that’s not very good financial security for you.”
I scoffed at my mother’s words and shook my head at how ridiculous she was sounding. “Actually, he is good enough for me. More than good enough actually. He’s perfect. Sometimes I think it’s me that’s not good enough for him because he is that good of a person. He’s treated me better than any other relationship I’ve been in. Also, the amount of money he makes doesn’t matter to me. We’re doing just fine now.”
“You’ve hardly explored your options,” she replied simply. “I’ve set you up with gentlemen who probably weren’t out cheating on you every chance that they could find and could support you.”
I snapped my head towards her when those words left her mouth and glared at her. How dare she say such a thing to me and to speak of Dave in such a way just made her take things too far. I stood up from the couch quickly and crossed my arms over my chest as I looked down at her.
“How dare you walk into my home and speak of my boyfriend in such a way. Dave and I are very happy and he is not out cheating on me. Just because you and dad are unhappy and he cheats on you doesn’t mean that other men act the same way. Also, those gentlemen that you set me up with weren’t such gentlemen. I know this may come as a big shock to you, but just because a person has money doesn’t mean that they are a good person.”
My mom looked up at me in shock and stood up from the couch as well. “Don’t you talk to me in that way. I am your mother and you should be showing me some respect. David is-”
“Dave is a wonderful man who treats me better than anyone has ever treated me in my whole life!” I spoke up, cutting her off from what she was about to say. “I love him! David is such a wonderful person with a heart of gold and I’m only sorry that you are too blinded by your stupid standards to see it because you’re really missing out. Now, if you are finished then I think you should leave because I’m done with listening to this nonsense.”
My mom stood there for a few moments just pursing her lips. She seemed angry, but I didn’t care because I was just as angry if not angrier than her for this little stunt she tried to pull. Did she really think she could talk me into leaving Dave, the man that I loved?
She finally moved to leave and I turned to watch her, but I felt my body stiffen as I noticed none other than Dave standing there. Had he just witnessed all of that? I hadn’t even heard him come home. I couldn’t even read his expression. My mom seemed a bit shocked too, but she gathered herself quickly and walked to the door with Dave and I both watching her. When I heard the door finally shut, I sighed loudly and dropped my arms to my side.
“How much of that did you hear?” I asked quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.
“Enough,” he finally answered and came over to where I was still standing. He turned me so that I was facing him and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned into him and wrapped my arms around him, enjoying his embrace after such a stressful situation.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry about all of that,” I whispered and buried my head into his chest. The smell of his cologne was almost as comforting as his embrace because it was such a familiar scent for me.
“Why are you apologizing when it wasn’t your fault?” He asked me as he rubbed my back gently. “I heard what all you told her. You stood up for me, but most importantly you stood up for us. That’s nothing to apologize for, babe.”
“I know, but I’m just sorry you had to hear what she was saying,” I told him as I struggled to hold in the tears. I would not cry for that woman. I shed enough tears before because of her. She’s wasn’t worth anymore. She just really knew how to get me worked up and I hated it.
“Hey, stop apologizing already because it’s not necessary.” He pulled me away a bit so that he could look at me. I managed to look back at him as he smiled at me. I smiled weakly in return and nodded slightly. “If anything, I should be the one apologizing.”
I looked at him questioningly and tilted my head to the side a bit. “What do you have to apologize for?”
“I have to apologize because I lied about being at the studio recording for the album.”
“You weren’t at the studio?”
“No, I wasn’t at the studio,” he answered and grinned mischievously, which was making me suspicious of him. “I was actually out shopping.”
“You were out shopping?”
“Yes, I was out shopping and I really wanted to save this for tonight so I could take you somewhere nice, but this honestly seems like as good of an opportunity as any.”
I was definitely confused at this point because I didn’t know what was going on. He didn’t have any shopping bags with him so what did he go out shopping for? He reached into his pocket as I watched his every move and he brought out a small box. I looked down at it and then into his eyes as he took my hand in his. He was looking right back at me.
“Y/N, you are very special to me. You’ve stuck by me even though I can be a pain in the ass to deal with sometimes and don’t even try to tell me different because I know better.” I laughed lightly at that and shook my head at him as he grinned back at me. “I know it’s not easy being with me because of me being in a band and having to be away a lot and for some pretty long periods of time, but you deal with it better than any other person would in your situation and I love you for that. I love you for so many reasons and we would be here an eternity if I had to list them all to you, but I would if you wanted me to. You’re beautiful inside and out and that’s a hard thing to find, but I’m lucky enough to say that I have and I want to hold onto you.”
