iz-a-simp · 4 years
when armin was reminiscing about the good ol days i was already losing it but then he mentions going to the market with the rest of the 104th kids and that means they canonically went into town for fun little outings on their days off when they weren't killing titans/saving the world and that....means so much to me. just a bunch of 15 year olds walking around eating food together and bonding like kids their age should :')
anonie please this chapter had me in tears the whole dayum time i was acting up— especially when armin was talking about ema and the 104th. him calling these moments ‘precious’ had me dead, i’m typing in spirit.
even him feeding the squirrel, something so smile made him so happy goodbye. but the 104th, they were all such simple kids, this they just wanted normal lives. this is what a normal bunch of 15 year old kids would be doing. just wondering around town, having good food and just having fun as kids should 😔🥺
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iz-a-simp · 4 years
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things the haikyuu boys did when they had a crush on you 
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miya atsumu 
started wearing whatever you really liked wearing/complimented him on. if you mentioned the print on his shirt, you best bet he’ll be wearing that shirt for a whole week straight. a shirt he once thought nothing of is now his favorite shirt. 
“‘tsumu, why don’t you try changing. you know, y/n could probably smell you a mile away,” osamu said to atsumu one morning as they were walking to school. 
“nuh uh,” atsumu quipped back. “i washed it with the detergent y/n likes.” 
“oh so you finally learned how the washing machine works?” 
“‘samu you’re ruining it for me.” 
asked overly-personal questions. not to be creepy or weird, but because he cherished the information he knew about you that no one else did; it made him feel special 
“y/n, do you have any big regrets?” 
“is there um, anyone you feel really happy around?” 
“what’s your guilty pleasure? c’mon everyone has them.” 
“have you ever been bullied?” 
got visibly irritated whenever another guy interrupted your conversation with him. or if you were just smiling too hard when talking to a guy he doesn’t know about
“if you keep frowning like that, you’ll look like a grandpa by next year,” osamu said right before biting into his onigiri. 
“shut up, ‘samu,” he groaned, trying his best to distract himself from the fact that you looked happier talking to another guy than him. did you smile that hard when he made a joke? he sure hopes so :’ 
kuroo tetsurou 
pointed out the smallest differences in you. he noticed the slightest changes in your body language, style, mood, etc etc. on your bad days, he desperately wanted to ask if anything was wrong, but didn’t want to risk overstepping boundaries. so he just asked “how’s your day?” and even if you answered with a “good/fine/okay” he would know you weren’t telling the full truth 
if you came to school wearing a brand new pair of shoes, he’ll point it out and tease you all about it. if you showed up with a new hairstyle, kuroo won’t say anything, but you can tell he noticed because of the way he looks at it. 
even if you cut off three centimeters of your hair, he probably noticed. 
kept trying to fix his appearance around you 
he tried making it really subtle too. he’ll smooth down his jacket, try to flatten down his hair, and straighten his collar around you in hopes that it’ll make him look a bit better (he’s such a cutie 🥺 okay who’s gonna tell him that he’s looks perfectly fine the way he is) 
teased you, in a flattering way. the type of teasing where you have to force yourself from smiling too hard. and he only does it to you! no one else is worth his teasing 
but the moment someone else starts teasing you, he’d act a little … distant. he’d back off and just watch you interact with them. if you look uncomfortable, he’d immediately put a stop to it and put them back in their place. 
called you by a nickname only he uses
at first, he used it as a joke. but overtime, it just stuck and now it doesn’t feel right for him to call you by your first name. again, the annoyance is clear on his face when someone called you by the same nickname 
when you first met kenma, he said, “y/n? i’ve heard a lot *glances at kuroo* about you.” 
suna rintarou 
lowkey protects you. such as putting an arm in front of you, shielding you with his body, draping his jacket over your head, lending you his umbrella, that type of stuff (ugh just kiss already) 
he acted like it was no big deal. it’s not like he’d admit it was on his mind for a whole week. the miya twins knew something was up when suna suggested watching a romance movie. (suna needed new scenarios with you in his head) 
subtly invited you everywhere, made excuses to be around you 
“hey, we have a game on saturday at *specific location* in case you wanna come” 
“since they’re having a buy-one-get-one-free, it’ll be a shame if you didn’t come along …” 
“since we’re both headed towards that place, might as well go together” 
unexpectedly defended you/your opinion in conversations and class. even though suna rarely talks in class, if you brought up a point/answer, he’d defend it
sakusa kiyoomi 
had trouble meeting your eyes without blushing 
even with his mask on, you could see the redness spread across his cheekbones whenever you spoke to him. 
always plopped himself in a seat close to you, even with all those other empty seats 
his became more soft, gentle, and high-pitched around you, his posture became less stiff 
it’s subtle; he didn’t even notice a change in his own voice. maybe because there’s nothing else on his mind when he’s talking to you? 
always walked a little bit slower in the hallways when he saw you pass by and eyed you, hoping that you’d notice him like the way he noticed you
bokuto koutarou 
stumbled with his words and forgot basic things around you
“class? what do you mean by ‘we have to go to class’??” 
