We can tell the truth We can tell a million lies We can hide behind the dark We all have sometimes to cry
But they will never know They will never understand They will never know They will never understand
We could be both blind Walk around or strike a pose Stop and dance, stand still Bump and crash between let’s go
But they will never know They will never understand They will never know They will never understand
They will all say it’s unnecessary But you have to try, to make Your time will not come back They will all say it’s unnecessary But you have to try, to make Your time will not come back
Not come back, time will not come back Not come back, your will not come back
I'd move like none before I shout what’s in my thoughts The sound should be so loud All mics spread round and round I say c'mon let’s go We have no time to lose Dive deep but not too fast You know you're not alone
But they will never know They’ll never understand They will never know They will never understand
They will all say it’s unnecessary But you have to try, to make Your time will not come back They will all say it’s unnecessary But you have to try, to make Your time will not come back
They will all say it’s unnecessary But you have to try Try, try, you’ve got to try, try (aah aah aah)
Not come back, time will not come back Not come back, your time will not come back Not come back, your time will not come back
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iwannamakerevolution teaser feb 2016 (via Vimeo)
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Made in collab with bitches mobile cams / order of appearance: mavi, Raphael Daibert, Enad Marouf, Billy Bultheel, Dennis van Wanrooij, Leonardo Camarcio, Vivienne Bessette. mavi©2015/16
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if you find me on street with yellow high heels very long red dress walking back & forwards here and there, going nowhere would you give me a penny?!
you meet me in a corner waving hands someone never there licking fingers strawberry I thinks it’s gonna rain oh God, how i wish to become and ostrich would you gimme a penny?!
if you go to supermarket you buy a lot of things but when you go cashier you don’t find money to pay would you stay awake or just make a pocker face Elza! Elza! Elza Elza Elza!
Ok, so you travel somewhere in Europe with a very nice sunset living life is such a paradise you Italian dick is amazing by the way bitch, i’m HIV positive hurry up and gimme my penny!!
if you meet me in Canarian Islands with a black moustache my best diamonds bracelet and a beautiful horney bikini shall i propose a manifest against capitalist system in all its forms, or you better just gimme a penny?!
my honey will use me and then will abuse me tomorrow i call him and maria bethania will send me a letter
Are you gonna gimme a penny?
A penny for a tranny?!
that’s all i want, that’s all i need a little bit of penny could maybe make me rich bitch
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Eu mordi a maçã. Depois de um tempo eu mordi a mação. Peguei a maçã detrás das costas, a mação tava presa na bunda, na saia, por dentro da saia. I grab hold of the apple, bring it slowly from behind to the hips, to the belly, to the chest, bra, necklace, flower hair. Bananas, Carmem, bananas! Take a time and strike a posse...and bite it!!! Bite the apple, chew it, bite more, more, more. Bite more, Oh my God there’s too much inside my mouth. I’m gonna throw it, throw it, throw it. I’m gonna throw it. And then?! Let’s do it! I walk from back forward to the camera, catwalk dance, dance, dance, dance, catwalk, floor, oh no, up up up up, hand belt feet leg thumb. In the end I was eating all the chewed pieces of apple still lying in my hands and the floor. Cleaning, eating, cleaning eating the apple I did this mess in the scene tonight. Thanks!
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i’m in love with a man he doesn’t care much about my love. i’m in love with this boy he gives kisses but don’t sell what i want it should be paradise he’s my friend, we had sex some times (like a gun, i shot myself with his gun like a gun, i shot myself with his gun…) we had lots of moments together we cooked dinner, we took shower together i mixed it all in my brain, i did a mess i trans formed situations in love it should be paradise he’s my friend, we had sex sometimes (like a gun, i shot myself with his gun like a gun, i shot myself with his gun…) if i be your darling, babe, will you love me? if i be your darling, babe, will you take care of me? (2x) if you take me home are we sexy? will you love me? if you kiss me will it be happy? will you take care of me? i’m in love with a man who doesn’t care much about my love. He’s my friend, we had sex some times (like a gun, i shot myself with his gun, he didn’t know it, he didn’t see it, he felt only a glance…), we had lots of moments together, we cooked dinner, we took shower together… i mixed it all in my brain. i did a mass. i trans formed situations in love. and now? i’m lost. and now who am I? and now who do want to be? we had lots of moments together, we cooked dinner, we took shower together, i mixed it all in my brain, i did a mess i trans formed situations in love it should be paradise he’s my friend, we had sex sometimes (like a gun, i shot myself with his gun like a gun, i shot myself with his gun…)
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prayer little mummy
Dear mother, this body is a sacred place in any ways. Even if you're selling your sweat, your muscles, letting the other use the openess of your poros, the bones, the other entering your eyes, your mouth, your ears. Even if you stretch open your guts and he will come in and out, if you sell your hair, your nails, sewing ball threads or fucking your ass. Bleeding your pussy, the cock, your cum, salive that makes you wet... This body is sacred place anyways either by what you are doing, the re-doing, for the perfect, ugly or wrong, for the inside outside or some, Achilles heel's, my heels, my weakness will strengthen their powers, my beauty will make them ready. We will be joyfull in amazing blissfull, stumbling exile, without a penny without direction, they will spread and procriate on and on. Dear mother, this one is sacred, this my-yours-body belongs to. I will take care till it's smelly, clove, cumin, cinnamon, belly, till this yellow green skin can try all mistakes, all destinies and engage with the undone... I still don't know which way to go, don't know how many we are, know not which spaceship to take, that yellow pink prick to lick... But will always remember that one, the tiny shiny one thing. I love you really always, for all this nest and ever, those centures forever, for ages and ages amem.