I felt my eyes begin to tear up at the words that Dave spoke to me because they were honestly the sweetest things I had ever been told even if he was really just rambling. I was smiling at him as he looked at me somewhat nervously and that’s when it happened. He lowered himself down so that he was kneeling on one knee and he opened up the small box to reveal the prettiest ring I had ever laid my eyes on. It was simple like I liked. It was perfect.
“Y/N would you do me the honor in becoming my wife? Will you marry me?”
I moved my free hand that he wasn’t holding my mouth as my jaw dropped in surprise. Was Dave really asking me to marry him? I hadn’t expected this, but it was a very pleasant surprise. I didn’t even know if I could actually speak so I quickly nodded my head and smiled as I felt tears fall from my eyes.
“Yes, I’ll marry you, Dave,” I told him as I had finally found my voice.
He smiled wide and stood back up to pull me into a hug, lifting me off of the ground in his excitement as he did so. I giggled at him before he finally let go of me to put the ring on my finger, which fit perfectly. He kissed that hand before letting it go to pull me into another hug. I wrapped my arms around him and leaned up to kiss him passionately, which he returned.
“I hope it was okay that I asked this way,” he told me after we pulled away from the kiss. “I know it wasn’t very romantic or anything like that.”
“Baby, I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I told him truthfully before I pulled him down on the couch with me to show him just how okay I was with it.
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itsthosebandimagines · 10 years
can you do a Luke Holland imagine which you two are together and he loves you so much and maybe even more than drumming and you are spending a week at his house together since hes never felt like this before he panics and says like "this isnt who I am i dont get attached drums b4 everything" etc and then ignore you and sleeps with another girl he used to sleep with randomly. then you found out about it telle gets so mad at him lectures him he tries and begs for forgiveness maybe fluff too?:)))
Sure! I'm a little busy right now, but I will try to have it finished within the next day or two so keep an eye out. :)
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itsthosebandimagines · 10 years
I Promise (Mikey Chapman Imagine)
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ineedmoredeadrainbows asked: Hrey! Could you do one of mikey chapman from mallory knox? Thank you!
Honestly, I didn't know anything about Mallory Knox. I checked them out though and was impressed by what I heard so thanks for introducing them to me. :)
The house was quiet and dark as I walked inside with my hands full of bags of groceries. That meant that my boyfriend was not home again, which irritated me to no end. He had promised me he would be home.
Mikey Chapman and I had been together for well over a year. Most of it being long distance. I was from the US while he was from the UK. He had begged me for months to come live with him in the UK and I had finally caved. I mean I loved him and missed him like crazy so it was only logical. We'd be able to really be together then. I didn't, however, expect him to hardly ever be home. He spent most of his nights hanging out with his band, Mallory Knox, or working on new music with them. I didn't mind it at all. What I did mind was the fact that he never spent any time with me. The only reason why I had uprooted myself from my home to his.
I threw the groceries down on the counter and sighed loudly. I couldn't keep going on like this. Something had to give. I dug my cell phone out of my purse and called Mikey quickly.
"Hello, love," he answered after a few rings.
"Hey, where are you?" I asked him.
"Oh, me and the other guys are at a pub relaxing," he answered, which irritated me even more.
"Mikey, you promised me you would be home tonight," I said, clearly annoyed. "I was going to cook us a nice dinner."
"Shit, I forgot about that," he said. "I'll leave here and be there in a bit, okay?"
"Yeah, whatever," I said before I ended the call and threw my phone on the counter.
I was fuming as I began putting all of the groceries away. He had forgot. He promised me something and he forgot. It had been happening a lot. I was probably blowing this way out of proportion, but I was completely fed up. All I was asking for was more time with my boyfriend. I was tired of coming home to an empty house and feeling alone.
After all of the groceries were finally put away, I pulled a chair out from the table and sat there waiting for him to come home. I suspected it wasn't going to be a very pretty scene. 
A little while later, I heard the door open and close, indicating that he was home.
"Y/N, where are you?" he called out.