listened intently to everything you said and memorized facts about you better than his vocabulary words 
“akaashi, did you know that y/n’s favorite ice cream flavor is …” 
“nope, y/n can’t make it today. how do i know? because they told me in advance :D oh wait, y/n’s not gonna be here today?? D’:”
made a handshake with you to do in front of everyone to show off that your connection with him is special
the pride he felt when everyone gathered around to watch you and him do your special handshake 🥺
got you gifts out of nowhere simply because you said you liked it
his mindset goes: getting y/n ___ = y/n happy :) i better get it for them before someone does 
tendou satori 
always lends you his stationary and whenever he forgets a pencil, you’re the first person he asks. don’t worry, he always returns them right after :) 
he also loves “borrowing” your personal things. the idea of you trusting him is really special to him. plus, whenever someone asks him where he got it, he gets to say, “oh, it’s y/n’s.” 
loves, loves, loves passing notes in class!! 
he kept all of your conversations with him in a special little box hidden in his room. 
complimented the little things he knows you care about! 
he loves seeing that beautiful smile of yours while knowing he’s the cause of it.
he smiles so much around you <33  tendou’s smile is so contagious it’s hard to be sad around him. not to mention he always knows how to cheer you up :’ 
iwaizumi hajime 
whenever his friends talked about hot actors and classmates they found attractive, he never joined in. (if you were there, he’d be glancing at you ever-so-often) 
he’d always offer to walk/drive you home. every single day. even if you insisted that he didn’t need to, it would take another five minutes of convincing him. if you said yes, he happily got you home. no matter what occasion, he always asked you. it was your regular, daily routine with him :) 
made jokes only for you to hear. he loved having inside jokes with you that only you two understood. the confusion on other peoples’ faces was satisfying. 
akaashi keiji 
had a lot of sympathy for you over small things (and big things too, of course) 
if your weekend plans got messed up, if you lost your jacket, forgot your stationary, tripped on the stairs, he’s the person you go to to talk about these things. he never belittles your struggles and always finds a way to help you feel better 
always checked in with you and made sure you had a lunch to eat 
even if your classroom is across the campus, you better expect him to be at the front door after your class is over
tried his best to get to know your friends and family (and pets!) 
akaashi best boy 🥺 the way he sees your friends and family as his own because he knows how much they matter to you 
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-> a/n: i hope you like these hehe :))
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iz-a-simp · 4 years
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I find it regrettable that sexual desire itself is being rejected as if it were the source of all evil. You see, it is my view that sexual desire contributes to the great task of maintaining the unbroken chain of human history. When youths struggle with lust that has no outlet within the indeterminate state called adolescent… Let us extend a helping hand!
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iz-a-simp · 4 years
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It’s been a long time. I finally got to hear your voice again.
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iz-a-simp · 4 years
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ƒʀυιтѕ вαѕкєт ѕ02 єρ05 ♢ 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐡𝐦𝐚
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iz-a-simp · 4 years
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iz-a-simp · 4 years
im bi but idk maybe im gay bc mikasa making me feel a certain type of way
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iz-a-simp · 4 years
I WAITED (Todoroki Shoto)
This is my first ever fan fiction posted in here. I hope you all enjoy it :) 
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You could feel the right side of the bed losing its weight causing your eyes to flutter open from the sudden emptiness you feel only to see the radiating light being blocked by the thick curtain you have in your beloved room. The red and white curtain, first ever décor that has been bought for the room because you thought it would match the looks of your lovely husband, Todoroki Shoto. A soft smile was carved in your face knowing that those faint footsteps belonged to the man you tied your life with.
I’ll Wait…
“Good morning, Shoto” you greeted. “Good morning to you too, Y/N.”  Despite the hollowness his voice hold, your beam never failed to leave your lips. His very presence in the mornings was your daily dose of vitamins, it’s what keeps you alive and positive about this relationship.
“What would you want for breakfast?” it took him long to say it but in the back of your mind you already knew what it was “Cold soba” you both say at the same time. His giggle always has this big impact on you making you madly blush. He was never the one to show his emotions after all.
You crawled out of your bed. Stretching every inch of your stiff body as you make your way to the kitchen to prepare your husband’s meal while he refresh himself with a bath. It didn’t took long making his favorite food just the right time to be served as he finished dressing himself up.
“Where you off to today?” Seeing that your wearing your hero costume?” you asked setting down the bowl in your hand “My father’s company, he mentioned something like a villain attack near their location so I was called. You?” he answered.
“I see.  Classes at U.A. are suspended so I’m thinking of doing a patrol this afternoon. Are you coming home for dinner? ” You eyed him anticipating for his answer “I’m sorry, I may not be able to come home for dinner” and with that he left leaving only his empty bowl.
It was one of the hundred times he did this and you still weren’t getting used to it. He left you at the dining table without even a single good bye, a kiss, a hug, nothing. It’s not like your expecting one anyways, but still it wouldn’t be wrong to desire his attention right?
I’ll wait…
You let this pass by again, setting those unsettling thoughts and emotions aside. You didn’t want to ruin the “special” day ahead of you, supposedly.
