itz-mee-kha-eel-blog · 10 years
You are welcome! Do not worry, I would not know how to describe it in any language.
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Oh. Da I can see why you would not want zat.
Thank you. Just don’t go telling anyone else what you’ve seen. Word travels fast in this school.
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Yeah, but you fall off your broom, you break an arm, you go to the Hospital Wing, Madame Pomfrey heals it. You’re in and out in ten or twenty minutes. Pretty quick. I eat toast, my stomach gets all out of whack, my intestines don’t want to digest food, and i’m in the Hospital Wing for a few days.
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itz-mee-kha-eel-blog · 10 years
Ah good, I was getting ready to claim foreigner to get out of it. Da! Much more like home, was a bit warm before.
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Oh, I don’t know if it’s against the rules or not. I was just curious. She laughed lightly, It’s great weather though, right?
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itz-mee-kha-eel-blog · 10 years
I do not know much about it, but da, it did look quite impress-... extraordinary, to me.
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Da, da... Quidditch can be dangerous as well... yes?
My quidditch tactics are very impressive.
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It does, but it’s better to be bored than in the Hospital Wing because I ate toast.
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itz-mee-kha-eel-blog · 10 years
Is it not good for me to be out here? I needed to get my coat, zhe weazher is finally getting nice enough for it again.
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So what’re you doin’ out here?
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itz-mee-kha-eel-blog · 10 years
So... you were worried I waz here to steal your secret Quidditch tactics?
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Ah, I am sorry. Doez it not get boring haffing zhem all zhe time?
Oh, sorry. I thought you were a Hogwarts student from another house, you wouldn’t know.
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Nope. I continue to live off of eggs.
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itz-mee-kha-eel-blog · 10 years
O-oh, ah, my apologies. I did not zhink zat it would be an... issue.
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Oh! Did you find any gluten free toast?
Oi, you! This is a closed practice, if you’re not on the team, you’re not on the pitch.
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itz-mee-kha-eel-blog · 10 years
But, zhank you for zhe offer. Truly.
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If you want to be in zhis room you haff to be quiet
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itz-mee-kha-eel-blog · 10 years
It iz ohkay, half of it iz tranzlating anyway. Besides, I am in Scotland to meet people.
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If you want to be in zhis room you haff to be quiet
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itz-mee-kha-eel-blog · 10 years
Iz it? My grades do not tend to agree wizh you.
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If you want to be in zhis room you haff to be quiet
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itz-mee-kha-eel-blog · 10 years
Nyet, it iz a bad habit.
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If you want to be in zhis room you haff to be quiet
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itz-mee-kha-eel-blog · 10 years
Truly, it iz fine. It iz probably juszt stress from school work. You know, when you can not underztand somezhing and instead of trying to figure it out, you run away to cool down?
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If you want to be in zhis room you haff to be quiet
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itz-mee-kha-eel-blog · 10 years
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Lots of people ha-... lots of people are full of sorrow. I haff a handle on mine, it iz best to... wait for someone zat needs it, da?
If you want to be in zhis room you haff to be quiet
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itz-mee-kha-eel-blog · 10 years
I-I zhen juszt... do not mind it, you need to breathe and I am being selfish, my apologies.
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If you want to be in zhis room you haff to be quiet
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itz-mee-kha-eel-blog · 10 years
It does not matter.
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If you want to be in zhis room you haff to be quiet
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itz-mee-kha-eel-blog · 10 years
Becauze life iz not fair. I mean, I am sorry, Ava iz making too much noize on zhe ship... I usually do not mind loud.
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If you want to be in zhis room you haff to be quiet
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itz-mee-kha-eel-blog · 10 years
You sighed. Or at leaszt breazhed too loudly.
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If you want to be in zhis room you haff to be quiet
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itz-mee-kha-eel-blog · 10 years
I did not know zhey could do zat, zhey seemed so happy to make zhings for me.
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If you like I can maybe get stuff for you?
Th-the house elves really kicked me out…
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I-I s-suppose I-I did make too much f-food.
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