"I'm in here in the dining room," I called back.
He appeared moments later. "What are you doing?"
"I think we should have a talk, Mikey," I told him.
"Look, I'm really sorry," he apologized. "I lost track of time. I'm here now though."
"Yes, you are here now, but only because I called you," I stated. "You wouldn't have remembered otherwise."
"You know I have a one track mind sometimes, babe," he said. "I'm sorry I forgot this one time."
"This isn't the only time you've done this," I told him. "This has been a reoccurring thing and I'm tired of it. I'm tired of coming home to an empty house."
"Are you really mad that I hang out with my mates?" he asked, sounding annoyed. "That I'm working on my music, which you know is really important to me. It's also my career."
"No, I'm not mad about any of that," I answered, letting my irritation show. "What I am mad about is you never find time for me."
"That's a lie. I spend time with you."
"Seeing me briefly in the mornings before I leave for work does not count as spending time with me, Mikey," I retorted back. "Think of the last time we really spent time together. Can you even remember?"
He stood there for a while without saying anything, which only proved my point even more. Even he couldn't remember.
"Honestly, I don't even know why you asked me to move out here," I continued. "It was suppose to be so we could be with each other, but that's not what's been going on. I quit my job back in the US, left my friends and my family, left everything I knew to be out here with you. I did my part. When does your part come in?"
He still didn't say anything as he thought about what I had told him. I got up from my seat and walked over to him.
"I'm thinking maybe I should just go back home," I spoke, breaking the silence.
He quickly looked up at me in shock. "What? No, please don't do that. This is your home, love."
"It doesn't really feel like it, Mikey. I can't keep going on like this."
"Give me another chance," he said. "I promise I will spend more time with you. That things will get better."
"You've promised me before, but you-"
"No I promise you this time," he interrupted me as he grabbed my hands to hold in his. "I will not break this one. I can't lose you. Not when I finally have you here with me. I'm sorry I've been such an idiot and not appreciated you before. I will though. Starting right now. Please, Y/N, just give me another chance to prove it."
The look on his face was one of pure panic and honesty. He really didn't want me to leave I could see that clearly. Maybe I could give him another chance. Maybe, just maybe, he would keep this promise.
"I'll give you another chance," I finally spoke.
"You will?" he asked as he smiled.
"Yes, but please don't disappoint me this time, babe."
"I won't, love," he answered as he pulled me into him, hugging me tightly.
"You better be glad I love you so much, Mr. Chapman," I said as I hugged him back.
"I am glad," he laughed. "I love you, too. Now, you go get comfy in the living room and I'll fix us dinner to make all this up to you."
He let me go and I began to walk out. I paused before I was completely out of the kitchen to look back at him. He was already set to work on getting everything out he needed to fix us dinner. I smiled as I watched him and he smiled back once he noticed me watching him. 
'Maybe things really will get better,' I thought to myself.
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itsthosebandimagines · 10 years
Hrey! Could you do one of mikey chapman from mallory knox? Thank you!
Of course!! I am posting it in a few moments. I hope you enjoy it. :)
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itsthosebandimagines · 10 years
Happy Birthday (David Escamilla Imagine)
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Anonymous asked: Could you write me an imagine about where you and David Escamilla have been in a long distance relationship for over six months now, and he comes and surprises you for your birthday? Thank youuu <3
Yay, my first request! Hope you enjoy! It’s pretty fluffy towards the end, but who doesn’t enjoy a little fluff. :)
I groaned and rolled over in my bed as my cell phone rang, disturbing me from my peaceful slumber. I looked over at the alarm clock on my night stand and saw that it was a little past nine o’clock in the morning. Who DARED to wake me up that early in the morning. I grabbed my phone while mumbling out some profanities and answered it without even bothering to look at the screen. 
"Hello?" I answered in a none too pleasant tone.
"Well, someone’s a ray of sunshine this morning." I could hear that familiar chuckle on the other end. 
"Dave?" I asked as I sat up in bed immediately.
David Escamilla, Dave as he liked to be called, was my boyfriend. We had been in a relationship for over six months at that point. It wasn’t just any kind of relationship though. It was a long distance relationship. We had met at one of his band’s meet & greets after the show that they played in my city. We talked for a while and he had asked me to hang out with him afterwards. Things kind of progressed from there.