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O corpo ê um lugar sagrado de todos os modos. Seja doando seu suo, seus musculos, deixando o outro se utilizar de si seja pelos poros, os ossos, o outro entrando pelos olhos, pela boca, pelos ouvidos. Quer você arreganhe suas entranhas e ele entrar ou sair, seja vendendo seus cabelo, as unhas, costurando novelos ou dando seu cu. Seja sangrando sua buceta, o caralhao, a porra, a baba que nos gozmeia... O corpo ê um lugar sagrado de qualquer jeito seja pelo feito, refeito, pelo perfeito, pelo avesso, pelo qualquer direito, calcanhar de aquiles, as minhas fraquezas te fortalecerão, a minha beleza os amadurecerão. Gozaremos fervos, trôpegos desterros, sem eira nem beira se propagarão. Minha mãe, este ê sagrado, meu corpo te me pertence. Cuidarei atê que nela, cravo, cominho, canela, esta pele verde amarela experimente todos os erros, compromissos com mil destinos... Ainda não sei o caminho, não sei quantos seremos, não sei se temos vela, aquela pica rosa amarela... Mas eu sei o pequeno, aquele miudinho, simplizinho. Eu te amo mesmo sempre por todo esse meu ninho, aqueles tantos sèculos, por sèculos e sèculos, e sèculos amèm!
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purruqui mask / re enacting COMO clube
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#08 fingerprints_extensions sept 30 2015
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#08 fingerprints_Extentions sept302015
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#06 fingerprints_this face is my id mothafucker_sept 21 2015
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#05 fingerprints_this face is my id mother fucker_sept 18 2015
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#04 fingerprints_this face is my id mothafucker_sept 17 2015
#04 sept 17 2015 cabelo de anjo… they say it is cabelo de anjo when you go curly like this and specially if you’re blond and no matter how much you can try to straighten your manners it’s all the way around, that’s fashion nowadays be different, surprise me, make me feel high. honey, i don’t know what to say when you tell me to go simple it was never simple, it is not simple congratulations, you’re very exciting but nobody will give a shit when I panic coz these days, my dear, i don’t know what happens but what if i get bold?! No problem you might say. Okay i’ve been counting during all day the threads of my gray hair no, of course i still have no one!! but that’s the problem, what if they all fall before getting gray?! ooooh my god! tranny honey and bold. That could be at least sexy i hope maybe i could go back seeing myself less feminine and fuck more guys than i ever do now… ok. Just forget it! É, não sei… Não são todos os dias que a gente ta super ativista com ideários transversais, querendo mudar a história da sexualidade, querendo vestir o mundo de qualquer coisa que não seja isso que taí, querendo dar o cu a qualquer custo, se asfixiando pra não gozar - se gozar explode, se gozar fica preso, se gozar vai perder o rumo rapaiz! I WANNA MAKE REVOLUTIOOOOOoooooonnnnn… Deixa de ser beixta, travesti não sente. Travesti só balança fala abobrinha e faz o povo gemer. Eu não sei o que que eu preciso, senhor, eu só sei do de dia de hoje. Eu só sei como andar a pé, de salto alto é mais bonito, faça pedra ou faça tiro. I never wanted to be in love. I never had man to call my dear. I never felt the taste of your teeth. I’ll never be the same again. My mom says she loves me anyway but I never told her i would become a trans-gay. Je nes comprends pas les hommes français. I feel older day after day. I sell my body and then i have to prey. The food i eat is just like video game. Life is so beautiful so let’s all play. You give me a kiss I give you my ass. there’s no limit this time will pass. I made love with my father now i’m best. There’s a lotta things to be discovered though it’s two thousand fifteen. If we all migrate to something never seen at least we can say we tried something in between.
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fingerprints_this face is my id motherfucker #03 sept 13 2015
#03 sept 13 2015 today it took me, as always nowadays, a bit slazy to decide or to figure out what i was supposed to do then i just went little by little into some… dress myself up put some make up girl, stop being so careless with yourself for i stopped a little while to be so concerned of these things. i go one side to the other, i cook some food to drink i comb some hair and stretch my legs, warm up this body my back was pain, the nerves and muscles a bit hard this contemporary vicious for not moving a feather. Eyelashes, mascara, chicken and mushrooms, eyeshadow, blush, rice, some salad and after a tea lipstick, more blush, these boots or not?, high heels? what else? The streets are bad, or good or somebody can still hello that boy looks good, that girl faced weird some guy said chien, that man bla bla lady lady call me tomorrow and you will see a big star! I don’t mind what they say, a group of teens may maybe attack i learned just go gay ahead go ahead go ahead never look back though that guy could blink a bliss. These days i promise, not belonging nowhere is not only my gift or bomb.
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