“Special”? Was it really a thing for this marriage?
5 years, for this 5 damn years you’ve endured everything, you try your best to understand him, you were so considerate. You never nag, you always flash him the warmest smile you could give, you cook him the best meal, you never let him do the chores because he’s tired, you shower him with attention. You poured out everything just to be the best wife but even a single affection he couldn’t give.
I’ll wait…
Your back was facing him, sitting at the end of your shared bed.
“Don’t you think we should end this Shoto?” You could hear your poor heart tearing with every word that came out of your mouth. You tried to hold back the tears that threatened to fall.
“Y/N please don’t decide on things that quickly” he objected grabbing me by the shoulder.
“That’s why I’m asking you. Should we end this marriage we were forced into?” his head hanged low.
You gently brushed off his grasp on your shoulder and weakly stood up but a sudden force pulled you down and you found yourself wrapped in his warmth.
“Give me time. Please, don’t leave me...”
“Please wait for me…”
The tears you were holding back one by one trickled on your cheeks. Your cries filled the noiseless space.
You were mad at yourself for being swayed.
You were crazy for falling in love with him, but you didn’t care.
You hated how easy you have become for him, how easy it is for him to shatter the walls you have worked hard to build between you two.
You hated how willing you were to waste a hundred years for him.
You couldn’t shut him down. You couldn’t.
Your heart was yearning for him. You were thrilled to receive more than just a hug from him.
That’s why when he pleaded, you complied.
Hours, minutes, seconds passed. In your palm laid the velvet box that has the jewellery you found perfect for him. A gift for your 5th anniversary.
You started to feel the burning sensation in your back for sitting so long. The smoke floating on top of the food you’ve made vanished. The candles that gave life to the atmosphere melted staining the silky white table cloth with its red hue. The speaker that blasted romantic songs hushed leaving you with the ticking sounds of the grandfather clock you owned.
You spammed him with messages, it was already past 11. You put your phone down releasing a heavy sigh. You tapped a contact on your phone.
“Hello my daughter? What makes you call at this hour?” his voice always makes you tremble. “Endeav-  Ohhh I mean father I was just wondering if Shoto’s okay, he hasn’t replied to any of my messages yet and I’m just worried” you answered.
“Shoto? He excused himself this afternoon, so I let him be, he may be preparing something for your anniversary.” He said teasingly but still I could feel his stoic self. “Happy anniversary to the both of you!”
“Ohh Thank you father. I think I shall end this call now” sadness was evident in your voice as you pressed the red button. There was silence once again.
“Endeavor greeted me before his son did. Endeavor remembered what day is today yet his son, forget it.” You whispered to the air.
I’ll wait…
Just as you opened the notification the door also opened revealing your husband still in his hero suit. You turned it off, you made the sweetest smile you could possibly do. But...
The surprised look on his face hurt you. Reality slapped you real hard that you didn’t notice the tears flowing down.
“Silly me to think you’ll remember” I said chuckling.
“Y/N-“he moved closer.
“No, no, please” you backed away a step or few. It was the first time to see you not wanting his touch, his kiss, his warmth. Most especially, you didn’t want his sorry. You were tired of that word leaving from his lips over and over again.
“Y/N please let me explain-“
“I said NO! I don’t need you sorry nor your explanation. You know what I need? For this stupid marriage to end!”  His eyes went wide not for the fact that you didn’t let him explain it was because this was the first you had raised your voice at him.
“I’m tired Shoto! I’m tired of loving you, of understanding you, of pretending to be okay even if I’m not! Just how many sorry should I receive? Just how many explanations do I have to listen to?  Answer me honestly; is there something left for me to wait on? Cause I lost too much. My freedom, my happiness, my days that could be meaningful, my time. I lost too much love that I could not give one to myself. I gave them all to you! I gave them all and yet here I am still waiting, still begging for the love of a husband for his perfect wife! I don’t think I could do this anymore. I’m sorry but I waited too much. Let’s just put an end to this” your eyes was on the ground, you could not face him it will just widen the wound you were carrying.
You watched as the ring on your finger slowly slipped off.
How long has it been since you find yourself engulfed in his arms? How long has it been since you tasted those soft lips?
5 years? 2 years?
Here he was giving you hopes, making you think that he cares, that his trying when he’s really not.
“I love you Y/N”
Stupid! You’re just lonely, you just pity me because after all it was your father who pushed me to fall in this situation, you thought. You have no family to go back to and he knew that. That’s why you were certain on why he was holding on to you.
There was only one in the world and it was him. You needed him and you keep pushing yourself to him but he was getting farther and farther away from you.
You wanted to hug him back, to stay by his side, to hold his hand, to continue loving him, to build a future with him. But you were tired.
You released yourself from him and looked into his eyes for the last time. You sneaked in the velvet box and your phone in his hands.
As he opened it, it showed the necklace you ought to give him and the ring that bounds you two together and sees a picture of him with an unfamiliar lass.
“No you don’t Shoto.”
It was your turn to leave him there. You were truly sorry, you were but you have finally gotten out of the endless pit.
“Please don’t forget that I waited.”
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