"Of course it’s me," he said. "Do you have other men calling you that I should know about?"
"Very funny," I joked. "Why are you calling me so early anyways? You know I don’t do mornings."
"To tell you happy birthday of course."
I had almost forgotten that it was my birthday. I wasn’t really looking forward to it honestly. I suspected it was going to be like any other day and the fact that Dave wasn’t going to be able to be there for it made it even worse. He was busy with things he had to do with the band. He couldn’t get out of it, which I understood I guess. I was still disappointed about it though.
"Oh, thanks," I said.
"That didn’t sound too pleasant," he commented. "Is something wrong, babe?"
Was something wrong? Yes, there was something wrong. He wouldn’t be there for my birthday and that’s all I was asking for really. It had been over a month since I had last seen him and I really missed him.
"I just really miss you is all." I sighed after saying this. "It would’ve been nice to have you here."
"I know and I really miss you too, Y/N," Dave told me. "I’ll make it up to you though. We’ll see each other soon."
"When?" I asked.
"Very soon," he answered. "I promise, babe."
"Okay. I’m holding you to that, mister."
We continued to talk for a little while longer until he had to let me go to go do something. I hung up the phone and set it down beside me.
"Happy birthday to me." I sighed and fell back on the bed.
Later on that day, my friend literally drug me out of the house to take me out shopping. She did this every year on my birthday. It wasn’t the same this year though. I couldn’t help but be in a sour mood the whole time.
"What about this?" Y/F/N asked as she held the dress up to herself.
"Yeah, that looks good," I told her, not really paying her any attention.
"Really, Y/N?" she asked, putting it back on the rack. "You’ve been so distracted today. It’s suppose to be a fun day."
"I’m sorry. I’m just not in the mood for this right now," I truthfully told her. I kind of felt bad acting like this. I couldn’t help it though.
"I know why you’re acting like this and I completely understand it. You know he would like for you to enjoy yourself though, right?"
I ignored her and absentmindedly looked through a rack of clothes. She was right. Dave would like for me to enjoy myself instead of being all pathetic and mopey. It didn’t mean it was going to stop me though.
Y/F/N’s phone sounded off, indicating that she had a text message. She turned away from me and looked at it. She typed in a quick reply.
"Are you ready to go?" she asked, turning to me quickly. "Though I feel like there’s not even a need to ask."
I nodded and followed her out of the store. We walked to her car and she started the engine after we were both buckled in.
We were back at my house in what seemed like no time. Y/F/N pulled into my driveway. I began getting out of the vehicle and noticed she wasn’t following behind me like she usually would. I found that to be strange.
"Are you not coming in?" I asked her, curiously. 
"No, there’s something I have to take care of," she responded. "I’ll see you at your party later tonight. Don’t forget about it."
I got out of the car and began the short journey to my door. After unlocking it quickly and throwing the door open, I furrowed my eyebrows. There were rose petals on the floor that definitely weren’t there before. They were lined up like they were directing me somewhere. I shut the door and began to follow them out of curiosity. They went through the hallway and began to go up the stairs. They kept going until they finally ended in front of my bedroom door. I stood there for a moment not really knowing what to expect. I finally opened it and was met with a pleasant surprise.
"Happy birthday, baby."
My eyes widened at the sight before me. Dave stood in front of my bed holding a single rose and wearing the biggest grin I’d ever seen. I dropped everything I had been holding and bolted over to him. I jumped into his open arms and he picked me up easily, hugging me close to him. It had been way too long.
"What the hell are you doing here, Dave?" I asked in shock as I pulled away from him to look at him. I had missed that face so much.
"Is that really the welcome I get?" he asked, laughing.
"It’s just- I thought you couldn’t make it," I told him. "How did this happen, babe?"
"I was going to surprise you, which I successfully accomplished I might add," he spoke as he smiled. "You know I’m very sneaky. Y/F/N helped me set it all up. Besides, I promised you that you would see me very soon didn’t I? I never break my promises. Especially the ones I make to you."
"I didn’t think it would be this soon though," I explained to him. "I’m glad it is. I’m so happy to see you, Dave! You don’t even know."
"I do know, baby," he said. "I’m really happy to see you, too. I’ve missed my girl and there was no way I was going to miss her birthday."
"I honestly don’t know whether to hit you upside the head or kiss you for surprising me like that."
"Well, I think I’d prefer the kiss over the beating if I get to make that decision," he answered.
I grinned as I quickly placed my lips onto his and kissed him lovingly. He set me back down on my feet afterwards and handed me the rose he had been holding.
"Only one rose?" I asked, joking with him.
"Well, where do you think all of those rose petals came from, dear?" he asked, playing along. "That’s not all I have for you. You’ll have to wait till your party tonight though." He winked and slyly grinned at me.
I laughed and looked into his eyes. “Thank you, Dave. You’ve made this the best birthday yet. It means so much to me that you came here. I really love you.”
"And I really love you, too," he responded back. "Now, how long do we have before that party?" He wiggled his eyebrows.
I squealed as he scooped me up in his big arms and threw me down on the bed. My birthday really seemed to turn around for the better.
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itsthosebandimagines · 10 years
Could you write me an imagine about where you and David Escamilla have been in a long distance relationship for over six months now, and he comes and surprises you for your birthday? Thank youuu
Sure thing! I just finished it now. I will be posting it momentarily. I hope you enjoy it. :)
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itsthosebandimagines · 10 years
Time-Bomb (Alex Gaskarth Imagine)
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I wrote this imagine a while back and posted it on another website. I made a few changes and thought I would give it a shot on here. Enjoy!
The house was quiet as I sat on the couch. Nothing could be heard but the ticking of the clock that I was watching through glared eyes. My arms were crossed tightly across my chest. It was nearing two o'clock in the morning and my boyfriend, Alex Gaskarth, still hadn't come home yet. He and I had been having a fight earlier and, doing what Alex always did, he stormed out in the middle of it leaving me home to fume.I never understood why he walked out during our fights. He knew it would just make me angrier, which would more than likely result in another long fight between us. 
Finally, when I thought I was going to literally turn into flames from the anger boiling inside of me, Alex opened the door and walked in. He hadn't noticed me sitting there until he turned away from the door.
"Where were you?" I asked, staring at him.
He sighed as he walked to the coffee table and threw his keys down on it. He just stood there completely ignoring the question I had asked him. No doubt, making me even more annoyed with him than I already was. If that were even possible.
"Fine," I said. "Just ignore me then."
"Y/N, please don't start," he finally spoke.
"Don't start what, Alex?" I asked, knowing good and well what he meant.
"This," he said, pointing from me to him. "Don't start a fight. I'm not in the mood for another one.
"You're not in the mood, huh?" I asked as I stood up and moved towards him. "Well, I wasn't in the mood to sit here and wait up for you all night, but I did. You know I hate it when you walk out in the middle of our fights.
"You didn't have to sit up and wait for me so that's your own fault," he said as he stepped up closer to me. 
I felt my anger escalate as I smelt the alcohol on him. He had been out drinking while I had been setting there half the night waiting up for him to come back.
"You've been drinking!" I yelled, not being able to hold it in. "You've been out partying it up while I sat here wondering where the fuck you were?! How fucking selfish can you be, Alex?!"
I noticed Alex clenching his jaw and fists tightly. He obviously didn't appreciate what I had to say and, frankly, I didn't care. 
"Don't even fucking go there!" he yelled in my face. "I was not out fucking partying it up! I went out to drink so when I came back home I would be able to put up with you and your bitching because it seems like the only thing you do! Don't make me have to go back out!"
I glared at him and watched as his nostrils flared. How dare he talk to me like that. My breaking point had been reached. There was no going back now.
"No need for that, Alex," I said. "If I'm such a bitch all the time, then I'll leave and I won't come back."
I walked away from him quickly and felt the hot tears of anger build up in my eyes. I tried keeping them back, but they fell at their own free will. My vision was blurry by the time I made it to our bedroom. I went to the closet and dug out the biggest suitcase we owned. I threw it on the bed and went back to the closet to grab some clothes out of it. I threw them on the bed carelessly.
Who did he think he was? He acted like I started all of our fights when he was just as much the one to start them as I was and he very well knew that.
"What are you doing?" I heard Alex ask and found him standing at the door watching me.
"What does it look like?" I asked as I went over to the dresser and threw clothes out of it. "All we do is fight. It's for the best isn't it?"
He didn't say anything as he stood there watching me throw things into the suitcase. I didn't even bother to fold them neatly inside. This was the first time either of us threatened to really walk out.
"Don't leave."
I ignored him as I continued gathering things up and throwing them into the suitcase. I didn't want to listen to anything he had to say. I just wanted out of there and away from him.
"Y/N, stop," he said finally walking towards me and grabbing my hands to make me stop packing. "Please, don't leave. Don't leave me."
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't, Alex," I said as more tears fell from my eyes.
"Because I love you," he said as he wiped my tears away with his thumb, "and you love me. It doesn't matter that we fight all the time. Our love is stronger than our anger. That's why we've stayed together this long."
"Our love may be stronger, but fighting is no way to go about a relationship," I said. "You and I both know that."
"We've made it work this long haven't we?" he asked.
I looked up into his eyes as he looked right back into mine. He was right. Alex and I had been together since we were teenagers. We had fought a lot then too, but we somehow still made everything work. I didn't know how, but we did.
"Baby, stay with me," he said as he intertwined our fingers together and looked deeply into my eyes, almost as if he were searching for my answer in them.
I knew if I stayed that our fights would continue, but I came to the conclusion that I didn't mind. That was just me and Alex. How our relationship worked. We had our good times too, which outweighed all of the bad. Also, as he had said, our love was stronger than those petty little fights. He stared at me as he waited for me to say something.
"I won't leave you, Alex," I finally spoke. "I'll stay right here with you where I belong."
He smiled as he let go of my hands and picked me up into his arms. He placed his lips onto mine and kissed me with so much love. I felt the last bit of anger I had leave me instantly. He pulled away from me and we smiled at each other.
"Baby, we're like a time bomb, but I need it. Wouldn't have it any other way," he sang placing his forehead on mine and smiling even bigger.
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itsthosebandimagines · 10 years
The Interview (Austin Carlile Imagine)
As I stood backstage in the concert venue waiting, I couldn’t help the nerves that suddenly crept up on me. I was about to do an interview with a singer from a band and not just any singer from any band. It was Austin Carlile from Of Mice & Men. Someone that I looked up to and if that wasn’t enough to make me nervous, the fact that it was my first official interview since I started the job made the nerves even worse. I sighed loudly and began pacing around until I was interrupted by someone.
"Hey, are you the one doing the interview?"
I stopped in my tracks recognizing that voice instantly. I turned and was met by none other than THE Austin Carlile wearing that signature smile of his. I noticed he looked even more gorgeous and even more taller in person.
"Um, yeah," I talked low. "That would be me."
"Great," he smiled even bigger. "My name’s Austin Carlile."
"Yeah, I already knew that," I spoke, laughing nervously afterwards.
"Of course you did." He laughed along with me. "The didn’t tell me that the interviewer was going to be so pretty."
I blushed and looked down to the ground so he couldn’t see it. I heard him chuckle though, which let me know he had indeed seen it. Great.
"Anyways, what is your name?" he asked me.
"I-It’s Y/N," I stammered out.
He held his hand out for me to shake, which I accepted. I was hoping he wouldn’t notice how much my hands were now shaking.
"Wow, you’re really shaky," he commented. "Are you feeling okay?"
Shit. He noticed that I was nervous. I thought about just playing it off and making up some kind of excuse. It probably wasn’t good letting the person you’re about to interview know that you’re a nervous wreck. I decided to just tell him the truth though.
"To be honest, I’m so nervous right now," I admitted to him, quickly.
"Really?" he asked, surprised. "Why are you so nervous?"
"I’m just that kind of person I guess," I began to explain to him. "Also, I actually haven’t interviewed anyone yet. They asked me to stand in for someone today last minute and I pretty much had to. I didn’t really have time to prepare for this. Plus, I’m a fan and it’s just a little much for me right now."
I blurted all of this out quickly and became even more of a mess as I explained it all to him. He probably thought I was crazy by now. I could have slapped myself right then and there.
"Hey, hey, calm down," he told me gently as he put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "It’s okay. You’re going to do great. You just have to stop over thinking it. Just think of the interview as me and you being normal people having a normal conversation. Don’t pay any mind to the camera or anyone else. Just me and you. Focus on me."
All I could do was stare at him as he told me all of this. His voice was calming me instantly and his eyes were so soothing. 
"O-okay," I finally spoke. "I will try that."
A few minutes later, the interview was seconds from beginning. We had moved into a room where it would would be quieter. I held the microphone and note cards tightly. I glanced up at Austin who looked back at me and smiled letting me know I could do this. That man’s smile really had the power to calm anyone down.
Once the camera guy was all set up and gave us the okay, I took a deep breath and began.
"And we’re off," the camera guy told us as he brought the camera down.
"You did so great!" Austin exclaimed. "I told you."
I smiled and sighed in relief. I felt like I had done a pretty good job if I did say so myself. I did as Austin had told me and acted like it was just me and him having our own conversation. We talked about the band and their music. I had also asked him some questions that the fans had sent in for him to answer. All the while, he would smile at me to let me know I was doing fine and that really helped.
"Thank you, Austin." I smiled at him. "For everything. What you suggested really got me through it."
"I’m glad I could help, Y/N."
"Austin, we’re on in ten," his band mate, Alan Ashby, came in and spoke to Austin.
"Okay, I’ll be there in a bit."
Alan walked out of the room, which left me and Austin alone. The camera guy had left a few moments earlier to go put the gear back in the car.
"You’re staying for the show, right?" He asked, breaking the silence.
"Yeah, I mean I planned to."
"Great! You can watch from side stage. I mean you’re already back here and everything."
"That would be nice," I told him.
"And maybe after our set we could hang out…if you’d like to that is?" He asked, suddenly sounding nervous.
"Yeah, that would be wonderful actually." I could feel myself blushing again and attempted to hide it.
"That’s really cute, you know that?" He grinned after saying that, which only caused me to blush even more. "I guess I better go out there now. I’ll see you after the show, okay?"
He smiled one last time at me and then walked away. I stood there for a moment processing what had just happened. Had Austin Carlile, THE Austin Carlile, just helped me with my nerves AND asked me to hang out with him after the show? I was suddenly happy the other person had missed out on this interview after all.
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itsthosebandimagines · 10 years
New Band Imagines Blog
Hello, everyone! 
I am a new band imagines blog. If you any of you have any requests, just send it in and I will try my best to write it for you. Try to be specific with what you would like for me to write though. It makes things easier. I already have an imagine posted so check it out! 
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itsthosebandimagines · 10 years
You Are Perfect (Andy Biersack Imagine)
Trigger Warning: Mentions of Eating Disorder
That was the only thing that was going through my mind as I stood in front of the mirror staring back at the pathetic waste of space that stood before me. I hated everything about the person staring back at me in the mirror.
And that person was me.
I began pointing out every flaw about myself. From my chubby stomach to my enormous thighs. I was absolutely hideous.
Ever since I was 15, I had battled with anorexia and bulimia. I was always worried about my weight. The thought of gaining weight would send me into a panic. I thought I would never be able to get over the obsession until I met my boyfriend, Andy, when I was 18. It didn't take long after we began dating for him to figure out that I had an eating disorder. I was practically skin and bones. I never ate and what little I would eat I would go to the bathroom and quickly get rid of. So he finally asked me one day if I did have an eating disorder and becoming tired of hiding it from everyone I told him the truth. He was genuinely concerned and begged me to seek help for it, which I did. Only for him. It was extremely hard, but for the most part I was better. That was three years ago.
However, I had found myself go back into my old ways since Andy had left for his six month tour. The longest tour he had ever been on since we had been together. Without his watchful eyes and him there to encourage me to eat, my eating disorder come back into full swing. I had lost a tremendous amount of weight since he had left. It wasn't enough though. It would never be enough.
I turned away from the mirror quickly not being able to take the sight of the girl standing before me any longer. I walked over to the scale that I had purchased after Andy left since he made sure that there were never any in the house for me to use. I stepped onto it and waited for those dreaded numbers that literally controlled me.
I waited for what seemed like hours for the numbers to pop up. I wasn't satisfied by the outcome. How had I not lost anymore weight than that?! I began to sob. I should have lost more than that. How had this happened? I was so pathetic.
'You really are pathetic. You're nothing but a fat, worthless human being. How does Andy stay with you?'
I stepped off of the scale and picked it up throwing it at the mirror with all of my might. It shattered and pieces flew everywhere. I fell onto the floor and felt some pieces dig into my legs as I was only wearing one of Andy's over sized hoodies, I didn't care though as I completely broke down in the middle of the bathroom floor.
"I am so worthless!" I screamed. "I am a pathetic, worthless, fat cow!"
I continued screaming and crying until my voice was about to give out and I couldn't breathe.
I looked up quickly and found Andy standing in the doorway with a look of confusion and concern. He wasn't suppose to be home yet. He wasn't suppose to see me like this. I cried even more.
He ran over to me quickly. I could hear the broken glass crunching underneath his boots. He bent down to my level and scooped me up quickly, walking me out of the bathroom.
"Baby, your legs are all cut up," he told me when he saw them after setting me down on our bed. "What the hell's happened? Please tell me what happened."
I couldn't speak for all of the crying I was doing so he just pulled me close to him and tried to calm me down.
"Shh, it's okay. I'm here, Y/N. I'm here now, baby. Please calm down for me."
After a while of his gentle touch and soothing words, I was finally calmed down. He pulled me away from him and looked at me. He wiped the tears from my face and kissed me on the forehead.
"Let's clean you up," he told me. "There's glass all over you. Can you take that hoodie off while I grab a washcloth to clean your legs up with? I'll grab you another one."
He walked to the closet and grabbed another one of his hoodies for me to wear and then left for the bathroom for a washcloth. I stood up slowly and peeled the hoodie off of myself. I was always so self conscious about Andy seeing my body. He always assured me that he loved it and that I was perfect. I thought he just told me that to make me feel better though.
A gasp brought me out of my thoughts and I looked to find Andy just standing there staring at me with pure shock. See I'm hideous. He walked over to me slowly and stared at me for a while. He gently ran his fingers over my collarbones, which were sticking out, and then over my ribs. He looked into my eyes and put his hand on my cheek.
"Why, Y/N? Why are you doing this to yourself again?"
"Because I'm not good enough," I whispered, "and I never will be."
"You know that's not true."
"It is though, Andy!" I yelled at him. "I am worthless! Fucking worthless! Do you know what it's like to look into a mirror and absolutely hate the person staring back at you?!"
"Is that what happened in the bathroom earlier?"
I nodded as I felt fresh tears run down my face once again.
"Baby, I'd like for you to walk over to that mirror over there," he told me as he pointed to the full length mirror hanging on our closet door.
I looked up at him quickly and shook my head. I couldn't do that. I couldn't look at myself. Did he not understand that?
"For me, please? I'll go over there with you."
I thought about it for a moment. He knew when he would ask me to do something using 'for me' then I would usually do it. I sighed as I walked over to it slowly with him following close behind. I stopped when I was in front of it. Not daring to lift my head up and see myself.
"You can do it, love," he encouraged me as he stood behind me and put his arms around me.
Feeling better with him holding me like that, I lifted my head up and looked at myself. The same results though. I hated it. Especially now. I looked so broken down. I began to cry.
"Now, would you like to know what I see when I look at that girl in the mirror? I see the most beautiful girl I have ever met. She has the perfect body and personality to match. She's absolutely perfect inside and out. She's so worthy and more than good enough. She's also kind and so caring. Always puts others before herself and tries to make others feel better when she should be doing the same for herself because she is amazing and deserves it. The girl that is standing there is the girl I love with all of my heart and that I am lucky to call mine."
I was a crying mess by the end of his speech. All of these things he pointed out about myself I couldn't see. Andy had never lied to me though and he was so sincere about it. No one has ever done that for me before. I turned around in his arms and hugged him as tight as I could. He hugged me back holding my head to his chest. He pulled me away slightly after a while and put his forehead against mine.
"Now, I know you don't see any of that in yourself right now," he told me as he looked into my eyes. "I will spend every moment showing and telling you though because I am not going anywhere. I love you, Y/N, and I would like for you to be able to love yourself."
"I love you too, Andy," I sobbed. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry."
"Don't apologize to me, baby girl," his deep voice spoke. "We all have our demons, It's okay. Just please, for me and yourself, treat yourself better. You're hurting the girl I love."
"I-I will try," I whispered. "I'll need your help though. I can't do this alone.
"I will always be here to help you," he assured me. "You're not alone in this."
I smiled as I leaned in to kiss him with so much love and passion. He returned the notion. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but with Andy by my side I knew I could get better.
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